If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
I'd put everything I own on Republicans stealing CA.....I think republicans will take the state easily and that will really destroy democrats......

Those in northern CA are pissed to an an extent you wouldn't imagine....

I'm sure the GOP could do that with the right candidate.

That candidate isn't Mitt Romney.

In fact, Mitt has already rendered himself toxic by playing the race card against Rick Perry. He will massively lose the Hispanic vote, and that might even put Arizona in play.

Rick Perry is probably the strongest candidate the GOP could put up right now, if certain members of the GOP Establishment can get over themselves.

Mitt Romney is just playing right into Obama's hands.
I don't like Romney but Obama is worse... Why waste your vote?

You're doing what many democrats would...

Hypothetically would you want Obama or Romney?

I wouldn't want either one of them.

But Obama is the lesser of two evils in the evil of two lessers.

So you chose a Marxist that wants to hurt people?

Interesting pick...
I'd put everything I own on Republicans stealing CA.....I think republicans will take the state easily and that will really destroy democrats......

Those in northern CA are pissed to an an extent you wouldn't imagine....

I'm sure the GOP could do that with the right candidate.

That candidate isn't Mitt Romney.

In fact, Mitt has already rendered himself toxic by playing the race card against Rick Perry. He will massively lose the Hispanic vote, and that might even put Arizona in play.

Rick Perry is probably the strongest candidate the GOP could put up right now, if certain members of the GOP Establishment can get over themselves.

Mitt Romney is just playing right into Obama's hands.

For what its worth Cain or Paul will win...

I think Cain has the better chance to beat Obama...
I'd put everything I own on Republicans stealing CA.....I think republicans will take the state easily and that will really destroy democrats......

Those in northern CA are pissed to an an extent you wouldn't imagine....

I'm sure the GOP could do that with the right candidate.

That candidate isn't Mitt Romney.

In fact, Mitt has already rendered himself toxic by playing the race card against Rick Perry. He will massively lose the Hispanic vote, and that might even put Arizona in play.

Rick Perry is probably the strongest candidate the GOP could put up right now, if certain members of the GOP Establishment can get over themselves.

Mitt Romney is just playing right into Obama's hands.

For what its worth Cain or Paul will win...

I think Cain has the better chance to beat Obama...

Is there a point at which people lose the desire to make predictions?

Much like Mr. Cain, I do not have any facts to back this up.........but I'm guessing that Mr. Nick here has made predictions such as these in the past and been proven wrong.

If....more likely when....both Mr. Cain and Rep. Paul fail to even come close to the GOP nomination....will Mr. Nick retire from the prognosticating business for a while? Will he stick to discussing what he hopes will happen.....like most people.....instead of trying to appear as though he knows something that the rest of America does not?
And a pit bulls likelihood to bite is less then that of other breeds. You dont have facts that prove your case against pit bulls, or Mit Romney. only scarey stories, south park references, and bigotry. Aside from all that, the membership of this board does not agree with you. Now, can you give us some evidence that Romney had anything to do with prop 8 ?

You missed the point, it wasn't how often they bite, it's how devastating the bite is...

Maybe chihauhaus bite more, but how much damage can they really do?

(The difference between a pit bull humping your leg and a chihauhau humping your leg? You let the Pit Bull finish!)

But the thing is, Mitt is in the dog house with many conservatives, because of his past liberal views, and that dog just won't hunt for evangelicals. The very fact that the GOP is even considering this loser makes me as sick as a dog, but a barking dog never bites. But it's a dog eat dog world out there, so we all need to be careful.

Honestly, guy, do have I ever given you the impression I care what other people think?

I was saying that the power of the bite is myth, as well as the frequency, its the same with Mit Romney. No evidence has been presented that he has ever used the power he has had to promote his religion.
I was saying that the power of the bite is myth, as well as the frequency, its the same with Mit Romney. No evidence has been presented that he has ever used the power he has had to promote his religion.

I would say that my brother's mother in law's 120 stitches tell a different story.

As would my own encounters with BYU backstabbing dirtbags.

I'm like that. Nothing colors my opinions than real life experiences.
I was saying that the power of the bite is myth, as well as the frequency, its the same with Mit Romney. No evidence has been presented that he has ever used the power he has had to promote his religion.

I would say that my brother's mother in law's 120 stitches tell a different story.

As would my own encounters with BYU backstabbing dirtbags.

I'm like that. Nothing colors my opinions than real life experiences.

The stitches do tell a story. One of a guy who should have got a cat interested of a dog. As for you BYU guys, Thats life more then religion. You get fucked. Thats how it gos, but they have no connection to Romney. If you ever get screwed over by a black guy you going to hate them to?
If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for?

Mortimer Snerd
I was saying that the power of the bite is myth, as well as the frequency, its the same with Mit Romney. No evidence has been presented that he has ever used the power he has had to promote his religion.

I would say that my brother's mother in law's 120 stitches tell a different story.

As would my own encounters with BYU backstabbing dirtbags.

I'm like that. Nothing colors my opinions than real life experiences.

The stitches do tell a story. One of a guy who should have got a cat interested of a dog. As for you BYU guys, Thats life more then religion. You get fucked. Thats how it gos, but they have no connection to Romney. If you ever get screwed over by a black guy you going to hate them to?

Blacks aren't a monolithic group. They dont' all take orders from the same crazy prophet in Salt Lake city, so the comparison isn't apt... nice try, though.

Sorry, the only thing that my brother did wrong was get a breed of dog that many cities have banned for good reason, probably because he believed people like you who said if you raise them right, they are fine.

Just like the only thing I did wrong was trust the stupid, vapid smile in your face BS of whacky cultists who are only out for themselves.

I don't make the same mistake twice. Whatever it takes to stop Romney, even voting for Obama.
By Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Organizers of this weekend’s Values Voters Summit thanked Mitt Romney for his Saturday appearance by giving the slot immediately after his to a radical Christian who used his time to take veiled shots at the Mormon former governor and insist that only a true Christian can serve in the White House.

Romney, toward the end of his speech, raised the issue, wagging his finger in the air and insisting on civil debate, referencing a speaker who’d be on the stage after him. Though he didn’t mention Christian extremist Bryan Fischer by name, a Romney aide let assembled reporters know that Fischer was the man he was referring to.

More: Bryan Fischer, Radical Christian, Follows Mitt Romney At Values Voters Summit

Oh goodie, more religion wars. Now I hear that even some Amish are fighting each other.
I like Mitt Romney. I have liked him since he was governor of Massachusetts. I will be voting for him in the primary, donating the maximum allowable to his campaign for this year and next year, and will be voting for him for President when he wins the nomination.

For those of you who are conservative and oppose him, I suggest you read his book. He wrote it 2 years ago and he lays out his positions on a whole array of issues. He is a conservative. Period.

End of the day, he still belongs to a scary cult that wants to impose God's Kingdom On Earth...

Yeah, two years ago he was conservative. Ten years ago he was moderate/centrist. 18 years ago, he was liberal.
sounds like he grew up !!:cool:
I'm not voting for the National League OR the American League in their fake World Series Election. I'm writing in Ron Paul, I don't care if he drops dead right before the election.

I aint voting for a puppet anymore.

Nobel sentiment, but considering the Dynamics of the Election if it is Paul, Romney or Obama. You might as well just vote for Obama if you intend to Vote for Paul. After all, Paul is going to do nothing but take away votes from what ever Republican is out there, and help Obama win.
If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

That would be a tough choice – but I’d have to go with Obama again due to judicial appointments. Although Romney might be inclined to appoint judges/justices who aren’t rightists ideologues, that might not be true of others in his administration who will pressure Romney to appoint jurists hostile to privacy rights, due process rights, and equal protection rights.
I would say that my brother's mother in law's 120 stitches tell a different story.

As would my own encounters with BYU backstabbing dirtbags.

I'm like that. Nothing colors my opinions than real life experiences.

The stitches do tell a story. One of a guy who should have got a cat interested of a dog. As for you BYU guys, Thats life more then religion. You get fucked. Thats how it gos, but they have no connection to Romney. If you ever get screwed over by a black guy you going to hate them to?

Blacks aren't a monolithic group. They dont' all take orders from the same crazy prophet in Salt Lake city, so the comparison isn't apt... nice try, though.

First off where do you get the Idea that All Mormons "take orders from Salt Lake"?

Second, Yes Blacks are Monolithic, they are more Monolithic than any other Group in America when it comes to Elections. Last time 9 out of 10 of them voted for Obama. Traditionally 80% of them Vote Democrat. They take their Marching orders from the Left wing of the Democrat party. How can you claim they are not Monolithic.


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