If Islamic terrorists only represent a tiny minority, why should we accomodate them?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Stellar point. We are hearing this all over this site, and we always do. There are threads now that are running garbage about how many people have been killed by Christians in the name of christianity and all the usual garbage...and the usual offal about how we shouldn't taunt Muslims because it's racist or whatever...

"If the media believes the conventional wisdom it pushes that it’s only a “tiny minority” [of muslims] they need worry about, why are they so afraid to take a risk by publishing cartoons of Mohammed? Strictly speaking, there are a tiny minority of extremists within Christianity, Judaism, and every other faith as well. Take a big enough population and, to a statistical certainty, you’ll stumble across people who are more open to violence when their sacred cows are slaughtered. Yet only one group’s tiny minority so worries the media that they’ll black out key parts of a major international news story to avoid offending it."

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack Hot Air
We shouldn't accommodate them. Which was the point of the Charlie Hebdo journalists. No matter how many journalists are beheaded or assassinated, the profession just will not put down their pens and roll over.

Journalism now takes the same measure of bravery as firefighting and police work.

And that is a damn shame.

Regards from Rosie
It is always foolish to accommodate a tiny, but mouthy minority... where the minority is set upon pushing their own subjective needs upon those of the majority who recognize that the needs of that minority represents a profound immorality, dire wickedness and depravity, especially when regarded as a profoundly immoral and malevolent harmful force; OKA: Evil.

This is known as 'sound judgement'.
We shouldn't accommodate them. Which was the point of the Charlie Hebdo journalists. No matter how many journalists are beheaded or assassinated, the profession just will not put down their pens and roll over.

Journalism now takes the same measure of bravery as firefighting and police work.

And that is a damn shame.

Regards from Rosie

Some journalism.

Not all.
It is always foolish to accommodate a tiny, but mouthy minority... where the minority is set upon pushing their own subjective needs upon those of the majority who recognize that the needs of that minority represents a profound immorality, dire wickedness and depravity, especially when regarded as a profoundly immoral and malevolent harmful force; OKA: Evil.

This is known as 'sound judgement'.

Western European and American leaders no longer have 'sound judgement'. Security of their citizens have become secondary to what is politically expedient for them at any given moment, especially when it comes to securing borders while creating reckless immigration policies. Oh, and I also left out Canada too!
It is always foolish to accommodate a tiny, but mouthy minority... where the minority is set upon pushing their own subjective needs upon those of the majority who recognize that the needs of that minority represents a profound immorality, dire wickedness and depravity, especially when regarded as a profoundly immoral and malevolent harmful force; OKA: Evil.

This is known as 'sound judgement'.

Western European and American leaders no longer have 'sound judgement'. Security of their citizens have become secondary to what is politically expedient for them at any given moment, especially when it comes to securing borders while creating reckless immigration policies. Oh, and I also left out Canada too!

Well that serves reason given that Western Civilization has long ago succumbed to a perverse species of reason known as Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

Such is the foundation of Left-think, which present the core rationalizations upon which socialism, progressivism, etc, etc... .

And that's why Western Civilization is failing... and why where you find socialism you'll find a culture in regression, decaying and wholly incapable of even defining justice, let alone serving such.
Stellar point. We are hearing this all over this site, and we always do. There are threads now that are running garbage about how many people have been killed by Christians in the name of christianity and all the usual garbage...and the usual offal about how we shouldn't taunt Muslims because it's racist or whatever...

"If the media believes the conventional wisdom it pushes that it’s only a “tiny minority” [of muslims] they need worry about, why are they so afraid to take a risk by publishing cartoons of Mohammed? Strictly speaking, there are a tiny minority of extremists within Christianity, Judaism, and every other faith as well. Take a big enough population and, to a statistical certainty, you’ll stumble across people who are more open to violence when their sacred cows are slaughtered. Yet only one group’s tiny minority so worries the media that they’ll black out key parts of a major international news story to avoid offending it."

Bill Maher to Jimmy Kimmel Hundreds of millions of Muslims support this Charlie Hebdo attack Hot Air

Represents minority. But that minority is many millions.
We shouldn't accommodate them. Which was the point of the Charlie Hebdo journalists. No matter how many journalists are beheaded or assassinated, the profession just will not put down their pens and roll over.

Journalism now takes the same measure of bravery as firefighting and police work.

And that is a damn shame.

Regards from Rosie

Some journalism.

Not all.

All journalism.

The terrorist extremists make no distinction between types of journalists; the profession itself does.not; so neither should we.

Regards from Rosie

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