If I hatched in USSR, but was born in USA, can I still run for president?

I have always been discouraged to run for actual president, but yesterday as I was mowing my lawn some old customers from my bar stopped by and we talked politics for an hour, and one guy said he would vote for me if I ran for president. Anyway, I never thought about that idea, because was "born" as in came out from vagina back in USSR, BUT... come to think of it, born as an intelligent human being only happened after I lived in USA for some time, so technically speaking I may still be eligible to run for president in America or not? especially considering that American president is often referred to as a world leader, while only Americans elect him, something doesn't seem right, maybe we can make it right. thoughts?

Three things:
1) Anyone who has "denounced" his American citizenship as you have is ineligible.
2) You already proclaimed yourself to be the elected ruler of your New World gov't. Why would you even want to demean yourself by running for mere POTUS?
3) You say you've been "discouraged to run for actual president" ... discouraged by whom and WTF is the "actual president?" Is there another kind?
All good points.
You're too stupid to ask anyone a trick question.............

In the future you will provide URLs for your comments and definitions because STUPID PEOPLE like YOU can't be trusted.............
You're too stupid to ask anyone a trick question.............

In the future you will provide URLs for your comments and definitions because STUPID PEOPLE like YOU can't be trusted.............
Obama you
You're too stupid to ask anyone a trick question.............

In the future you will provide URLs for your comments and definitions because STUPID PEOPLE like YOU can't be trusted.............

Who the fuck are you talking to? Are you too stupid to find the "quote" button?

I believe if your parent(s) were US citizens then you are counted as a citizen.

Even if you cannot run for President. Schwarzenegger served as Governor.
We will need independent leaders to set up and govern city-states along the
Mexican side of the border. And to manage every city and state to become self-governing
locally and democratically, to get away from bureaucracy and backlog by an overburdened system.

You can serve in a public capacity just running a business, school or district
and implementing model reform policies. You don't have to run or serve as President.
You just need to implement good ideas, show they work, and promote them through the media to influence others to adopt and replicate good working models for govt.

I have always been discouraged to run for actual president, but yesterday as I was mowing my lawn some old customers from my bar stopped by and we talked politics for an hour, and one guy said he would vote for me if I ran for president. Anyway, I never thought about that idea, because was "born" as in came out from vagina back in USSR, BUT... come to think of it, born as an intelligent human being only happened after I lived in USA for some time, so technically speaking I may still be eligible to run for president in America or not? especially considering that American president is often referred to as a world leader, while only Americans elect him, something doesn't seem right, maybe we can make it right. thoughts?
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