If it came down to Bernie vs Trump. Who would get your vote?

Who would you pick between Bernie and Trump?

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I wouldn't vote for Rump for anything except Survivor. I'd vote everybody else off the island. Including the camera operators, which would kill him. I'd leave him there with a mirror.

I'd put Rump on a new interactive "reality" TV show... Rump gets his own island (bought with other people's money of course) and a cameraman to follow him around. (Already Rump likes the idea -- "hey, it's about ME!"")

The viewer gets a joystick. When the green light goes on you get to send a gust of wind from any direction you want, and watch Rump try to keep his combover in place. As the show goes on more and more viewers get green lights.

Then at the end Rump gets exactly five minutes to sue all the viewers.

I think it's a winner.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices.

Because lemmings like you make it that way.
Nope. That is the reality. No one is stopping you from creating other viable political parties but if you vote for who has no chance of winning, you just threw your vote away.

Yes, it is reality that you and the millions of other lemmings only allow there to be a two party system. I am not certainly not denying that.

I won't be apart of it.

And apparently, since only voting for someone who wins is a vote that matters every time a Republican or Democrat loses the millions who voted for them just threw their vote away, according to you.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices.

Because lemmings like you make it that way.
Nope. That is the reality. No one is stopping you from creating other viable political parties but if you vote for who has no chance of winning, you just threw your vote away.

Actually, "throwing your vote away" is what throwing up your hands and going "oh well, two parties, nothing I can do about it" amounts to.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices.

Because lemmings like you make it that way.
Nope. That is the reality. No one is stopping you from creating other viable political parties but if you vote for who has no chance of winning, you just threw your vote away.

Yes, it is reality that you and the millions of other lemmings only allow there to be a two party system. I am not certainly not denying that.

I won't be apart of it.

And apparently, since only voting for someone who wins is a vote that matters every time a Republican or Democrat loses the millions who voted for them just threw their vote away, according to you.
Nope, because even when they lose they at least had a chance to win, and no third-party in a national election has anything like that. When your choices were juice or milk, mommy was supposed to have taught you that soda was not an option, and you morons never learned that apparently.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices.

Because lemmings like you make it that way.
Nope. That is the reality. No one is stopping you from creating other viable political parties but if you vote for who has no chance of winning, you just threw your vote away.

Actually, "throwing your vote away" is what throwing up your hands and going "oh well, two parties, nothing I can do about it" amounts to.
You can start other parties, but you'll be throwing your vote away if you vote for them since they have no chance to win, until that is you have the votes. Stop putting the cart before the horse.
I don't like some vainglorious dolt who thinks he can buy the election. Putting it between those two I would stay home, but if you a gun to my head I would I would vote for Bernie. I am not going to vote for the bankrupt 4 times crook. I am not ever going to vote for the moron with money

It boggles the mind that anyone, anywhere, ever paid any attention to Rump at all. He reminds me of that old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Egomania sells -- who knew. Where I come from it's despised.


It worked for your dear leader and I bet you voted for him.

Pogo denies he voted for Obozo because he doesn't want to admit he's a gullible fool.

Don't flatter yourself, intellectual vacuum. Fact is I've never electioneered for O'bama (or anybody else), yet the fact that I don't jump in with you knuckledraggers whining about "he's not wearing a flag pin", don't follow tinfoil birfer plots and don't post racist photoshops of him means to your educationally bereft tiny little child-mind that he's my "dear leader Messiah" and you somehow figured out who I voted for -- which is precisely why you're on ignore as abjectly incapable of thought and entirely unworthy of attempted discourse.

On your planet somehow the fact that somebody declines to get in the gutter with you jelly-smeared fat fuck face bizarrely translates into actively taking the opposite side in what your severely stunted synapse sees as a tiny little world where everything is black and white and if you didn't think of any other options, then surely none exist.

In short, you're a fucking moron.
You win the prize for inventive invective. Wow!
Somehow I get the impression, just the impression, that you are not on the same wavelength as him, am I right?
I don't like some vainglorious dolt who thinks he can buy the election. Putting it between those two I would stay home, but if you a gun to my head I would I would vote for Bernie. I am not going to vote for the bankrupt 4 times crook. I am not ever going to vote for the moron with money

It boggles the mind that anyone, anywhere, ever paid any attention to Rump at all. He reminds me of that old adage, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Egomania sells -- who knew. Where I come from it's despised.


It worked for your dear leader and I bet you voted for him.

Pogo denies he voted for Obozo because he doesn't want to admit he's a gullible fool.

Don't flatter yourself, intellectual vacuum. Fact is I've never electioneered for O'bama (or anybody else), yet the fact that I don't jump in with you knuckledraggers whining about "he's not wearing a flag pin", don't follow tinfoil birfer plots and don't post racist photoshops of him means to your educationally bereft tiny little child-mind that he's my "dear leader Messiah" and you somehow figured out who I voted for -- which is precisely why you're on ignore as abjectly incapable of thought and entirely unworthy of attempted discourse.

On your planet somehow the fact that somebody declines to get in the gutter with you jelly-smeared fat fuck face bizarrely translates into actively taking the opposite side in what your severely stunted synapse sees as a tiny little world where everything is black and white and if you didn't think of any other options, then surely none exist.

In short, you're a fucking moron.
You win the prize for inventive invective. Wow!
Somehow I get the impression, just the impression, that you are not on the same wavelength as him, am I right?

Thangyew, thangyew vurra much.
There are few things I hold in more contempt than intellectual sloth.
Maybe the taste of butterscotch. But that's about it.
In this country, in national elections, you have exactly two choices.

Because lemmings like you make it that way.
Nope. That is the reality. No one is stopping you from creating other viable political parties but if you vote for who has no chance of winning, you just threw your vote away.

Actually, "throwing your vote away" is what throwing up your hands and going "oh well, two parties, nothing I can do about it" amounts to.
You can start other parties, but you'll be throwing your vote away if you vote for them since they have no chance to win, until that is you have the votes. Stop putting the cart before the horse.

Indeed "having the votes" is where it's all at isn't it?
Well guess what -- building the votes start with the first one. And that's "me".
"The longest journey begins with a single step", Grasshopper.
Nope, because even when they lose they at least had a chance to win, and no third-party in a national election has anything like that. When your choices were juice or milk, mommy was supposed to have taught you that soda was not an option, and you morons never learned that apparently.

No, according to you, if a Republican runs against Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, anyone who votes for that person has just thrown their vote away, because we all know it would take an act of God to get a Republican elected in San Francisco.

How about we just have one candidate in all elections going forward. That way they are the only ones who can win, they get 100% of the vote, and nobody can throw their vote away.
Nope, because even when they lose they at least had a chance to win, and no third-party in a national election has anything like that. When your choices were juice or milk, mommy was supposed to have taught you that soda was not an option, and you morons never learned that apparently.

No, according to you, if a Republican runs against Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, anyone who votes for that person has just thrown their vote away, because we all know it would take an act of God to get a Republican elected in San Francisco.

How about we just have one candidate in all elections going forward. That way they are the only ones who can win, they get 100% of the vote, and nobody can throw their vote away.
How about you little idiots deal with the implications of a two-party system instead, meaning, reality.
Nope, because even when they lose they at least had a chance to win, and no third-party in a national election has anything like that. When your choices were juice or milk, mommy was supposed to have taught you that soda was not an option, and you morons never learned that apparently.

No, according to you, if a Republican runs against Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, anyone who votes for that person has just thrown their vote away, because we all know it would take an act of God to get a Republican elected in San Francisco.

How about we just have one candidate in all elections going forward. That way they are the only ones who can win, they get 100% of the vote, and nobody can throw their vote away.

Indeed that's already what's happening with voters who check the box based on nothing but which letter is floating after the name. Might as well just stay home and leave these questions to the Demoblican Republicrat Politburo. They know best.

I vote for everything on the ballot, down to dogcatcher. And I scan the candidates with the party affiliation (if there is one) blocked out so I can't even see it. I consider it nothing but noise.
Trump. Bernie is a crackpot.
LMAO What irony!!

There is no irony, Bernie is a crackpot, a flat broke loser who's spent his entire life as a failed politician.

A "failed politician" :rofl: who back when he was running for mayor of Burlington (before winning a seat in Congress, before winning a seat in the Senate) the Democratic and Republican Parties got together and ran a joint candidate supported by both of them --- and he STILL won the election.

Some "failure". Not like, say, going bankrupt four times. That's a success story, jeepers by jiminy.

Trump is a successful businessman who leads every poll.

Business and government serve opposite masters. Which is why they should be kept apart.

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