If I had a son I wished he looked like Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

I've just renewed my CCP.... If some disgusting radical Muslim freak gets near me or my family with a gun he will be very sorry he did. Very sorry.
That we ever let the son-of-a-bitch in the country....is the issue

That we have been, and are now, letting Muslims into this country, is an act of insanity. They think like our Culture did 500 years ago...but that we acted like barbarians 5 centuries ago, is absolutely no excuse for us to accept barbaric behavior...today...in our own country.

And it is not just the occasional nutcase. The Islamic Culture supports it around the world. They glorify the Mothers of the Martyrs, like this ass today. If chaps like Obama didn't have their head up their ass, they would acknowledge that too many Muslims around the world are Happy tonight...and they have a new hero, who is in Paradise tonight with 72 virgins....and we don't need to take a chance on any of them.

Republicans (gutless) and Democrats (whoring for votes) are both guilty.

Yes, its profiling, but they have no Constitutional rights while they are squatting in a hovel in Kuwait, or Oman....preparing to come over and partake of the fruits of a civilized society, while they make their plans to blow up some Americans.

NO more Muslims. We have quite enough, thank you.
Will Obama link this to a justified citizens response to the Crusades?

The jackass is so stupid he doesn't realize the Crusades were in response to the Muslim invasion and atrocities. Some Harvard education that dumb ass got
You send someone out in the world in military uniform, making him a target to everyone who hates the military, but you don't give them any means to defend themselves, so they have to go hiding when a terrorist attacks.
"Out in the world"? This was Tennessee.

So...how could this have been prevented? Any brilliant ideas, people?
better arm the military ehhh obama
It is simply amazing how butthurt people like you are over the entire Trevon Martin affair.

Amazing how the far left is so upset that the racism narrative did not work in that case. As they tried to paint one of Latino decent as a "white:" Hispanic..

Leave it to the far left drones to bring this up and they are the ones that got burned on their narrative..
Will Obama link this to a justified citizens response to the Crusades?

The jackass is so stupid he doesn't realize the Crusades were in response to the Muslim invasion and atrocities. Some Harvard education that dumb ass got
The Crusades were in response to a letter from the Emperor of Constantinople hoping to get mercenaries from Western Europe to fight his wars of Empire for him.
You send someone out in the world in military uniform, making him a target to everyone who hates the military, but you don't give them any means to defend themselves, so they have to go hiding when a terrorist attacks.
"Out in the world"? This was Tennessee.

So...how could this have been prevented? Any brilliant ideas, people?

So why then does the far left support Al Gore?
Will Obama link this to a justified citizens response to the Crusades?

The jackass is so stupid he doesn't realize the Crusades were in response to the Muslim invasion and atrocities. Some Harvard education that dumb ass got
The Crusades were in response to a letter from the Emperor of Constantinople hoping to get mercenaries from Western Europe to fight his wars of Empire for him.

LOL You have no idea what the Crusades were about, go shave your back
Will Obama link this to a justified citizens response to the Crusades?

The jackass is so stupid he doesn't realize the Crusades were in response to the Muslim invasion and atrocities. Some Harvard education that dumb ass got
The Crusades were in response to a letter from the Emperor of Constantinople hoping to get mercenaries from Western Europe to fight his wars of Empire for him.

well you certainly qualify as the king Richard around here.
Conservatives on 9/11/01- Let's all support the president during this time of tragedy.

Conservatives on 7/17/15-Let's all attack the president during this time of tragedy.

You all suck.
Conservatives on 9/11/01- Let's all support the president during this time of tragedy.

Conservatives on 7/17/15-Let's all attack the president during this time of tragedy.

You all suck.

President on 9/11-Recognized that the evil of radical Islam did this

President on 7/16/15- Won't even mention Islam
Conservatives on 9/11/01- Let's all support the president during this time of tragedy.

Conservatives on 7/17/15-Let's all attack the president during this time of tragedy.

You all suck.

President on 9/11-Recognized that the evil of radical Islam did this

President on 7/16/15- Won't even mention Islam
President Bush in his first address after the attacks stressed in no uncertain terms that Islam is not our enemy and that these attackers do not represent the faith of Islam. Didn't seem to be an issue with you people then, president Obama says the same thing and he's a terrorist collaborator. So once again I say: You people suck.
You send someone out in the world in military uniform, making him a target to everyone who hates the military, but you don't give them any means to defend themselves, so they have to go hiding when a terrorist attacks.
"Out in the world"? This was Tennessee.

So...how could this have been prevented? Any brilliant ideas, people?
Start with destroying Isis.....where is the unprecedented coalition by the way. You people are so passive I don't know why you get out of bed in the morning.

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