If memory serves, no GOP member of Congress boycotted

BO's 2009 inaugural.
Because BO won the vote of the American people and his election was not overshadowed by the sabotage of a foreign superpower and the treason of a U.S. intelligence agency.

In an act of solidarity, Kid Rock has decided to start crapping his pants so he can be more like Nugent. He's been doing that for a while, but he felt going public in honor of Trump's inauguration was the right thing to do.
Can someone translate the embarrassingly broken English, spoken by the crudest of retards, above for me? If I'm right, this person might be a danger to themselves. They need immediate help.

If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.

No they were fed by the dems own words on tape and actions. You can use every name in the book to throw at me and others, but you cannot cover what the bottom feeding dems like Podesta, Brazille and others and try to blame it on the Russians. You are bunch of whining losers.

If the Democrats are who they say they are, then the content unleashed by the Russians should have helped the Democrats. But that wasn't the case. The Democrats did this to themselves. They engaged in corruption behind the scenes and did not take necessary and sufficient steps to protect their IT; starting with the Democrat candidate herself.

The Democrats keep bitching about the Russians but they have yet to explain how the Russians changed or modified emails on Podesta, Brazile, etc.
Hey butt wad John Podesta and others making cracks about Sanders, gays etc are on emails and tape. CNN working with Donna Brazile on questions for Hillary are all a matter of public record. The Clinton foundation garbage brought out as well. The left wing lying assholes like yourself are of the wall.

Can someone translate the embarrassingly broken English, spoken by the crudest of retards, above for me? If I'm right, this person might be a danger to themselves. They need immediate help.

If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.
Are you butthurt because the Clinton foundation soon will be a short memory, because the Clinton's aren't in politics anymore? And can't sell their political influence?
BO's 2009 inaugural.
Because BO won the vote of the American people and his election was not overshadowed by the sabotage of a foreign superpower and the treason of a U.S. intelligence agency.
Ach... mein Gott... ve verr stabbed in zee back, by Rot Russ und Zionist Juden... das Eternal Konservativ... ozzzervise, der Sieg war unser... <snicker>
The only sabotage was the Hildebeast doing it to herself
Well.... other than the Russian sabotage and FBI breaking precedent.
Who had the unsecured server? Who have damaging information on unsecured server? Where the fuck ups that advised her to have a unsecured server? Who has a child molesting/rapist husband?
I bet that works well on dumb republican rubes.

Anyways, nobody had an unsecured server, nobody advised Clinton to have an unsecured server, and Bill has never been accused of molesting children. Maybe you"re thinking of when Trump bragged about walking through under-aged girls' dressing rooms.
The password was password you stupid hack.
The only sabotage was the Hildebeast doing it to herself
Well.... other than the Russian sabotage and FBI breaking precedent.
Who had the unsecured server? Who have damaging information on unsecured server? Where the fuck ups that advised her to have a unsecured server? Who has a child molesting/rapist husband?

Melania Trump has a child molesting/rapist husband.
You mean Chelsea?
Can someone translate the embarrassingly broken English, spoken by the crudest of retards, above for me? If I'm right, this person might be a danger to themselves. They need immediate help.

If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.
Are you butthurt because the Clinton foundation soon will be a short memory, because the Clinton's aren't in politics anymore? And can't sell their political influence?
You poor dumb rube. Still can't go a day without thinking about the Clintons.
BO's 2009 inaugural.
Because BO won the vote of the American people and his election was not overshadowed by the sabotage of a foreign superpower and the treason of a U.S. intelligence agency.

You guys always have some excuse to act like teenage cocks......
None,of what you said is true.
It was absolutely true.

Speaking of acting like teenage cocks... what did Trump say on twitter today?

I don't check his Twitter every day..... and no Sabato get or treason took place, join the real world again
Ingles por favor

Clever, good answer when you don't have one.
The only sabotage was the Hildebeast doing it to herself
Well.... other than the Russian sabotage and FBI breaking precedent.
Who had the unsecured server? Who have damaging information on unsecured server? Where the fuck ups that advised her to have a unsecured server? Who has a child molesting/rapist husband?

Melania Trump has a child molesting/rapist husband.

Seriously, go check yourself in at a mental health facility.
The GOP boycotted Obama's presidency
Yeah, but at least they had the grace and class and style to show up on Inauguration Day, unlike some shabby, whiny, low-brow Dem-Lib-Progs.

That's OK... those Dems who publicly participate in such a boycot should probably expect the Treasury faucet to be turned-off or reduced to a trickle in their districts.

And then we'll all have a good belly-laugh while the little Dem-Piggies squeal because their Federal teat has gone dry.

I'm sure their constituencies will just love their LibTard leadership when that happens.

There are all kinds of imaginative and creative and 'legal' ways to make that happen.

Ya'll go right ahead, retards... boycott the inauguration... please... that'll leave more for the rest of us.
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If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.
Are you butthurt because the Clinton foundation soon will be a short memory, because the Clinton's aren't in politics anymore? And can't sell their political influence?
You poor dumb rube. Still can't go a day without thinking about the Clintons.
Okay so admit Clinton loss, and you will shut up about Trump?
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.
Are you butthurt because the Clinton foundation soon will be a short memory, because the Clinton's aren't in politics anymore? And can't sell their political influence?
You poor dumb rube. Still can't go a day without thinking about the Clintons.
Okay so admit Clinton loss, and you will shut up about Trump?
Omg again like a junkie
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The 'he's illegitimate' isn't just an important plank in the DNC platform right now, it IS the platform

that these butthurt little weasels are opting to boycott the inauguration to stage their little Kabuki theater is of no surprise to me.

it does, however, illustrate just how far gone we are in terms of partisan politics...
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.

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