If It's Just A Weekend To You And Me Why Is It Always A Vacation To Trump?

No....dumbass. Congress attempts to control what he can spend, not how much he spends.

I think you need a civics lesson.

Depends on how congress wrote the budget. If it's a dedicated line item or a budgetary authorization.
BTW, how did Obama send $400 million in cash to Iran without congressional approval????

It was IRANS money. Obama was just giving it back to them as the international claims court was about to order he do, with interest.
"If you enjoy what you do for a living you never work a day in your life." Trump has done more in two months than the Hussein administration has done in 8 years. Why is it so offensive to the angry left?
None of Obama's budgets ever passed congress. We're operating under continuing resolutions. And what a president spends in the executive branch is up to him. Trump cut $100 billion so far. How much did Obama cut? 0

You seem confused. What the president spends on the executive branch is up to congress,

Now hit the 'reset' button and try it again,
No....dumbass. Congress attempts to control what he can spend, not how much he spends.

I think you need a civics lesson.

BTW, how did Obama send $400 million in cash to Iran without congressional approval????
It was Iran's money the U.S. held in trust. That's how. Obama did not use money collected from U.S. tax payers.
"If you enjoy what you do for a living you never work a day in your life." Trump has done more in two months than the Hussein administration has done in 8 years. Why is it so offensive to the angry left?
We're not angry. We're laughing at how delusional the right is. Read your own post for an example.
Trump usually conducts business during his golf outings as he did when he ran his companies. Obama plays golf.

BTW, how much of the debt did Obama cut his first two months?

Trump has cut $100 billion so far on day 56.

Moron, during the first 2 months of Obama's presidency, we were still in Bush's Great Recession and still operating under Bush's budget. Comparatively, Obama handed Trump a growing economy and we're still operating under Obama's budget.
Yep. Bush's recession ended in early 2009, so it must not have been much of one. How much of that belonged to the Democrat controlled congress who constantly claimed he wasn't spending enough????
However Obama raised the deficit to over $1.3 trillion in his first year. He established a new baseline in spending so he could claim he was cutting the deficit the following years when in fact he doubled spending.

None of Obama's budgets ever passed congress. We're operating under continuing resolutions. And what a president spends in the executive branch is up to him. Trump cut $100 billion so far. How much did Obama cut? 0
Moron, Bush's great recession actually lasted a year and a half. So what the fuck are you talking about? And Trump is cut nothing. What bills has he signed to cut spending? And of course the debt went up during Obama's first two months. He inherited a trillion dollar deficit from Bush. Again, we were still operating under Bush's budget. We were still in the midst of Bush's great recession. And of course it's coming down now. Obama handed Trump a growing economy. And we're still operating under Obama's budget. What part of that do you still find confusing?
The Democrats had a hand in that recession because they controlled congress beginning in 2007, and it ended June 2009.

Great Recession Ended in June 2009, Panel Says


A recession is 3 consecutive months of negative growth. Are you saying now that Obama’s growing economy wasn’t growing now?
Make up yo fucking mind, bitch!!
Moron, the recession was due to toxic loans written years earlier. By 2006, states were already reporting record numbers of foreclosures. By early 2007, the second biggest lender declared bankruptcy. The 110th Congress, which started just a few months earlier, had nothing to do with that. As always, you have no fucking clue what your fingers are banging on your keyboard.

Toxic loans?
You mean loans that were the result of regulation changes okayed by Congress at the urging of Democrats???

I remember Democrats accusing the GOP of racism if they didn't allow poor blacks with terrible credit and no money down to buy a home. Then those same poor motherfuckers walked away from those loans.....at the urging of Democrats.
"If you enjoy what you do for a living you never work a day in your life." Trump has done more in two months than the Hussein administration has done in 8 years. Why is it so offensive to the angry left?

And that's just listing nominees who have had to resign, and executive orders ruled unconstitutional.
It was Iran's money the U.S. held in trust. That's how. Obama did not use money collected from U.S. tax payers.

Technically some us taxpayer money was involved, because the interest came from T-bills, which are paid out of taxpayer reciepts.
None of Obama's budgets ever passed congress. We're operating under continuing resolutions. And what a president spends in the executive branch is up to him. Trump cut $100 billion so far. How much did Obama cut? 0

You seem confused. What the president spends on the executive branch is up to congress,

Now hit the 'reset' button and try it again,
No....dumbass. Congress attempts to control what he can spend, not how much he spends.

I think you need a civics lesson.

BTW, how did Obama send $400 million in cash to Iran without congressional approval????
It was Iran's money the U.S. held in trust. That's how. Obama did not use money collected from U.S. tax payers.
Sure it was. That explains why it was untraceable cash, and was done in secret, and nobody in congress knew it till after it was done. That explains it. It also explains why Obama almost got away with sending $220 million to the PLO but Trump stopped it, not to mention $9.2 billion Obama shipped off to the UN. Obama has his own bank and follows his own rules.
It was Iran's money the U.S. held in trust. That's how. Obama did not use money collected from U.S. tax payers.

Technically some us taxpayer money was involved, because the interest came from T-bills, which are paid out of taxpayer reciepts.
It was all our money. We didn't owe Iran one cent. If you count the way they broke international laws in taking our embassy, and murdered our troops in Iraq, we didn't owe them squat. Iran killed our soldiers and you piss drinkers cried over their flag draped coffins.
Sure it was. That explains why it was untraceable cash, and was done in secret, and nobody in congress knew it till after it was done. That explains it. It also explains why Obama almost got away with sending $220 million to the PLO but Trump stopped it, not to mention $9.2 billion Obama shipped off to the UN. Obama has his own bank and follows his own rules.

It was done in CASH because without diplomatic relations with Iran, there was no way to do a bank transaction.
It was all our money. We didn't owe Iran one cent. If you count the way they broke international laws in taking our embassy, and murdered our troops in Iraq, we didn't owe them squat. Iran killed our soldiers and you piss drinkers cried over their flag draped coffins.

Actually the international tribunal set up as a court of claims with jurisdiction of all claims and suits arising out of the Iranian hostage crisis. We froze Irans escrow accounts with the money they had on deposit to buy weapons, which due to the crisis we refused to sell them.

That money along with $2 billion in interest was about to become the judgement of that court, before Obama made an out of court settlement for $1.5 billion in interest. Saving $500 million.
The left wing nutters cry about Trump's vacations, the right wing nutters cry about Obama's vacations, the left wing nutters cry about Bush's vacation, the right wing nutters cry about Clinton's vacations and everyone of these you'll get a "yeah but."

I see a pattern and it is called being petty partisan losers. People need to grow up.
Not to mention the cost of picking up Zsa Zsa and the kid in NYC and flying her down to Florida.

The creator of this thread must be feeling very guilty of the costs of these vacations to taxpayers.

Plus Obama didn't take a vacation every single weekend..
But we know how exhausting it must be for President Crazypants to watch TV all day, every day. He just needs to get away at the end of the week..
Trump went to Florida this weekend. Most rational people call it a working trip to his home in Florida, but to the left it's a vacation? Obama would go on a golfing trip often to parts of the country, yet that never counted as a vacation to lying liberals. The only time it counted was when he spent weeks in the Bahamas, took his annual trip to Hawaii, or in Martha's Vineyard.

This is how the dishonest people on the left create their talking-points. They create double-standards and ignore the facts. Today Trump is working. Since when has anyone on this board considered a weekend a vacation?????

And you folks wonder why we never listen to a word you say anymore.

The way that the media rigged the facts when Bush was president was by counting every weekend as a vacation and calling every trip to Camp David an extended golfing trip. Bush decided to quit golfing while he was president because of this dishonest reporting.

Obama played golf at Marth's Vineyard close to 50 times. He played golf over 300 times while president. When did he have time to do his job. It's rare that I take the time to play more than a couple of times a year, but Obama had the time to play a couple of times a week. Is every time a vacation as well?

Life was one big party for Barack. The endless fundraisers, golf trips with the rich and famous, hosting championship teams going back 30 years at times.

Click here for a up to date list of when and where Obama played golf - The Obama Golf Counter - I will not rest until...


Trump's weekends down to his Mar a Lago resort is costing the taxpayers 700K per trip--is why it's different. He's been down there 7 weekends in 2 months, costing the taxpayers $4,900,000.00. He refers to his resort as the Southern Whitehouse, and refuses to go to Camp David. It's not just an airplane ride--it's all the security and white house staff that are flying down there about every single weekend he's been in office.

Obama didn't take off every single weekend, he normally stayed at the White House during the past 8 years. He wasn't a Monday through Friday President, likeTrump is.

To add insult to injury--Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to 200K per year.
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

We are paying for his sons to travel around the world to expand the Trump empire. Like recently opening up that new golf course in Dubai.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president

In one single month the Trump's have outspent Obama's YEARLY vacation. ( 11.3 million in taxpayer dollars for TRAVEL and Security alone, outdoing Obama's travel cost in one YEAR.)
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

Trump outspends the yearly Presidential salary of $525,000 in one single weekend. No wonder he wanted to be POTUS and do it for FREE--LOL


One YUUUUGGGGE ASS mistake America!
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The left wing nutters cry about Trump's vacations, the right wing nutters cry about Obama's vacations, the left wing nutters cry about Bush's vacation, the right wing nutters cry about Clinton's vacations and everyone of these you'll get a "yeah but."

The difference is SIZE. The right complains that Obama cost the tax payers $85 million in eight years of vacations. And then ignores Trump going to cost that much before his first 100 days is up. One side claims their breath doesn't stink, while the other claims their shit doesn't stink.

The issue is not just the complaints, but the hypocrisy when comparing the magnitudes.
If it costs us 3.5 million for a weekend, each and every weekend, it's a vacation.
Oh, so it's the costs you're worrying about?
Okay, Obama doubled the debt.....so his entire presidency was one big fucking vacation on our dime.
Liar. Low energy Donald doesn't do shit all week and then needs a weekend vacation... every week.

Liar. Trump could work the dogshit out of you, although that may take awhile cuz that's alot of dogshit.
But we know how exhausting it must be for President Crazypants to watch TV all day, every day. He just needs to get away at the end of the week..

Getting your news by watching Fox News can be exhausting. After all, that's where Trump gots his intelligence on the Trump Tower wiretaping from. And why Trump can't produce any evidence of it, because he would look silly telling people to listen to fox news, as proof.

BTW: Trump is straining out international relations over his use of fox news over his own intelligence agencies. That's where he got the idea that British intelligence was bugging Trump Tower. A claim from fox news, that the USA had to issue a formal apology over.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

Trump outspends the yearly Presidential salary of $525,000 in one single weekend. No wonder he wanted to be POTUS and do it for FREE--LOL

Not just that. Trump has turned being president into a money making venture. He charges the US government for the priviledge of protecting him. Charging the secret service millions to stay at Trump Tower, and even more millions to stay at Mir-a-lago. Trump doesn't need the presidential salary, because he's making many times that from the secret service.

No wonder he doesn't want to relase his taxes, especially now that he's getting paid by the US government several times over.

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