If more guns makes a country safer

But the mass shooting epidemic is only happening in America.
No, I don't want to live in a free society where one person is free and capable of wiping out hundreds of people with a weapon that should not be in their hands.
With two exceptions, every mass shooting in the US could have been equally perpetrated with a pump-action shotgun.
Tell us how you do not want to ban pump-action shotguns.
Yes, liberalism and freedom go hand in hand.
So long as liberals agree with the choices you want to make, sure.
You can't kill as many with a pump action shotgun as you can with a 20 mag glock.
But the mass shooting epidemic is only happening in America.
No, I don't want to live in a free society where one person is free and capable of wiping out hundreds of people with a weapon that should not be in their hands.
With two exceptions, every mass shooting in the US could have been equally perpetrated with a pump-action shotgun.
Tell us how you do not want to ban pump-action shotguns.
Yes, liberalism and freedom go hand in hand.
So long as liberals agree with the choices you want to make, sure.
You can't kill as many with a pump action shotgun as you can with a 20 mag glock.
Your statement, above, is a lie.
People with pump-action shotguns are capable of perpetrating all but two of the mass shootings taken place in the US -- as you do not want to live in a society where one person is free and capable of wiping out hundreds of people, why aren't pump-action shotguns on your list of weapons that should be banned?
So you had to leave free America to make a decent living? Is that what you are saying? And now that you have saved your nest egg working in California, you moved back to hickville Mayberry where there are no jobs? Notice all the kids in free America have to leave when they are 18 and they have to come to commyfornia or commyNYC to make their money? Because there are no jobs where you finally moved once you were no longer marketable. Cheaper standard of living. We get it. If you have money it's nice in rural America. IF

Little children used to use that tactic, to reverse what someone says so they can sound credible.

I moved AWAY from that stinking cesspool of Socialism called Southern CommieFornia, and I moved TO Free America where I now live and enjoy freedoms that the subjects of CommieFornia will NEVER know.

In your fantasies, there is no work in "flyover country" but the TRUTH is that there isn't a young person in your festering buckets of swill at each end of the country that can even come close to matching the daily work ethic or amount of actual work that is done here on a daily basis by our young citizens.

You sure have a warped vision of what it means to be an American.
But the mass shooting epidemic is only happening in America. What other societies are having this problem?

Ah, I see the problem. You believe these staged mass shootings are REAL. Silly liberals.

No, I don't want to live in a free society where one person is free and capable of wiping out hundreds of people with a weapon that should not be in their hands.

There is no place on this planet where this is not the case.

Yes, liberalism and freedom go hand in hand. You can cry that liberalism is what leads to the shootings but all liberalism is is freedom to do what you want. Free to fuck. Free to divorce. Free to not be a father to your kid. But that's not why all these fatherless white men are going on shooting rampages. They're doing it because they have no hope. Back when liberals ran this country, they could have gone out and got a factory job that would have paid enough to support a family. Today white men who go to college can't get a job that can support a family of 4. It's very hard growing up in Conservative America. College is more expensive, corporations have broken the social contract with workers, etc.

The STUPID is strong with this one. There is just too much STUPID to address here.
What? Just because you were able to buy one in 1980 doesn't mean a crazy gun nut will be able to get their hands on one moving forward. Chances are the gun nut will just go with what he can get his hands on at the gun store. And that will be 10 round mags.

Oh, and it's illegal to sell yours to anyone. So you can keep what you got but not sell it.

You're speculating. Your comment is false. What you are saying is if we don't confiscate what you have then gun nuts will be able to get their hands on them. Not true. Not true at all. Banning the sale of 20 round magazines will take 20 round magazines out of most gun nuts hands.

It is illegal to own or sell cocaine, crystal myth, crack, too. Who possesses those items? Criminals. Is it illegal to rob banks, stick up convenience stores, burglarize homes and businesses, print counterfeit money, and the list goes on and on? So, Sealybobo, who does those things? Law-abiding citizens or criminals?

Have you heard of 3-D printers? They have the ability to "print" a functioning gun. Magazines are a piece of cake. If you halt manufacturing, make an attempt to seize all that exists, or not, who will be able buying them?

What are your proposals to actually reduce gun crimes rather than punish law-abiding citizens? Do you have any?
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Well those people are all brown, according to Humpty Trumpty.
So, you agree; restricting peoples' rights because they -might- commit a crime is inane.
Good to hear.
I think gun nutters should have to take a fear test before they can carry a gun. If the sight of a brown woman and child illegally crossing the border makes them flop sweat and hyperventilate, then they definitely have too much fear to own a gun.

Also, since you value my opinion so highly, I would institute a minimum penis size before a man can own a gun. Girth and length. Despite red state white male uneducated voter belief, a gun is not a substitute for your tiny pecker.

And there you have it.......another anti-gun loon who has a psycho-sexual fixation on guns as a substitute for the penis. This seems to be a common mental disorder with these types....and really needs to be addressed by a psychiatric professional.
I'm not the one who needs to load up on these phallic symbols every time I leave the house.

You are projecting. Medication and therapy can help you accept your physical limitations.

There it is again.....the fixation on the penis....

Guns are not a penis...you need to learn this quickly before you do something really stupid to the plastic doll you own.....

Notyourbody seems to be a female with a serious lack of...attention...or a serious penis envy problem. Either that or she has come to believe that her tactic will frighten off her male opponent since she has no logical argument. Instead, all it does is make her look trashy.
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But the mass shooting epidemic is only happening in America. What other societies are having this problem?

Why are you not equally disturbed by mass murder by any means? You don't want a gun, for whatever reason, so you don't want anyone else to have one. We know!

Once again, for your very reluctant edification!

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
Obama never was against guns. Bill Clinton was never against guns and neither was Hillary. I'll give you Sanders and Warren. But you are wrong about everything else. You are just repeating what you handlers are telling you to say without doing any real research for your self. To give you an idea, Rump is more of a gun grabber than the Clintons or Obama. Yet you rave on and on about that fruitcake and how he can do no wrong. \

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be that stupid.

Actually, you just proved that it IS possible to be more stupid than that by a very long shot.

Please elaborate.

I would but you would be too stupid to understand it. You have been so far.
And most states have a "Reasonable" method for you to be armed in public. It's called Licensed CCW. And that is perfectly constitutional.

I believe that conservatives should remove the liberals' constitutional Right to VOTE, and only allow them to vote after they have successfully jumped through a series of hoops WE would create, to determine whether or not they are QUALIFIED to vote. We would then give them a laminated Voter Permit that they would have to renew every five years in order to continue exercising their Right to vote.

It is not Constitutional to FORCIBLY VOID someone's Constitutional Right, and then SELL that right back to them in the form of a permit they can only obtain after passing a set of arbitrary pre-qualifications. You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about what is or is not Constitutional.

Okay, as long as the Rumpsters have to pass an equally difficult test to vote. Can you imagine them trying to take any written test at all? Now, make it oral and make it public. That would make a new Reailty TV show that many of us would watch for the comedy aspect.
Are you a dike? Are you covered with tats and steel pins through various body parts? Is your hair purple? Do you LOOK like you have a record, or an STD? Do you look like Fred Flintstone in drag?

Awww, are these the things that have you so frightened that you couldn't hack it in VISTA, Ca? Lmfao! Vista? You can't be serious. Vista?!?!

AND it's got LaKKKe Elsinore to the north and Klantee to the south. Both serving up your favorite flavors of white nationalism sauce. And even that wasn't enough to make you feel safe in VISTA, California?!?!

Talk about a damn snowflake, I truly am braver than you are, or maybe just smarter.
Okay, as long as the Rumpsters have to pass an equally difficult test to vote. Can you imagine them trying to take any written test at all? Now, make it oral and make it public. That would make a new Reailty TV show that many of us would watch for the comedy aspect.

Awww, are these the things that have you so frightened that you couldn't hack it in VISTA, Ca? Lmfao! Vista? You can't be serious. Vista?!?!

AND it's got LaKKKe Elsinore to the north and Klantee to the south. Both serving up your favorite flavors of white nationalism sauce. And even that wasn't enough to make you feel safe in VISTA, California?!?!

Talk about a damn snowflake, I truly am braver than you are, or maybe just smarter.

So you're no longer advancing your penis envy, now, typical of all Progressives, you're screaming RACISM. Here's a thought, try advancing your point of view with FACTS. Ohhhh...rrriiiggghhhtttt!





Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists
Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists
Awww, are these the things that have you so frightened that you couldn't hack it in VISTA, Ca? Lmfao! Vista? You can't be serious. Vista?!?!

AND it's got LaKKKe Elsinore to the north and Klantee to the south. Both serving up your favorite flavors of white nationalism sauce. And even that wasn't enough to make you feel safe in VISTA, California?!?!

Talk about a damn snowflake, I truly am braver than you are, or maybe just smarter.

So you're no longer advancing your penis envy, now, typical of all Progressives, you're screaming RACISM. Here's a thought, try advancing your point of view with FACTS. Ohhhh...rrriiiggghhhtttt!





Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists
Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists
It's just a fact that the white nationalists hang out in those areas. It's not my fault.

I even go to those areas without a gun, though I do steer clear of the Nazi types because they are generally very very scared and very angry, and I am not about that shit. They can wallow in their own misery by themselves.
Awww, are these the things that have you so frightened that you couldn't hack it in VISTA, Ca? Lmfao! Vista? You can't be serious. Vista?!?!

I left CommieFornia, the cesspool that is infested with liberals. Nothing "frightened" me. I just got tired of living among the dregs of society.

AND it's got LaKKKe Elsinore to the north and Klantee to the south. Both serving up your favorite flavors of white nationalism sauce. And even that wasn't enough to make you feel safe in VISTA, California?!?!

Yeah ... um ... it ALSO has MONTANA to the north, but it is also not close enough to be intelligently included in the conversation.

Talk about a damn snowflake, I truly am braver than you are, or maybe just smarter.

You are neither braver, nor smarter.
And most states have a "Reasonable" method for you to be armed in public. It's called Licensed CCW. And that is perfectly constitutional.

I believe that conservatives should remove the liberals' constitutional Right to VOTE, and only allow them to vote after they have successfully jumped through a series of hoops WE would create, to determine whether or not they are QUALIFIED to vote. We would then give them a laminated Voter Permit that they would have to renew every five years in order to continue exercising their Right to vote.

It is not Constitutional to FORCIBLY VOID someone's Constitutional Right, and then SELL that right back to them in the form of a permit they can only obtain after passing a set of arbitrary pre-qualifications. You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about what is or is not Constitutional.

Okay, as long as the Rumpsters have to pass an equally difficult test to vote. Can you imagine them trying to take any written test at all? Now, make it oral and make it public. That would make a new Reailty TV show that many of us would watch for the comedy aspect.

OMG, would I love to see that. My assessment of political parties is that when it comes to political knowledge, Republicans beat Democrats at the very least two to one. Granted, I'm not saying all Democrats are politically ignorant, but look at where most of their votes come from. They come from lower income inner-city folks. You don't find many conservatives or Republican in those areas. In fact, there were some inner-city districts where Mitt Romney didn't have on single vote. One of those districts was here in Cleveland.

So let's say that Republicans take total charge of the federal government, and require an extremely simple test in order for ALL to vote. Do you think the Democrats would welcome that with open arms? Who gets the poor vote? Who gets the inner-city vote? Why do you suppose that liberal talk radio was a complete failure, because those folks are so into politics like we on the right?

Just a reminder of what your typical Democrat voter is like.

Of course we make decisions for the masses. Do we want one person to have the fire power that when he snaps he can go out and kill hundreds of people? No we do not. So we are going to make decisions that are good for the masses. Sorry you don't have the FREEDOM to commit mass murder. Or you still do but you're going to have to use a car or bomb. And if you decide to use a gun you'll have to reload after 10 shots. That'll give us some time to run away from you or tackle you.

To be honest, as Leftist policies have become more prevalent, the violence problem has increased.

In early America, school children routinely carried loaded guns to school. Yet "mass shootings" did not occur. What changed?

Unfortunately, Leftist policies seem to encourage "victimhood" and a lack of effective criminal and mental corrections. Which leads to a decaying society as we are seeing today.

Finally, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that in EVERY free society, unfortunate events like mass shootings are occasionally inevitable. It goes with the part of being "Free".
But similar events occur in non free societies as well. China has mass killings frequently, but usually it is suppressed in the news and those involved dealt with swiftly and removed from society quickly. .

Do you prefer to live in a free society where you can basically do and speak as you please, but be subject to occasionally mentally ill people who can do horrible things like buy guns and kill innocent people?


Do you prefer to live oppressed and tightly watched and dictated to by a government that does not allow you to voice your opinions or do as you please in the hopes of being "safer"? (Notice I said "hopes". Because in such a society, the government can arbitrarily take your life if it so desires with little or no cause or justification. Cuba is also such a society.

But the mass shooting epidemic is only happening in America. What other societies are having this problem?

No, I don't want to live in a free society where one person is free and capable of wiping out hundreds of people with a weapon that should not be in their hands.

You know where you should go live? You'd love it. The Congo. Or any other nation where kids are walking around with guns.

Yes, liberalism and freedom go hand in hand. You can cry that liberalism is what leads to the shootings but all liberalism is is freedom to do what you want. Free to fuck. Free to divorce. Free to not be a father to your kid. But that's not why all these fatherless white men are going on shooting rampages. They're doing it because they have no hope. Back when liberals ran this country, they could have gone out and got a factory job that would have paid enough to support a family. Today white men who go to college can't get a job that can support a family of 4. It's very hard growing up in Conservative America. College is more expensive, corporations have broken the social contract with workers, etc.

A mass murder in the USA is considered a murder of four or more people. We had one a few months ago, and probably most around the country never heard of it. In fact, that murder took place about seven houses from where I grew up until the age of 7.

On average, how many people die in a mass murder compared to Chicago on a holiday weekend? You know, gun-free Chicago?

So go live in the Congo? I'll tell you what: there are places in the United States that are liberal Meccas. A place with no guns except for government. Free government healthcare. Government feeds, you, provides you with clothing, nobody has money except for the government, and you don't even have to work.

We call them prisons, and they are not hard to get in.

Liberalsim is freedom? You must be joking.

I am liberal.jpeg

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