If more guns makes a country safer

Right now...Fully automatic weapons are banned.
Right now...criminals have them...But it's illegal for me to own one (without a permit).
The law forces me to be less armed than the criminals!

That's what gun control laws do!

Well, it's been well over 30 years since any crime has been done using a fully auto firearm. And then that was taken down real fast. Full Auto Weapons are NOT in the hands of Criminals. You are just making shit up again. You win an award. Wear it proudly.

View attachment 285308

You forgot about the North Hollywood shootout. February 28, 1997

What was called a Military Grade M-16 was a Civilian AR-15 semi auto with a 50 round mag. The AK was an illegally modified Civilian that had been converted to full auto. The AK went down fast. The AR was taken down last. The problem wasn't the AR or the AK, it was the fact that cops only had their 9mm sidearms and were woefully outgunned by either of the assault rifles. It ended when the Military loaned them some M-16s so that the LEOs now had the upper hand in firepower. Today, that can not happen as most Cops have at least one Shotgun inside the cab of the cop car and at least one AR in the trunk.


They wore heavy body armor........

North Hollywood shootout - Wikipedia

including a Type IIIA bulletproof vest and groin guard;

Matasareanu wore only a Type IIIA bulletproof vest, but included a metal trauma plate to protect vital organs.


BulletSafe Bulletproof Baseball Cap

What is level IIIA and why is it the right vest for me? Level IIIA (3A) is typically the highest level of protection you will find in soft armor. Our vest will protect you from everything from a BB gun to a .44 magnum. That is great protection. Don't settle for other vests that offer level IIA or level II. You want level IIIA.
What came out of this was the rearming of the LA police department and the introduction of the Colt LE6920. Even if a criminal were to use a full auto, the LE6920 is horse enough to handle the job with the overwhelming numbers that the LEO would present.

That shooting was a message of things to come.

The LE6920 is your basic AR15. There is nothing special about that rifle.

You are correct. It's just well made, right out of the same parts bin that the M-4 and M-16 comes out of for the US Military save 2 or 3 parts. And it may very well be the only rifle that you can buy in the near future from Colt.
What was called a Military Grade M-16 was a Civilian AR-15 semi auto with a 50 round mag. The AK was an illegally modified Civilian that had been converted to full auto. The AK went down fast. The AR was taken down last. The problem wasn't the AR or the AK, it was the fact that cops only had their 9mm sidearms and were woefully outgunned by either of the assault rifles. It ended when the Military loaned them some M-16s so that the LEOs now had the upper hand in firepower. Today, that can not happen as most Cops have at least one Shotgun inside the cab of the cop car and at least one AR in the trunk.

I don't recall the military loaning them anything. I heard they went to B&B Guns to get better firepower.

ALSO worth considering, is the L.A. Cops' inability to think OUTside of the box. They are trained to shoot at "center of mass" which is the torso, but of course these guys were wearing body armor.

Over their faces, they were ONLY wearing WalMart knitted black ski masks! If I were there, I would have placed a carefully aimed shot through their HEADS, or shot their feet and ankles out from beneath them. The cops didn't do that. They ONLY shot at the center of mass, because they are not taught to think for themselves.

Notice too....with all the rounds the two criminals fired, they didn't kill anyone....with fully automatic rifles...
Tell me, am I a gun Grabber? Do I want to grab your guns? You want to keep preaching to me. But if I present concrete evidence you won't read it either. I don't see much of a difference in both groups.

I read the entire page. I agree with everything contained within it.

You read the entire page because it agrees with your predetermined views. But if something is contrary to your views you won't get much past the first few words. I read the whole thing regardless. Again, am I a gun grabber? I disagree with much of what you say. Does that make me a gun grabber? Simple question.
What was called a Military Grade M-16 was a Civilian AR-15 semi auto with a 50 round mag. The AK was an illegally modified Civilian that had been converted to full auto. The AK went down fast. The AR was taken down last. The problem wasn't the AR or the AK, it was the fact that cops only had their 9mm sidearms and were woefully outgunned by either of the assault rifles. It ended when the Military loaned them some M-16s so that the LEOs now had the upper hand in firepower. Today, that can not happen as most Cops have at least one Shotgun inside the cab of the cop car and at least one AR in the trunk.

I don't recall the military loaning them anything. I heard they went to B&B Guns to get better firepower.

ALSO worth considering, is the L.A. Cops' inability to think OUTside of the box. They are trained to shoot at "center of mass" which is the torso, but of course these guys were wearing body armor.

Over their faces, they were ONLY wearing WalMart knitted black ski masks! If I were there, I would have placed a carefully aimed shot through their HEADS, or shot their feet and ankles out from beneath them. The cops didn't do that. They ONLY shot at the center of mass, because they are not taught to think for themselves.


Weapons and armor[edit]
An inventory of the weapons used:[7]

  • A Bushmaster XM-15 converted illegally to fire full auto with two 100-round Beta Magazines
  • A Heckler & Koch HK-91 semi automatic rifle with several 30-round magazines[38]
  • A Beretta 92FS Inox with several magazines
  • Three different civilian-model AK-47 style rifles converted illegally to fire full auto with several 75- to 100-round drum magazines, as well as 30-round box magazines.
It was speculated during news reports that Phillips had legally purchased two of the AK-47s and then illegally converted them to full automatic. However, as Phillips was a convicted felon it was not possible for him to legally purchase firearms.[16][39][40]

The two well-armored men had fired approximately 1,100 rounds, while approximately 650 rounds were fired by police.[5]


At 9:52 am, Phillips turned east on Archwood Street and took cover behind a parked semi-truck where he continued to fire at the police until his rifle jammed.[32]
It has "COLT" on the side.

When I was a kid, I thought "Schwinn Approved" meant something special too. It turns out it was just another bicycle part that did the same thing as all of the others.

In the event that some pretty good aftermarket AR parts are now offered, "Military Grade" has lost a lot of it's luster. In fact, I watched a test pitting a full blown M-16 against an aftermarket "Rolls Royce" AR and after all the testing was done, the Aftermarket AR scored better in an Urban situation.
Tell me, am I a gun Grabber? Do I want to grab your guns? You want to keep preaching to me. But if I present concrete evidence you won't read it either. I don't see much of a difference in both groups.

I read the entire page. I agree with everything contained within it.

You read the entire page because it agrees with your predetermined views. But if something is contrary to your views you won't get much past the first few words. I read the whole thing regardless. Again, am I a gun grabber? I disagree with much of what you say. Does that make me a gun grabber? Simple question.

Yes...you are a gun grabber and a useful idiot for the gun grabber movement...
You read the entire page because it agrees with your predetermined views. But if something is contrary to your views you won't get much past the first few words. I read the whole thing regardless. Again, am I a gun grabber? I disagree with much of what you say. Does that make me a gun grabber? Simple question.

No, I read the entire page because it contained real DATA , rather than agenda-driven nonsense.

You sure make a lot of assumptions. You have decided what I will, and will not read. You are wrong, but you have the Right to be wrong.

Are you a gun grabber? I don't know. I haven't read enough of your posts to come to that conclusion. If you support the likes of Obama, Clinton, Sanders, Warren et. al., then yes, you are probably a gun grabber.
using the gun as the most obvious phallic symbol in the world.

Obviously not the most obvious phallic symbol...

Oh yeah? What explodes out of the top of that thing when it's activated? Was it built by a company called 'Bushmaster'? lmao!

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It has "COLT" on the side.
When I was a kid, I thought "Schwinn Approved" meant something special too. It turns out it was just another bicycle part that did the same thing as all of the others.
All of the name brand gun manufacturers make an AR15, all of which are in every way equivalent to, if not better than, the Colt models.
At a lower price.
That's why Colt suspended sales of its AR15s.
It has "COLT" on the side.
When I was a kid, I thought "Schwinn Approved" meant something special too. It turns out it was just another bicycle part that did the same thing as all of the others.
All of the name brand gun manufacturers make an AR15, all of which are in every way equivalent to, if not better than, the Colt models.
At a lower price.
That's why Colt suspended sales of its AR15s.

They might also have decided to release a new version of the rifle that doesn't look like an AR-15.....
Most won't go that direction. But some will. But the some will be enough to make it dangerous for the rest of us where our streets become shooting ranges. And as for predictions, welcome to history repeating itself.

And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.
Dude whites commit the worst mass shootings. Don't play the race a card....is a cultural problem a culture that praises violence and killings...even trump said he wont lose a vote if he shot someone.
The REALITY is that blacks shoot blacks at astronomically rates something like 50 percent of all murders are BY blacks mostly against other blacks., blacks are 13 percent of the population.yet account for almost half of all murders. Mass shootings are a minor annoyance compared to the number of shootings and murders committed by blacks. And NO ONE is doing a damn thing about it, hell just talking about it is frowned on if not banned.
Maybe I'd blacks weren't slaves, segregated, being racist against foe so long....their outcome wouldn't be as bad, don't you think ? This is just a result of what the system has done to them for centuries.

It has nothing to do with it. There is not one black alive today that was ever a slave, nor had a parent that were slaves. Since the 60's, discrimination laws have been made, and even reverse discrimination (affirmative action) has been implemented to give them a head start.

Yet in spite of this, they still commit the most violent crimes. Even when they find great success like sports or entertainment, many still get in trouble with the law. Jussie Smollett is the latest example.
The residue of what blacks went through will take decades to disappear. You weren't born black you don't know.
It has "COLT" on the side.
When I was a kid, I thought "Schwinn Approved" meant something special too. It turns out it was just another bicycle part that did the same thing as all of the others.
All of the name brand gun manufacturers make an AR15, all of which are in every way equivalent to, if not better than, the Colt models.
At a lower price.
That's why Colt suspended sales of its AR15s.
They might also have decided to release a new version of the rifle that doesn't look like an AR-15.....
And, since anti-gun loons know nothing about guns..

It will takes few seconds to flip and kill someone or a dozen.
Wait... we should restrict people's rights because of what they -might- do?
:lol: :lol:
G5000 might snap at any minute and be a danger to the public.
Ship him to the mad house.
Maybe we should round up and intern Muslims, just in case they flip out and blow up a school bus or skyscraper or something.
We gotta round up white they killed far more.
It will takes few seconds to flip and kill someone or a dozen.
Wait... we should restrict people's rights because of what they -might- do?
:lol: :lol:
G5000 might snap at any minute and be a danger to the public.
Ship him to the mad house.
Maybe we should round up and intern Muslims, just in case they flip out and blow up a school bus or skyscraper or something.
We gotta round up white they killed far more.
Look at you, avoiding the point you tried to make.
And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.
Dude whites commit the worst mass shootings. Don't play the race a card....is a cultural problem a culture that praises violence and killings...even trump said he wont lose a vote if he shot someone.
The REALITY is that blacks shoot blacks at astronomically rates something like 50 percent of all murders are BY blacks mostly against other blacks., blacks are 13 percent of the population.yet account for almost half of all murders. Mass shootings are a minor annoyance compared to the number of shootings and murders committed by blacks. And NO ONE is doing a damn thing about it, hell just talking about it is frowned on if not banned.
Maybe I'd blacks weren't slaves, segregated, being racist against foe so long....their outcome wouldn't be as bad, don't you think ? This is just a result of what the system has done to them for centuries.

It has nothing to do with it. There is not one black alive today that was ever a slave, nor had a parent that were slaves. Since the 60's, discrimination laws have been made, and even reverse discrimination (affirmative action) has been implemented to give them a head start.

Yet in spite of this, they still commit the most violent crimes. Even when they find great success like sports or entertainment, many still get in trouble with the law. Jussie Smollett is the latest example.
The residue of what blacks went through will take decades to disappear. You weren't born black you don't know.

My mother was half Black she got treated like shit for being a light skinned mixed race by Blacks and shit on for being half black by Whites. I got the same shit for the same reasons, not Black enough to be Black not White enough to be White.

The fact is that most murders (70%) take place in poor inner city neighborhoods that have been historically plagued by generational poverty, de-facto segregation, high unemployment and under employment, crime drugs, poor schools and the breakdown of the family unit. I lived it first hand tell me what do you know about it?

The causes of violence run deep and those who think they can lower the murder rate of the country by banning a certain gun or a certain size magazine are not only naive but also ignorant.
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