If Hunter Biden and Donald Trump are not indicted and prosecuted the system is rigged

Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are more similar than different. They both are out for themselves. They lack a moral compass.
Trump is better at conning people than Hunter. Batcat been conned by Trump. Trump sucks you in by saying other politicans do not understand you or help you. I understand you and I will help you. He does not understand you. He was told there is a large population that feels ignored by current politics. If you play to them, they will vote for you.
He played to you but everything he does is for Donald Trump's power. What has he done for you?
there is nothing comparable
Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are more similar than different. They both are out for themselves. They lack a moral compass.
Trump is better at conning people than Hunter. Batcat been conned by Trump. Trump sucks you in by saying other politicans do not understand you or help you. I understand you and I will help you. He does not understand you. He was told there is a large population that feels ignored by current politics. If you play to them, they will vote for you.
He played to you but everything he does is for Donald Trump's power. What has he done for you?
First and most importantly Trump defeated Hillary and aborted her attempt to become our first Queen.

Trump undid much of the damage that Obama did to our nation. He also had the nation doing fantastic until the pandemic came along but due to his warp speed program we got vaccines to combat COVID-19 in record time. Gasoline prices under Trump were reasonable and inflation was under control.

Trump appointed two conservative Supreme Court Justices and a number of federal appellate judges and District Court Judges which should help preserve my Constitutional rights of free speech and my right to own and carry firearms. Plus these judges should be a road block to Joe Biden’s attempt to rule by Executive Order. They should also help preserve my right to practice my Christian faith.

Before the pandemic unemployment was at the lowest level in 50 years. The stock market grew remarkably well under Trump which help preserve my IRA and 401k.

Trump did away with 25,000 pages of excessive regulations on business and implemented a major tax cut.

He also made our military much stronger, defeated ISIS and knocked off several terrorist leaders. Plus Trump didn’t start any new wars for this nation to send their young people to die in for little or no reason.

Trump almost completed his border wall and illegal immigration was coming under control. Biden opened the borders wide and we are just beginning to pay the price for that foolishness.

Things were just fine with Russian and China and Rocket Man in North Korea was not launching ICBMs.

In my opinion Joe Biden is the worst President in modern history replacing Jimmy Carter. I actually doubt if he is the President and is merely a robot attempting to read from a teleprompter what the real people who run this nation want. I didn’t vote for a Puppet President and that is what we have.
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If Hunter Biden and Donald Trump are not indicted and prosecuted the system is rigged
Democrats STILL can NOT find any crime Donald Trump has committed after 7 years.

During Hillary's treasonous 'Russian Collusion' Scandal, the Obama administration's failed coup attempt, and Pelosi's failed coup Impeachment attempts (based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses), Democrats were caught (but not punished for) criminally manufacturing non-existent whistleblowers and fake evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally and treasonously trying to remove a sitting President from office.

As opposed to Hunter and Joe Biden' who are already proven so guilty of everything from criminal influence peddling to Russian Oligarch money laundering to political / international extortion to pedophilia / incest / sexual assault to perjury to treason that it takes / has taken the United States Government's Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, multiple US Intelligence agencies and 'experts', and US liberal fake news agencies to protect the Bidens from being Impeached, indicted, charged, sentenced, and sent to federal prison for the rest of their lives.

The system is broken - it is the Democrats, who elevated themselves above the Constitution, laws, and accountability, who broke it.
Democrats STILL can NOT find any crime Donald Trump has committed after 7 years.

During Hillary's treasonous 'Russian Collusion' Scandal, the Obama administration's failed coup attempt, and Pelosi's failed coup Impeachment attempts (based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses), Democrats were caught (but not punished for) criminally manufacturing non-existent whistleblowers and fake evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally and treasonously trying to remove a sitting President from office.

As opposed to Hunter and Joe Biden' who are already proven so guilty of everything from criminal influence peddling to Russian Oligarch money laundering to political / international extortion to pedophilia / incest / sexual assault to perjury to treason that it takes / has taken the United States Government's Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, multiple US Intelligence agencies and 'experts', and US liberal fake news agencies to protect the Bidens from being Impeached, indicted, charged, sentenced, and sent to federal prison for the rest of their lives.

The system is broken - it is the Democrats, who elevated themselves above the Constitution, laws, and accountability, who broke it.

They can't even show us where he supposedly said he was going to trash the Constitution.

According to the WaPo, there is sufficient evidence to try him for tax evasion and a weapons charge.

The IRS has already looked into the taxes and found nothing. As far as the weapons, if they got a case by all means charge and convict.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Does not know what "According to the WaPo" means.
The Washington "Jimmy's World" Post.

WaPo, our nation's most prolific fake news organization, was awarded a Pulitzer prize for a series of fictional articles, presented as fact, about the super sad sorry life of "Jimmy", a 9 year old Negro heroin junkie living in a D.C. ghetto. Marion Barry and the D.C. police had an emergency. They just had to find Jimmy and save him. Spent millions of taxpayer dollars trying to find "Jimmy".

And some people are so fucking stupid that they consider WaPo to be some sort of credible source.
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Which one's dick do you like better?

What is your IQ? is it in positive numbers? I am guessing single digits.
One of the reasons that Trump is sinking is that people realize this is the type of people who come with Trump.
Politicians want votes but they do not want a person like this, to be a visible supporter.
I agree. Hunter is not the greatest human but not nearly as bad as Donald Trump.
Hunter is just the bagman. He leads an interesting life but he isn’t selling his skills or knowledge. He is selling his fathers influence and it doesn’t come cheap.

The real bad guy is the “the Big Guy.” That is Joe Biden.

Now it may not bother you all that much, but I don’t want our President to be owned by the Chinese.


If Trump is indicted, the system is bullshit.
Hunter is just the bagman. He leads an interesting life but he isn’t selling his skills or knowledge. He is selling his fathers influence and it doesn’t come cheap.

The real bad guy is the “the Big Guy.” That is Joe Biden.

Now it may not bother you all that much, but I don’t want our President to be owned by the Chinese.

View attachment 737677

10% for the big guy.

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