If it came down to Bernie vs Trump. Who would get your vote?

Who would you pick between Bernie and Trump?

  • Total voters
So now you're basing your previous fallacy on a fallacy of ass-umption. With the same judgment you used to pick that avatar.


It's a very reasonable assumption. What was my previous "fallacy?"

Can you read?

Go find the phrase "anyone who".


Yes, I know where the phrase is. The question is "where's the fallacy?"


I knew you couldn't point out any logical fallacies I supposedly posted.
Oh too funny. You are hilarious.
It's a very reasonable assumption. What was my previous "fallacy?"

Can you read?

Go find the phrase "anyone who".


Yes, I know where the phrase is. The question is "where's the fallacy?"


I knew you couldn't point out any logical fallacies I supposedly posted.
Oh too funny. You are hilarious.

One of my favourite Finger-Boy posts came back when I first got here. It went:

"I went back and re-read your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".

What a concept -- actually reading a post one responds to. Too bad it never took off.
Anything with a (D) before its name. I sure as hell can't vote for the GOP morons now can I?

What an asinine question,however,as shiftless and dumbed-down as all Liberals are,they will support a New Yawk,Socialist Jew before an American capitalist---after Oscama is imprisoned and Clinton is in shackles,the American Patriots will hunt down every anti-American Leftist and administer some real pain!
Anything with a (D) before its name. I sure as hell can't vote for the GOP morons now can I?

What an asinine question,however,as shiftless and dumbed-down as all Liberals are,they will support a New Yawk,Socialist Jew before an American capitalist---after Oscama is imprisoned and Clinton is in shackles,the American Patriots will hunt down every anti-American Leftist and administer some real pain!
Since most people are voting not for someone, but against the other asshole, this isn't hard to understand.
Anything with a (D) before its name. I sure as hell can't vote for the GOP morons now can I?

Of course you'd go for the senile fool that hasn't had an original thought since the 50's.
Oh right because Trump has? Have you noticed the top polling candidate of the GOP has no policy ideas besides deporting all illegals which would cost about a quarter of trillion dollars to implement? Don't you think that is pretty pathetic? We have no earthly idea what this Neanderthal would do as president. Like Sanders or not, he at least has actual policy ideas on the table for a variety of issues.

You're the last thing on this board that should be calling anyone pathetic since you're the epitome of pathetic. Have you ever written an honest post? Your dear leaders bumper sticker slogans and platitudes left everyone wondering what he would do in his first term, but you voted for him anyway. If you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all, so just STFU.
I don't like some vainglorious dolt who thinks he can buy the election. Putting it between those two I would stay home, but if you a gun to my head I would I would vote for Bernie. I am not going to vote for the bankrupt 4 times crook. I am not ever going to vote for the moron with money

It boggles the mind that anyone, anywhere, ever paid any attention to Rump at all. He reminds me of that old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Egomania sells -- who knew. Where I come from it's despised.


It worked for your dear leader and I bet you voted for him.

Uh, I don't have a "dear leader" there, Dim Dong.

Ok, what ever. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: I notice you didn't say I'd lose my bet.
Neither. I'd vote Libertarian
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them, "You are doing something right". That's what they hear. Even if they don't have a chance of winning, a person deserves to be told they are doing something right.

That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right. You think a lesser evil hears, "Well, you're not as bad as the other guy" when you vote for them? No. They hear, "Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!"

Fuck that shit.

Unfortunately, we have too many retards who think the way you do, and we keep ending up with more and more evil choices as a result.
Neither. I'd vote Libertarian
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...
Trump is very bad for the Republic. He is a Crassus, one of the precursors to Caesar. If you can buy the job, then the job is just open for auction
You mean Obama, don't you? He took the Constitution, wiped his ass on it, then tossed it into the garbage disposal.

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Neither. I'd vote Libertarian
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...
Better to not vote at all than to vote for an evil, even a lesser one.

By abstaining from voting, you are telling both parties they suck. By voting for a lesser evil, you are telling one party they are doing a good job, thereby encouraging them to keep doing what they are doing.

Get it now, retard?

People like you get the politicians you deserve.

The next election is going to be decided by the number of people each party manages to disgust within their own ranks enough to make them stay home.
I don't like some vainglorious dolt who thinks he can buy the election. Putting it between those two I would stay home, but if you a gun to my head I would I would vote for Bernie. I am not going to vote for the bankrupt 4 times crook. I am not ever going to vote for the moron with money

It boggles the mind that anyone, anywhere, ever paid any attention to Rump at all. He reminds me of that old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Egomania sells -- who knew. Where I come from it's despised.


It worked for your dear leader and I bet you voted for him.

Uh, I don't have a "dear leader" there, Dim Dong.
Sure you do. Obama is his name.

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Elections are still far away ... and Hillary still quite popular, regardless ...
Damn...it would be a hard choice.But for me since BOTH have economic ideas I like but Trump is also concerned about the invasion of America I would vote for him. I know he doesn't support the min wage raise we need but that will happen eventually either way. Maybe he can get us halfway there with forcing companies hands in moving their production etc back here to the states.So Trump it would be. Be first time I voted for republican in General presidential election.
I don't like some vainglorious dolt who thinks he can buy the election. Putting it between those two I would stay home, but if you a gun to my head I would I would vote for Bernie. I am not going to vote for the bankrupt 4 times crook. I am not ever going to vote for the moron with money

It boggles the mind that anyone, anywhere, ever paid any attention to Rump at all. He reminds me of that old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Egomania sells -- who knew. Where I come from it's despised.


It worked for your dear leader and I bet you voted for him.

Uh, I don't have a "dear leader" there, Dim Dong.
Sure you do. Obama is his name.

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How is Obama a "fascist dictator" as you truly believe. He was democratically elected, just because you hate him, doesn't mean he's a dictator.
Trump is very bad for the Republic. He is a Crassus, one of the precursors to Caesar. If you can buy the job, then the job is just open for auction

Yabbut that's already been true for a century or more. The only difference is whether the buying's done by an individual or a collective Borg. Voter gets the same amount of fucked anyway.
It's been true since the tyrant Lincoln turned this country into an empire of subjects.

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