if it's OK to celebrates "gay pride," why not "straight pride"?

if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.

Great analogy. Because there's such a plethora of mass gay marriaging on innocent bystanders in this country.
Libtards sure think so. Everytime a gay queer since I cant use man/woman as those are too gender specific, comes out of the closet that lickspittle lapdog liberal media is there showing how great it is. That is also why the vagina candidate lost, too much bullshit from the left, and NORMAL people got tired of it.

Yes I said normal, for normal has been around for 10,000s of years, while your abby normal issues have been around since liberals have been alive.

LOL- you poor conservative snowflakes.
I don't see why anyone should take pride in their sexuality. It's natural, everybody has one...so what is there to be proud of?

As a straight man who has attended a number of gay pride parades my answer is always the same to people.

If it offends you- don't go.

Just the same as if a Mardi Gras parade, or Chinese New Year parade or Columbus Day parade, or Carnival parade.

If they offend you don't go.

But for the people that enjoy the parade- enjoy!
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.

Great analogy. Because there's such a plethora of mass gay marriaging on innocent bystanders in this country.
Libtards sure think so. Everytime a gay queer since I cant use man/woman as those are too gender specific, comes out of the closet that lickspittle lapdog liberal media is there showing how great it is. That is also why the vagina candidate lost, too much bullshit from the left, and NORMAL people got tired of it.

Yes I said normal, for normal has been around for 10,000s of years, while your abby normal issues have been around since liberals have been alive.

LOL- you poor conservative snowflakes.
I am not poor and I don't need a safe place, keep your pity party to yourself. I will proudly walk down main street with my .44 magnum redhawk holstered and my Henry .44 lever action in my hands. Never know when a spineless squirrel from UC Berkley might show up....

if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.

Great analogy. Because there's such a plethora of mass gay marriaging on innocent bystanders in this country.
Libtards sure think so. Everytime a gay queer since I cant use man/woman as those are too gender specific, comes out of the closet that lickspittle lapdog liberal media is there showing how great it is. That is also why the vagina candidate lost, too much bullshit from the left, and NORMAL people got tired of it.

Yes I said normal, for normal has been around for 10,000s of years, while your abby normal issues have been around since liberals have been alive.

LOL- you poor conservative snowflakes.
I am not poor and I don't need a safe place, keep your pity party to yourself. I will proudly walk down main street with my .44 magnum redhawk holstered and my Henry .44 lever action in my hands. Never know when a spineless squirrel from UC Berkley might show up....

LOL- so you feel a need to celebrate gun pride!

Poor Conservative snowflake......
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.

Great analogy. Because there's such a plethora of mass gay marriaging on innocent bystanders in this country.
Libtards sure think so. Everytime a gay queer since I cant use man/woman as those are too gender specific, comes out of the closet that lickspittle lapdog liberal media is there showing how great it is. That is also why the vagina candidate lost, too much bullshit from the left, and NORMAL people got tired of it.

Yes I said normal, for normal has been around for 10,000s of years, while your abby normal issues have been around since liberals have been alive.

LOL- you poor conservative snowflakes.
I am not poor and I don't need a safe place, keep your pity party to yourself. I will proudly walk down main street with my .44 magnum redhawk holstered and my Henry .44 lever action in my hands. Never know when a spineless squirrel from UC Berkley might show up....

LOL- so you feel a need to celebrate gun pride!

Poor Conservative snowflake......
Not poor at all, just wanting to see if the Radical Leftwing Terrorists would show up and start some shit with those who carry. You know those liberals that hate FREE SPEECH. Those liberals that hate this country. Those liberals that hate US citizens.
Radical Liberal Terrorists......................Radical Muslim Terrorists...See a similarity????
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Right Bubba. Why not a straight lives matter movement ? After all, there are all of those straight people being assaulted and killed just for being straight. So many straight people are being discriminated against in employment, housing and places of public accommodation that it is time to raise awareness about the plight of straight people-about the challenges they face in everyday life.....STRAIGHT LIVES MATTER!
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Great analogy. Because there's such a plethora of mass gay marriaging on innocent bystanders in this country.
Libtards sure think so. Everytime a gay queer since I cant use man/woman as those are too gender specific, comes out of the closet that lickspittle lapdog liberal media is there showing how great it is. That is also why the vagina candidate lost, too much bullshit from the left, and NORMAL people got tired of it.

Yes I said normal, for normal has been around for 10,000s of years, while your abby normal issues have been around since liberals have been alive.

LOL- you poor conservative snowflakes.
I am not poor and I don't need a safe place, keep your pity party to yourself. I will proudly walk down main street with my .44 magnum redhawk holstered and my Henry .44 lever action in my hands. Never know when a spineless squirrel from UC Berkley might show up....

LOL- so you feel a need to celebrate gun pride!

Poor Conservative snowflake......
Not poor at all, H]

LOL.....I don't have a problem with you having your 'gun substitute for a penis' parade.

I don't have a problem with people having parades- that is a Conservative hang up.
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.
Yeah, you can have a gun pride float. Instead of throwing out candy to the bystanders, you can shoot your guns in the air like they do in the mooooslim countries. Hopefully the bullets don't fall on anyone's head, but shit happens every day.
People are bullied, harassed and discriminated against because they're gay, even though being gay isn't a choice. While we certainly have dramatically evolved on this, gay people should not be ashamed that they were born gay.
I have a beautiful, wonderful girlfriend. She means everything to me. As a heterosexual, I would be uncomfortable if a gay man made advances towards me. Yet no gay man ever has and no same sex relationship impacts my love for my girlfriend.
People are bullied, harassed and discriminated against because they're gay, even though being gay isn't a choice. While we certainly have dramatically evolved on this, gay people should not be ashamed that they were born gay.
Heh..it's funny to watch these deviants justify their perversion in real time.
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?

It hasn't occurred to anybody because "straightness" isn't something that's been marginalized. Therefore there's nothing against which to push back.

And in other breaking news the sun rose in the east today. Analysts say it might be a pattern.
It hasn't occurred to anybody because "straightness" isn't something that's been marginalized. Therefore there's nothing against which to push back.
So, in other words, homosexuality is not normal...agree

And in other breaking news the sun rose in the east today. Analysts say it might be a pattern.
Most people know that the Sun "rises in the east and sets in the west". However, most people don't realize that is a generalization. Actually, the Sun only rises due east and sets due west on 2 days of the year -- the spring and fall equinoxes! On other days, the Sun rises either north or south of "due east" and sets north or south of "due west."

Each day the rising and setting points change slightly. At the summer solstice, the Sun rises as far to the northeast as it ever does, and sets as far to the northwest. Every day after that, the Sun rises a tiny bit further south.

Sunrise and Sunset

Got your point though...
being straight is as normal as
the sun rising in the East and setting in the West!
Who is stopping you?

It's illegal to announce you are NOT gay, and are WHITE don'tcha get it. lol

Bigots are always imagining that they are being oppressed for being white and straight.
Bigots are always imagining that they are being oppressed for being white and straight.

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.


not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own.


showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior
that one does not necessarily agree with

The white race is blamed for everything under the sun!
This is fact, not a distorted delusion of mine!

Race is constantly and consistently used
to fight the battles of accountability and responsibility

Now, its morals and values that are being attacked

It fucking cracks me up that the real bigots,
are those labeling everyone else a bigot,
in order to reshape the values and morals of society

If you're comfortable in your own skin,
you don't give a shit who doesn't like it.
You may care about how those close to you feel,
but, at the end of the day, if they can't accept you being gay,
you accept it and that's all that matters.

People didn't stay in the closet and many continue to,
because they have a sense of pride being homosexual.
Their pride is based on and comes from each other.

They are comfortable in public within their confines,
but, venturing outside gay areas, its a different story.
Why?...why can I go up north, where its normal to see,
two guys, girls, walking, holding hands, kissing...
but, I've NEVER, NOT ONCE, witnessed this elsewhere in the city.

You don't see 2 guys, walking down Michigan Ave. holding hands
You don't see 2 girls, making out at Navy Pier

Homosexuals are trying to sway more attitudes
to accept homosexuality by removing the negative stigma
associated with being gay by replacing it with love.

Don't think of two guys fucking each other in the ass,
think of 2 people being in love instead...an easier pill to swallow

The more society accepts homosexuality,
the more comfortable they feel about themselves

The very thing we're seeing with transgenders.
Who the fuck knew there were so many
identity confused children, teens and adults!

They're coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches!

Real pride doesn't seek everyone to share in it!
Who is stopping you?

It's illegal to announce you are NOT gay, and are WHITE don'tcha get it. lol

Bigots are always imagining that they are being oppressed for being white and straight.
Bigots are always imagining that they are being oppressed for being white and straight.

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.


not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own.


showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior
that one does not necessarily agree with

The white race is blamed for everything under the sun!
This is fact, not a distorted delusion of mine!

Race is constantly and consistently used
to fight the battles of accountability and responsibility

Now, its morals and values that are being attacked

It fucking cracks me up that the real bigots,
are those labeling everyone else a bigot,
in order to reshape the values and morals of society

If you're comfortable in your own skin,
you don't give a shit who doesn't like it.
You may care about how those close to you feel,
but, at the end of the day, if they can't accept you being gay,
you accept it and that's all that matters.

People didn't stay in the closet and many continue to,
because they have a sense of pride being homosexual.
Their pride is based on and comes from each other.

They are comfortable in public within their confines,
but, venturing outside gay areas, its a different story.
Why?...why can I go up north, where its normal to see,
two guys, girls, walking, holding hands, kissing...
but, I've NEVER, NOT ONCE, witnessed this elsewhere in the city.

You don't see 2 guys, walking down Michigan Ave. holding hands
You don't see 2 girls, making out at Navy Pier

Homosexuals are trying to sway more attitudes
to accept homosexuality by removing the negative stigma
associated with being gay by replacing it with love.

Don't think of two guys fucking each other in the ass,
think of 2 people being in love instead...an easier pill to swallow

The more society accepts homosexuality,
the more comfortable they feel about themselves

The very thing we're seeing with transgenders.
Who the fuck knew there were so many
identity confused children, teens and adults!

They're coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches!

Real pride doesn't seek everyone to share in it!
You can say that we are hateful, a bigoted, intolerant if you wish. But let me sum up the difference between you and us. We have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We have a problem- and you call it hateful- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

For your part, you have a problem with people who love other people because you do not approve of them or do not understand them or are threatened by them in some vague way. Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal.

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