If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
Lol funny you would accuse me of the exact opposite of what I'm saying

I say how talking points are the exact opposite of reality, and you take that as me believing all talking points? How did your brain jump to that conclusion?

I don't believe ANY talking points. Obama being a warmonger doesn't surprise me, Bush skyrocketing the welfare budget didn't surprise me, Obama being anti-gay marriage didn't surprise me, Bush growing medicaid didn't surprise me.

The only people surprised by those things, are those who take party talking points/campaign rhetoric and podium talk seriously, that wouldn't be me.

lol okaaaaaay

He isnt playing the hand he was delt or anything. Why do you seem to believe that a new president can just reverse all the policies that he inheirits with indifference to the outcome?

Its sure sounds to me like you fell for the rhetoric.

Blowing up Libya completely unprovoked in a bombing spree that has nothing to do with U.S. defense, about a month after you shake the man's hand who runs the country, is warmongering.

No one dealt him any hand with Libya.

But the Libya mistake doesn't surprise me, it only surprises those who bought into Obama being less of a warmonger than Bush, those who bought into him being a diplomat, those who bought into him deserving a Nobel peace prize.

Not me.

Those who fall for campaign rhetoric are the ones who post the most tired old talking points, that republicans favor the rich more and democrats favor the poor more than their counter parts.

The UN, who the left loves, forced his hand. You wanna play, you got to pay. As far as im concerned we should pull out of all those international beaurocratic jokes.
lol okaaaaaay

He isnt playing the hand he was delt or anything. Why do you seem to believe that a new president can just reverse all the policies that he inheirits with indifference to the outcome?

Its sure sounds to me like you fell for the rhetoric.

Blowing up Libya completely unprovoked in a bombing spree that has nothing to do with U.S. defense, about a month after you shake the man's hand who runs the country, is warmongering.

No one dealt him any hand with Libya.

But the Libya mistake doesn't surprise me, it only surprises those who bought into Obama being less of a warmonger than Bush, those who bought into him being a diplomat, those who bought into him deserving a Nobel peace prize.

Not me.

Those who fall for campaign rhetoric are the ones who post the most tired old talking points, that republicans favor the rich more and democrats favor the poor more than their counter parts.

The UN, who the left loves, forced his hand. You wanna play, you got to pay. As far as im concerned we should pull out of all those international beaurocratic jokes.

The UN was the main excuse for the War in Iraq too, a war a lot of republicans still speak of in glowing terms. Weapons illegal according to UN guidelines, that was one of the main excuses.

Both parties love the UN.
Reluctantly i would have to go with Romney. He just has much more experience with economic issues. Obama is just too much of a far Left ideologue to fix this economic mess we're in.
Reluctantly i would have to go with Romney. He just has much more experience with economic issues. Obama is just too much of a far Left ideologue to fix this economic mess we're in.

No explaination required. You have it nailed down solid, bro.
That's a very odd view. My first choice is Cain and has been since before he jumped in the race. He's a genius with a proven track record. He's not a professional politician, and that's what I think we need right now. I don't vote according to some standard of tolerance, my vote is not a statement about me. My vote is my choice for whom I want to elect.

Obama vs. Romney is an easy choice in my opinion. Obama's way has not worked, time for someone new.

My view is based on a number of things, and they all work against Romney.

I think, at the end of the day, for all his flaws, Barack Obama is a decent human being.

Mitt Romney is a scumwad who puts people out of good paying jobs to make himself richer. Seriously, look up what Bain Capital did with AmPad. Everyone on that deal got screwed, except Romney. The workers, the customers, the stockholders.

I don't have an opinion on Cain much. I don't think he has the discipline to last out an entire campaign.

More to the point, right now, it's clear Obama can't run on the economy. So he's going to play the Class Warfare and Race Cards. Mitt Romney is a dream come true if that's his strategy.
Why did you get your panties in a wad about Mitt's children not serving? :eusa_whistle:

I'm angry that all the politicians who didn't serve themselves and didn't send their own kids.

That's why I kind of respected McCain and Palin. They both had kids over in Iraq. they were putting their money where their mouth is.

Mitt, however, had the nerve to say that his spawn working on his campaign was serving the country on the same level as serving in Iraq.

Oh, wait, I think we just found reason #313 to despise him.

Very strange. Having served in combat myself, I'd never "send" any of my kids off to war. It's their choice to make. I'm raising my kids to be adults, not to be old children that do what daddy says. They are properly informed and I make no bones about the fact that joining the Marine Corps was the best decision I ever made. But there will be no pressure from me to join.

Would you "send" your grown kids off to a war you support just to make a statement?

I think you missed my point about why Mitt's comment was so outrageous. So let's try again.

Mitt called his sons working on his campaign as "serving their country" when someone asked why they hadn't signed up for the war that he supports. That's the key thing. Not only does he makes sure his precious little darlings get to miss out on combat, but then he insults those who do go by saying that these guys were serving just as honorably working cush jobs on a political campaign.

Hells bells, man, if we actually had ALL the politicians with kids in the military, maybe they'd think twice about sending us into wars. What a novel approach.

But, heck, working class kids. Screw them.
If Obama wins in 2012..........you will not be able to say that he did not run on his record. Shit could be better...but if the dude wins, it will pretty much serve as a statement that America thinks it would be worse with one of the other dudes in charge.
Well hammer head, the thing is this, there is over a year to go before we even know WHO will face Obama. On top of that all the odd magic underwear and pasta monsta stuff you post, repost, and post again does not mean anything other then that's what YOU believe. And unless you and the other bigots can put Romney at the little massacre there or find his extra wives, or find ONE indecent where he let his religion influence his policy, you guys are not much more then haters.

Besides the fact we will know by February who will face Obama...

Since we are on an Avi theme, my brother once owned a Pit Bull. It seemed like a really nice dog. He didn't train it to fight or teach it to be vicious and outwardly, it seemed like a nice family pet.

Until the day it lunged at his mother in law and tore her face to shreds. 120 stitches to put her back together again. The dog was put to sleep.

But everyone warned him that breed was dangerous and had a bad temperment. He didn't listen.

So now we've got a cult with a history of racism, sexism, covertly trying to gain power, but don't worry, THIS cult member has done nothing but... well, exploit racism and overtly try to seek power. But we can trust him, he seems like a trustworthy fellow.
Well hammer head, the thing is this, there is over a year to go before we even know WHO will face Obama. On top of that all the odd magic underwear and pasta monsta stuff you post, repost, and post again does not mean anything other then that's what YOU believe. And unless you and the other bigots can put Romney at the little massacre there or find his extra wives, or find ONE indecent where he let his religion influence his policy, you guys are not much more then haters.

Besides the fact we will know by February who will face Obama...

Since we are on an Avi theme, my brother once owned a Pit Bull. It seemed like a really nice dog. He didn't train it to fight or teach it to be vicious and outwardly, it seemed like a nice family pet.

Until the day it lunged at his mother in law and tore her face to shreds. 120 stitches to put her back together again. The dog was put to sleep.

But everyone warned him that breed was dangerous and had a bad temperment. He didn't listen.

So now we've got a cult with a history of racism, sexism, covertly trying to gain power, but don't worry, THIS cult member has done nothing but... well, exploit racism and overtly try to seek power. But we can trust him, he seems like a trustworthy fellow.

I saw a Labrador kill and eat a wiener dog when I was a kid, and golden retrievers lead the "pack" in dog bites. Much of the pit bulls combat prowess is not much more then superstition, and out right lies. Much like the political candidate we are discussing here. See you speculate my dog will go crazy and eat a kid, yet you have no facts to back that. Same with Romney, you know he is Mormon, claim he will appoint Mormon cronies and create a Mormon theocracy in this country, yet present no instance of him ever doing this in his corporate or political career.

All religions are cults. That does not mean they are bad. Political party's can be considered cults.


noun /kəlt/ 
cults, plural

A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object
- the cult of St. Olaf

A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister
- a network of Satan-worshiping cults

A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing
- a cult of personality surrounding the leaders

A person or thing that is popular or fashionable, esp. among a particular section of society
- a cult film

In a sense we've been at war with Iran since 1979. I don't know about anyone else but i was working nearly 16 hours a day because of that shit then.......

Isn't "in a sense" a little different than declaring all out war and launching an invasion force...?

Do you understand that it's been Iranian training, weapons, and funding that has killed many Americans In both Iraq and Afghanistan?
In a sense we've been at war with Iran since 1979. I don't know about anyone else but i was working nearly 16 hours a day because of that shit then.......

Isn't "in a sense" a little different than declaring all out war and launching an invasion force...?

Do you understand that it's been Iranian training, weapons, and funding that has killed many Americans In both Iraq and Afghanistan?

Yes, that's what I've been told... Are we at war with Iran? When did we invade?
I saw a Labrador kill and eat a wiener dog when I was a kid, and golden retrievers lead the "pack" in dog bites. Much of the pit bulls combat prowess is not much more then superstition, and out right lies. Much like the political candidate we are discussing here. See you speculate my dog will go crazy and eat a kid, yet you have no facts to back that. Same with Romney, you know he is Mormon, claim he will appoint Mormon cronies and create a Mormon theocracy in this country, yet present no instance of him ever doing this in his corporate or political career.

It isn't a matter of which dog is more likely to bite. It's a matter of which dog is more likely to inflict real damage when it does.

Much like it isn't a matter of which religion is the craziest, it's a matter of which one is more likely to want to impose it's craziness on everyone else. The one that calls all the non-members "gentiles" and sends out missionaries to recruit the vulnerable and weak into the cult.

THe one that spends millions of dollars trying to prevent people who aren't in their cult from getting married, without leaving fingerprints.

So, yeah, maybe your dog is nice and good, but I ain't letting it near any kids I care about.

And neither is my brother. He learned his lesson.

(Can we work anymore Dog metaphors in here? That Dog won't hunt.)

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