If intelligent beings lived on other planets, they'd have visited us by now

Maybe they have. Humans have only been here for 400,000 years, and we have only been able to write for about 6000.
Might depend on how you define "human". Last I knew, current genetic (mitochondrial DNA) pegs our current form out about 200,000 years. Maybe reaching towards 300,000.

Just How Old Is Homo sapiens? | Britannica

(200,000 years)

Human - Wikipedia

(300,000 years)

Timeline of human evolution - Wikipedia

How Long Have Humans Been On Earth? - Universe Today

(200,000 years)
So you assert that it is physically impossible for man to have flown to the moon? What do you know about the physical capabilities of unknown beings? Speculation.
Where did I say we didn't go to the moon? But that alone takes 3 DAYS

Now show me ANYTHING that travels faster than light in a vacuum
Where did I say we didn't go to the moon? But that alone takes 3 DAYS

Now show me ANYTHING that travels faster than light in a vacuum
'Powered, heavier than air flight by man is scientifically impossible.'
OPINION of a consensus of scientists prior to the Wright Brothers going to Kitty Hawk in December of 1903. (Some still clung to that claim for a year or two after events of Dec. 17,1903 -claiming it was hoaxed some how.)

3 days travel to the Moon was based on economy of fuel since the Saturn 5 could only lift so much weight off of Earth. With more fuel and constant thrust current technology could make it there a bit sooner, but no need to waste fuel and rush. So far.
Arthur C. Clarke — 'Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.'
No matter how you look at it....
It would take ENORMOUS resources, time, currency and energy, technology.... to go to another solar system.
ENORMOUS resources.
And any being that put in all that energy to do so.... isn't going to come here... fly around anonymously and then go away.
Not going to happen.
If they came here, it would be to set up communication, take over the planet - whatever. It most certainly wouldn't be to fly over some wooded area and leave.

And any being that put in all that energy to do so.... isn't going to come here... fly around anonymously and then go away.
In your opinion. There is also the possibility that they have evolved past the violence and imperialism that humans so far haven't been able to leave behind. We observe microscopic universes in scientific exploration every day, what is so hard to accept about other beings benignly observing our evolution.
Consider this "science fiction" if the subject is too upsetting;
Actually, intelligent space faring extra-terrestrials arrived in this Solar System somewhere between 500,000 to 1,000,000 million years ago as part of a larger inter-stellar colonization effort. Initially they were engaged in exploration and survey efforts so it was about 500,000 years or so back in our timeline when the major colonization efforts began here; on Earth, Mars, and other places in this Solar System.

Unfortunately, about 300,000 to 330,000 years ago one of the main stars in the core cluster of Home Worlds/Planets went supernova, creating what we now know as the Geminga Pulsar. This supernova event happened in the direction of what we know as the Orion Constellation. Tens to hundreds of billions of beings had their home worlds/planets destroyed, their lives lost and their karma~reincarnation cycles abruptly shut down.

Like many other colonies on the peripheral sphere, the "Gemingians/Annunaki" here in the Sol/Ki-Terra System found themselves cut-off from not only the prime source of spare parts and new equipment, but also any significant numbers of future colonists. Fortunately, carbon based biology in this part of the Galaxy all is based upon similar RNA and DNA devices, and life on Ki/Terra/Earth was compatible with that where these ET colonists originated from.

Some minor adjustments to a local indigenous and semi-sentient simian species produced a viable and inter-breedable being which these ET colonists could use to regenerate the karma cycle for their brethren whom perished in the supernova. Genesis Chapter six, Versus one to six are a metaphor of what then took place.

The "Gemingans/Annunakis" while they had extensive libraries of knowledge, needed to re-establish civilization and especially industry to recover and that would require a large population base than what they had arrived here with. Hence we humans were jump-started on our evolutionary path to fill that need/gap.

"Religions" were a handy population control and instruction device for the Annunaki colonists to use with their newly developed worker species(humans) which also included special blood(genetic) lines for some of their fellow members lost in the supernova to occupy and continue their soul karma regeneration process.

Of course there were similar efforts happening in other star/planet systems in this area of the Galaxy by other stranded colonial efforts and over time they re-established contact with each other. Sometimes with a bit of friction and conflict involved due to different factions that survived the supernova disaster.

The rest one could say is history, and the future to be made.
It has been suggested that this "moon" of Saturn's; Iapetus, might be the remains of the huge colony ship used in the initial efforts to establish basing in this Solar System.

Iapetus - Moon with a View: Or, What Did Arthur Know … and When Did He Know it?
From this thread;
The Geminga Scenario
In your opinion. There is also the possibility that they have evolved past the violence and imperialism that humans so far haven't been able to leave behind. We observe microscopic universes in scientific exploration every day, what is so hard to accept about other beings benignly observing our evolution.
Like the post I just made above.
Math and reality.
Beyond some wild theories that are usually dispelled by others in no time, FLT travel (faster than light) seems impossible.
But even if you get past that barrier... then you are faced with relativity.
To get over that even larger barrier... you need a "Warp" drive. You need to create a warp bubble that bends space.
But that would create enormous radiation, so much radiation that it would not only vaporize anything in it... but eventually the bubble itself would self destruct.

What I am saying is the technology and trials and errors, and cost of those trials and errors... and the ENORMOUS energy requirements to somehow get beyond the light speed barrier and relativity... they are not going to simply pop on over... tool around for a couple minutes and go back home.

If you somehow made a ship that can successfully attain a warp bubble... it still won't be instantaneous travel.
It will reach some degree of speed faster than light, even if it amazingly doubled the speed of light.. it would still take many years to get here from other stars.
What I am saying is the technology and trials and errors, and cost of those trials and errors... and the ENORMOUS energy requirements to somehow get beyond the light speed barrier and relativity... they are not going to simply pop on over... tool around for a couple minutes and go back home.
You are using our own limited abilities with no possibility that other more advanced technology may exist beyond what we currently know. I believe Stryder 50 made a good point in his Wright Bros. analogy. The same could be said about flat earthers hundreds of years ago.

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