If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
Same goes for Christie, Rand Paul, and any others implying Romney is a weak candidate who should have won in 2012 and they can do a better job than
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The further away from Bush Jr. that we get the more palatable another Bush becomes.

I don't think it has been nearly long enough for Jeb to have a shot (and I am glad because we need to unseat this 'royal' family effect that Americans seem to be accepting). Do you think that if Jesus was actually Jesus Bush and ran in '08 that he would have won? Nope - people were that angry at bush.
"If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?"

Because incumbent presidents usually get reelected.

During the 100 year period between 1912 and 2012, only four incumbent presidents failed to win re-election.
"If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?"

Because incumbent presidents usually get reelected.

During the 100 year period between 1912 and 2012, only four incumbent presidents failed to win re-election.
Then Romney really isn't half as much of a general election failure as his detractors frame him
"If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?"

Because incumbent presidents usually get reelected.

During the 100 year period between 1912 and 2012, only four incumbent presidents failed to win re-election.

Quick question.........................why is it that Bush Sr. failed to win re-election?

I mean.............he lost to Clinton who was a definite liberal.
"If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?"

Because incumbent presidents usually get reelected.

During the 100 year period between 1912 and 2012, only four incumbent presidents failed to win re-election.

Quick question.........................why is it that Bush Sr. failed to win re-election?

I mean.............he lost to Clinton who was a definite liberal.
The Bush family are weak. H.W. is a 1-term president, no one claims W. as a conservative, and his presidency is extremely unpopular.

Romney lost a general election to an incumbent at a time where the GOP held no public favor on any major issue. Doesn't look too awful compared to the Bush family
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"If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?"

Because incumbent presidents usually get reelected.

During the 100 year period between 1912 and 2012, only four incumbent presidents failed to win re-election.

Quick question.........................why is it that Bush Sr. failed to win re-election?

I mean.............he lost to Clinton who was a definite liberal.
Quick answer: Ross Perot.
"If Jeb Bush has a sincere shot in 2016, why didn't he run in 2012?"

Because incumbent presidents usually get reelected.

During the 100 year period between 1912 and 2012, only four incumbent presidents failed to win re-election.

Quick question.........................why is it that Bush Sr. failed to win re-election?

I mean.............he lost to Clinton who was a definite liberal.
The Bush family are weak. H.W. is a 1-term president, no one claims W. as a conservative, and his presidency is extremely unpopular.

Romney lost a general election to an incumbent at a time where the GOP held no public favor on any major issue. Doesn't look too awful compared to the Bush family

2 Bushes have won the Presidency
0 Romneys have. In fact, they've lost 3 times now.

Why didn't Jeb run in 2012?

Because the stench of his brother's presidency was still a bit too pungent.

Was this a trick question?


Because the Bush name was too toxic in 2008 and the incumbent was running.

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