If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?

That is how you think of Abrahan Lincoln. Good to know.

He not only killed many of his own people, he got almost a million black people killed, starved in his 'Contraband Camps'. He was the U.S. equivalent of Mao. And, over 90% of black people remained in the South up to 1910, when industrial strikes in the North sent company agents down south to hire lots of scabs to bust unions with.
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Andrew Jackson should not be labeled as a so-called Indian killer. He was a man of his time same with the tribes he fought against.

It’s interesting brother how could you not vote for FDR he was the American father. He’s the father of this nation to me. He led us through World War II. if we had bad leadership in World War II we could all be slaves today or dead.

I’m right there with you on supporting John F Kennedy. Tho I think instead of Harry Truman being president after Fdr I think it would’ve been interesting if it would’ve been Henry Wallace … still Truman did some good things

He was right to pay them to move; he knew what they were like from personal experience; they were completely untrustworthy and would change sides at the drop of a hat in any conflict, thus an existential threat in a vulnerable part of the nation. Blame the 'Trail Of Tears' fiasco on their own Chief, who took millions from Jackson and then welched on the deal, prompting the march. They had several years to make the move on their own time and pace, and given all the supplies they needed, along with millions of dollars. Instead they squandered it all and then gave Jackson the finger. Sucked to be them. We were still dealing with Spain, FRance, and England at the time, who were fond of hiring Indian tribes as mercenaries in Jackson's day.
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He was right to pay them to move; he knew what they were like from personal experience; they were completely untrustworthy and would change sides at the drop of a hat in any conflict, thus an existential threat in a vulnerable part of the nation. Blame the 'Trail Of Tears' fiasco on their own Chief, who took millions from Jackson and then welched on the deal, prompting the march. They had several years to make the move on their own time and pace, and given all the supplies they needed, along with millions of dollars. Instead they squandered it all and then gave Jackson the finger. Sucked to be them.
Well brother I’ve always appreciated Andrew Jackson for his victories against the British. Now I’m not an expert on Andrew Jackson it’s quite clear I think you know more about Him than I do. I know he was of Scots Irish background of course we know the whole image of him as a young boy standing up to a British soldier who beat him during the American revolution.

as for Andrew Jackson’s controversies associated with the tribesman of America. I’m glad you offer up a sort of counter explanation to what perhaps the far left might say. It’s a breath of fresh air to hear what people like you have to say people who care about Americans like Andrew Jackson. It’s really important that we defend their legacy. What’s 2aguy doing in this thread criticizing Andrew Jackson is he against the image in the legacy of Andrew Jackson? Is that what Republicans are trying to say that they’re against people like Andrew Jackson. Are Democrats supposed to be the ones today defending the legacy of this great American Andrew Jackson?

My response to the far left to for example people who want to destroy statues of Andrew Jackson or people who criticize him because he owned slaves or what they perceive of his negative treatment of Indians …. why doesn’t the far left tear down statues of the African Mansa Musa who was said to be the richest man ever in all history…. He also owned slaves. So my argument is that these were men of their times , yes they owned slaves they were involved in warfare actions they were involved in violent actions. They should not be insulted though that’s my position I feel that way about Americans like Andrew Jackson…and I feel that way about African an Arab contemporaries of Jacksons time.
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Dudley do you have any advice on how I can get some more information on Andrew Jackson. Any websites you might know of that can provide me with counterarguments against people who have a negative view of Andrew Jackson’s legacy.

I want to be able to counter the tribesmen of today and the BLM people who have gone around America in 2020 destroying statues of Andrew Jackson.


Brother I’m interested I thought you were Republican and conservative. And I thought Republicans and conservatives defended the legacy of people like Andrew Jackson but it seems like you are criticizing him in this thread. So I want to get to the bottom of that. Don’t take this wrong I’m a friendly person and I just want your opinion on the matter.
I would like to believe that I would have mostly voted Democrat in the 20th century. ..At any time period In that 100 year history but mostly because of the 40s 50s and 60s with people like Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. The way I saw that era was back in those days it was about the workingman. The Democrats were proud of America. We did not have leading Democratic politicians calling for the destruction of historical statues or rioting in our country.

Maybe some people might disagree but the way I see it is that the blue collar Man of the 1950s the steel worker was the ideal representation of the American of that time. It would have been a man with perhaps a family of 4-8 people able to send one or all of his kids to college ..We have changed so significantly here in 2022 we don’t have nearly as many steel jobs as we used to. And frankly the dynamic has changed the image and representation of the American family man has changed. The image of the Democrat and Republican has changed. The way I see it I Democrats and Republicans looked better and acted better in the 20th century then they do today.

Since 2020 I have voted for pretty much all Republicans. But I’m going to change I wanna see the Democratic Party go back to talk about helping the working class, universal healthcare raising the middle wage, supporting the police supporting the firefighters supporting the military. Opposing BLM opposing the view that America is systemically racist. I hope the Democratic Party goes this way but I don’t know what the future is.

"If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?"​

That's funny. "If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be" - they would be REPUBLICANS. Today's Republicans are what the old Democrats used to be. Google it...

"If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?"​

That's funny. "If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be" - they would be REPUBLICANS. Today's Republicans are what the old Democrats used to be. Google it...
Hi nice to meet you

I’m aware of that viewpoint but it’s not right. It’s an incorrect stereotype/broad sweeping brush.
I would like to believe that I would have mostly voted Democrat in the 20th century. ..At any time period In that 100 year history but mostly because of the 40s 50s and 60s with people like Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. The way I saw that era was back in those days it was about the workingman. The Democrats were proud of America. We did not have leading Democratic politicians calling for the destruction of historical statues or rioting in our country.

Maybe some people might disagree but the way I see it is that the blue collar Man of the 1950s the steel worker was the ideal representation of the American of that time. It would have been a man with perhaps a family of 4-8 people able to send one or all of his kids to college ..We have changed so significantly here in 2022 we don’t have nearly as many steel jobs as we used to. And frankly the dynamic has changed the image and representation of the American family man has changed. The image of the Democrat and Republican has changed. The way I see it I Democrats and Republicans looked better and acted better in the 20th century then they do today.

Since 2020 I have voted for pretty much all Republicans. But I’m going to change I wanna see the Democratic Party go back to talk about helping the working class, universal healthcare raising the middle wage, supporting the police supporting the firefighters supporting the military. Opposing BLM opposing the view that America is systemically racist. I hope the Democratic Party goes this way but I don’t know what the future is.

Did you mean minimum wage? If so, no one makes minimum wage anymore!

Any racism in America is because of the Democrats, not in spite of them.
Brother I would tell you I am a Catholic. And an American… that’s kind of how my hero Roosevelt identified as a Christian and a American. Well Roosevelt was the mark of American strength and dignity. There’s a lot with my post do you agree or disagree that the site of the American steel worker the strong physically fit American man able to have a family of 4 to 8 able to send his kids to college this was the American dream? What do you think about that partner.

I am a Democrat. I am a liberal as well. I don’t believe in talking down to or personally attacking people it is the action of the uncivilized barbarian. Some of my heroes are the union leader Walter Reuther but also the great industrialist Henry Ford who was at one time antiunion but became pro union. I believe in great wealthy men like Henry for who not only wanted to better himself but also his country America.

We should have universal healthcare it is in line with Christian values. We should not have a death penalty. We should not have abortion. We should have a good minimum wage. We should have a strong middle-class. We should respect our police and firefighters these are some of my views in line with traditional Democrats in line with traditional American Christian values

The American steel worker had a union job making up to $100,000 a year adjusted for inflation. And used to be in America you could get those jobs right out of high school. Now the economic opportunities have dwindled in this country.

And now look at the middle class in America today it’s nothing we have inflation union jobs have gone from 35% to 10%. Americans are more obese and fat than they have ever been. The site of strength and dignity the side of American muscle replaced with laziness. Unacceptable. If we had Democrats though like we used to back in the 1940s and 1950s we would change for the better.
Site or sight?

Walter Ruether was a big supporter of MLK, Jr. That is something no liberal would tolerate today. They are adherents to the BLM thieves.

You do realize Henry Ford was a big supporter of Nazis and a well-known anti-Semite.

Let's face it! You are a liberal who has been indoctrinated to believe crap that is simply not true. Then again, many of the things you support are not liberal by any stretch of the imagination. You cannot survive as a Democrat by opposing abortion.

I doubt seriously you have any concept of universal healthcare.

Where is the link for your claim that steelworkers were so richly compensated?

You like racism, Jim Crow laws, and the other Democrat characteristics of the 1940s and 50s? How long have you been a racist and anti-Semite?
some of my views may sound conservative but I am pro union, pro raising the min wage, against the death penalty, for bringing in some number of refugees may be many of them.

I believe by the way that the refugees from Central and South America will bring traditional values Catholic values they will be against abortion and I want that.

Where I disagree with some Democrats is the pro BLM views where they are OK with destroying statues of people that they don’t like …Where they are OK with having racial hiring quotas, kneeling for the anthem. Having the view that the police are systemically racist.

Who did you vote for In 2016 and 2020 when it came to the presidential election? What do you think about BLM? What do you think about Donald Trump?
Why are you pro-union if their demands cause more inflation?

Why should we raise the minimum wage?

Why are you against the death penalty?

Why should we bring in refugees to take jobs from those unions you support?

There are no true refugees from Central and South America.
FDR was the great American hero according to all the World War II veterans I have talked with. It’s an image thing you know the site of Franklin Roosevelt having his cigarette his glass of whiskey projecting constantly projecting strength in the face of Adolf Hitler and Toho from Japan. And it’s the site of the physically fit American man and woman of the 1940s working at the factories these are blue collar Democrats this is such a beautiful American site. And the undeniable facts you know what 3+3 = 6 it’s also a fact that the US military was not number 1 in power before World War II but became number 1 after World War II and our economy also became number one in the world after World War ….II it wouldn’t have been that way if we would’ve had poor leader ship or weak countrymen that couldn’t fight. But we had blue colored Americans who could pick up a rifle and also work at a factory.

I interpret that above as traditional blue collar Democrats, that is the site of America what we see above. It’s the site of economic prosperity we don’t have it today and I want it back(we might not get the steel jobs back but we need more union jobs that pay well). And I think Democrats were responsible for our previous successes.

But brother to each their own where do you stand at BLM. Did you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

What is your vision for America? Maybe I am somewhat of a reactionary because I want to go back to how things were back in the day the 40s 50s 60s when we had more union jobs when we had more dignity. Again 35% union jobs back then compared to 10% now. People out of high school back then could get a good job at the steel factory or at a place like Ford or General Motors those jobs dont exist anymore that’s the issue at hand. And it’s my opinion and the opinions of the millions of Americans that it was the Democrats like John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt that were the heroes of America so again to their own do you want to disagree go right ahead….. but there’s a lot of Americans who want leader ship that we used to see from people like Franklin Roosevelt.

FDR had the press in his back pocket. The average American had no idea he was crippled by polio

General Tojo (not Toho) was NOT the leader of Japan during WWII.

Who were these blue-colored Americans?

Democrats oppose these industries to their very corps and want to tax anyone with enough money to invest in those industries into the middle class.

John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today!
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I get what you’re saying. What do you think about the site of factories and the site of the American steel worker. In the middle of the 20th century?

What would you say to the 90 + year old World War II veteran of today who tells you his favorite president was Franklin Roosevelt and that after World War II he worked for 35 years as a union steel worker….? To me those are the greatest Americans to ever live and why i voted Democrat previously…. it’s why I still consider myself a Democrat to this day

so I feel confident in what I am saying here is pro American, pro Christian and in line with the types of things that Republicans and Democrats of the 20th century would be saying. I believe the Democratic Party of the 20th century was much more representative of all Americans than it is today.

You keep posting this fantasy! It's gone and never coming back.

I am sorry you have a rather uneducated opinion of FDR. He didn't even have the fortitude to admit he was crippled by polio, yet the media kept it a secret. He interred Japanese Americans in direct violation of their rights. His economic policies prolonged the Great Depression until it was resolved by World War II. There are far more examples I could give, but suffice it to say, your worship of FDR is misplaced.
Well brother I’ve always appreciated Andrew Jackson for his victories against the British. Now I’m not an expert on Andrew Jackson it’s quite clear I think you know more about Him than I do. I know he was of Scots Irish background of course we know the whole image of him as a young boy standing up to a British soldier who beat him during the American revolution.

as for Andrew Jackson’s controversies associated with the tribesman of America. I’m glad you offer up a sort of counter explanation to what perhaps the far left might say. It’s a breath of fresh air to hear what people like you have to say people who care about Americans like Andrew Jackson. It’s really important that we defend their legacy. What’s 2aguy doing in this thread criticizing Andrew Jackson is he against the image in the legacy of Andrew Jackson? Is that what Republicans are trying to say that they’re against people like Andrew Jackson. Are Democrats supposed to be the ones today defending the legacy of this great American Andrew Jackson?

My response to the far left to for example people who want to destroy statues of Andrew Jackson or people who criticize him because he owned slaves or what they perceive of his negative treatment of Indians …. why doesn’t the far left tear down statues of the African Mansa Musa who was said to be the richest man ever in all history…. He also owned slaves. So my argument is that these were men of their times , yes they owned slaves they were involved in warfare actions they were involved in violent actions. They should not be insulted though that’s my position I feel that way about Americans like Andrew Jackson…and I feel that way about African an Arab contemporaries of Jacksons time.
Where are these statues on Mansa Musa located that the libs could tear down?

I think you are assuming a lot that is not in evidence. You can't tear down a statue if it does not exist.
Democrats today are not Democrats.

Democrats today will not do anything to build jobs and manufacturing in the USA.
I don't deny it fits your ideology, which is certainly not freedom or justice, you will say you believe, but the fools know not that they are fools
He not only killed many of his own people, he got almost a million black people killed, starved in his 'Contraband Camps'. He was the U.S. equivalent of Mao. And, over 90% of black people remained in the South up to 1910, when industrial strikes in the North sent company agents down south to hire lots of scabs to bust unions with.
The equivalent of Mao? Where did you get your education. I would certainly be interested in knowing how you come up with that comparison.

As far as black folk, remaining in the south, so? Where were they suppose to go? History is a bitch, things do not change over night simply because you think they should.

History, it really is amazing. We have come a long way. Fighting the Democratic party all the way. I really dont see anything to admire that the democrats have done or what they are doing now.

You should enlighten us. hahahahahahahah
Dudley do you have any advice on how I can get some more information on Andrew Jackson. Any websites you might know of that can provide me with counterarguments against people who have a negative view of Andrew Jackson’s legacy.

I want to be able to counter the tribesmen of today and the BLM people who have gone around America in 2020 destroying statues of Andrew Jackson.


Brother I’m interested I thought you were Republican and conservative. And I thought Republicans and conservatives defended the legacy of people like Andrew Jackson but it seems like you are criticizing him in this thread. So I want to get to the bottom of that. Don’t take this wrong I’m a friendly person and I just want your opinion on the matter.

You can start with ignoring entirely the latest books on the 'Trail Of Tears', which is largely just Woke nonsense pandering to Stuck In The Sixties hippies. Jackson had been dealing with Indians for a long time, and knew their words were worthless. The Cherokee Nation was a refuge for all kinds of murdering scum, including Cherokees themselves, who would raid surrounding farms and villages and then scurry back to the Nation when pursued, for one. They were a criminal haven for thieves and murderers.
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The equivalent of Mao? Where did you get your education. I would certainly be interested in knowing how you come up with that comparison.

He slaughtered many of his own people, provoked a civil war deliberately in order to promote the corporate welfare schemes of the old Whigs' 'American System', used some 75,000 Federal troops as a private army to control ballot boxes in many states, preventing any opposition voters from casting ballots by bayonets, fake charges, and murders. So naturally he's a Hero to the GOP. Mass murders of prisoners in concentration camps was also a fun pastime of his, another Maoist entertainment.

Which year did you get your one year of education? The year CrackerJacks went on sale?
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You can start with ignoring entirely the latest books on the 'Trail Of Tears', which is largely just Woke nonsense pandering to Stuck In The Sixties hippies. Jackson had been dealing with Indians for a long time, and knew their words were worthless. The Cherokee Nation was a refuge for all kinds of murdering scum, including Cherokees themselves, who would raid surrounding farms and villages and then scurry back to the Nation when pursued, for one. They were a criminal haven for thieves and murderers.
I think it’s a shame that there are publishing companies in America that will put out this material that denigrates our heroes. And there not even about mutual respect what I get from these publishers is that they are seemingly always elevating the tribesman that fought against Andrew Jackson. And some of the far left give off this false notion that all of the Indians were united against the white man. as if they did not fight each other for land just as we Europeans have throughout history
If the issues were like they used to be I would be a Democrat. But they mostly won all those battles and these days I don't see all that much difference between the parties, particularly concerning the federal deficit. For a while now I've preferred stagnation with one party holding the Presidency and Senate while the other controls the House.

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