If more guns makes a country safer

Obama never was against guns. Bill Clinton was never against guns and neither was Hillary. I'll give you Sanders and Warren. But you are wrong about everything else. You are just repeating what you handlers are telling you to say without doing any real research for your self. To give you an idea, Rump is more of a gun grabber than the Clintons or Obama. Yet you rave on and on about that fruitcake and how he can do no wrong. \

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be that stupid.
Obama never was against guns. Bill Clinton was never against guns and neither was Hillary. I'll give you Sanders and Warren. But you are wrong about everything else. You are just repeating what you handlers are telling you to say without doing any real research for your self. To give you an idea, Rump is more of a gun grabber than the Clintons or Obama. Yet you rave on and on about that fruitcake and how he can do no wrong.

Here failed former President Barack Hussein Obama boasts about being the best salesman for guns our country has ever seen. Driven by the fear of people that he and the other Democrats/Progressives would work to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens.

Obama Admits: "We're working on gun control 'under the radar'"
What's next, from America's worst POTUS ever? A sneak-attack on American gun rights, that's what's next.

Posted: April 26, 2011
6:07 pm Eastern
© 2011

"I just want you to know that we are working on it," Barack Obama reportedly told Sarah Brady regarding gun control. "We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar."


Four More Years of Obama: Gun Control 'Under the Radar' No More
AWR HAWKINS 24 Sep 2012
For example, as a state senator in Illinois, Obama supported one-gun-a-month purchase limits; he supported legislation that banned the use of handguns for self-defense (even in one’s own home); he supported an Illinois bill that would have not only banned but also confiscated “assault weapons” had it passed; and he supported a total ban on handguns.

Four More Years of Obama: Gun Control 'Under the Radar' No More | Breitbart

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I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.

And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

What constitutes a "reasonable" firearm? So howitzers and chain guns aren't allowed for self defense. :laugh:

Society deems what is "Reasonable" just like Society deems what is a "Home" through building codes. Reasonable is set by "Laws" which are set by Society.
Society gives me the right to bear arms.

A reasonable society would allow me to defend myself in "Public."
I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.

And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

So ... when I leave my "home" I should be vulnerable to a deadly attack at the ATM, at a restaurant, while driving in my car or cycling through a public park, etc.?

Don't even PRETEND to be that stupid.
Anyone who has a problem with people being able to legally own a firearm there is a solution to that you can try and repeal the Second Amendment. I don't see that succeeding but if that is how you truly feel start the process and make your case.

Nope. The Second Amendment does not GRANT a citizen the Right to keep and bear arms. It only ACKNOWLEDGES the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to defend your life against imminent danger. Abolish the 2A tomorrow, but I STILL have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and a GRUESOME DEATH awaits anyone who believes he can come and take them away from me.
Well those people are all brown, according to Humpty Trumpty.

You will more likely be killed by your own gun.

A BIG FAT LIBERAL LIE. They count suicides as a person who was "killed by his own gun" AS IF the gun had a mind of its own and decided to crawl out of the night stand and kill its owner.

Those FEW people who are killed by their own guns buy them for protection, but FAIL to go get training on how to use them and clean them, and keep them secure.
So let me guess. You support abortions but guns are bad lol

What we support is letting women make decisions about their own body.

You people want to control what women do with their body.

This abortion argument is BEYOND stupid.

I don't care if these women saw their own tits off and boil them in motor oil.

When they choose to terminate the LIFE of the unborn child inside of them, they are not making a decision about their own body. They are killing another human being because it would be "inconvenient" to allow it to be born.
its to separate "Militia" with "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"
which means its is an addition to and separate from
so basically the second amendment has two clauses one for the state to be able to form and maintain a militia hence the national guard and the right for individuals to own fire arms

Wrong. "The People" means THE INDIVIDUAL in the 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th and 17th Amendments. It ALSO means "The Individual" in the 2nd Amendment.

The FF did not change the meaning of the words for the Second amendment.
You read the entire page because it agrees with your predetermined views. But if something is contrary to your views you won't get much past the first few words. I read the whole thing regardless. Again, am I a gun grabber? I disagree with much of what you say. Does that make me a gun grabber? Simple question.

No, I read the entire page because it contained real DATA , rather than agenda-driven nonsense.

You sure make a lot of assumptions. You have decided what I will, and will not read. You are wrong, but you have the Right to be wrong.

Are you a gun grabber? I don't know. I haven't read enough of your posts to come to that conclusion. If you support the likes of Obama, Clinton, Sanders, Warren et. al., then yes, you are probably a gun grabber.

Obama never was against guns. Bill Clinton was never against guns and neither was Hillary. I'll give you Sanders and Warren. But you are wrong about everything else. You are just repeating what you handlers are telling you to say without doing any real research for your self. To give you an idea, Rump is more of a gun grabber than the Clintons or Obama. Yet you rave on and on about that fruitcake and how he can do no wrong. \

So you mean DumBama never used victims of violent crime to strike up more Democrat gun control measures?

You are playing Politics. It is the States that are doing it. Now, where are you when Rump does it with his EOs. I guess if Rump does it, it's okay with you but it's okay to make shit up about Obama.
Obama never was against guns. Bill Clinton was never against guns and neither was Hillary. I'll give you Sanders and Warren. But you are wrong about everything else. You are just repeating what you handlers are telling you to say without doing any real research for your self. To give you an idea, Rump is more of a gun grabber than the Clintons or Obama. Yet you rave on and on about that fruitcake and how he can do no wrong. \

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be that stupid.

Actually, you just proved that it IS possible to be more stupid than that by a very long shot.

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