If more guns makes a country safer

When a person sells another drugs, it kills other people.
Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control
Wrong wrong and wrong.

China has more people less guns and hence less gun crimes and deaths, India is the same thing.
Dude America is fucked to its core when it comes to gun culture. Have you ever been outside the US.? most countries don't have this madness that we have...they lie to you that you cant live without guns and yet they don't shit to stop the deaths.
Tell me how many countries kids gets shot at in schools ? Work places? Places of worship? Markets? Concerts?
You live in a little bubble.

So what is the penalty in China for killing somebody with a gun?

Given the fact we have people from China and India over here, how many of them commit gun crimes in the US?

Like I said, it's the people, not the tool used to kill others. Some groups are just more prone to violence and murder than others.
So Mr smart why the US is one of the worst countries when it comes to gun homicides, mass shootings ? There are millions of guns. Why the US is the most fucked up? There is not a day when I don't turn local news and there isn't someone who killed someone....lately is more family violence than gang violence or work violence . The last country I visited the worst crime they had on TV was a shooting in a work place in the US. The irony !!!!

Criminal Culture is the reason we have the murder rate we have....not guns...

U.S. vs U.K. - Crime/Murder - iGeek

  • If you look at the (the blue line): Each time the UK enacted or stiffened their gun control laws, they saw an increase in murder rates. Each new law, had no positive (and some negative) impact or an increase in murder rates. (Crime trends are even worse). (In the 1950’s they outlawed conceal and carry, in the 80’s it was shotguns, and in the late 90’s it was all pistols). So regardless of whether the UK has fewer murders than the US for cultural reasons, we know that gun control didn’t help the UK’s murder rate.
  • Next if you look at the (the red line): I overlaid (and adjusted) the U.S. murder rates with major gun control events. After JFK was shot, states and eventually the Fed (1968) passed all sorts of gun control laws — and what happened to our murder rates? They doubled from around 5 to 10 per 100K over the next decade, and they hovered there, despite all sorts of state and federal revisions, or more laws (30,000 different state/local/federal gun control laws were passed in total). There was no significant positive effects, and some observable negative ones in the U.S. due to our gun control laws.
  • Then in the late 80’s Florida passed “Must Issue” conceal and carry and castle doctrine laws were passed, and their crime/murder rates started falling noticeably. Many other states (in the South and Midwest) followed suit, with the same effects in their state murder rates, and eventually enough of those added up to start impacting the federal murder rates noticeably. Then the federal assault weapon ban expired — and if gun control worked, you’d expect an upward spike in murders, but murders trended down. Adding gun control had no positive effects, and removing them had no significant negative effects, in the U.S.!. So if you have the choice of tyranny or liberty, and there's no benefit to tyranny: opt for liberty.
  • -----

Something important to know is that the U.K. ONS distorts their numbers for political reasons. While the rest of the world measures murder rates as people who are killed, the ONS does two things to cheat:

  1. They exclude Scotland and North Ireland from their counting: I guess when they are murdered, it isn’t as important to ONS as if Britons die. While that is only about 10% of the total population of the UK, it is significantly more of their crimes and murders.
  2. They only count murders where someone is charged with a crime. (Only between 1/2 and 3/4ths of all murders are counted).
  3. ----
  4. n the U.S. Blacks are 1/7th the population, but over 1/2 of all our murders, and Latino’s are about the same 15% of the population and are responsible for over half the rest of murders.England has virtually no blacks or latino’s (<3%). So if we correct for those demographic differences (or just compare a subset — the U.S.’s white murder rate to the UK’s white murder rate), we find that in the bright red trend line, that the U.S. has a lower murder rate than the U.K.

    Racist:Now around this time, people that can’t handle the facts or truth, start trying to distract by claiming either I’m racist, or this data is racist. But data is not making judgements, it’s just facts.

    The problem isn’t racial in America, but it is cultural.

    Black immigrants don’t have the same murder rates as Black Americans.

    And if you dive into the groups, you find rural blacks (and whites and latinos) have lower murder rates than inner cities. It’s also not income or income equality based since rural poor have lower murder rates than urban poor -- and many richer countries have more murders/crime than many poorer ones. It's about failures of the inner city gang culture.

    So facts are facts. In the U.S. we have a lower white murder rate (but higher black murder rate) than the U.K.

    And white’s in America have higher gun ownership rates than blacks (or than whites in the U.K.) — so we know that gun control doesn’t help murder rates for whites. At least across these two countries.

    And the reason for differences among blacks in the two countries is easily explained by gang culture in the U.S.
Anyone vaguely informed on gun control issues knows is that the U.S. does not have a gun problem.

  • Whites and Asian are highly responsible with guns, and have a lower murder rate than almost all of Europe and the OECD countries. We have a very specific problem: democrats, blacks and latino gang-members drag our murder and crime rates averages up.
  • The UK has a higher white murder rate, but they use clubs and knives rather than guns. Since I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to be stabbed or beaten to death, the important factor is whether you’re murdered or not (not the tool the murderer uses), right?
Another thing gun-controller advocates either don’t realize (or do, and lie about) is as bad as the U.S. is at murders or violent crime -- the UK is worse despite their gun control. England alone has something like 600 murdersby knife per year (and 26,370 knife crimes). Compare that to only 1,500 for the U.S., with over 5 times the population. Home invasion robberies, aggravated assault, violent rape, and stabbings are worse in the UK than in the U.S. And that's BEFORE you correct for race and gang crimes.
Of course that's the way it will be. Because people don't become evil on their own. They were otherwise taxpaying law abiding citizens; that was until they got a gun in their hands.

Once a person gets a gun in their hands, they become psycho. The run around shooting anything that moves, even commit mass murders. Without a gun, they would have just stayed home and watched old reruns of Columbo.

For the people that keep their sanity, the guns sneak out in the middle of the night and shoot people at random. The owner was irresponsible because he or she left their guns unlocked, and we all know what guns do when you don't restrict them from acting on their own.

I lived through similar stories in my state about sandbags to your mailbox. The left created these scenarios when we adopted CCW laws. They created them again when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in their vehicles. They did it again when we allowed CCW holders to carry in large public places like arenas or stadiums. They did it again when they predicted drunks shooting each other in the street because we allowed them to carry in places like Applebees where alcohol is served.

Guess what? None of their predictions ever came true.

Most won't go that direction. But some will. But the some will be enough to make it dangerous for the rest of us where our streets become shooting ranges. And as for predictions, welcome to history repeating itself.

And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.
Dude whites commit the worst mass shootings. Don't play the race a card....is a cultural problem a culture that praises violence and killings...even trump said he wont lose a vote if he shot someone.
The REALITY is that blacks shoot blacks at astronomically rates something like 50 percent of all murders are BY blacks mostly against other blacks., blacks are 13 percent of the population.yet account for almost half of all murders. Mass shootings are a minor annoyance compared to the number of shootings and murders committed by blacks. And NO ONE is doing a damn thing about it, hell just talking about it is frowned on if not banned.
Maybe I'd blacks weren't slaves, segregated, being racist against foe so long....their outcome wouldn't be as bad, don't you think ? This is just a result of what the system has done to them for centuries.

It has nothing to do with it. There is not one black alive today that was ever a slave, nor had a parent that were slaves. Since the 60's, discrimination laws have been made, and even reverse discrimination (affirmative action) has been implemented to give them a head start.

Yet in spite of this, they still commit the most violent crimes. Even when they find great success like sports or entertainment, many still get in trouble with the law. Jussie Smollett is the latest example.
  • Thanks
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I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.
What are you so afraid of that you need guns for protection?

I live on the border and I don't need guns for protection. According to the GOP I am living in the middle of the Meemaw raper/killers flooding across the border in what must be one of the most dangerous places in the world. And still, I've never needed a gun.

I guess I'm braver than you are. Gun nutters are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. Afraid of every damn thing and person in the world. Either that, or you have teeny tiny mushroom shaped peckers.

Nobody needs a gun........until they really need a gun one day or night.
So far, I've never needed one. I don't make a habit of carrying things I don't need.
I've never needed my own homeowners insurance but I am glad that I have it

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
What are you so afraid of that you need guns for protection?

I live on the border and I don't need guns for protection. According to the GOP I am living in the middle of the Meemaw raper/killers flooding across the border in what must be one of the most dangerous places in the world. And still, I've never needed a gun.

I guess I'm braver than you are. Gun nutters are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. Afraid of every damn thing and person in the world. Either that, or you have teeny tiny mushroom shaped peckers.

An ignorant post.

The Second Amendment does not say IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED A GUN. NO one cares if you think you need a gun or not.

You conclude by proving even you know your post is foolish by devolving into a childish personal attack. Do you think that makes you a big man?

I'm not a man. I'm a woman. See the female symbol next to my name? And I'm still braver than you.

People load up with guns because they are AFRAID. Period. Afraid they'll be randomly attacked. Afraid someone want's to steal all their shit. It's some real paranoia.

If they are not AFRAID, they are using the gun as the most obvious phallic symbol in the world. They have to be compensating for something.
People who think that there is no chance of being the victim of a violent crime are fools

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

What constitutes a "reasonable" firearm? So howitzers and chain guns aren't allowed for self defense. :laugh:

Society deems what is "Reasonable" just like Society deems what is a "Home" through building codes. Reasonable is set by "Laws" which are set by Society.

So... if 'Society' deems it 'reasonable' to punch Democrats, that's ok? GOODY!! :meow:

As long as it's "Reasonable" to punch a Republican as well. It has to be the same for all.

Put 'em up Daryl....:meow::11_2_1043:
You gotta buy me a drink first. I ain't a cheap brawl. Tangira double with 3 olives.
What constitutes a "reasonable" firearm? So howitzers and chain guns aren't allowed for self defense. :laugh:

Society deems what is "Reasonable" just like Society deems what is a "Home" through building codes. Reasonable is set by "Laws" which are set by Society.

So... if 'Society' deems it 'reasonable' to punch Democrats, that's ok? GOODY!! :meow:

As long as it's "Reasonable" to punch a Republican as well. It has to be the same for all.

Put 'em up Daryl....:meow::11_2_1043:
You gotta buy me a drink first. I ain't a cheap brawl. Tangira double with 3 olives.
It seems to me you’re more like a mad dog 20/20 dude.... lol
Right now...Fully automatic weapons are banned.
Right now...criminals have them...But it's illegal for me to own one (without a permit).
The law forces me to be less armed than the criminals!

That's what gun control laws do!

Well, it's been well over 30 years since any crime has been done using a fully auto firearm. And then that was taken down real fast. Full Auto Weapons are NOT in the hands of Criminals. You are just making shit up again. You win an award. Wear it proudly.

View attachment 285308

You forgot about the North Hollywood shootout. February 28, 1997
Right now...Fully automatic weapons are banned.
Right now...criminals have them...But it's illegal for me to own one (without a permit).
The law forces me to be less armed than the criminals!

That's what gun control laws do!

Well, it's been well over 30 years since any crime has been done using a fully auto firearm. And then that was taken down real fast. Full Auto Weapons are NOT in the hands of Criminals. You are just making shit up again. You win an award. Wear it proudly.

View attachment 285308

You forgot about the North Hollywood shootout. February 28, 1997

What was called a Military Grade M-16 was a Civilian AR-15 semi auto with a 50 round mag. The AK was an illegally modified Civilian that had been converted to full auto. The AK went down fast. The AR was taken down last. The problem wasn't the AR or the AK, it was the fact that cops only had their 9mm sidearms and were woefully outgunned by either of the assault rifles. It ended when the Military loaned them some M-16s so that the LEOs now had the upper hand in firepower. Today, that can not happen as most Cops have at least one Shotgun inside the cab of the cop car and at least one AR in the trunk.
What was called a Military Grade M-16 was a Civilian AR-15 semi auto with a 50 round mag. The AK was an illegally modified Civilian that had been converted to full auto. The AK went down fast. The AR was taken down last. The problem wasn't the AR or the AK, it was the fact that cops only had their 9mm sidearms and were woefully outgunned by either of the assault rifles. It ended when the Military loaned them some M-16s so that the LEOs now had the upper hand in firepower. Today, that can not happen as most Cops have at least one Shotgun inside the cab of the cop car and at least one AR in the trunk.

I don't recall the military loaning them anything. I heard they went to B&B Guns to get better firepower.

ALSO worth considering, is the L.A. Cops' inability to think OUTside of the box. They are trained to shoot at "center of mass" which is the torso, but of course these guys were wearing body armor.

Over their faces, they were ONLY wearing WalMart knitted black ski masks! If I were there, I would have placed a carefully aimed shot through their HEADS, or shot their feet and ankles out from beneath them. The cops didn't do that. They ONLY shot at the center of mass, because they are not taught to think for themselves.
Another thing gun-controller advocates either don’t realize (or do, and lie about) is as bad as the U.S. is at murders or violent crime -- the UK is worse despite their gun control. England alone has something like 600 murdersby knife per year (and 26,370 knife crimes). Compare that to only 1,500 for the U.S., with over 5 times the population. Home invasion robberies, aggravated assault, violent rape, and stabbings are worse in the UK than in the U.S. And that's BEFORE you correct for race and gang crimes.

We live in a society where younger people are taught to be sloths. Anything more than a 140-character "tweet" is too much information for them to handle.

I can hear them now ... "Dude! You expect me to read all of those words? Just give up your guns so I can feel safe!"

Web pages that go into great detail about FACTS are never read by the gun grabbers. They simply do not possess the mental capacity to absorb anything more mentally challenging than an "LOL!" or a smiley ICON.
What was called a Military Grade M-16 was a Civilian AR-15 semi auto with a 50 round mag. The AK was an illegally modified Civilian that had been converted to full auto. The AK went down fast. The AR was taken down last. The problem wasn't the AR or the AK, it was the fact that cops only had their 9mm sidearms and were woefully outgunned by either of the assault rifles. It ended when the Military loaned them some M-16s so that the LEOs now had the upper hand in firepower. Today, that can not happen as most Cops have at least one Shotgun inside the cab of the cop car and at least one AR in the trunk.

I don't recall the military loaning them anything. I heard they went to B&B Guns to get better firepower.

ALSO worth considering, is the L.A. Cops' inability to think OUTside of the box. They are trained to shoot at "center of mass" which is the torso, but of course these guys were wearing body armor.

Over their faces, they were ONLY wearing WalMart knitted black ski masks! If I were there, I would have placed a carefully aimed shot through their HEADS, or shot their feet and ankles out from beneath them. The cops didn't do that. They ONLY shot at the center of mass, because they are not taught to think for themselves.

What came out of this was the rearming of the LA police department and the introduction of the Colt LE6920. Even if a criminal were to use a full auto, the LE6920 is horse enough to handle the job with the overwhelming numbers that the LEO would present.

That shooting was a message of things to come.
Another thing gun-controller advocates either don’t realize (or do, and lie about) is as bad as the U.S. is at murders or violent crime -- the UK is worse despite their gun control. England alone has something like 600 murdersby knife per year (and 26,370 knife crimes). Compare that to only 1,500 for the U.S., with over 5 times the population. Home invasion robberies, aggravated assault, violent rape, and stabbings are worse in the UK than in the U.S. And that's BEFORE you correct for race and gang crimes.

We live in a society where younger people are taught to be sloths. Anything more than a 140-character "tweet" is too much information for them to handle.

I can hear them now ... "Dude! You expect me to read all of those words? Just give up your guns so I can feel safe!"

Web pages that go into great detail about FACTS are never read by the gun grabbers. They simply do not possess the mental capacity to absorb anything more mentally challenging than an "LOL!" or a smiley ICON.

Tell me, am I a gun Grabber? Do I want to grab your guns? You want to keep preaching to me. But if I present concrete evidence you won't read it either. I don't see much of a difference in both groups.
What came out of this was the rearming of the LA police department and the introduction of the Colt LE6920. Even if a criminal were to use a full auto, the LE6920 is horse enough to handle the job with the overwhelming numbers that the LEO would present.

That shooting was a message of things to come.

The LE6920 is your basic AR15. There is nothing special about that rifle.
What came out of this was the rearming of the LA police department and the introduction of the Colt LE6920. Even if a criminal were to use a full auto, the LE6920 is horse enough to handle the job with the overwhelming numbers that the LEO would present.
That shooting was a message of things to come.
The LE6920 is your basic AR15. There is nothing special about that rifle.
It has "COLT" on the side.

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