If It's Just A Weekend To You And Me Why Is It Always A Vacation To Trump?

Here's the rule: If you go somewhere on the weekend other than your home mailing address or your business address, then it's a vacation.
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it's not his home, it is Trump's vacation home

it is a RESORT of which he eats out every meal in the resort's fine restaurants, plays golf, gets massages and steam baths and manicures and facials! :D

NO PRESIDENT in our history has gone home or to their vacation home every weekend....using secret service and AF 1.

he's acting like an arrogant special snowflake thinking cuz he is rich he deserves special treatment, different and better than all other Presidents before him.
it's not his home, it is Trump's vacation home

it is a RESORT of which he eats out every meal in the resort's fine restaurants, plays golf, gets massages and steam baths and manicures and facials! :D.

Before moving to 1600 pensylvania ave, Trump listed his home as Trump Tower, and his many other locations like Mar-a-lago, as vacation spots. Trump moved his home to washington dc, not florida.
mud why dont you review all the comments made by trump about obamas vacations....
I have. Trump is always working. Obama rarely ever worked. That's all that's really important. I consider productivity to be a good measure to whether the president is working for the people. So far Trump has cut the debt over $100 billion, not that the corrupt media will admit it. They bitch about how much he spends and they bitch about how much he's cutting in his budget. We cannot count on any reporter to be honest about what Trump is doing when he goes to his own home in Florida. They instead want to focus on one picture of Trump in a golf-cart.

Again, every golfing trip Obama took is listed here - http://obamagolfcounter.com/images/48565_973159.jpg
Hey, thanks for that link. It shows that after being in office for 2 months, Obama played golf zero times; while Trump, in his first 2 months, has played golf at least six times. It also proves what hypocrites many on the right are for bashing Obama for playing golf while they now excuse Trump for playing golf even more frequently than Obama.
Trump usually conducts business during his golf outings as he did when he ran his companies. Obama plays golf.

BTW, how much of the debt did Obama cut his first two months?

Trump has cut $100 billion so far on day 56.

Moron, during the first 2 months of Obama's presidency, we were still in Bush's Great Recession and still operating under Bush's budget. Comparatively, Obama handed Trump a growing economy and we're still operating under Obama's budget.
BTW, how did Obama send $400 million in cash to Iran without congressional approval????

It was IRANS money. Obama was just giving it back to them as the international claims court was about to order he do, with interest.
It was the money awarded to the victims of Iran's terrorist attack that obama gave to his muslim allies.
If you own a cabin on a lake as a second residence... if you go there for the weekend it is a called a mini-vacation, because you are not staying at home. Trump's "home" isn't Mar-a-Lago, it is New York. So he isn't going "home" as many of you state, otherwise he'd be going to New York where there is already extra security staying there because Melania and Barron are there, and it wouldn't cost all this extra cash.
So it's only a vacation if you own the property?

Well.....I guess Obama never took a vacation then.

Far as I know, a vacation is when you travel to Thialand, not when you go to your house.
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it's not his home, it is Trump's vacation home

it is a RESORT of which he eats out every meal in the resort's fine restaurants, plays golf, gets massages and steam baths and manicures and facials! :D.

Before moving to 1600 pensylvania ave, Trump listed his home as Trump Tower, and his many other locations like Mar-a-lago, as vacation spots. Trump moved his home to washington dc, not florida.
Vacation spots are places you don't own. Technically Mar-a-Lago is classified as a Winter home, not Sandals or Disneyland.
The left wing nutters cry about Trump's vacations, the right wing nutters cry about Obama's vacations, the left wing nutters cry about Bush's vacation, the right wing nutters cry about Clinton's vacations and everyone of these you'll get a "yeah but."

No, whining about vacations only went to insane levels when Obama took half as many vacations as Bush.

I see a pattern and it is called being petty partisan losers. People need to grow up.

Screw that phony equivalence bullshit. You're going epic-level partisan hack here, running cover for rank Republican hypocrisy with a "But both sides do it!" fable. Only one side is behaving badly here, and it's yours, so own it.
it's not his home, it is Trump's vacation home

it is a RESORT of which he eats out every meal in the resort's fine restaurants, plays golf, gets massages and steam baths and manicures and facials! :D.

Before moving to 1600 pensylvania ave, Trump listed his home as Trump Tower, and his many other locations like Mar-a-lago, as vacation spots. Trump moved his home to washington dc, not florida.
So Obama was always on vacation because he doesn't own the White House.
The left wing nutters cry about Trump's vacations, the right wing nutters cry about Obama's vacations, the left wing nutters cry about Bush's vacation, the right wing nutters cry about Clinton's vacations and everyone of these you'll get a "yeah but."

The difference is SIZE. The right complains that Obama cost the tax payers $85 million in eight years of vacations. And then ignores Trump going to cost that much before his first 100 days is up. One side claims their breath doesn't stink, while the other claims their shit doesn't stink.

The issue is not just the complaints, but the hypocrisy when comparing the magnitudes.

No difference, just a bunch of crybabies.

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The left wing nutters cry about Trump's vacations, the right wing nutters cry about Obama's vacations, the left wing nutters cry about Bush's vacation, the right wing nutters cry about Clinton's vacations and everyone of these you'll get a "yeah but."

No, whining about vacations only went to insane levels when Obama took half as many vacations as Bush.

I see a pattern and it is called being petty partisan losers. People need to grow up.

Screw that phony equivalence bullshit. You're going epic-level partisan hack here, running cover for rank Republican hypocrisy with a "But both sides do it!" fable. Only one side is behaving badly here, and it's yours, so own it.

Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth. I not justifying anything, it is not a both sides do it, it is the President needs to do it.

I also don't have a side as many of you partisan nutters think everyone needs, I am more in the middle and you nuts on the left and the right can't comprehend that concept. To me both parties are a mess and you extreme nutters are to blame.

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So it's only a vacation if you own the property?

Well.....I guess Obama never took a vacation then.

Far as I know, a vacation is when you travel to Thialand, not when you go to your house.

You can go on vacation anywhere. It's just nice if you're rich enough to have vacation homes all around the place, including one with its own golf course.
So it's only a vacation if you own the property?

Well.....I guess Obama never took a vacation then.

Far as I know, a vacation is when you travel to Thialand, not when you go to your house.

You can go on vacation anywhere. It's just nice if you're rich enough to have vacation homes all around the place, including one with its own golf course.
The real complaint is that Trump is rich.
it's not his home, it is Trump's vacation home

it is a RESORT of which he eats out every meal in the resort's fine restaurants, plays golf, gets massages and steam baths and manicures and facials! :D

NO PRESIDENT in our history has gone home or to their vacation home every weekend....using secret service and AF 1.

he's acting like an arrogant special snowflake thinking cuz he is rich he deserves special treatment, different and better than all other Presidents before him.
We can't really expect any different--he's been a billionaire a long time. The WH is downsizing to him.
Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth. I not justifying anything, it is not a both sides do it, it is the President needs to do it.

Do you place any limits on presidential vacations? Is there any point that would be too much for you?
We can't really expect any different--he's been a billionaire a long time. The WH is downsizing to him.

All the more reason not to elect a billionaire with no government experience. Trump is nothing more than a spoiled brat, who doesn't know how to run the government. He thought it was more important to argue about the size of the inaugural crowd, than to figure out how to write an executive order that bans muslims like he promised he would do, that would pass constitutional muster.
The left wing nutters cry about Trump's vacations, the right wing nutters cry about Obama's vacations, the left wing nutters cry about Bush's vacation, the right wing nutters cry about Clinton's vacations and everyone of these you'll get a "yeah but."

No, whining about vacations only went to insane levels when Obama took half as many vacations as Bush.

I see a pattern and it is called being petty partisan losers. People need to grow up.

Screw that phony equivalence bullshit. You're going epic-level partisan hack here, running cover for rank Republican hypocrisy with a "But both sides do it!" fable. Only one side is behaving badly here, and it's yours, so own it.

Nutter, I didn't care when any President took a vacation, the expense doesn't matter. It is part of what we pay to keep a President invigorated. No hypocrisy here bub, no partisanship, I defended EVERY President's travel. So again, you are lying and twisting the truth. I not justifying anything, it is not a both sides do it, it is the President needs to do it.

I also don't have a side as many of you partisan nutters think everyone needs, I am more in the middle and you nuts on the left and the right can't comprehend that concept. To me both parties are a mess and you extreme nutters are to blame.

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got a link to you defending Obama on his vacations and golfing,from USMB threads?
So Obama was always on vacation because he doesn't own the White House.

I believe Obama listen 1600 Pennsylvania Ave as his residence on his tax returns. That's because Obama showed us his tax returns. It would be interesting to see if Trump lists Trump Tower, or the white house as his residence. But we'll never know, because Trump won't show us his tax returns, unless somebody threatens to release them first.
Far as I know, a vacation is when you travel to Thialand, not when you go to your house.

Then we have to change the term "vacation home" to secondary residence, and allow people to write them off on their taxes.
So it's only a vacation if you own the property?

Well.....I guess Obama never took a vacation then.

Far as I know, a vacation is when you travel to Thialand, not when you go to your house.

You can go on vacation anywhere. It's just nice if you're rich enough to have vacation homes all around the place, including one with its own golf course.
Part of the reason for his visits to FL is he's receiving guests in a pleasant setting as part of his job as president. Obama received guests at rented compounds, charged to God only knows who.

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