if it's OK to celebrates "gay pride," why not "straight pride"?

People are bullied, harassed and discriminated against because they're gay, even though being gay isn't a choice. While we certainly have dramatically evolved on this, gay people should not be ashamed that they were born gay.
Shame that Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up closing all the insane asylums. Today all you fucking libtards, prove that it was wrong to close them.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
But since the science was settled, it was abnormal for men to fudge pack other men and women to muff dive other women. But then those immoral liberals did this.
Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. In 1973 the APA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. The trustees were not prepared to go that far, but they did vote to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 abstentions. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed in the seventh edition of DSM-II, which was issued in 1974.
What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.
It has always been the way of the LEFT to be immoral in all behavior, as seen by the riots in Berkley and Baltimore, the push for LBGTQWXYZ123 and polygamy(Bi-sexuality). We saw pushback from "normal" people by voting out the crooked vagina ex candidate and stopping 4 more years of such bullshit. The left will not stop, they will continue to try to break the will of the people. When will it be time, for US citizens to push back.
People are bullied, harassed and discriminated against because they're gay, even though being gay isn't a choice. While we certainly have dramatically evolved on this, gay people should not be ashamed that they were born gay.
Shame that Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up closing all the insane asylums. Today all you fucking libtards, prove that it was wrong to close them.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
But since the science was settled, it was abnormal for men to fudge pack other men and women to muff dive other women. But then those immoral liberals did this.
Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. In 1973 the APA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. The trustees were not prepared to go that far, but they did vote to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 abstentions. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed in the seventh edition of DSM-II, which was issued in 1974.
What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.
It has always been the way of the LEFT to be immoral in all behavior, as seen by the riots in Berkley and Baltimore, the push for LBGTQWXYZ123 and polygamy(Bi-sexuality). We saw pushback from "normal" people by voting out the crooked vagina ex candidate and stopping 4 more years of such bullshit. The left will not stop, they will continue to try to break the will of the people. When will it be time, for US citizens to push back.
^^ Ignorance
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.
Yeah, you can have a gun pride float. Instead of throwing out candy to the bystanders, you can shoot your guns in the air like they do in the mooooslim countries. Hopefully the bullets don't fall on anyone's head, but shit happens every day.
What I want is a gun pride parade and some ISIS sympathizers of the left to start some shit. Those whiney ass chicken shit liberals would find out real quick how the 2nd amendment works, while they scatter like cockroaches at the first sign of weapon usage. Here is BLM protesting the police that ran towards the shooter while the chicken shits ran away from the shooter. It would be the same at the gun parade.

People are bullied, harassed and discriminated against because they're gay, even though being gay isn't a choice. While we certainly have dramatically evolved on this, gay people should not be ashamed that they were born gay.
Shame that Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up closing all the insane asylums. Today all you fucking libtards, prove that it was wrong to close them.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
But since the science was settled, it was abnormal for men to fudge pack other men and women to muff dive other women. But then those immoral liberals did this.
Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. In 1973 the APA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. The trustees were not prepared to go that far, but they did vote to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 abstentions. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed in the seventh edition of DSM-II, which was issued in 1974.
What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.
It has always been the way of the LEFT to be immoral in all behavior, as seen by the riots in Berkley and Baltimore, the push for LBGTQWXYZ123 and polygamy(Bi-sexuality). We saw pushback from "normal" people by voting out the crooked vagina ex candidate and stopping 4 more years of such bullshit. The left will not stop, they will continue to try to break the will of the people. When will it be time, for US citizens to push back.
^^ Ignorance
And you liberals excel at ignorance. That is why your IMMORAL political hacks can get away with murder. Funny how you leftards always say the science is settled on Global Warming, yet when science goes against your immoral beliefs, you then show FAUX indignation. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
The white race is blamed for everything under the sun!
This is fact, not a distorted delusion of mine!

Yeah actually it is. Because exactly one post earlier you went all OCD on the exact azimuth of the sun's path off the equinoxes, dismissing "east" and "west" as generalizations. Then here you suddenly do a 180, jumping right into ---- a generalization.

Took one post.

Having it both ways ---- Priceless.
People are bullied, harassed and discriminated against because they're gay, even though being gay isn't a choice. While we certainly have dramatically evolved on this, gay people should not be ashamed that they were born gay.
Shame that Jimmy Carter's liberal compassion ended up closing all the insane asylums. Today all you fucking libtards, prove that it was wrong to close them.

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II.
But since the science was settled, it was abnormal for men to fudge pack other men and women to muff dive other women. But then those immoral liberals did this.
Then in 1970 gay activists protested against the APA convention in San Francisco. These scenes were repeated in 1971, and as people came out of the “closet” and felt empowered politically and socially, the APA directorate became increasingly uncomfortable with their stance. In 1973 the APA’s nomenclature task force recommended that homosexuality be declared normal. The trustees were not prepared to go that far, but they did vote to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses by a vote of 13 to 0, with 2 abstentions. This decision was confirmed by a vote of the APA membership, and homosexuality was no longer listed in the seventh edition of DSM-II, which was issued in 1974.
What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.
It has always been the way of the LEFT to be immoral in all behavior, as seen by the riots in Berkley and Baltimore, the push for LBGTQWXYZ123 and polygamy(Bi-sexuality). We saw pushback from "normal" people by voting out the crooked vagina ex candidate and stopping 4 more years of such bullshit. The left will not stop, they will continue to try to break the will of the people. When will it be time, for US citizens to push back.
^^ Ignorance
And you liberals excel at ignorance. That is why your IMMORAL political hacks can get away with murder. Funny how you leftards always say the science is settled on Global Warming, yet when science goes against your immoral beliefs, you then show FAUX indignation. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

"Liberals" morphs into "leftards" in one sentence.
Doesn't even know the difference yet wants to preach about "excelling in ignorance".

Rednecks are hilarious.

The reason why gay people celebrate Gay Pride is because they've been discriminated against, particularly by uneducated brain-dead crackers like the OP.

By raising awareness, they aim to lessen the hatred and discrimination they face every day.

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