If it came down to Bernie vs Trump. Who would get your vote?

Who would you pick between Bernie and Trump?

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I don't like some vainglorious dolt who thinks he can buy the election. Putting it between those two I would stay home, but if you a gun to my head I would I would vote for Bernie. I am not going to vote for the bankrupt 4 times crook. I am not ever going to vote for the moron with money

It boggles the mind that anyone, anywhere, ever paid any attention to Rump at all. He reminds me of that old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Egomania sells -- who knew. Where I come from it's despised.


It worked for your dear leader and I bet you voted for him.

Pogo denies he voted for Obozo because he doesn't want to admit he's a gullible fool.

Don't flatter yourself, intellectual vacuum. Fact is I've never electioneered for O'bama (or anybody else), yet the fact that I don't jump in with you knuckledraggers whining about "he's not wearing a flag pin", don't follow tinfoil birfer plots and don't post racist photoshops of him means to your educationally bereft tiny little child-mind that he's my "dear leader Messiah" and you somehow figured out who I voted for -- which is precisely why you're on ignore as abjectly incapable of thought and entirely unworthy of attempted discourse.

On your planet somehow the fact that somebody declines to get in the gutter with you jelly-smeared fat fuck face bizarrely translates into actively taking the opposite side in what your severely stunted synapse sees as a tiny little world where everything is black and white and if you didn't think of any other options, then surely none exist.

In short, you're a fucking moron.
Yep, you voted for Obama.

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Can you read?

Go find the phrase "anyone who".


Yes, I know where the phrase is. The question is "where's the fallacy?"


I knew you couldn't point out any logical fallacies I supposedly posted.
Oh too funny. You are hilarious.

One of my favourite Finger-Boy posts came back when I first got here. It went:

"I went back and re-read your post and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck".

What a concept -- actually reading a post one responds to. Too bad it never took off.
Still crowing about your pathetic victory after all these months?

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Anything with a (D) before its name. I sure as hell can't vote for the GOP morons now can I?

Of course you'd go for the senile fool that hasn't had an original thought since the 50's.
Oh right because Trump has? Have you noticed the top polling candidate of the GOP has no policy ideas besides deporting all illegals which would cost about a quarter of trillion dollars to implement? Don't you think that is pretty pathetic? We have no earthly idea what this Neanderthal would do as president. Like Sanders or not, he at least has actual policy ideas on the table for a variety of issues.

You're the last thing on this board that should be calling anyone pathetic since you're the epitome of pathetic. Have you ever written an honest post? Your dear leaders bumper sticker slogans and platitudes left everyone wondering what he would do in his first term, but you voted for him anyway. If you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all, so just STFU.

Ironic rant for a guy who pins "dear leader" on people he doesn't even know.
Doncha think?
Am I the only one that doesn't hate either candidate? I wish Trump was more for the little man when it comes to economics and I wish Bernie was more socially conservative but I think together they would be a dynamite team!
Neither. I'd vote Libertarian
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...

Oh bullshit.
We have a one-party-dressing-up-as-two-parties system, and any resistance of that system, which is in effect racketeering -- is patriotic. Whoring off one's vote to whoever's got numbers big enough to keep a bigger asshole out, that's like trying to climb a mountain on a sheet of ice. You're going backward.

I agree, I vote for a principle, never a party or a number.
Anything with a (D) before its name. I sure as hell can't vote for the GOP morons now can I?

Of course you'd go for the senile fool that hasn't had an original thought since the 50's.
Oh right because Trump has? Have you noticed the top polling candidate of the GOP has no policy ideas besides deporting all illegals which would cost about a quarter of trillion dollars to implement? Don't you think that is pretty pathetic? We have no earthly idea what this Neanderthal would do as president. Like Sanders or not, he at least has actual policy ideas on the table for a variety of issues.

You're the last thing on this board that should be calling anyone pathetic since you're the epitome of pathetic. Have you ever written an honest post? Your dear leaders bumper sticker slogans and platitudes left everyone wondering what he would do in his first term, but you voted for him anyway. If you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all, so just STFU.

Ironic rant for a guy who pins "dear leader" on people he doesn't even know.
Doncha think?

Nope, just a simple observation, how many sets of knee pads have you gone through in the last 7 years? Your dear leader worship is very apparent.
Neither. I'd vote Libertarian
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...

Oh bullshit.
We have a one-party-dressing-up-as-two-parties system, and any resistance of that system, which is in effect racketeering -- is patriotic. Whoring off one's vote to whoever's got numbers big enough to keep a bigger asshole out, that's like trying to climb a mountain on a sheet of ice. You're going backward.

I agree, I vote for a principle, never a party or a number.
And yet another, throwing his vote away...
Am I the only one that doesn't hate either candidate? I wish Trump was more for the little man when it comes to economics and I wish Bernie was more socially conservative but I think together they would be a dynamite team!

A "team" has to work together to a common end though. And these two have nothing whatsoever in common, other than neither being locked in to a political party. That's not enough for even a start. They're even opposites personally.
So my choice is a washed up liberal politician or Trump a guy who's earned billions of dollars in his career while getting things done. What a no brainer.
Anything with a (D) before its name. I sure as hell can't vote for the GOP morons now can I?

Of course you'd go for the senile fool that hasn't had an original thought since the 50's.
Oh right because Trump has? Have you noticed the top polling candidate of the GOP has no policy ideas besides deporting all illegals which would cost about a quarter of trillion dollars to implement? Don't you think that is pretty pathetic? We have no earthly idea what this Neanderthal would do as president. Like Sanders or not, he at least has actual policy ideas on the table for a variety of issues.

You're the last thing on this board that should be calling anyone pathetic since you're the epitome of pathetic. Have you ever written an honest post? Your dear leaders bumper sticker slogans and platitudes left everyone wondering what he would do in his first term, but you voted for him anyway. If you didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all, so just STFU.

Ironic rant for a guy who pins "dear leader" on people he doesn't even know.
Doncha think?

Nope, just a simple observation, how many sets of knee pads have you gone through in the last 7 years? Your dear leader worship is very apparent.

See what I mean? You're the same level of moron as Finger Boy. Listening to nothing but your own posts. Rhetorical onanism. Sorry I don't swing that way.

I have simply never bought into the hero-worship thing, ever. In politics or anything else. The fact that you choose to enslave yourself to it is entirely your own doing. Don't project it onto other people who actually gave it a thought first.
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So my choice is a washed up liberal politician or Trump a guy who's earned billions of dollars in his career while getting things done. What a no brainer.

Getting things done like ... not one, not two, not three but four bankruptcies? -- with other people's money no less?
Getting things done like getting a financial analyst fired because he predicted Rump's AC casino would go bellyup -- and was completely correct?
Getting things done like threatening to sue not one but two TV networks because his own bigotry put them in commercial jeopardy?
Getting things done like suing an author for not stating his wealth sufficiently highly?
Getting things done like suing Palm Beach County -- THREE TIMES -- because he doesn't like planes flying over his estate? :gay:

What a man of the people. My head swims. With hair on it.
So my choice is a washed up liberal politician or Trump a guy who's earned billions of dollars in his career while getting things done. What a no brainer.

Getting things done like ... not one, not two, not three but four bankruptcies?
Getting things done like getting a financial analyst fired because he predicted Rump's AC casino would go bellyup -- and was completely correct?
Getting things done like threatening to sue not one but two TV networks because his own bigotry put them in commercial jeopardy?
Getting things done like suing an author for not stating his wealth sufficiently highly?
Getting things done like suing Palm Beach County -- THREE TIMES -- because he doesn't like planes flying over his estate? :gay:

What a man of the people. My head swims. With hair on it.

Your ignorance of business is noted.
So my choice is a washed up liberal politician or Trump a guy who's earned billions of dollars in his career while getting things done. What a no brainer.

Getting things done like ... not one, not two, not three but four bankruptcies?
Getting things done like getting a financial analyst fired because he predicted Rump's AC casino would go bellyup -- and was completely correct?
Getting things done like threatening to sue not one but two TV networks because his own bigotry put them in commercial jeopardy?
Getting things done like suing an author for not stating his wealth sufficiently highly?
Getting things done like suing Palm Beach County -- THREE TIMES -- because he doesn't like planes flying over his estate? :gay:

What a man of the people. My head swims. With hair on it.

Your ignorance of business is noted.

Apparently not --- I've never gone bankrupt.
So my choice is a washed up liberal politician or Trump a guy who's earned billions of dollars in his career while getting things done. What a no brainer.

Getting things done like ... not one, not two, not three but four bankruptcies?
Getting things done like getting a financial analyst fired because he predicted Rump's AC casino would go bellyup -- and was completely correct?
Getting things done like threatening to sue not one but two TV networks because his own bigotry put them in commercial jeopardy?
Getting things done like suing an author for not stating his wealth sufficiently highly?
Getting things done like suing Palm Beach County -- THREE TIMES -- because he doesn't like planes flying over his estate? :gay:

What a man of the people. My head swims. With hair on it.

Your ignorance of business is noted.

Apparently not --- I've never gone bankrupt.

Apparently its over your head, maybe you should go back to community college.
Neither. I'd vote Libertarian
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...

Oh bullshit.
We have a one-party-dressing-up-as-two-parties system, and any resistance of that system, which is in effect racketeering -- is patriotic. Whoring off one's vote to whoever's got numbers big enough to keep a bigger asshole out, that's like trying to climb a mountain on a sheet of ice. You're going backward.

I agree, I vote for a principle, never a party or a number.
And yet another, throwing his vote away...

Look. If I vote for a Jon Huntsman or a Ralph Nader, knowing full well that conventional wisdom predicts they don't have a chance, what I'm going is refusing to fall in lockstep with the System's prescribed Tweedle Dum-Tweedle Dee bullshit, and saying so publicly. The fact that I express my own choice rather than cave in to what's presented with all the deeper meaning of a football game (and carrying the same rhetorical dynamics) doesn't mean I'm wrong --- it means that System is. The system depends on mob mentality throwing up its hands and going "duh, oh well, ah guess these are the only two choices ah have".

Well, no they ain't. And the sooner the mob stops thinking that way the sooner we get out of that morass.
Nothing like throwing your vote away...

I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...

Oh bullshit.
We have a one-party-dressing-up-as-two-parties system, and any resistance of that system, which is in effect racketeering -- is patriotic. Whoring off one's vote to whoever's got numbers big enough to keep a bigger asshole out, that's like trying to climb a mountain on a sheet of ice. You're going backward.

I agree, I vote for a principle, never a party or a number.
And yet another, throwing his vote away...

Look. If I vote for a Jon Huntsman or a Ralph Nader, knowing full well that conventional wisdom predicts they don't have a chance, what I'm going is refusing to fall in lockstep with the System's prescribed Tweedle Dum-Tweedle Dee bullshit, and saying so publicly. The fact that I express my own choice rather than cave in to what's presented with all the deeper meaning of a football game (and carrying the same rhetorical dynamics) doesn't mean I'm wrong --- it means that System is. The system depends on mob mentality throwing up its hands and going "duh, oh well, ah guess these are the only two choices ah have".

Well, no they ain't. And the sooner the mob stops thinking that way the sooner we get out of that morass.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices. Deal with reality and pick one? Save your fantasies for jerking off to the thought of the girl next door in her pretty panties...
I've never understood the idiotic mentality that thinks voting for someone who doesn't have a chance as "throwing your vote away".

So you sell your vote like a whore instead.

I vote for whoever has EARNED my vote. Because when you give someone your vote, you are telling them "You are doing something right". That is why I absolutely refuse to vote for a lesser of two evils, because I am not going to tell ANY evil it is doing something right.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...

Oh bullshit.
We have a one-party-dressing-up-as-two-parties system, and any resistance of that system, which is in effect racketeering -- is patriotic. Whoring off one's vote to whoever's got numbers big enough to keep a bigger asshole out, that's like trying to climb a mountain on a sheet of ice. You're going backward.

I agree, I vote for a principle, never a party or a number.
And yet another, throwing his vote away...

Look. If I vote for a Jon Huntsman or a Ralph Nader, knowing full well that conventional wisdom predicts they don't have a chance, what I'm going is refusing to fall in lockstep with the System's prescribed Tweedle Dum-Tweedle Dee bullshit, and saying so publicly. The fact that I express my own choice rather than cave in to what's presented with all the deeper meaning of a football game (and carrying the same rhetorical dynamics) doesn't mean I'm wrong --- it means that System is. The system depends on mob mentality throwing up its hands and going "duh, oh well, ah guess these are the only two choices ah have".

Well, no they ain't. And the sooner the mob stops thinking that way the sooner we get out of that morass.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices. Deal with reality and pick one? Save your fantasies for jerking off to the thought of the girl next door in her pretty panties...

The fact that you tell yourself you have "two choices" means you're buying, hook line and sinker.
The racketeering System thanks you for that. It's how it self-perpetuates. Good soldier.
If your vote won't count, you are throwing it away. We are a two-party system, pick one party.

And I know you don't understand, because you are an idiot...

Oh bullshit.
We have a one-party-dressing-up-as-two-parties system, and any resistance of that system, which is in effect racketeering -- is patriotic. Whoring off one's vote to whoever's got numbers big enough to keep a bigger asshole out, that's like trying to climb a mountain on a sheet of ice. You're going backward.

I agree, I vote for a principle, never a party or a number.
And yet another, throwing his vote away...

Look. If I vote for a Jon Huntsman or a Ralph Nader, knowing full well that conventional wisdom predicts they don't have a chance, what I'm going is refusing to fall in lockstep with the System's prescribed Tweedle Dum-Tweedle Dee bullshit, and saying so publicly. The fact that I express my own choice rather than cave in to what's presented with all the deeper meaning of a football game (and carrying the same rhetorical dynamics) doesn't mean I'm wrong --- it means that System is. The system depends on mob mentality throwing up its hands and going "duh, oh well, ah guess these are the only two choices ah have".

Well, no they ain't. And the sooner the mob stops thinking that way the sooner we get out of that morass.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices. Deal with reality and pick one? Save your fantasies for jerking off to the thought of the girl next door in her pretty panties...

The fact that you tell yourself you have "two choices" means you're buying, hook line and sinker.
No, it means I'm dealing with reality, which is there are exactly two choices in this case, it's a two-party system.

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