If memory serves, no GOP member of Congress boycotted

Hey butt wad John Podesta and others making cracks about Sanders, gays etc are on emails and tape. CNN working with Donna Brazile on questions for Hillary are all a matter of public record. The Clinton foundation garbage brought out as well. The left wing lying assholes like yourself are of the wall.

Can someone translate the embarrassingly broken English, spoken by the crudest of retards, above for me? If I'm right, this person might be a danger to themselves. They need immediate help.
Translated into Leftard for you:
Yo werd up booty wad John Podesta an' others making cracks 'boutSanders, gays etc is on emails an' tape. CNN working wif Donna Brazile on questions fo' Hillary is all uh matter o' public record. da Clinton foundation garbage brought out as well. da left wing lying assholes like yo'self is o' da wall Ya' dig?
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.

Who's the President Elect again?

Hint: It isn't HRC.

Trump won, deal with it.
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.
I'm so old I remember when it was unpatriotic to question election results.
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.
I'm so old I remember when it was unpatriotic to question election results.

It's sad to see how many don't have a clue as to how we elect the President.
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.

Who's the President Elect again?

Hint: It isn't HRC.

Trump won, deal with it.
I am. Might burn some shit down.
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.
I'm so old I remember when it was unpatriotic to question election results.

So is a three month old baby.

A democrat baby on the other hand, no matter the age....
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.

Who's the President Elect again?

Hint: It isn't HRC.

Trump won, deal with it.
I am. Might burn some shit down.

Yeah, that's the ticket... destroy some shit.
Isn't it awesome? The left is behaving 10x worse than the right did following the Obama win in '08.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.

Who's the President Elect again?

Hint: It isn't HRC.

Trump won, deal with it.
I am. Might burn some shit down.
Thanks for reminding us Democrats are the Anti-Rev King party.
The people actually wanted Obama, and no foreign saboteurs were involved in his election.

Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.

Who's the President Elect again?

Hint: It isn't HRC.

Trump won, deal with it.
I am. Might burn some shit down.
Thanks for reminding us Democrats are the Anti-Rev King party.
Rev. Kings method let the racists remain relevant and bide their time until last November 8. Time to try Malcolm X's method.
Nor were they in this election and Trump won... in an electoral landslide. Geeze.... get over it. Clinton was exposed as a colossal crook, shit, the election is two months old and already and their foundation is bankrupt. That is all you need to know.
-3,000,000 votes and proven Russian sabotage. There's the explanation. Pretend it isn't real if you want.

Who's the President Elect again?

Hint: It isn't HRC.

Trump won, deal with it.
I am. Might burn some shit down.
Thanks for reminding us Democrats are the Anti-Rev King party.
Rev. Kings method let the racists remain relevant and bide their time until last November 8. Time to try Malcolm X's method.
Democrats have always stood for violence against innocents.

How many businesses you going to destroy Friday?
BO's 2009 inaugural.
Because BO won the vote of the American people and his election was not overshadowed by the sabotage of a foreign superpower and the treason of a U.S. intelligence agency.
Red Line Rambo lost the popular vote to Clinton. Ergo, he is illegitimate in the first place.
I was pretty salty about that. At least I can say no foreign espionage or propaganda were behind his win.
By the Dem's calculation, given the info put out by wikileaks would have come out no matter who ran against her, anyone that ran against Clinton and won would be illegitimate

Last edited:
If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.

No they were fed by the dems own words on tape and actions. You can use every name in the book to throw at me and others, but you cannot cover what the bottom feeding dems like Podesta, Brazille and others and try to blame it on the Russians. You are bunch of whining losers.

If the Democrats are who they say they are, then the content unleashed by the Russians should have helped the Democrats. But that wasn't the case. The Democrats did this to themselves. They engaged in corruption behind the scenes and did not take necessary and sufficient steps to protect their IT; starting with the Democrat candidate herself.

The Democrats keep bitching about the Russians but they have yet to explain how the Russians changed or modified emails on Podesta, Brazile, etc.

The RNC hated Trump. You don't think there would have been lots of nasty things said about him if the Russians had released what was hacked from them?
BO's 2009 inaugural. Though BO because he detested CJ Roberts made a mockery of the actual swearing in.
Trump is not a conventional president so why would you think his inauguration will be.

Although I doubt it will happen, Donald Trump's ceremony may take a back seat to the protest denouncing his presidency, including an estimated 200,000 women expected to participate in the Women's March on Washington.
Women's March on Washington could outdraw Trump's inauguration
Of course! Seeing grown women acting like idiots wearing pussy hats is like the circus. I know it will be cold but won't some, at least, be topless. Where ever there is a group of democrat women a whole bunch of people will show up. After occupy wall street it is well known that dem women will fuck anything.
The point is it would be a distraction from his inauguration with the demonstrators trying to upstage him. I may be wrong but I don't think the demonstration is going to be that big.

Even though I don't support Trump, I think he deserves his day. Besides, I don't want to have to listen to his, poor me and how unfair I'm being treated rhetoric. At some point this guy has got to start acting like a president.
Hey butt wad John Podesta and others making cracks about Sanders, gays etc are on emails and tape. CNN working with Donna Brazile on questions for Hillary are all a matter of public record. The Clinton foundation garbage brought out as well. The left wing lying assholes like yourself are of the wall.

Can someone translate the embarrassingly broken English, spoken by the crudest of retards, above for me? If I'm right, this person might be a danger to themselves. They need immediate help.

If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.

First, Hillary never held a solid lead against Mr Trump, as well as she never carried the popularity of the young vote the way Bernie Sanders did (who could relate to younger voters better than Mrs Clinton I might add). Then there were those staged violent protestors that her supporters encouraged, to try and disrupt the momentum Trump carried from the republican primary. When that didn't work, Clinton supporters of the left thought it wise to dig up old private conversations Mr Trump's had in private toward women as well as SO "conveniently" find women to come forward with their own "stories" in an attempt discredit him. YET, you take issue of private emails involving Mrs Clinton and the DNC being used against her in the election?

• tissue • ?

Let's see, you also site blame on Comey for looking into Mrs Clinton's emails, a decision Mrs Clinton chose to do on her own accord regarding the use of a private server (despite being advised not to). The left having us all believe that a Secretary of State couldn't possibly EVER come across classified information on a private server from that office, that never should be available to anyone OUTSIDE of her own personal attention. Oh, my bad... Mrs Clinton can't tell the difference between classified "need to know" and general public information. So much for her ability to control government information, as we know more about those emails through Mrs Clinton than any Secretary of State prior to her. So despite all that prior information going into the election, as well as Hillary NEVER had a solid strong lead going into election night against Mr Trump, you want to say that his position as presidential elect is somehow illegitimate? That would make you no different and lumped into the same category as all those birther movement individuals that tried to say Obama was somehow an illegitimate presidential elect. Why don't you go find yourself a box of Kleenex to hide behind for the next four years, with your sob story.

It was ok to bring up and publicize a private conversation involving Trump to try and effect an election, but somehow not private emails that involve Mrs Clinton with the DNC. That was crossing the line. Quite frankly I find the comparison, and that bit of ongoing whining and sobbing, to be rather humorous for someone to hold a grudge because the election didn't happen to go the way they had hoped. At least with all the demonstrators and the many handkerchiefs that are to be held on Inauguration Day this year, I'd say the conservatives acted a little more grown up in handling Barrack Obama's initial oath of office as president.
Can someone translate the embarrassingly broken English, spoken by the crudest of retards, above for me? If I'm right, this person might be a danger to themselves. They need immediate help.

If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.

First, Hillary never held a solid lead against Mr Trump, as well as she never carried the popularity of the young vote the way Bernie Sanders did (who could relate to younger voters better than Mrs Clinton I might add). Then there were those staged violent protestors that her supporters encouraged, to try and disrupt the momentum Trump carried from the republican primary. When that didn't work, Clinton supporters of the left thought it wise to dig up old private conversations Mr Trump's had in private toward women as well as SO "conveniently" find women to come forward with their own "stories" in an attempt discredit him. YET, you take issue of private emails involving Mrs Clinton and the DNC being used against her in the election?

• tissue • ?

Let's see, you also site blame on Comey for looking into Mrs Clinton's emails, a decision Mrs Clinton chose to do on her own accord regarding the use of a private server (despite being advised not to). The left having us all believe that a Secretary of State couldn't possibly EVER come across classified information on a private server from that office, that never should be available to anyone OUTSIDE of her own personal attention. Oh, my bad... Mrs Clinton can't tell the difference between classified "need to know" and general public information. So much for her ability to control government information, as we know more about those emails through Mrs Clinton than any Secretary of State prior to her. So despite all that prior information going into the election, as well as Hillary NEVER had a solid strong lead going into election night against Mr Trump, you want to say that his position as presidential elect is somehow illegitimate? That would make you no different and lumped into the same category as all those birther movement individuals that tried to say Obama was somehow an illegitimate presidential elect. Why don't you go find yourself a box of Kleenex to hide behind for the next four years, with your sob story.

It was ok to bring up and publicize a private conversation involving Trump to try and effect an election, but somehow not private emails that involve Mrs Clinton with the DNC. That was crossing the line. Quite frankly I find the comparison, and that bit of ongoing whining and sobbing, to be rather humorous for someone to hold a grudge because the election didn't happen to go the way they had hoped. At least with all the demonstrators and the many handkerchiefs that are to be held on Inauguration Day this year, I'd say the conservatives acted a little more grown up in handling Barrack Obama's initial oath of office as president.
You spent so much time typing and all to pretend that there's no gigantic Russian elephant in the room. Pathetic.
If that is all you've got, you have nothing as usual.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.

First, Hillary never held a solid lead against Mr Trump, as well as she never carried the popularity of the young vote the way Bernie Sanders did (who could relate to younger voters better than Mrs Clinton I might add). Then there were those staged violent protestors that her supporters encouraged, to try and disrupt the momentum Trump carried from the republican primary. When that didn't work, Clinton supporters of the left thought it wise to dig up old private conversations Mr Trump's had in private toward women as well as SO "conveniently" find women to come forward with their own "stories" in an attempt discredit him. YET, you take issue of private emails involving Mrs Clinton and the DNC being used against her in the election?

• tissue • ?

Let's see, you also site blame on Comey for looking into Mrs Clinton's emails, a decision Mrs Clinton chose to do on her own accord regarding the use of a private server (despite being advised not to). The left having us all believe that a Secretary of State couldn't possibly EVER come across classified information on a private server from that office, that never should be available to anyone OUTSIDE of her own personal attention. Oh, my bad... Mrs Clinton can't tell the difference between classified "need to know" and general public information. So much for her ability to control government information, as we know more about those emails through Mrs Clinton than any Secretary of State prior to her. So despite all that prior information going into the election, as well as Hillary NEVER had a solid strong lead going into election night against Mr Trump, you want to say that his position as presidential elect is somehow illegitimate? That would make you no different and lumped into the same category as all those birther movement individuals that tried to say Obama was somehow an illegitimate presidential elect. Why don't you go find yourself a box of Kleenex to hide behind for the next four years, with your sob story.

It was ok to bring up and publicize a private conversation involving Trump to try and effect an election, but somehow not private emails that involve Mrs Clinton with the DNC. That was crossing the line. Quite frankly I find the comparison, and that bit of ongoing whining and sobbing, to be rather humorous for someone to hold a grudge because the election didn't happen to go the way they had hoped. At least with all the demonstrators and the many handkerchiefs that are to be held on Inauguration Day this year, I'd say the conservatives acted a little more grown up in handling Barrack Obama's initial oath of office as president.
You spent so much time typing and all to pretend that there's no gigantic Russian elephant in the room. Pathetic.

If you care for a summery, based on all the facts going into the election (that I listed prior), there is no conclusive proof released that private email conversations involving Mrs Clinton and the DNC had a definitive effect on her becoming president. She never even had a strong lead going into election night, never had one months prior to the election. All I see is pathetic whining and excuses because liberals didn't get their way. Say hello to the birther movement for me.
You presented nothing, and then you accuse people of having nothing. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

I presented what has been released and its the Dems own words and emails. You can't handle that its your problem you lying sack of shit.
No you didn't you dumb fucking idiot. You posted poorly worded slogans that were fed to you from partisan media. You managed to sound like a stuttering moron even though you have an unlimited amount of time to type out your thoughts on this forum. Get back to me when you're not too chickenshit to actually make and articulate a point.

First, Hillary never held a solid lead against Mr Trump, as well as she never carried the popularity of the young vote the way Bernie Sanders did (who could relate to younger voters better than Mrs Clinton I might add). Then there were those staged violent protestors that her supporters encouraged, to try and disrupt the momentum Trump carried from the republican primary. When that didn't work, Clinton supporters of the left thought it wise to dig up old private conversations Mr Trump's had in private toward women as well as SO "conveniently" find women to come forward with their own "stories" in an attempt discredit him. YET, you take issue of private emails involving Mrs Clinton and the DNC being used against her in the election?

• tissue • ?

Let's see, you also site blame on Comey for looking into Mrs Clinton's emails, a decision Mrs Clinton chose to do on her own accord regarding the use of a private server (despite being advised not to). The left having us all believe that a Secretary of State couldn't possibly EVER come across classified information on a private server from that office, that never should be available to anyone OUTSIDE of her own personal attention. Oh, my bad... Mrs Clinton can't tell the difference between classified "need to know" and general public information. So much for her ability to control government information, as we know more about those emails through Mrs Clinton than any Secretary of State prior to her. So despite all that prior information going into the election, as well as Hillary NEVER had a solid strong lead going into election night against Mr Trump, you want to say that his position as presidential elect is somehow illegitimate? That would make you no different and lumped into the same category as all those birther movement individuals that tried to say Obama was somehow an illegitimate presidential elect. Why don't you go find yourself a box of Kleenex to hide behind for the next four years, with your sob story.

It was ok to bring up and publicize a private conversation involving Trump to try and effect an election, but somehow not private emails that involve Mrs Clinton with the DNC. That was crossing the line. Quite frankly I find the comparison, and that bit of ongoing whining and sobbing, to be rather humorous for someone to hold a grudge because the election didn't happen to go the way they had hoped. At least with all the demonstrators and the many handkerchiefs that are to be held on Inauguration Day this year, I'd say the conservatives acted a little more grown up in handling Barrack Obama's initial oath of office as president.
You spent so much time typing and all to pretend that there's no gigantic Russian elephant in the room. Pathetic.

If you care for a summery, based on all the facts going into the election (that I listed prior), there is no conclusive proof released that private email conversations involving Mrs Clinton and the DNC had a definitive effect on her becoming president. She never even had a strong lead going into election night, never had one months prior to the election. All I see is pathetic whining and excuses because liberals didn't get their way. Say hello to the birther movement for me.
Oh then I guess all you dumb fucking rubes were just lying about the e-mails' impacts on the election all those months. And you forgot about the propaganda attacks and fake news from Russia that our intelligence community unanimously agree were ordered for the sake of hurting Hillary.

And what do you mean say hello to the birthers? Why would you bring up proof that fake news can take you to the White House after making an argument that fake news doesn't have any effect?

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