If It Was A Traffic Study...Then WHERE'S the Study?


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012

Rachel Maddow makes a good point. Where's the traffic study that shut down the GWB? These things have to be drafted, approved and implemented through many channels of state government on both the NY and NJ sides as well as the Port Authority. You think you seriously can just go throw down some orange cones onto one of the few accessible bridges into one of the largest cities in the world and not have it authorized?

So far Christie et al. has not been able to provide the documents for this study.

Bill Baroni, who resigned a few months ago, wasn't able to provide a copy of the study either. Told the state legislature investigation to talk to his lawyer.

And people still don't think he's lying his fat ass off?
Admitting you watch Rachel Madcow is like admitting you watch Hannity... You're admitting you're fucking stupid. And once again, CC was the hero of the left when he was Obama's butt boy... Now you don't want anything to do with him. Conservatives never cared.
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There was no study. Christie is not claiming that there was. What he IS claiming is that the order to shut down the booths were not presented to him as a way to punish a political opponent but rather he was told it was part of a study.

You know, there is plenty to drag Christie down without making straw men. Such is pointless.
Admitting you watch Rachel Madcow is like admitting you watch Hannity... You're admitting you're fucking stupid. And once again, CC was the hero of the left when he was Obama's butt boy... Now you don't want anything to do with him. Conservatives never cared.

Watching either is not stupid. It actually pays to know what the talking heads are feeding the masses.

Rather, swallowing their brand without bothering to actually check it out and confirm there is any reality in it is stupid. There is a difference though.
Maybe Madcow should interview Chris's buddy Obama and find out what Chris did with all the cash Obama gave him.


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Admitting you watch Rachel Madcow is like admitting you watch Hannity... You're admitting you're fucking stupid. And once again, CC was the hero of the left when he was Obama's butt boy... Now you don't want anything to do with him. Conservatives never cared.

Watching either is not stupid. It actually pays to know what the talking heads are feeding the masses.

Rather, swallowing their brand without bothering to actually check it out and confirm there is any reality in it is stupid. There is a difference though.

I guess... But honestly, you prolly know more and have better information than if you watch talking heads.
Let's accept the assertion that Christie engineered the political payback that is being alleged.

Now how does that NOT enrich his qualifications to be the 2016 DEMOCRAT candidate for President?

All he's gotta do is come out of that RINO closet and 'fess up.

At which time all the criticism would cease so fast the Marxist MSM reporters following it would run right up its (own) ass.
Four dead in Benghazi and Holder and the feds are hot on the trail of a traffic jam in N.J. Priorities are priorities.
NTPP....get with the times. christie now admits there is no study and that he was mislead.

this is old news. nothing to see here. move along.
You have to remember it takes a very long time for government to finish anything after all it's been over a year on Benghazi and a couple on the I.R.S. and still waiting.
A CEO establishes the culture of the company. A governor is the CEO of a state. It may well be that this was done without Christie's knowledge. But the fact the the underling thought it was a good thing to do and that he could get away with it, is an indication of a problem in the culture that Christie has established. I admired Christie's handling of Sandy, and am disappointed in this affair. I would have liked to have seen a strong and sane frontrunner in the GOP to debate the Dem candidate.
You have to remember it takes a very long time for government to finish anything after all it's been over a year on Benghazi and a couple on the I.R.S. and still waiting.

Really? P-51 Mustang. 157 days, concept to flying airplane.
If It Was A Traffic Study...Then WHERE'S the Study?

They sent it to Benghazi.
Christie didn't even know the bridge was located in NJ until he read about it in the newspaper
Admitting you watch Rachel Madcow is like admitting you watch Hannity... You're admitting you're fucking stupid. And once again, CC was the hero of the left when he was Obama's butt boy... Now you don't want anything to do with him. Conservatives never cared.
The Right hated Christie when he appeared friendly to Obama. Now that they realize he's their only hope in 2016, they're defending him.
A CEO establishes the culture of the company. A governor is the CEO of a state. It may well be that this was done without Christie's knowledge. But the fact the the underling thought it was a good thing to do and that he could get away with it, is an indication of a problem in the culture that Christie has established. I admired Christie's handling of Sandy, and am disappointed in this affair. I would have liked to have seen a strong and sane frontrunner in the GOP to debate the Dem candidate.

This is very true and the occurrence reflects badly on Christie.

However, the question comes to mind as to whether or not you hold the same standard for Obama?
A CEO establishes the culture of the company. A governor is the CEO of a state. It may well be that this was done without Christie's knowledge. But the fact the the underling thought it was a good thing to do and that he could get away with it, is an indication of a problem in the culture that Christie has established. I admired Christie's handling of Sandy, and am disappointed in this affair. I would have liked to have seen a strong and sane frontrunner in the GOP to debate the Dem candidate.

This is very true and the occurrence reflects badly on Christie.

However, the question comes to mind as to whether or not you hold the same standard for Obama?

The missteps on the launch of the ACA reflect badly on the competance within the Obama Administration, and, yes, the buck stops at the Oval Office desk there, also.

But we are now speaking of the future, and this may have derailed a run by Christie in 2016.

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