If Mitt Ronmey wins and things get worse then what?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2011
I wonder since everyone thinks that Mitt with a republican congress will save the nation but, I have a feeling that nothing will change and the debt will be 20 Trillion or maybe I'm just crazy.
I wonder since everyone thinks that Mitt with a republican congress will save the nation but, I have a feeling that nothing will change and the debt will be 20 Trillion or maybe I'm just crazy.

Then he becomes as Obama should, a one term failure.
I wonder since everyone thinks that Mitt with a republican congress will save the nation but, I have a feeling that nothing will change and the debt will be 20 Trillion or maybe I'm just crazy.

Reelect Obama and you can guarantee it.
If Romney gets elected, and he somehow gets the private sector to do what they've been promising since Reagan? Trickle Down and bring some prosperity to WORKING people as much as the already wealthy? The debt will start to handle itself.....and I would consider voting for him for his second term.

But, that's all hypothetical....I don't believe that more breaks will trickle down...they'll pocket it just like they did all the other ones they've gotten.

They've lost me...they have to earn my loyalty again.....and calling me a fucking communist leach isn't doing it.
If Romney gets elected, and he somehow gets the private sector to do what they've been promising since Reagan? Trickle Down and bring some prosperity to WORKING people as much as the already wealthy? The debt will start to handle itself.....and I would consider voting for him for his second term.

But, that's all hypothetical....I don't believe that more breaks will trickle down...they'll pocket it just like they did all the other ones they've gotten.

They've lost me...they have to earn my loyalty again.....and calling me a fucking communist leach isn't doing it.

But, but, but when are you going to show us when Christie said Fuck You in public?
I have no idea if Romney can do what he says with a Republican Congress but I have seen what Obama will do with a Democrat one so I will roll the dice and see what happens.
If Romney gets elected, and he somehow gets the private sector to do what they've been promising since Reagan? Trickle Down and bring some prosperity to WORKING people as much as the already wealthy? The debt will start to handle itself.....and I would consider voting for him for his second term.

But, that's all hypothetical....I don't believe that more breaks will trickle down...they'll pocket it just like they did all the other ones they've gotten.

They've lost me...they have to earn my loyalty again.....and calling me a fucking communist leach isn't doing it.

But, but, but when are you going to show us when Christie said Fuck You in public?

OK....he didn't, I made a mistake....happy?...but at the same time....since when is an E-mail "public". However, his "people skills aren't the best when he tells people "it's none of your business, and calling people stupid....not to mention misusing State property, namely a fucking HELICOPTER.....to see his kid play baseball.

I'd say all of that is worth one F-bomb. Because if a Dem did all of that? You'd be calling for his impeachment.

Now....address the topic at hand.
I wonder since everyone thinks that Mitt with a republican congress will save the nation but, I have a feeling that nothing will change and the debt will be 20 Trillion or maybe I'm just crazy.

No, you actually bring up a cogent, albeit Machiavellian, political point.

The most optimistic economic forecasts don’t see the housing market improving for at least another ten years; and unemployment will remain high until that market recovers.

It would be better for republicans in the long run for Obama to win a second term (however subjectively distasteful), virtually guaranteeing the GOP the WH come 2016/2017. By 2020/2021 the economy will have certainly recovered, and the incumbent republican president will win e-election accordingly.

If the economy doesn’t improve significantly by 2016, which is most likely the case, then a president Romney serves only one term, with a democratic president reaping the political benefit of a future economic recovery.
Things can't get any worse than they are right now. At least maybe Romney can stop the downward spiral of America slipping into the gutter.
I wonder since everyone thinks that Mitt with a republican congress will save the nation but, I have a feeling that nothing will change and the debt will be 20 Trillion or maybe I'm just crazy.

The debt will continue to rise because the Republicans aren't serious about getting it under control; it will just rise more slowly than if Obama is there.
There are huge amounts of cash on the sidelines - when Romney is elected there will be a great bounce from the great recession; the markets are looking for stability - he will project it.
Romney is too high strung. He'll have a nervous breakdown in office. Ryan being the young bright star of the republican party, makes a fatal mistake. He looses his soul to Dick Cheney. Dick runs the country behind the scenes just like always.
Some indicaters will improve (unemployment and less government spending) but some will be slower to react. Either way, I think Mitt will be able to point to certain numbers after a first term and be able to tell voters 'continue with my path of progress or vote for the democrat and go back into the death spiral' ... I that Mitt most likely will be a 2 term pres .... The Democratic brand will be scared for a long time (like it was after Carter)
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Romney is too high strung. He'll have a nervous breakdown in office. Ryan being the young bright star of the republican party, makes a fatal mistake. He looses his soul to Dick Cheney. Dick runs the country behind the scenes just like always.

Romney is too high strung. He'll have a nervous breakdown in office. Ryan being the young bright star of the republican party, makes a fatal mistake. He looses his soul to Dick Cheney. Dick runs the country behind the scenes just like always.

Is Dick Cheney running the country now?

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