If more guns makes a country safer

One real problem with what you are saying. The only side that even brings up a civil war is yours. And yours talks about stockpiling for WHEN it happens. Are you saying that if the Dems win heavily at the ballot box that you will see that as a reason to have a civil war? If that is the case, it's not the Dems that are the danger of causing a Civil War. It's your bunch.

And you need to quite giving Rump so many free rides. He's a friggin embarrassment. He goes from one embarrassment to another almost weekly. And the only reason he does this is because you won't call him on any of his BS. He's always been a spoiled little boy. Spoiled little boys will always push the envelope until they find the limits. So far, you haven't shown him the limits. So he just gets worse and worse. Now he's in serious trouble because the Dems have had enough and so have the Moderates. Your 33% isn't enough to pull him out of it this time. It's like a spoiled little brat that didn't get the spanking as a child finally getting in serious trouble with the authorities. Well, Congress is the Authorities this time. Now, in his own way (by demanding) he is begging you to cover for him once again. It's too late.

This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

So you are not reading ANY of the opening statements from the witnesses? Because that is all kinds of evidence.

Obviously not, because if they had anything, it wouldn't be a secret inquiry. They'd want the public to hear what they had. But because they have nothing, they are keeping it swept under the rug as far as they can.
Oh you’ll hear all the evidence just be patient
One real problem with what you are saying. The only side that even brings up a civil war is yours. And yours talks about stockpiling for WHEN it happens. Are you saying that if the Dems win heavily at the ballot box that you will see that as a reason to have a civil war? If that is the case, it's not the Dems that are the danger of causing a Civil War. It's your bunch.

And you need to quite giving Rump so many free rides. He's a friggin embarrassment. He goes from one embarrassment to another almost weekly. And the only reason he does this is because you won't call him on any of his BS. He's always been a spoiled little boy. Spoiled little boys will always push the envelope until they find the limits. So far, you haven't shown him the limits. So he just gets worse and worse. Now he's in serious trouble because the Dems have had enough and so have the Moderates. Your 33% isn't enough to pull him out of it this time. It's like a spoiled little brat that didn't get the spanking as a child finally getting in serious trouble with the authorities. Well, Congress is the Authorities this time. Now, in his own way (by demanding) he is begging you to cover for him once again. It's too late.

This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

Right now, the House is equiv to a Grand Jury. And yes, it has some Republicans represented on it. It's closed doors just like every other Grand Jury EVER. The only job they have is to determine if there is enough evidence to bring charges and what those charges are. Once that is done, it goes to pre senate House hearings. At that time, Rumps lawyers gets to see all the evidence and argue their case to the constitutionality of those charges. Once that is done, the House Votes for Impeachment or not. If impeachment is voted positive then it's give over to the Senate for the Trial for either aquital or removal of office. Right now, the only ones that get to speak are the Grand Jury members or the House Committee Members and Special Prosecutor. And those are also the only ones allowed in the room outside of the people they are questioning.

So how about getting a better 4x6 card from your handlers. The one you are reading from makes you look like a complete hack.

No, it is not like a grand jury because in a grand jury, the accused is there for the entire trial. He or she is not hidden away somewhere so they can't hear what's going on. Also in a grand jury, witnesses to the event testify either pro or con.

This idiocy going on is more like a fishing expedition. They have the penalty ready to go, but can't find a crime to use it on. So they are dragging in all these people hoping somebody....anybody can give them something to go on. It's never been done before in our history.

But now that it has, I hope the next Republican House remembers that with the next Democrat President when they are in the majority. Just keep harassing the guy day in and day out until you can find a half-way reason to impeach them, or attempt to make him quit.

Democrats are stupid people. Until this day, they still don't understand how their stunts come back to haunt them one day.

You mean like the Repubs changing the rules so that they could do the same thing? Yes, it's come back and bit them in the ass.

Actually, you are completely wrong. A Grand Jury doesn't even have a Judge or a Procesecutor or a defense. It's the accussor presenting the evidence to the Grand Jury and the Grand Jury determines if it has merit enough to procede directly to trial. Here's a news flash. Even if the Grand Jury finds that they don't have enough evidence to suggest it going to trial, the accusor can still procede to trial anyway. That same Grand Jury may end up hearing many cases in their time. They are not convened just for that one case.

So, there is no Judge or Defense at all, Just an Accusor and the Grand Jury. And anyone of the Grand Jury can ask the Accusor any question they wish answered and the Accusor must answer truthfully. This means, if the committee is operating like a Grand Jury then even the Republicans on the committee can ask questions of the people presented in front of them. And they do. Who doesn't have that right is everyone else NOT on that committee. And only those on the committee has the right to be there and to hear what is going on. It's a sealed committee. Trying to crash it should be frowned on and be grounds to have the ones that tried to do it removed from office.
As you are well aware, you cannot demonstrate that any of these things makes anyone safer.

background checks make us safer because they will stop some nuts from getting their hands on guns.

And we all know limiting magazines to 10 rounds slows you shooters down. If it doesn't then why cry about not being allowed to have 20 round mags?

All background checks do is make it harder to get a weapon--not impossible. If somebody wants a gun bad enough, they will get one.

It takes about one second to drop a magazine and pop in another one. How many lives do you suppose that would save?
Stupid argument you’ve made. For most the law will make it impossible. Sure one or two might find one but most wont

That’s like saying laws to stop cocaine are dumb because people who want them bad enough will get them

That’s not true. Most wont get them.

If it only takes a second then you won’t mind us only allowing ten round mags.

Sure I mind. When I go to the range, I like to keep shooting so I can focus without stopping to reload. Secondly, ten rounds may not be enough if attacked by several individuals instead of one. People have survived and even fought back after being shot several times. If they are armed, that means after you shot them, they still have the ability to shoot back. The idea of using deadly force is to cause death.

Depending on the distance, most people miss their targets quite often. This is especially true when your heart is beating out of your chest with the adrenaline flowing because your life is in extreme danger. It's one of the first things they teach you in class. Shooting at cardboard targets is not like shooting at another human being who is trying to kill you.

No, I don't want a restrictions on magazine size for the reasons I listed above. If an armed attacker(s) is chasing me and I'm only stopping one second here and there to shoot back, I may not hit any of them at all. I don't have the time to carefully aim like I do at the range. The best you can do is keep firing bullets towards your attackers.

Bad arguments. You’re shooting wild and you’re gonna hit innocent people.

Sounds like you admit 20 round magazines are much more deadly than ten.

The magazine is not deadly, the shooter is. And if I'm facing a shooter that has better capabilities in their weaponry than I do, then I'm at a disadvantage.

Hitting innocent people is referred to as downrange. You never shoot downrange, you only shoot when your target is in view alone. Missing your target is part of self defense with a deadly weapon. That's why downrange is stressed so heavily in most any gun course.

The newest study of police shooting accuracy in deadly force encounters reflects the experience of just one municipal department. But to whatever extent the findings can be generalized, the picture is indeed a disturbing one.

Researchers analyzed 149 real-life OISs recorded over a 15-year period by Dallas (TX) PD. In nearly half of these encounters, officers firing at a single suspect delivered “complete inaccuracy.” That is, they missed the target entirely.

In 15 incidents, the total number of rounds fired could not be determined. But in the 134 cases where researchers could establish that figure, they calculated the hit rate, “incredibly,” at merely 35 percent. In other words, more than six out of 10 rounds fired were misses.

Police research: Shooting accuracy in Dallas PD

Missing your target is just part of defending yourself with a firearm.
One real problem with what you are saying. The only side that even brings up a civil war is yours. And yours talks about stockpiling for WHEN it happens. Are you saying that if the Dems win heavily at the ballot box that you will see that as a reason to have a civil war? If that is the case, it's not the Dems that are the danger of causing a Civil War. It's your bunch.

And you need to quite giving Rump so many free rides. He's a friggin embarrassment. He goes from one embarrassment to another almost weekly. And the only reason he does this is because you won't call him on any of his BS. He's always been a spoiled little boy. Spoiled little boys will always push the envelope until they find the limits. So far, you haven't shown him the limits. So he just gets worse and worse. Now he's in serious trouble because the Dems have had enough and so have the Moderates. Your 33% isn't enough to pull him out of it this time. It's like a spoiled little brat that didn't get the spanking as a child finally getting in serious trouble with the authorities. Well, Congress is the Authorities this time. Now, in his own way (by demanding) he is begging you to cover for him once again. It's too late.

This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

So you are not reading ANY of the opening statements from the witnesses? Because that is all kinds of evidence.

Obviously not, because if they had anything, it wouldn't be a secret inquiry. They'd want the public to hear what they had. But because they have nothing, they are keeping it swept under the rug as far as they can.

IT's a closed Committee. If they are doing it right we shouldn't hear anything until the committee is finished. So we all can just make shit up and talk among ourselves.
This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

Right now, the House is equiv to a Grand Jury. And yes, it has some Republicans represented on it. It's closed doors just like every other Grand Jury EVER. The only job they have is to determine if there is enough evidence to bring charges and what those charges are. Once that is done, it goes to pre senate House hearings. At that time, Rumps lawyers gets to see all the evidence and argue their case to the constitutionality of those charges. Once that is done, the House Votes for Impeachment or not. If impeachment is voted positive then it's give over to the Senate for the Trial for either aquital or removal of office. Right now, the only ones that get to speak are the Grand Jury members or the House Committee Members and Special Prosecutor. And those are also the only ones allowed in the room outside of the people they are questioning.

So how about getting a better 4x6 card from your handlers. The one you are reading from makes you look like a complete hack.

No, it is not like a grand jury because in a grand jury, the accused is there for the entire trial. He or she is not hidden away somewhere so they can't hear what's going on. Also in a grand jury, witnesses to the event testify either pro or con.

This idiocy going on is more like a fishing expedition. They have the penalty ready to go, but can't find a crime to use it on. So they are dragging in all these people hoping somebody....anybody can give them something to go on. It's never been done before in our history.

But now that it has, I hope the next Republican House remembers that with the next Democrat President when they are in the majority. Just keep harassing the guy day in and day out until you can find a half-way reason to impeach them, or attempt to make him quit.

Democrats are stupid people. Until this day, they still don't understand how their stunts come back to haunt them one day.

You mean like the Repubs changing the rules so that they could do the same thing? Yes, it's come back and bit them in the ass.

Actually, you are completely wrong. A Grand Jury doesn't even have a Judge or a Procesecutor or a defense. It's the accussor presenting the evidence to the Grand Jury and the Grand Jury determines if it has merit enough to procede directly to trial. Here's a news flash. Even if the Grand Jury finds that they don't have enough evidence to suggest it going to trial, the accusor can still procede to trial anyway. That same Grand Jury may end up hearing many cases in their time. They are not convened just for that one case.

So, there is no Judge or Defense at all, Just an Accusor and the Grand Jury. And anyone of the Grand Jury can ask the Accusor any question they wish answered and the Accusor must answer truthfully. This means, if the committee is operating like a Grand Jury then even the Republicans on the committee can ask questions of the people presented in front of them. And they do. Who doesn't have that right is everyone else NOT on that committee. And only those on the committee has the right to be there and to hear what is going on. It's a sealed committee. Trying to crash it should be frowned on and be grounds to have the ones that tried to do it removed from office.

The grand jury does not have a bias like the people in this committee. Nor are they the jurors at an actual trial because they've been tainted given the fact that there was no cross examination.

The real reason for the inquiry is to stall this process as close to the election as possible. In the meantime, they will monitor stupid things like polling results to see how they are doing. Because if they are stupid enough to proceed, then that means these same witnesses will be called to testify again in front of the entire House as the Constitution outlines, this time with both parties asking questions. Plus, the Republicans will bring in their witnesses as well.
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This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

So you are not reading ANY of the opening statements from the witnesses? Because that is all kinds of evidence.

Obviously not, because if they had anything, it wouldn't be a secret inquiry. They'd want the public to hear what they had. But because they have nothing, they are keeping it swept under the rug as far as they can.

IT's a closed Committee. If they are doing it right we shouldn't hear anything until the committee is finished. So we all can just make shit up and talk among ourselves.

No, if they were doing it right, they'd be having these committees open to public view with both parties presiding. But then again, when do Democrats ever do things the proper way?
This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

So you are not reading ANY of the opening statements from the witnesses? Because that is all kinds of evidence.

Obviously not, because if they had anything, it wouldn't be a secret inquiry. They'd want the public to hear what they had. But because they have nothing, they are keeping it swept under the rug as far as they can.
Oh you’ll hear all the evidence just be patient

I'm sure of it. That's what they told me during the Mueller investigation and the Kavanaugh hearing.
All background checks do is make it harder to get a weapon--not impossible. If somebody wants a gun bad enough, they will get one.

It takes about one second to drop a magazine and pop in another one. How many lives do you suppose that would save?
Stupid argument you’ve made. For most the law will make it impossible. Sure one or two might find one but most wont

That’s like saying laws to stop cocaine are dumb because people who want them bad enough will get them

That’s not true. Most wont get them.

If it only takes a second then you won’t mind us only allowing ten round mags.

Sure I mind. When I go to the range, I like to keep shooting so I can focus without stopping to reload. Secondly, ten rounds may not be enough if attacked by several individuals instead of one. People have survived and even fought back after being shot several times. If they are armed, that means after you shot them, they still have the ability to shoot back. The idea of using deadly force is to cause death.

Depending on the distance, most people miss their targets quite often. This is especially true when your heart is beating out of your chest with the adrenaline flowing because your life is in extreme danger. It's one of the first things they teach you in class. Shooting at cardboard targets is not like shooting at another human being who is trying to kill you.

No, I don't want a restrictions on magazine size for the reasons I listed above. If an armed attacker(s) is chasing me and I'm only stopping one second here and there to shoot back, I may not hit any of them at all. I don't have the time to carefully aim like I do at the range. The best you can do is keep firing bullets towards your attackers.
So we should allow wmds because you don’t like reloading at a shooting range? Pathetic arguments say what?

What's pathetic is going to extremes to try and make your point. You leftists do that all the time. If we try to cut down on welfare, Republicans want to see people dying in the street. If we want to see a halt to affirmative action, Republicans want to bring back slavery.........

You can't defend yourself in a surprise attack using a WMD.
Well don’t worry about a patriotic American abusing the system. Imagine an al queda American doing it. Then you’d see not every American should be able to own any weapon he or she wants

When did I say they should?
This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

Right now, the House is equiv to a Grand Jury. And yes, it has some Republicans represented on it. It's closed doors just like every other Grand Jury EVER. The only job they have is to determine if there is enough evidence to bring charges and what those charges are. Once that is done, it goes to pre senate House hearings. At that time, Rumps lawyers gets to see all the evidence and argue their case to the constitutionality of those charges. Once that is done, the House Votes for Impeachment or not. If impeachment is voted positive then it's give over to the Senate for the Trial for either aquital or removal of office. Right now, the only ones that get to speak are the Grand Jury members or the House Committee Members and Special Prosecutor. And those are also the only ones allowed in the room outside of the people they are questioning.

So how about getting a better 4x6 card from your handlers. The one you are reading from makes you look like a complete hack.

No, it is not like a grand jury because in a grand jury, the accused is there for the entire trial. He or she is not hidden away somewhere so they can't hear what's going on. Also in a grand jury, witnesses to the event testify either pro or con.

This idiocy going on is more like a fishing expedition. They have the penalty ready to go, but can't find a crime to use it on. So they are dragging in all these people hoping somebody....anybody can give them something to go on. It's never been done before in our history.

But now that it has, I hope the next Republican House remembers that with the next Democrat President when they are in the majority. Just keep harassing the guy day in and day out until you can find a half-way reason to impeach them, or attempt to make him quit.

Democrats are stupid people. Until this day, they still don't understand how their stunts come back to haunt them one day.
Do you remember the next democrat president is going to abuse his or her power like trump is?

And I hope the next president is kept in check like corrupt trump is being kept. Glad to see the president is not a king.

Triumph broke laws. Remove and impeach him. Don’t you agree? Why not?

Because he broke no laws, that's why. If he actually did break any laws, I wouldn't be on his side.

Impeachment is a process used for high crimes and misdemeanors. Asking a foreign leader to look into a concerning matter is neither.
Guns don't make a country safer, they make an individual safer.

Guns have nothing to do with a "country". Because countries don't own guns, individuals do.
Stupid argument you’ve made. For most the law will make it impossible. Sure one or two might find one but most wont

That’s like saying laws to stop cocaine are dumb because people who want them bad enough will get them

That’s not true. Most wont get them.

If it only takes a second then you won’t mind us only allowing ten round mags.

Using cocaine to compare with gun safety is foolish. Do I have a constitutional right to cocaine?

IF limiting magazines to ten bullets would accomplish anything, I would agree. It will not, as you well know. All it will do is make YOU feel better. You can say to yourself, "THERE, WE DID SOMETHING".

Sadly there is not a Progressive or Second Amendment hater alive that believes in accountability or the measuring of results. They want to just pass something into law, tell themselves to feel good and run along to the next "fire". Sad!
Functionality an AR 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that has been used by civilians for over a century
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Used for what? Mass shootings?
Since 1982, 15 AR15s have been used in mass shootings to murder fewer than 7 people per year.
Somehow, you believe this justifies a ban on same.
Thousands Of Americans Are Gunned Down Each Year, But Few Die By Assault-Style Rifle
As I said:
Somehow, you believe this justifies a ban on the AR15.
If I owned a AR15 I’d be okay with not making them anymore just don’t take mine away
Why don't you recognize the inanity of banning a gun that is use to kill <7 people per year in mass shootings?
That’s like saying laws to stop cocaine are dumb because people who want them bad enough will get them
The laws that make the sale possession and use of cocaine were not enacted to prevent people from selling, possessing or using cocaine, but to punish them if they do.
You, of course, do not see the fundamental difference.
I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.

And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

What constitutes a "reasonable" firearm? So howitzers and chain guns aren't allowed for self defense. :laugh:

Society deems what is "Reasonable" just like Society deems what is a "Home" through building codes. Reasonable is set by "Laws" which are set by Society.

So... if 'Society' deems it 'reasonable' to punch Democrats, that's ok? GOODY!! :meow:
America would be the safest country in the world When will Republicans learn the NRA is FOS ?

I know you're full of shit. Does that count?
And if you keep your BS up I'll get Coyote to ban you,,,,,
why coyote?...
A mod??
why her?....why not taz or meister or gumba?...
Because she is one of the only free thinkers among them,,,Now meister might be counted on too, in a clinch

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