If liar Rubio is so new how does he differ from 2 old fossils?

Rubio has zero chance in the primaries. He won't even win Florida.

Rubes isn't even ahead of Huckabee :rofl:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

Dude.... it's April 2015.
I hate Progressives. Everything obama says is a lie and they dare call Rubio a liar? Hillary has a extensive history of lies, fraud, and corruption that they completely ignore yet those sorry worthless bastards point fingers.

God I hate Progressives.
I hate Progressives. Everything obama says is a lie and they dare call Rubio a liar? Hillary has a extensive history of lies, fraud, and corruption that they completely ignore yet those sorry worthless bastards point fingers.

God I hate Progressives.

yep, he even won LIE of the year. Yet here they sit in judgement. simply sheep following the PARTY
McCain and Dick Cheney. He follows them in his bloodlust warmongering and he follows McCain down the amnesty road. Does he actually have an original thought in his pointy head? He even copied the democrats idea of targeted tax cuts in his idiotic tax plan
Why bother asking questions if you've already made your own conclusions.
Discussing anything with you is pointless
I hate Progressives. Everything obama says is a lie and they dare call Rubio a liar? Hillary has a extensive history of lies, fraud, and corruption that they completely ignore yet those sorry worthless bastards point fingers.

God I hate Progressives.

yep, he even won LIE of the year. Yet here they sit in judgement. simply sheep following the PARTY
Your hero Romney won it first :thup:
dimocraps are lying scum

'nuff said

It can't be said enough.

I'm not a real big Rubio fan, his stance on amnesty is a no-go and he supposedly made some remarks about supporting "common sense" gun control. I'm still willing to give him a chance but he's as far left as I can tolerate.

I pretty much ignore anything the bed wetters say. They're too stupid, too consumed with hatred and absolutely delusional when not simply regurgitating sophistry. They're going to try and take down everyone except Jeb, until he's the last one standing, because he sucks so bad even hitlary will beat him and they know it. That's why I hope and pray the republicrats nominate a ticket with Cruz/Paul/Walker at the top. I'm certain that not only will they win, but they'll roll back regressive bed wetter policies, not merely slow or water them down like the Bush clan.
I hate Progressives. Everything obama says is a lie and they dare call Rubio a liar? Hillary has a extensive history of lies, fraud, and corruption that they completely ignore yet those sorry worthless bastards point fingers.

God I hate Progressives.

The hypocrisy, lies, immaturity, and colossal stupidity of Progressives normally wouldn't be a problem, but since they pretty much run everything now, they are fucking this country right up the ass. Since I'm part of this country and subject to the Progressive abuse, I'll need a salve.

Much appreciated.
McCain and Dick Cheney. He follows them in his bloodlust warmongering and he follows McCain down the amnesty road. Does he actually have an original thought in his pointy head? He even copied the democrats idea of targeted tax cuts in his idiotic tax plan
Why bother asking questions if you've already made your own conclusions.
Discussing anything with you is pointless

what got me was the: pointy head. post of a child
I hate Progressives. Everything obama says is a lie and they dare call Rubio a liar? Hillary has a extensive history of lies, fraud, and corruption that they completely ignore yet those sorry worthless bastards point fingers.

God I hate Progressives.

I hate them more.
Wow when a guy like Rubio can excite this kind of blind hatred in the Left they must be really scared. Otherwise they'd just ignore him, much like the conservatives here have ignored Jim Webb.
McCain and Dick Cheney. He follows them in his bloodlust warmongering and he follows McCain down the amnesty road. Does he actually have an original thought in his pointy head? He even copied the democrats idea of targeted tax cuts in his idiotic tax plan

He's a Boy Scout, trying to earn his politics merit badge.
I hate Progressives. Everything obama says is a lie and they dare call Rubio a liar? Hillary has a extensive history of lies, fraud, and corruption that they completely ignore yet those sorry worthless bastards point fingers.

God I hate Progressives.

I hate them more.

I had a very strong dislike for then up until they put that Thug OBama in office. that did it for me and that whole nasty party he came from

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