If it's Sanders vs Trump who ya voting for?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Just curious here. Talking with some friends and we are of like mind we would prefer Sanders at least his economic policies would help the lower/middle class OR it would destroy the system. With Trump he will probably push amnesty,gun control and will never take us out of the ME wars. I think Sanders is the strongest against Trump especially in Michigan,Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Trump's tax cuts have helped the wealthy and ain't done shit for the working class while I expect one way or another Sanders to really throw a wrench into the elitists plans in DC. He ain't perfect by no means he took money to back Clinton in 16 etc but his economic policies would actually help workers not CEO's.
Just curious here. Talking with some friends and we are of like mind we would prefer Sanders at least his economic policies would help the lower/middle class OR it would destroy the system.

I know this much. You are exactly the type of person Sanders is counting on.......
Truly, a great number of people may be drawn to a message of "Make it work for us or make it stop working!".
Just curious here. Talking with some friends and we are of like mind we would prefer Sanders at least his economic policies would help the lower/middle class OR it would destroy the system. With Trump he will probably push amnesty,gun control and will never take us out of the ME wars. I think Sanders is the strongest against Trump especially in Michigan,Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Trump's tax cuts have helped the wealthy and ain't done shit for the working class while I expect one way or another Sanders to really throw a wrench into the elitists plans in DC. He ain't perfect by no means he took money to back Clinton in 16 etc but his economic policies would actually help workers not CEO's.
Don’t want to burst your bubble but Sanders can’t beat Trump, he is too extreme. And even if he did win his economic policies don’t have a shot of being legislated by congress. Look how hard it was to get Obamacare passed... no way a $50 Trillion Program goes through.

Both Trump and Sanders play off emotion and not thoughtful management. To answer your question... I wouldn’t vote for either of those two
Truly, a great number of people may be drawn to a message of "Make it work for us or make it stop working!".
Yes make it work for the American worker or shut it all down
Only the young and naïve will vote for the Pinko and 10 years from now they won't believe they were so stupid.
That's how I feel about Trump and the fact I voted for him in 2016. I was naive to believe a billionaire rich asshole would give a shit about the working man.
Bernie would probably be my last choice out of the Democratic candidates....

But if it were to end up being Sanders vs Trump, without question, Sanders....

And Sanders would have a good if not the best shot at beating Trump... because his supporters have fire in their veins, they believe and support most all of his policies with utter passion.... have been crapped on for years... whenever Democrats have had the support of people under 40 who have grievances, want change, change that helps them... for once.... they end up winning! Clinton, Barack Obama, and even Trump won in the same manner.... his supporters, though older and less diversified, had that same fire in their veins only their primary grievance was with immigrants, and the establishment....

Bernie has programs for the middle to lower middle class that are truly hurtin' badly, and the crush the establishment spiel like Trump....

The reason I worry naught with Bernie is because he's only a one term president, he's too old to go a second round with his heart problems and age, and it is not that easy to accomplish your promises, when you follow the law and rules and norms.... look at Trump, who has broken every presidential rule and norm still does NOT have that 1800 mile big beautiful wall that Mexico was going to pay for....never got rid of the swamp, he increased it, never gave his better and cheaper health insurance plan, etc... yet, the Republican establishment got all their conservative to the hilt, judges... and Trump got a few token unqualified friends....

mY CONCERN, is the down ballot races with Bernie as the candidate at the top... will Dems lose seats?
It is no more of an Oligarchy than it was under Obama. If you want to live in a Socialist country you have lots of choices, don't mess this one up.
Sanders isn’t trying to take over the means and distribution of ALL industry... Just healthcare. It is very different than Venezuela... y’all need to study up because you sound dumb every time you make that false comparison.

There’s also the fact that none of Sanders policies have a chance of making it through congress. Like Trump he is running on a wing and a prayer. Not practical policy.
Just curious here. Talking with some friends and we are of like mind we would prefer Sanders at least his economic policies would help the lower/middle class OR it would destroy the system. With Trump he will probably push amnesty,gun control and will never take us out of the ME wars. I think Sanders is the strongest against Trump especially in Michigan,Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Trump's tax cuts have helped the wealthy and ain't done shit for the working class while I expect one way or another Sanders to really throw a wrench into the elitists plans in DC. He ain't perfect by no means he took money to back Clinton in 16 etc but his economic policies would actually help workers not CEO's.

I"m moving to Canada

(that is kind of a joke)
It is no more of an Oligarchy than it was under Obama. If you want to live in a Socialist country you have lots of choices, don't mess this one up.
This is one is already messed up beyond repair. Which is why Sanders either helps the lower and middle class and/or the establishment will freak out and try something stupid and it will be the downfall of this piece of shit government we have. It works for the 1% and that's it.
It is no more of an Oligarchy than it was under Obama. If you want to live in a Socialist country you have lots of choices, don't mess this one up.
This is one is already messed up beyond repair. Which is why Sanders either helps the lower and middle class and/or the establishment will freak out and try something stupid and it will be the downfall of this piece of shit government we have. It works for the 1% and that's it.
What kind of help do you think the low and middle class need?

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