If more guns makes a country safer

My gun makes me safer under specific conditions.

I'm not really concerned with making you safer.
We’re interested in what makes us all safer. Background checks and maybe we don’t allow people to buy assault weapons and wmds

All guns are weapons of mass destruction. The problem is people with very little knowledge of guns don't understand that.

No, people with guns don't understand that us people who want common sense gun legislation aren't trying to ban 10 round magazines just 20 round magazines.

I have a lot of knowledge about guns. I own about 5 guns.

Maybe it's you who has very little knowledge about what our knowledge is?
About 5?

So what is that 4.5?

And you are also trying to ban 15 round magazines, you know the ones that are standard size when you buy a handgun.
I have to think about it. 450 bushmaster, muzzleloader, 410, 45, 22. Does the crossbow count? So I have 5.5 guns. LOL.
My ruger 1911 45 only holds 8. You can buy an extended mag that holds 10. Your semi auto handgun holds 15? Yea, I would probably ban the manufacturing of that capacity mag.
For no rational reason whatsoever.
You can keep the ones you have though. I just want to stop a future nut from being able to dole out max carnage.
Absent confiscation of "high capacity" magazines, they will remain available to everyone - thus, your nonsensical ban will accomplish nothing.
Tell me, am I a gun Grabber? Do I want to grab your guns? You want to keep preaching to me. But if I present concrete evidence you won't read it either. I don't see much of a difference in both groups.

There is no concrete evidence to support the arguments of the gun grabbers.

You didn't answer the question. Am I a gun grabber. You can leave off the BS and just answer the question. And be specific.
No, people with guns don't understand that us people who want common sense gun legislation aren't trying to ban 10 round magazines just 20 round magazines.

There is no such thing as common sense gun legislation. You have posted a perfect example.

I have a lot of knowledge about guns. I own about 5 guns.

You can always tell when someone is lying, when that person makes a statement like that.

Who among us, could own 4 or 5 cars, without knowing the EXACT COUNT? Once you get up over 100 cars, and your daily activities might include buying, selling or trading them, you MIGHT be able to honestly say "I own about a hundred cars." If you own 4 guns, you KNOW you own 4 guns. If you own 5 guns, you KNOW you own 5 guns.

Maybe it's you who has very little knowledge about what our knowledge is?

The grabbers have absolutely ZERO knowledge about guns, gun owners or the Second Amendment. They have demonstrated this time and time again.

That's not true. Because I forget about the 410 and the muzzleloader. I have a 22 revolver fits in the palm of your hand. The kind gamblers used in the old west. Pretty cool. Even now I have to think, "am I forgetting about one of my weapons?"

Only people with a hard on for guns knows exactly how many guns he has. Or maybe I'm just not that into guns that I know precisely how many guns I have. All I know is I see the why people have so many different guns. Most recently I purchased the Ruger 1911 45. I told the guys at work I have it in case a bear attacks me when I'm hunting. They said "That's not the right gun to stop a bear. Doesn't have enough stopping power". So I said "FUCK! NOW I HAVE TO BUY ANOTHER GUN?"

It's like my pontoon. I purchased it 2 years ago and I always forget the make. It's either a starcraft or mastercraft. I think it's a starcraft. You would think a guy who pays $25,500 for a boat would know the make and model right? But I just don't give a fuck about those things.
No, people with guns don't understand that us people who want common sense gun legislation aren't trying to ban 10 round magazines just 20 round magazines.

There is no such thing as common sense gun legislation. You have posted a perfect example.

I have a lot of knowledge about guns. I own about 5 guns.

You can always tell when someone is lying, when that person makes a statement like that.

Who among us, could own 4 or 5 cars, without knowing the EXACT COUNT? Once you get up over 100 cars, and your daily activities might include buying, selling or trading them, you MIGHT be able to honestly say "I own about a hundred cars." If you own 4 guns, you KNOW you own 4 guns. If you own 5 guns, you KNOW you own 5 guns.

Maybe it's you who has very little knowledge about what our knowledge is?

The grabbers have absolutely ZERO knowledge about guns, gun owners or the Second Amendment. They have demonstrated this time and time again.

Again, am I a gun grabber. simple question. No deflection, just answer the question.
Tell me, am I a gun Grabber? Do I want to grab your guns? You want to keep preaching to me. But if I present concrete evidence you won't read it either. I don't see much of a difference in both groups.

There is no concrete evidence to support the arguments of the gun grabbers.

You didn't answer the question. Am I a gun grabber. You can leave off the BS and just answer the question. And be specific.
I'm not a gun grabber. I'm a Tell the Gun manufacturers to stop making and selling certain types of guns kind of guy.

And no more 20 round mags. The gun nuts say this won't slow them down but then cry if we suggest limiting the mags to 10 rounds. So you know they are lying. It would slow down a gun nut on a rampage and that's all we want to do is lower the number of victims. We know we can't stop a guy from going into a store with a glock and 10 magazines that each hold 10 rounds. What we can do is prevent him from getting 10 20 round magazines. That would save lives.
I'm not a gun grabber. I'm a Tell the Gun manufacturers to stop making and selling certain types of guns kind of guy.
For no rational reason whatsoever.
And no more 20 round mags.
For no rational reason whatsoever

You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or efficacy of, any the restrictions you seek to place on the law abiding.
My ruger 1911 45 only holds 8. You can buy an extended mag that holds 10. Your semi auto handgun holds 15? Yea, I would probably ban the manufacturing of that capacity mag.
For no rational reason whatsoever.
You can keep the ones you have though. I just want to stop a future nut from being able to dole out max carnage.
Absent confiscation of "high capacity" magazines, they will remain available to everyone - thus, your nonsensical ban will accomplish nothing.
What? Just because you were able to buy one in 1980 doesn't mean a crazy gun nut will be able to get their hands on one moving forward. Chances are the gun nut will just go with what he can get his hands on at the gun store. And that will be 10 round mags.

Oh, and it's illegal to sell yours to anyone. So you can keep what you got but not sell it.

You're speculating. Your comment is false. What you are saying is if we don't confiscate what you have then gun nuts will be able to get their hands on them. Not true. Not true at all. Banning the sale of 20 round magazines will take 20 round magazines out of most gun nuts hands.
This is what I've learned overall relating to Leftists and Gun Control.

Many leftists believe that Human Utopia can only exist where decisions are made for the masses. That people need guidance and direction in order to live civilized lives. In some ways, they are correct. Look at all the people in America dying of drug overdoses and the amount of crime. I have always thought that not everyone "deserves" freedom. Some humans cannot handle freedom or lack the intelligence to live in a society and respect the privacy and rights of others. Those who drive around with excessively loud car stereos that vibrate the windows of nearby homes are a perfect example. They have freedom to do these things, but lack the self control or respect for others to understand that others have the right not to have their space invaded. I've always thought that people like this do not deserve to be as free as those who do.

Same with people who drive recklessly or intoxicated, putting the lives of others in danger. We have laws to deal with this, but they are largely ineffective as is obvious by how large the problem remains. Again, the left is willing to overlook the shortcomings of the individual in favor of a strong Government control system over everyone. It is explains why many on the Left see "mob rule" as acceptable.....and a Democracy, the majority rules, more appealing than a Republic, which focuses on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

The point is that many Leftists believe that in order to achieve a more perfect society, that a few should dictate how the rest may live their lives. China does this as do most Communist countries. Socialism is a step in that direction.

The fatal flaw is that in their quest for Utopia, Leftists often put aside the fact that concentrating power into a few almost always leads to corruption and human rights abuse. But they largely see this as an acceptable trade off.

In terms of guns, this is why they MUST disarm a population. Because an armed population is not easily put under the control of the few.
My ruger 1911 45 only holds 8. You can buy an extended mag that holds 10. Your semi auto handgun holds 15? Yea, I would probably ban the manufacturing of that capacity mag.
For no rational reason whatsoever.
You can keep the ones you have though. I just want to stop a future nut from being able to dole out max carnage.
Absent confiscation of "high capacity" magazines, they will remain available to everyone - thus, your nonsensical ban will accomplish nothing.

I'd rather you only be able to shoot 10 people before we tackle your fat ass instead of 15. I just saved 5 lives.
This is what I've learned overall relating to Leftists and Gun Control.

Many leftists believe that Human Utopia can only exist where decisions are made for the masses. That people need guidance and direction in order to live civilized lives. In some ways, they are correct. Look at all the people in America dying of drug overdoses and the amount of crime. I have always thought that not everyone "deserves" freedom. Some humans cannot handle freedom or lack the intelligence to live in a society and respect the privacy and rights of others. Those who drive around with excessively loud car stereos that vibrate the windows of nearby homes are a perfect example. They have freedom to do these things, but lack the self control or respect for others to understand that others have the right not to have their space invaded. I've always thought that people like this do not deserve to be as free as those who do.

Same with people who drive recklessly or intoxicated, putting the lives of others in danger. We have laws to deal with this, but they are largely ineffective as is obvious by how large the problem remains. Again, the left is willing to overlook the shortcomings of the individual in favor of a strong Government control system over everyone. It is explains why many on the Left see "mob rule" as acceptable.....and a Democracy, the majority rules, more appealing than a Republic, which focuses on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

The point is that many Leftists believe that in order to achieve a more perfect society, that a few should dictate how the rest may live their lives. China does this as do most Communist countries. Socialism is a step in that direction.

The fatal flaw is that in their quest for Utopia, Leftists often put aside the fact that concentrating power into a few almost always leads to corruption and human rights abuse. But they largely see this as an acceptable trade off.

In terms of guns, this is why they MUST disarm a population. Because an armed population is not easily put under the control of the few.

Of course we make decisions for the masses. Do we want one person to have the fire power that when he snaps he can go out and kill hundreds of people? No we do not. So we are going to make decisions that are good for the masses. Sorry you don't have the FREEDOM to commit mass murder. Or you still do but you're going to have to use a car or bomb. And if you decide to use a gun you'll have to reload after 10 shots. That'll give us some time to run away from you or tackle you.
Of course we make decisions for the masses. Do we want one person to have the fire power that when he snaps he can go out and kill hundreds of people? No we do not. So we are going to make decisions that are good for the masses. Sorry you don't have the FREEDOM to commit mass murder. Or you still do but you're going to have to use a car or bomb. And if you decide to use a gun you'll have to reload after 10 shots. That'll give us some time to run away from you or tackle you.

To be honest, as Leftist policies have become more prevalent, the violence problem has increased.

In early America, school children routinely carried loaded guns to school. Yet "mass shootings" did not occur. What changed?

Unfortunately, Leftist policies seem to encourage "victimhood" and a lack of effective criminal and mental corrections. Which leads to a decaying society as we are seeing today.

Finally, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that in EVERY free society, unfortunate events like mass shootings are occasionally inevitable. It goes with the part of being "Free".
But similar events occur in non free societies as well. China has mass killings frequently, but usually it is suppressed in the news and those involved dealt with swiftly and removed from society quickly. .

Do you prefer to live in a free society where you can basically do and speak as you please, but be subject to occasionally mentally ill people who can do horrible things like buy guns and kill innocent people?


Do you prefer to live oppressed and tightly watched and dictated to by a government that does not allow you to voice your opinions or do as you please in the hopes of being "safer"? (Notice I said "hopes". Because in such a society, the government can arbitrarily take your life if it so desires with little or no cause or justification. Cuba is also such a society.
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Maybe it's you who has very little knowledge about what our knowledge is?

Years ago, there was this far Left sociopath homosexual on several message forums. I told him it was OBVIOUS that he was gay, and OBVIOUS that he knew absolutely nothing about guns. You could READ the homosexuality in his posts. He denied it.

His brother, admittedly a good CONSERVATIVE and 2A supporter viciously argued with me that his brother was NOT gay, because he was captain of the football team, and he was "married with children" and yadda yadda ...

This Bozo would argue about his college education and his big expensive home in Virginia, and the fact that he worked as a pharmacist. He would argue that I was "an irresponsible gun owner" simply by virtue of OWNING guns. I lived in COMMIEfornia at the time. I told him I was an NRA member, that all of my guns were registered, and kept in a strong gun safe, and that I followed all of their inane laws about transporting them unloaded and/or disassembled, etc., but that didn't phase him. I was simply irresponsible BECAUSE I owned guns.

He then announced one day that he purchased his first gun. A revolver. He boasted "I am an expert shooter!" Of course I had to point out the fact that, if he WAS proficient with a handgun, and he knew ANYTHING about guns, he would have claimed to be an expert MARKSMAN.

Fast forward to a phone call from my conservative friend. I FELT IT, the moment the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and my first words were ... "Let me guess ... your brother told you he is gay." In a very angry grimace grumbling voice he replied, "Yes. He. Did! HOW did you know?" I told him that my GAYDAR is finely tuned.

Some time passed, and another phone call came in. This time, my friend told me that his brother had been arrested for trying to hire an undercover detective to murder his wife. I was not the least bit surprised. The videos were right there on the Net, just like you see in the COPS shows.

He is now serving time in prison for his crimes, and I am sure he has found a big guy named 'BUBBA' who thinks he looks cute in the shower. I hope he is happy now. I think he gets out in 2025

I only add this here, because 'sealybobo's writing style and the way he uses and assembles words is strangely similar.

Roanoke man arrested for murder-for-hire plot

Roanoke man sentenced to 10 years in murder-for-hire case
Of course we make decisions for the masses. Do we want one person to have the fire power that when he snaps he can go out and kill hundreds of people? No we do not. So we are going to make decisions that are good for the masses. Sorry you don't have the FREEDOM to commit mass murder. Or you still do but you're going to have to use a car or bomb. And if you decide to use a gun you'll have to reload after 10 shots. That'll give us some time to run away from you or tackle you.

Oh, right. Because it takes so long to change out a magazine.

What? Just because you were able to buy one in 1980 doesn't mean a crazy gun nut will be able to get their hands on one...
Nothing here changes the fact that the millions upon millions of "high capacity" magazines will be available for anyone to buy.
Thus, your proposed "ban" on new magazines accomplishes nothing.
Oh, and it's illegal to sell yours to anyone. So you can keep what you got but not sell it.
Look at you, moving the goalpost - proof that you know your proposed "ban" on new magazines accomplishes nothing.
And as there's no way to track magazines, a "ban" on selling existing magazines will accomplish nothing.

As noted: There's no sense, common or otherwise, in the restrictions you seek to place on the law abiding.

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