If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?

Automation has been going on for a century or more in some industries, and as the cost of labor goes up the need or desire for automation goes up with it. It's the price of progress one might say. Is the country better off as a result? Some people are out of a job, no doubt about that. But that job was already in jeopardy anyway, as we saw in auto manufacturing. What once took hundreds of employees to make a car now takes a fraction of that to operate the computers/machines that do the work that people once did. But consumers get a better-made car that is cheaper than the ones built by union labor. The only answer I have is to incentivize innovation and entrepreneurship and take whatever measures make sense to increase economic growth. And that cannot happen with union labor.

I think those days are gone forever. There aren't many jobs like that anymore, where you don't need some kind of specialized training. And on top of that, we have millions coming across our southern border that adds to the labor supply of unskilled workers, thus driving down wages. We probably need to have some programs that train high school kids in specific industrial functions/areas to equip them with some skills to get a job. I hate to say it, but from what I see, we've got a bunch of dumbasses coming out of high school that can't do shit.

We've pretty much already got that. I think what you want is protection from RTW laws where a person has the right to work for whatever wage he/she is willing to accept. These days a decent paying job is hard to find if you don't have marketable skills; I do not accept that the answer is gov't forcing employers to pay more for the same amount of work. The answer is for the individual to make his/her labor more valuable AND have an economy with workers have more than one choice.
This is a big thing here the young generation. How about the legalization of marijuana what effect will this have on these youngsters…. because there’s all these new marijuana products out there as well… stronger quite expensive as well.. and with the government making 20 to 25% sales tax off of marijuana products in some states this is something to look at. Do we want this legalization of marijuana?

Many people can handle smoking weed. But the thing is others can’t. Now if you go back to the 1940s and 1950s we didn’t really have an image of people smoking weed some people drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. That was kind of a classy thing to do so another thing a question in American society is the popularization of marijuana this is a good thing?

What do we think about the changing image of the American man in the American family. Millions of Americans used to be a part of that image of going to the steel or auto plant. And then coming home after hard days work for maybe having a few beers perhaps going to vacation two or three weeks out of the year. Working the same job for 30 years. So how have we shifted today and what should we expect?

What do you think about women joining the workforce in large numbers? I’m all about equality we certainly have that during World War II where women would take up the factory jobs they seem to be going good. And the UAW even before the civil rights era of the 1960s was a trendsetter in bringing out a huge numbers of Black people making the same amount of money and in some cases more money than their white counterparts. My point is that throughout the 20th century very successful employers like Henry Ford, Harvey firestone, And unions like the UAW were able to bring jobs to Americans of all backgrounds. Jobs that were had mostly out of high school and even by high school dropouts.

So if we cannot recover those types of jobs. In America if we cannot pay somebody $25 an hour out of high school. …. what about the types of high school students who are unable to have success with the types of vocational training you might be talking about. What happens to them and then furthermore what happens to our country if we have a huge population that is no longer in the middle class? I suppose the solution is we should have better educators?

It seems to me that the balance of having a great country with a strong middle class was to have a situation where you could make a good middle class wage out of high school…. but if you wanted to go to college you would have the ability to make more than a middle-class wage. Isn’t that what we want? And also having the third option of joining the military.
I would like to believe that I would have mostly voted Democrat in the 20th century. ..At any time period In that 100 year history but mostly because of the 40s 50s and 60s with people like Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. The way I saw that era was back in those days it was about the workingman. The Democrats were proud of America. We did not have leading Democratic politicians calling for the destruction of historical statues or rioting in our country.

Maybe some people might disagree but the way I see it is that the blue collar Man of the 1950s the steel worker was the ideal representation of the American of that time. It would have been a man with perhaps a family of 4-8 people able to send one or all of his kids to college ..We have changed so significantly here in 2022 we don’t have nearly as many steel jobs as we used to. And frankly the dynamic has changed the image and representation of the American family man has changed. The image of the Democrat and Republican has changed. The way I see it I Democrats and Republicans looked better and acted better in the 20th century then they do today.

Since 2020 I have voted for pretty much all Republicans. But I’m going to change I wanna see the Democratic Party go back to talk about helping the working class, universal healthcare raising the middle wage, supporting the police supporting the firefighters supporting the military. Opposing BLM opposing the view that America is systemically racist. I hope the Democratic Party goes this way but I don’t know what the future is.
I don't think the question is relevant today. Neither political party today is as they were then. Today there is only remnants of those parties.

In those days, the Democratic Party was really two parties, Southern democrats that were most concerned with race and the maintaining the Southern way of life and Northern democrats who were most concerned with the labor movement. The Republican party was the party of business and management. Neither party was really concerned with social welfare issues.

After the sixties, southern democrats were totally discussed with northern democrats cramming integration down their throat so they flocked to the republican party. Blacks in the South and elsewhere found a home in democratic party, who championed voter rights and civil right. Since blacks and other minorities were in the most need of social welfare, the democrats agenda included social welfare and also more tolerance toward issues such as abortion, treatment of gay, treatment of minorities, tolerance for atheists and non-Christian religions. This provided an opportunity for republicans to to attract more Christians thus forming the religious right.

The bottom line is that 1940s democrat and republicans would hardly recognize their parties today.
I don't think the question is relevant today. Neither political party today is as they were then. Today there is only remnants of those parties.

In those days, the Democratic Party was really two parties, Southern democrats that were most concerned with race and the maintaining the Southern way of life and Northern democrats who were most concerned with the labor movement. The Republican party was the party of business and management. Neither party was really concerned with social welfare issues.

After the sixties, southern democrats were totally discussed with northern democrats cramming integration down their throat so they flocked to the republican party. Blacks in the South and elsewhere found a home in democratic party, who championed voter rights and civil right. Since blacks and other minorities were in the most need of social welfare, the democrats agenda included social welfare and also more tolerance toward issues such as abortion, treatment of gay, treatment of minorities, tolerance for atheists and non-Christian religions. This provided an opportunity for republicans to to attract more Christians thus forming the religious right.

The bottom line is that 1940s democrat and republicans would hardly recognize their parties today.

Thank you for your valued input. I highlighted in bold the parts I was most interested in getting your opinion on.

It would be something to bring back some of the Republican and Democratic senators from 1942 let’s say. 80 years later let’s bring them back and put them in front of the modern day Congress session. I’m sure they will be asking how the united nations are doing , what happened to the Soviet union. And I’m sure many would be upset to understand that the steroid users Mark McGwire and Barry bonds had broken the all-time home run record of Roger Maris.

I don’t have a ton of knowledge into Dixie Krats. But from what I have read even some of the Dixie krats were working hard to help Americans of all backgrounds black or white. It’s a whole nother topic to look into with regard to the southern democrats of the first half of the American 20th century… it will be a good topic because I think there’s a stereotype some have toward the southern Democrats that they were all these big-time racist people…

…Their words some of them would have told you they believed it separate but equal. Obviously this is an issue in today’s eyes but it was a different era back in the past. Of course to that point in the 1940s racism was an issue that affected both Republicans and Democrats. There were racist Republicans.

my position is that throughout the 20th century we seem to have had a situation where many more Americans had economic opportunities not only out of high school but even if they dropped out of high school. Compared to today. Even during the era of segregation in America during the racist era large numbers of African-Americans found high-paying jobs with help from the united auto workers. Now I could be wrong about this but I believe that American society was happier and better off in the middle of the 20th century compared to today. I believe it was because we had better leader ship it just so happens to be that the leaders of those days were Democrats but I also give credit to every day Americans whether they were Republican or Democrat for helping to build our country up so strongly during World War II. What are your thoughts on this?

We have less Americans today working the same job for 20 or 30 years compared to during the 20th century. Is that something that is good? For the long run
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I would like to believe that I would have mostly voted Democrat in the 20th century. ..At any time period In that 100 year history but mostly because of the 40s 50s and 60s with people like Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. The way I saw that era was back in those days it was about the workingman. The Democrats were proud of America. We did not have leading Democratic politicians calling for the destruction of historical statues or rioting in our country.

Maybe some people might disagree but the way I see it is that the blue collar Man of the 1950s the steel worker was the ideal representation of the American of that time. It would have been a man with perhaps a family of 4-8 people able to send one or all of his kids to college ..We have changed so significantly here in 2022 we don’t have nearly as many steel jobs as we used to. And frankly the dynamic has changed the image and representation of the American family man has changed. The image of the Democrat and Republican has changed. The way I see it I Democrats and Republicans looked better and acted better in the 20th century then they do today.

Since 2020 I have voted for pretty much all Republicans. But I’m going to change I wanna see the Democratic Party go back to talk about helping the working class, universal healthcare raising the middle wage, supporting the police supporting the firefighters supporting the military. Opposing BLM opposing the view that America is systemically racist. I hope the Democratic Party goes this way but I don’t know what the future is.

No.....the democrat party is still the party of slavery, starting the Civil War, the kkk, Jim Crow laws, separate but equal, lynching......and now they also throw in grown men wearing dresses and underwear and gyrating in front of small children, using chemicals and surgery to sterlize and mutilate young children, and push gay child pornography into our schools....the party and its policies have detroyed the black family and are now working on everybody elses family, and the parties policies of destroying local police and freeing violent criminals have cost the lives of thousands of young black men every single year...

So no...I will never vote for the democrat party, they are the party of evil...
Thank you for your valued input. I highlighted in bold the parts I was most interested in getting your opinion on.

It would be something to bring back some of the Republican and Democratic senators from 1942 let’s say. 80 years later let’s bring them back and put them in front of the modern day Congress session. I’m sure they will be asking how the united nations are doing , what happened to the Soviet union. And I’m sure many would be upset to understand that the steroid users Mark McGwire and Barry bonds had broken the all-time home run record of Roger Maris.

I don’t have a ton of knowledge into Dixie Krats. But from what I have read even some of the Dixie krats were working hard to help Americans of all backgrounds black or white. It’s a whole nother topic to look into with regard to the southern democrats of the first half of the American 20th century… it will be a good topic because I think there’s a stereotype some have toward the southern Democrats that they were all these big-time racist people…

…Their words some of them would have told you they believed it separate but equal. Obviously this is an issue in today’s eyes but it was a different era back in the past. Of course to that point in the 1940s racism was an issue that affected both Republicans and Democrats. There were racist Republicans.

my position is that throughout the 20th century we seem to have had a situation where many more Americans had economic opportunities not only out of high school but even if they dropped out of high school. Compared to today. Even during the era of segregation in America during the racist era large numbers of African-Americans found high-paying jobs with help from the united auto workers. Now I could be wrong about this but I believe that American society was happier and better off in the middle of the 20th century compared to today. I believe it was because we had better leader ship it just so happens to be that the leaders of those days were Democrats but I also give credit to every day Americans whether they were Republican or Democrat for helping to build our country up so strongly during World War II. What are your thoughts on this?

We have less Americans today working the same job for 20 or 30 years compared to during the 20th century. Is that something that is good? For the long run

The democrat Senators of 42 years ago were racist, segregationists...........
No.....the democrat party is still the party of slavery, starting the Civil War, the kkk, Jim Crow laws, separate but equal, lynching......and now they also throw in grown men wearing dresses and underwear and gyrating in front of small children, using chemicals and surgery to sterlize and mutilate young children, and push gay child pornography into our schools....the party and its policies have detroyed the black family and are now working on everybody elses family, and the parties policies of destroying local police and freeing violent criminals have cost the lives of thousands of young black men every single year...

So no...I will never vote for the democrat party, they are the party of evil...
I get what you’re saying. What do you think about the site of factories and the site of the American steel worker. In the middle of the 20th century?

What would you say to the 90 + year old World War II veteran of today who tells you his favorite president was Franklin Roosevelt and that after World War II he worked for 35 years as a union steel worker….? To me those are the greatest Americans to ever live and why i voted Democrat previously…. it’s why I still consider myself a Democrat to this day

so I feel confident in what I am saying here is pro American, pro Christian and in line with the types of things that Republicans and Democrats of the 20th century would be saying. I believe the Democratic Party of the 20th century was much more representative of all Americans than it is today.
No....but he belonged to the party of racism and hate....

Do you deny anything I posted about the history of the democrat party and its current policies?
I disagree with some of your views but not everything.
Interesting opinion brother. Do you think Jimmy Carter was a racist.?

Do you think this Nazi, who saved Chinese citizens from the monsters in the Japanese army makes the nazis less evil?

John Rabe was a real German businessman who lived in Nanking, now called Nanjing; for decades, he managed the operations of the Siemens company there. A member of the Nazi Party, Rabe had never been to Hitler's Germany or seen firsthand what was going on there; even so, he didn't believe the mounting criticisms he heard about Hitler. Germany and Japan were allies, and in the film, when Japanese planes first bomb the city, Rabe and his workers unfurl a giant Nazi flag like a canopy over their heads, in hopes the Japanese pilots will spare them.

The scene was suggested by historical photos that showed the real Rabe using the Nazi flag to construct makeshift shelters for the more than 600 Chinese refugees who camped out at his house and in his garden after the Japanese army took over Nanjing. This paradoxical image -- the swastika as refuge -- fascinates John Rabe director Florian Gallenberger.

John Heinrich Detlef Rabe (23 November 1882 – 5 January 1950) was a German businessman and Nazi Party member best known for his efforts to stop war crimes during the Japanese Nanjing Massacre (also known as Nanking) and his work to protect and help Chinese civilians during the massacre that ensued. The Nanking Safety Zone, which he helped to establish, sheltered approximately 250,000 Chinese people from being killed. He officially represented Germany and acted as senior chief of the European-U.S. establishment that remained in Nanjing, the Chinese capital at the time, when the city fell to the Japanese troops.
I would like to believe that I would have mostly voted Democrat in the 20th century. ..At any time period In that 100 year history but mostly because of the 40s 50s and 60s with people like Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. The way I saw that era was back in those days it was about the workingman. The Democrats were proud of America. We did not have leading Democratic politicians calling for the destruction of historical statues or rioting in our country.

Maybe some people might disagree but the way I see it is that the blue collar Man of the 1950s the steel worker was the ideal representation of the American of that time. It would have been a man with perhaps a family of 4-8 people able to send one or all of his kids to college ..We have changed so significantly here in 2022 we don’t have nearly as many steel jobs as we used to. And frankly the dynamic has changed the image and representation of the American family man has changed. The image of the Democrat and Republican has changed. The way I see it I Democrats and Republicans looked better and acted better in the 20th century then they do today.

Since 2020 I have voted for pretty much all Republicans. But I’m going to change I wanna see the Democratic Party go back to talk about helping the working class, universal healthcare raising the middle wage, supporting the police supporting the firefighters supporting the military. Opposing BLM opposing the view that America is systemically racist. I hope the Democratic Party goes this way but I don’t know what the future is.
FDR imprisoned thousands of American Nisei in concentration camps. Took their property and everything, too. I want reparations for the Nisei. They deserve their property back.

Prescott Bush funded the Nazis. He made WW2 happen.
I get what you’re saying. What do you think about the site of factories and the side of the steel worker. In the middle of the 20th century?

What would you say to the 90 year old World War II veteran of today who tells you his favorite president was Franklin Roosevelt and that after World War II he worked for 35 years as a union steel worker…. To me those are the greatest Americans to ever live in a voted Democrat so I feel confident in what I am saying here is pro American, pro Christian and in line with the types of things that Republicans and Democrats of the 20th century would be saying. I believe the Democratic Party of the 20th century was much more representative of all Americans than it is today.

I would say a lot of Germans liked what hitler did for his country too............

The democrat party hasn't changed...they simply changed tactics and took in racists of all skin colors with the objective of taking control of the government...

Is La Raza a hispanic racist group?

Is the congressional black caucus a black racist group?

Is the nation of islam a black racist group?

All 3 groups are core members of the democrat party....and racist to their core.....

And obama, sat in a racist church for 20 years, and calls al sharpton, jeremiah wright, and louis farakhan friends....and both he and the congressional black caucus had louis farakhan at their events...

So tell me they aren't racists...
I get what you’re saying. What do you think about the site of factories and the site of the American steel worker. In the middle of the 20th century?

What would you say to the 90 + year old World War II veteran of today who tells you his favorite president was Franklin Roosevelt and that after World War II he worked for 35 years as a union steel worker….? To me those are the greatest Americans to ever live and why i voted Democrat previously…. it’s why I still consider myself a Democrat to this day

so I feel confident in what I am saying here is pro American, pro Christian and in line with the types of things that Republicans and Democrats of the 20th century would be saying. I believe the Democratic Party of the 20th century was much more representative of all Americans than it is today.

Hitler claimed to be a faithful christian in public too.......
I’d vote for a low-tax, small government democrat if such thing existed. JFK was cool.
Do you think this Nazi, who saved Chinese citizens from the monsters in the Japanese army makes the nazis less evil?

John Rabe was a real German businessman who lived in Nanking, now called Nanjing; for decades, he managed the operations of the Siemens company there. A member of the Nazi Party, Rabe had never been to Hitler's Germany or seen firsthand what was going on there; even so, he didn't believe the mounting criticisms he heard about Hitler. Germany and Japan were allies, and in the film, when Japanese planes first bomb the city, Rabe and his workers unfurl a giant Nazi flag like a canopy over their heads, in hopes the Japanese pilots will spare them.

The scene was suggested by historical photos that showed the real Rabe using the Nazi flag to construct makeshift shelters for the more than 600 Chinese refugees who camped out at his house and in his garden after the Japanese army took over Nanjing. This paradoxical image -- the swastika as refuge -- fascinates John Rabe director Florian Gallenberger.

John Heinrich Detlef Rabe (23 November 1882 – 5 January 1950) was a German businessman and Nazi Party member best known for his efforts to stop war crimes during the Japanese Nanjing Massacre (also known as Nanking) and his work to protect and help Chinese civilians during the massacre that ensued. The Nanking Safety Zone, which he helped to establish, sheltered approximately 250,000 Chinese people from being killed. He officially represented Germany and acted as senior chief of the European-U.S. establishment that remained in Nanjing, the Chinese capital at the time, when the city fell to the Japanese troops.
Any “nazi “ or supporter of the third Reich ideology is someone I would be against.

We should not be angry with each other. If you are critical of BLM if you are against critical race theory, if you are for the second amendment. And we need to be in agreement with each other because there’s much greater concerns right now brother like with the farleft BLM trying to take this country. So we need to be unified.

Related to this topic it’s worth noting that I am of the opinion that one of if not Christianity’s greatest tests was during World War II.for All these anti-Muslim people Who say Islam is evil because of 9:11 well World War II was fought by overwhelmingly number of christians. 99.9% of Germany was Christian. Most German supported the war effort. The Germans who worked against Hitler were not Nazis. There’s never been any such thing as a good Nazi. And the fact is that the allied powers were overwhelmingly Christian and they helped to secure a victory. So in a similar fashion if you look at the fight against the Taliban what are the people who fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda for that matter I’ve been Muslims. That’s my point there. I don’t know what you think about religious tolerance but I’m interested in your opinion about religion?

For what it’s worth I suspect there’s a lot we agree on just looking at your avatar and appreciate you respect American culture of the 1960s and 1970s. Allow me to say so do I. I respect my relatives my family members who worked in the factory jobs making the middle class wage paving the way for so many future Americans. I am against the far left let me repeat this because I don’t like getting into arguments with people that I have agreements with…. I am against BLM , I am against the far left. I respect American history. I respect Christianity. I am a Catholic I think we need to see more of Jesus in our life in the public atmosphere like we did in the American past. We have always had separation of church and state we can continue to do this. I am for the second amendment.

I’ve noticed you’ve brought up World War II. I’m glad you did this I noticed you have been critical of the third Reich I’m right there with you. In fact I have the upmost respect and appreciation for the 26 million heroic Soviet people who gave their lives to fight for freedom and the fact that we Americans British Chinese and Soviets all teamed up to defeat the third Reich. And we should listen to the vision of the Allie’s of ww2 we should have a united nations and we should have major powers work together today not opposite of each other. Having Russia and America at odds with each other today is not a good thing.

I am not a communist and I think it’s counterproductive to say all these gung ho anti-communist things when there are about three or four communist countries left in the world. I did not grow up during the Cold War I grew up in a different era. I have met people from the Soviet union whose relative helped liberate the concentration camps.

When it comes to Israel Palestine I admire any Israeli or Palestinian who wants one state equal rights for all.

it’s about common sense with me if somebody is Jewish , muslim or atheist it doesn’t matter as long as they have a good character. People who believe that certain religions are our to get us are a threat to our world. We should certainly have a world where we have mutual respect.
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If modern-day Democrats were like they used to be would you vote Democrat?​

Great question!

If the Democrats were like they were from JFK back to Truman, and the Republicans were still MAGA tards, I would vote Democrat.

But I was not yet born during that era. I was born in the LBJ/Carter era and that is why I have never voted Democrat but one time. William F. Buckley asked us Connecticut conservative to vote for the Democratic US Senate candidate so we could get rid of the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. So we did.

Then the dumbass Connecticut voters elected Weicker as governor in the next cycle and that fat bastard instituted the first state income tax.

But I digress.

I would not vote for FDR vs. a New Right Republican. I would write in Snoopy or Pat Paulson like I did for many years.

I would probably vote for Andrew Jackson. And yes, I know he was an Indian killer.

But that son of a bitch is the only one to have balanced the federal budget. And that is about the only thing I really care about.

Sorry, natives. You got a bum deal.
Great question!

If the Democrats were like they were from JFK back to Truman, and the Republicans were still MAGA tards, I would vote Democrat.

But I was not yet born during that era. I was born in the LBJ/Carter era and that is why I have never voted Democrat but one time. William F. Buckley asked us Connecticut conservative to vote for the Democratic US Senate candidate so we could get rid of the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. So we did.

Then the dumbass Connecticut voters elected Weicker as governor in the next cycle and that fat bastard instituted the first state income tax.

But I digress.

I would not vote for FDR vs. a New Right Republican. I would write in Snoopy or Pat Paulson like I did for many years.

I would probably vote for Andrew Jackson. And yes, I know he was an Indian killer.

But that son of a bitch is the only one to have balanced the federal budget. And that is about the only thing I really care about.

Sorry, natives. You got a bum deal.

Andrew Jackson also owned slaves....and started the racist democrat party...
Great question!

If the Democrats were like they were from JFK back to Truman, and the Republicans were still MAGA tards, I would vote Democrat.

But I was not yet born during that era. I was born in the LBJ/Carter era and that is why I have never voted Democrat but one time. William F. Buckley asked us Connecticut conservative to vote for the Democratic US Senate candidate so we could get rid of the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. So we did.

Then the dumbass Connecticut voters elected Weicker as governor in the next cycle and that fat bastard instituted the first state income tax.

But I digress.

I would not vote for FDR vs. a New Right Republican. I would write in Snoopy or Pat Paulson like I did for many years.

I would probably vote for Andrew Jackson. And yes, I know he was an Indian killer.

But that son of a bitch is the only one to have balanced the federal budget. And that is about the only thing I really care about.

Sorry, natives. You got a bum deal.
Andrew Jackson should not be labeled as a so-called Indian killer. He was a man of his time same with the tribes he fought against.

It’s interesting brother how could you not vote for FDR he was the American father. He’s the father of this nation to me. He led us through World War II. if we had bad leadership in World War II we could all be slaves today or dead.

I’m right there with you on supporting John F Kennedy. Tho I think instead of Harry Truman being president after Fdr I think it would’ve been interesting if it would’ve been Henry Wallace … still Truman did some good things

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