If lockdowns & masks work, why are the vast majority of Covid deaths in leftist states?

Actually the argument that masks don't work, is the same as claimning seatbelts don't work.

Well neither works if you don't wear them right or don't wear them at all.
And the idiotic claim that if masks work we don't need social distancing is as stupid as saying that because of seat belts we don't need airbags

But they're just trolling so...
A third of the people weren’t wearing masks
That's YOUR biased estimate. Not in any way fact.

SOME weren't wearing masks...and SOME weren't distancing.

Most did both and there was no large spread from those events

Europe has had incredibly high mask usage and one devastating wave after another.

It's a virus, you shut down, it just comes back when you reopen. I mean duh. Get a clue

Europe did better than we did dumbass

And then there's South Korea and Taiwan who actually took this seriously and their numbers were incredibly low in spite of high population density

You're still arguing total and not per capita, dumb ass
No. I am not. Jesus you're stupid

The claim was that Europe had a high mask usage rate and more deaths PER CAPITA. That is FALSE dumfuk. They have a LOWER per capita death rate

Are you people all on meth?

You understand we're all testing differently, right? Those are not comparable data sets, there are no standards here. What PCR cycle rate were they using? What are they defining as cause of death?

All the rich countries are at the top

Belgium has a crazy amount of covid deaths because their doctors can afford to test randomly for such things as opposed to just treating the patient and ignoring any ID of the virus as they do in most of the world.

The UK, portugal, italy, slovenia, the czech republic, montenegro all above us per capita even with the shitty death stats. Some of these places aren't even that rich. Who knows how accurate Slovenian medical testing is.

And if masks and lockdowns worked we wouldn't have equivalent death rates with people who did lock down. Which shits all over your whole delusion.

All good liberal technocrats have realized this.
Other States also didn't ship covid patients into retirement homes like New York did.
Actually many did including Florida.

Florida didn't have an empty navy hospital a few miles from a huge urban center tho

And florida is filled with old people

You're giving his made up accusation too much credit. There's a reason he had no link to support that
A third of the people weren’t wearing masks
That's YOUR biased estimate. Not in any way fact.

SOME weren't wearing masks...and SOME weren't distancing.

Most did both and there was no large spread from those events

Europe has had incredibly high mask usage and one devastating wave after another.

It's a virus, you shut down, it just comes back when you reopen. I mean duh. Get a clue

Europe did better than we did dumbass

And then there's South Korea and Taiwan who actually took this seriously and their numbers were incredibly low in spite of high population density

You're still arguing total and not per capita, dumb ass
No. I am not. Jesus you're stupid

The claim was that Europe had a high mask usage rate and more deaths PER CAPITA. That is FALSE dumfuk. They have a LOWER per capita death rate

Are you people all on meth?

Many countries in Europe had higher per capita rates, you're just lying.

They also did way more mask wearing and shutdowns
You have had two non sequitur responses in a row

It's not all over the place

Conventional vaccines work on the same idea as herd immunity. Do you remember chicken pox parties? Those work on the same princple as vaccines

Same concept with the rona

This really isn't complex although I'm not shocked you can't put this together. You clearly have no fucking idea what's going on if you think NY of all places handled the rona well.
Again. All over the place. Put down the meth pipe. Take a nap and make ONE coherent consistent argument and I'll be glad to rub your nose in it. Till then you're a troll

3rd non sequitur

Clearly you don't read well so I know your education didn't mislead you into think you were clever.

Remember your place and shut the fuck up pleb. Or admit you don't know what is going on.

"All over the place" lol no we're still solidly in epidemiology. If you even know what that word means. Remember your place christ, make some of these hill billies look clever
Government needs to protect the citizens. The government should control what we eat, drink, and smoke.
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Other States also didn't ship covid patients into retirement homes like New York did.
Actually many did including Florida.

Well, no one could make that up.

Wait, you just did ...
"Also last week, he announced a Jacksonville nursing home that hadn’t opened yet would take COVID-19 patients who can’t be isolated in their current facilities.

DeSantis has trumpeted that he avoided the avalanche of deaths like in New York and New Jersey because he prohibited hospitals from transferring positive cases back to facilities. But he didn’t ban the practice until May 5."

It didn't become an issue because Florida hospitals at that time were not overwhelmed like in NY
If we have eradicated influenza by wearing masks and social distancing and closing all businesses, we need to do it every flu season.
When a flu causes so many hospitalizations that the IC's are overflowing, then I would say yes.

The numbers the the same. The only reason the ICUs were packed was fucking bullshit lies. Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all, yet ew York claimedthey were overwhelmed?

You dont understand have hospital bed allocation works, do you?

Educate yourself.

Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all,
It was set up for overflow cases. It was never set up to handle covid.

The overflow cases didn't happen. People were deathly afraid to go anywhere near a hospital in NYC in the spring
Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all,
It was set up for overflow cases. It was never set up to handle covid.

The overflow cases didn't happen. People were deathly afraid to go anywhere near a hospital in NYC in the spring
Yes, it was. Trump allowed it to accept China Flu patients on April 7, one day after Benito asked him to.

Why didn’t Benito use it for that?

When a flu causes so many hospitalizations that the IC's are overflowing, then I would say yes.
The numbers the the same. The only reason the ICUs were packed was fucking bullshit lies. Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all, yet ew York claimedthey were overwhelmed?
You're a lunatic. Flu has 80,000 annual deaths, the coronavirus hit 500,000. Each death represents at least one ICU bed used to try to save them.
When a flu causes so many hospitalizations that the IC's are overflowing, then I would say yes.
The numbers the the same. The only reason the ICUs were packed was fucking bullshit lies. Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all, yet ew York claimedthey were overwhelmed?
You're a lunatic. Flu has 80,000 annual deaths, the coronavirus hit 500,000. Each death represents at least one ICU bed used to try to save them.

What were your greatest takeaways from the article I posted?
Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all,
It was set up for overflow cases. It was never set up to handle covid.

The overflow cases didn't happen. People were deathly afraid to go anywhere near a hospital in NYC in the spring
Actually the ship was later converted to handle coronavirus cases, but by the time the work was completed, Cuomo had already shut New York down.

It was a matter of timing. When New York needed them, they weren't available, so they took drastic mitigation methods, that reduced the caseload to make them unnecessary.
When a flu causes so many hospitalizations that the IC's are overflowing, then I would say yes.
The numbers the the same. The only reason the ICUs were packed was fucking bullshit lies. Why wasnt the naval ship that was sent to New York used at all, yet ew York claimedthey were overwhelmed?
You're a lunatic. Flu has 80,000 annual deaths, the coronavirus hit 500,000. Each death represents at least one ICU bed used to try to save them.

There are no influenza deaths anymore.
7no really a fair comparison , red states did not have governors like Cuomo killing off their elderly to hurt trump .
Flu cases.

We just went through flu season. How come no one got the flu?

In the past 40 weeks we have had 28 cases of influenza nation widr,according to the CDC. Scroll down.

I mean, just fuck off.
dude, it's really quite simple. the average daily death rate hasn't increased since 2017

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