If more guns makes a country safer

This is part of the commie revolution. The legislative branch does not have the power to control the executive branch. That's why we have separation of powers.

I never said if the commies win, we need to have a civil war. What I said is that when the commies remove a President unjustly, such as having secret clandestine inquiries, refusal to let the opponents even so much as see their transcript, and overturn an election, it is time for a civil war, because everything they do is unconstitutional.

The election is where citizens get to vote in or out a candidate for Prescient, not the legislative branch. This is particularly true when it's the opposing party that has been talking impeachment, and looking for a crime to match their punitive actions. That's not the way it works for real Americans.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

Right now, the House is equiv to a Grand Jury. And yes, it has some Republicans represented on it. It's closed doors just like every other Grand Jury EVER. The only job they have is to determine if there is enough evidence to bring charges and what those charges are. Once that is done, it goes to pre senate House hearings. At that time, Rumps lawyers gets to see all the evidence and argue their case to the constitutionality of those charges. Once that is done, the House Votes for Impeachment or not. If impeachment is voted positive then it's give over to the Senate for the Trial for either aquital or removal of office. Right now, the only ones that get to speak are the Grand Jury members or the House Committee Members and Special Prosecutor. And those are also the only ones allowed in the room outside of the people they are questioning.

So how about getting a better 4x6 card from your handlers. The one you are reading from makes you look like a complete hack.

No, it is not like a grand jury because in a grand jury, the accused is there for the entire trial. He or she is not hidden away somewhere so they can't hear what's going on. Also in a grand jury, witnesses to the event testify either pro or con.

This idiocy going on is more like a fishing expedition. They have the penalty ready to go, but can't find a crime to use it on. So they are dragging in all these people hoping somebody....anybody can give them something to go on. It's never been done before in our history.

But now that it has, I hope the next Republican House remembers that with the next Democrat President when they are in the majority. Just keep harassing the guy day in and day out until you can find a half-way reason to impeach them, or attempt to make him quit.

Democrats are stupid people. Until this day, they still don't understand how their stunts come back to haunt them one day.

You mean like the Repubs changing the rules so that they could do the same thing? Yes, it's come back and bit them in the ass.

Actually, you are completely wrong. A Grand Jury doesn't even have a Judge or a Procesecutor or a defense. It's the accussor presenting the evidence to the Grand Jury and the Grand Jury determines if it has merit enough to procede directly to trial. Here's a news flash. Even if the Grand Jury finds that they don't have enough evidence to suggest it going to trial, the accusor can still procede to trial anyway. That same Grand Jury may end up hearing many cases in their time. They are not convened just for that one case.

So, there is no Judge or Defense at all, Just an Accusor and the Grand Jury. And anyone of the Grand Jury can ask the Accusor any question they wish answered and the Accusor must answer truthfully. This means, if the committee is operating like a Grand Jury then even the Republicans on the committee can ask questions of the people presented in front of them. And they do. Who doesn't have that right is everyone else NOT on that committee. And only those on the committee has the right to be there and to hear what is going on. It's a sealed committee. Trying to crash it should be frowned on and be grounds to have the ones that tried to do it removed from office.

it isn't a grand jury, it is not an impeachment.........it is a scam.....this is not a grand jury, it is a political process and the democrats are hiding the fact that they have nothing.....so they don't want to show this to the public....
Taylor is one of the MOST respected people in Gov't Trump lashes out as per usual Trump knows Biden beats him which is why he bashes him and his son
Taylor is one of the MOST respected people in Gov't Trump lashes out as per usual Trump knows Biden beats him which is why he bashes him and his son

Trump is one of the MOST respected 'people' by We The People. We know that because he was elected President. I don't know who this 'Taylor' is but the fact that 'Gov't' respects him is of absolutely no relevance to me.
Taylor is one of the MOST respected people in Gov't Trump lashes out as per usual Trump knows Biden beats him which is why he bashes him and his son

Why would Trump worry about a contender that won't even be the nominee? If he was worried about that, he'd go after Sanders or Warren right now.
Stupid argument you’ve made. For most the law will make it impossible. Sure one or two might find one but most wont

That’s like saying laws to stop cocaine are dumb because people who want them bad enough will get them

That’s not true. Most wont get them.

If it only takes a second then you won’t mind us only allowing ten round mags.

Using cocaine to compare with gun safety is foolish. Do I have a constitutional right to cocaine?

IF limiting magazines to ten bullets would accomplish anything, I would agree. It will not, as you well know. All it will do is make YOU feel better. You can say to yourself, "THERE, WE DID SOMETHING".

Sadly there is not a Progressive or Second Amendment hater alive that believes in accountability or the measuring of results. They want to just pass something into law, tell themselves to feel good and run along to the next "fire". Sad!

Oh, but he doesn't want to solve the problem, only reduce the possible casualties.

In other words, Sealy would be fine if only 22 got killed instead of 23. For liberals, this is a solution to a problem.
But that won’t happen. You’ll see all the evidence. And if he’s removed republicans will have gone along.

8 Times trump put pressure on taylor to get Ukraine to announce they are looking into Biden.

Trump is guilty af. So nothing unjust if he’s removed. Sorry

That's the problem: we're not seeing any evidence because the Democrats are hiding the fact they have none. Now they announced a possible delay until after the holiday. Why? Because like the phony story by the Balls broad, they continue to find something.....anything they can get Trump on.

Every other evil scheme your side has tried failed miserably. When are you going to learn this is the trend?

Right now, the House is equiv to a Grand Jury. And yes, it has some Republicans represented on it. It's closed doors just like every other Grand Jury EVER. The only job they have is to determine if there is enough evidence to bring charges and what those charges are. Once that is done, it goes to pre senate House hearings. At that time, Rumps lawyers gets to see all the evidence and argue their case to the constitutionality of those charges. Once that is done, the House Votes for Impeachment or not. If impeachment is voted positive then it's give over to the Senate for the Trial for either aquital or removal of office. Right now, the only ones that get to speak are the Grand Jury members or the House Committee Members and Special Prosecutor. And those are also the only ones allowed in the room outside of the people they are questioning.

So how about getting a better 4x6 card from your handlers. The one you are reading from makes you look like a complete hack.

No, it is not like a grand jury because in a grand jury, the accused is there for the entire trial. He or she is not hidden away somewhere so they can't hear what's going on. Also in a grand jury, witnesses to the event testify either pro or con.

This idiocy going on is more like a fishing expedition. They have the penalty ready to go, but can't find a crime to use it on. So they are dragging in all these people hoping somebody....anybody can give them something to go on. It's never been done before in our history.

But now that it has, I hope the next Republican House remembers that with the next Democrat President when they are in the majority. Just keep harassing the guy day in and day out until you can find a half-way reason to impeach them, or attempt to make him quit.

Democrats are stupid people. Until this day, they still don't understand how their stunts come back to haunt them one day.

You mean like the Repubs changing the rules so that they could do the same thing? Yes, it's come back and bit them in the ass.

Actually, you are completely wrong. A Grand Jury doesn't even have a Judge or a Procesecutor or a defense. It's the accussor presenting the evidence to the Grand Jury and the Grand Jury determines if it has merit enough to procede directly to trial. Here's a news flash. Even if the Grand Jury finds that they don't have enough evidence to suggest it going to trial, the accusor can still procede to trial anyway. That same Grand Jury may end up hearing many cases in their time. They are not convened just for that one case.

So, there is no Judge or Defense at all, Just an Accusor and the Grand Jury. And anyone of the Grand Jury can ask the Accusor any question they wish answered and the Accusor must answer truthfully. This means, if the committee is operating like a Grand Jury then even the Republicans on the committee can ask questions of the people presented in front of them. And they do. Who doesn't have that right is everyone else NOT on that committee. And only those on the committee has the right to be there and to hear what is going on. It's a sealed committee. Trying to crash it should be frowned on and be grounds to have the ones that tried to do it removed from office.

The grand jury does not have a bias like the people in this committee. Nor are they the jurors at an actual trial because they've been tainted given the fact that there was no cross examination.

The real reason for the inquiry is to stall this process as close to the election as possible. In the meantime, they will monitor stupid things like polling results to see how they are doing. Because if they are stupid enough to proceed, then that means these same witnesses will be called to testify again in front of the entire House as the Constitution outlines, this time with both parties asking questions. Plus, the Republicans will bring in their witnesses as well.

The Committee is made up of both Democrats and Republicans. You still think it's all Democrats that get a voice. It's not. Your prejudice is showing. I can't write it off as ignorance as you should know better.

The Republicans on the Committee can bring in their own right now to the the committee now. The problem is, there seems to be a lack of supporting characters for them to bring in at this time. Do you honestly believe that Rump wants Pompaeo to testify in front of Congress about anything? No, anymore than he wants to testify himself. And first hand will be all that will be allowed. So those two would have to testify. Just not going to happen. Unless those two do testify, then Rump is probably going down for the count. They may have to testify for the Senate where things may be a bit more friendly. But even that may be quite rocky. I don't see either testifying there either.

If they do testify and contradict the transcripts to the house or the senate in open hearing, it's not going to go well so look for those two to refuse to testify. Rump can refuse but Pompaeo can't without some jail time.
I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.

And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

What constitutes a "reasonable" firearm? So howitzers and chain guns aren't allowed for self defense. :laugh:

Society deems what is "Reasonable" just like Society deems what is a "Home" through building codes. Reasonable is set by "Laws" which are set by Society.

So... if 'Society' deems it 'reasonable' to punch Democrats, that's ok? GOODY!! :meow:

As long as it's "Reasonable" to punch a Republican as well. It has to be the same for all.
I had guns before I ever heard of the NRA or voted for any party. The safest place in the world right now is under my roof.

And the Supreme Court agrees with you. Under your roof with reasonable firearms, you should feel reasonably safe. And your should be able to reasonably use them to defend the security of your home as well. Notice the words "Reasonable" and "Home".

What constitutes a "reasonable" firearm? So howitzers and chain guns aren't allowed for self defense. :laugh:

Society deems what is "Reasonable" just like Society deems what is a "Home" through building codes. Reasonable is set by "Laws" which are set by Society.

So... if 'Society' deems it 'reasonable' to punch Democrats, that's ok? GOODY!! :meow:

As long as it's "Reasonable" to punch a Republican as well. It has to be the same for all.

Put 'em up Daryl....:meow::11_2_1043:
using the gun as the most obvious phallic symbol in the world.

Obviously not the most obvious phallic symbol...

The Committee is made up of both Democrats and Republicans. You still think it's all Democrats that get a voice. It's not. Your prejudice is showing. I can't write it off as ignorance as you should know better.

The Republicans on the Committee can bring in their own right now to the the committee now. The problem is, there seems to be a lack of supporting characters for them to bring in at this time. Do you honestly believe that Rump wants Pompaeo to testify in front of Congress about anything? No, anymore than he wants to testify himself. And first hand will be all that will be allowed. So those two would have to testify. Just not going to happen. Unless those two do testify, then Rump is probably going down for the count. They may have to testify for the Senate where things may be a bit more friendly. But even that may be quite rocky. I don't see either testifying there either.

If they do testify and contradict the transcripts to the house or the senate in open hearing, it's not going to go well so look for those two to refuse to testify. Rump can refuse but Pompaeo can't without some jail time.

"Rep. Ratcliffe: Ambassador Taylor again today I found him to be forthright. He had very strong opinions on Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy. But again the mainstream media reporting that he provided evidence of a quid pro quo involving military aid is false. I questioned him directly on that. Under Adam Schiff’s rules I can’t tell you what he said but I can tell you what he didn’t say. Neither he or any other witness has provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aide was being withheld. You can’t have a quid pro quo with no quo!"



“In 90 seconds, we had John Ratcliffe destroy Taylor’s whole argument,” McCarthy said. “We can’t really talk about it, but what we’re finding is just his questioning in 90 seconds refuted everything of what Adam Schiff leaves out there. There’s no quid pro quo, and what you find out in this process is all this information is just like that whistleblower. Remember, we haven’t seen that whistleblower. Everything is second-, third- and fourth-hand information.”

McCarthy: ‘In 90 Seconds, We Had John Ratcliffe Destroy Taylor’s Whole Argument’ | Breitbart


How about returning to the topic of the thread?

To remind you. Even if the grammar is atrocious.
If more guns makes a country safer
Okay, we take your advice. All Citizens are required to be armed at all times. Welcome to 1870 and wonder why many Western Towns and Cities banned carrying firearms inside of City Limits in 1871. Yes, let's get rid of the Run Regulations, all of them. And require all Citizens to be armed at all times (that, in itself is gun regulations).

I can see it now. Sandbags all the way out to my Mailbox with the rest of the family having to give cover fire just so I can check my mail.

Of course that's the way it will be. Because people don't become evil on their own. They were otherwise taxpaying law abiding citizens; that was until they got a gun in their hands.

Once a person gets a gun in their hands, they become psycho. The run around shooting anything that moves, even commit mass murders. Without a gun, they would have just stayed home and watched old reruns of Columbo.

For the people that keep their sanity, the guns sneak out in the middle of the night and shoot people at random. The owner was irresponsible because he or she left their guns unlocked, and we all know what guns do when you don't restrict them from acting on their own.

I lived through similar stories in my state about sandbags to your mailbox. The left created these scenarios when we adopted CCW laws. They created them again when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in their vehicles. They did it again when we allowed CCW holders to carry in large public places like arenas or stadiums. They did it again when they predicted drunks shooting each other in the street because we allowed them to carry in places like Applebees where alcohol is served.

Guess what? None of their predictions ever came true.

Most won't go that direction. But some will. But the some will be enough to make it dangerous for the rest of us where our streets become shooting ranges. And as for predictions, welcome to history repeating itself.

And yet history has not repeated itself. Most (if not all states) have carry permits for guns, and that's been a growing trend for some time now. Even more states are catering to the victim instead of the attacker like many did years ago.

But with all these new carriers in public, all these new guns, gun and violent crime declined since the early 90's. The one interruption in that trend was the Ferguson Effect, where police gave up on being proactive in crime, and only went to people who had a complaint. But even that is old now and we're back on the decline.

Remember too how diverse of a country we are. If you take away the shootings and crimes involving guns with minorities, we are pretty much in line with many other countries who do have bans on guns. Proof positive that it's the people who are the problem, not the criminal tools they use for their crimes.
Dude whites commit the worst mass shootings. Don't play the race a card....is a cultural problem a culture that praises violence and killings...even trump said he wont lose a vote if he shot someone.
The REALITY is that blacks shoot blacks at astronomically rates something like 50 percent of all murders are BY blacks mostly against other blacks., blacks are 13 percent of the population.yet account for almost half of all murders. Mass shootings are a minor annoyance compared to the number of shootings and murders committed by blacks. And NO ONE is doing a damn thing about it, hell just talking about it is frowned on if not banned.
Maybe I'd blacks weren't slaves, segregated, being racist against foe so long....their outcome wouldn't be as bad, don't you think ? This is just a result of what the system has done to them for centuries.
True someone can go on a rampage and throw bunch of pills and kill dozens.
Dude the world is laughing at you, more guns more deaths.....why are you so thick ?

When a person sells another drugs, it kills other people.
Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control
Wrong wrong and wrong.

China has more people less guns and hence less gun crimes and deaths, India is the same thing.
Dude America is fucked to its core when it comes to gun culture. Have you ever been outside the US.? most countries don't have this madness that we have...they lie to you that you cant live without guns and yet they don't shit to stop the deaths.
Tell me how many countries kids gets shot at in schools ? Work places? Places of worship? Markets? Concerts?
You live in a little bubble.

So what is the penalty in China for killing somebody with a gun?

Given the fact we have people from China and India over here, how many of them commit gun crimes in the US?

Like I said, it's the people, not the tool used to kill others. Some groups are just more prone to violence and murder than others.
So Mr smart why the US is one of the worst countries when it comes to gun homicides, mass shootings ? There are millions of guns. Why the US is the most fucked up? There is not a day when I don't turn local news and there isn't someone who killed someone....lately is more family violence than gang violence or work violence . The last country I visited the worst crime they had on TV was a shooting in a work place in the US. The irony !!!!
True someone can go on a rampage and throw bunch of pills and kill dozens.
Dude the world is laughing at you, more guns more deaths.....why are you so thick ?

When a person sells another drugs, it kills other people.
Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control
Wrong wrong and wrong.

China has more people less guns and hence less gun crimes and deaths, India is the same thing.
Dude America is fucked to its core when it comes to gun culture. Have you ever been outside the US.? most countries don't have this madness that we have...they lie to you that you cant live without guns and yet they don't shit to stop the deaths.
Tell me how many countries kids gets shot at in schools ? Work places? Places of worship? Markets? Concerts?
You live in a little bubble.

The US in not supposed to be like most countries.

.003% of the population will ever kill anyone with a gun IOW you have a 99.997% chance of not getting murdered by a person with a gun in any year

No it's not 100% and it will never be 100% but it's a small price to pay for liberty
Liberty ? Hahahahahaahahaha
When a person sells another drugs, it kills other people.
Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control
Wrong wrong and wrong.

China has more people less guns and hence less gun crimes and deaths, India is the same thing.
Dude America is fucked to its core when it comes to gun culture. Have you ever been outside the US.? most countries don't have this madness that we have...they lie to you that you cant live without guns and yet they don't shit to stop the deaths.
Tell me how many countries kids gets shot at in schools ? Work places? Places of worship? Markets? Concerts?
You live in a little bubble.

So what is the penalty in China for killing somebody with a gun?

Given the fact we have people from China and India over here, how many of them commit gun crimes in the US?

Like I said, it's the people, not the tool used to kill others. Some groups are just more prone to violence and murder than others.
So Mr smart why the US is one of the worst countries when it comes to gun homicides, mass shootings ? There are millions of guns. Why the US is the most fucked up? There is not a day when I don't turn local news and there isn't someone who killed someone....lately is more family violence than gang violence or work violence . The last country I visited the worst crime they had on TV was a shooting in a work place in the US. The irony !!!!

And yet the truth shows you are wrong...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

GUN WATCH: Top Three Rated "Safe States" are Constitutional Carry States

US News and World Report rates the states for public safety. The rating takes both property crime and violent crime into account. The ratings use the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data from 2017 for the article this year, as the latest data available.

The top three states for public safety this year are Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. All three are Constitutional Carry states, which means no permit is required to carry a loaded handgun in most public places, openly, or concealed. That was the state of the law in the nation when the Constitution was ratified on 4 March, 1789. Constitutional carry existed in all states for the first four decades of the Republic. Then states and the courts started chipping away at the Second Amendment.
When a person sells another drugs, it kills other people.
Apples and oranges. How can one use the drugs in a moment of anger to harm others like guns?
Because of millions of guns in the US there are thousands of deaths, school shootings, domestic homicides and so much more than other countries with less or no guns ? How did i know , I've lived in one and visited many with hardly any guns.
In some countries a gun incident is a national news story for days, in the US is a meh!!!

We also have a high amount of auto deaths compared to other countries as well, because we have more automobiles than all the others. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

If you take a nice safe middle-class suburb, write a law that all residents must own a firearm, their murder rate won't change one iota. Now go to a high crime lower income neighborhood, and make all guns illegal there. Their murder rate will continue to be high.

If you take away guns, they'll use cars. Take away cars, they'll use bombs. Take away bombs, they'll use clubs. Take away clubs, they'll use knives.

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control
Wrong wrong and wrong.

China has more people less guns and hence less gun crimes and deaths, India is the same thing.
Dude America is fucked to its core when it comes to gun culture. Have you ever been outside the US.? most countries don't have this madness that we have...they lie to you that you cant live without guns and yet they don't shit to stop the deaths.
Tell me how many countries kids gets shot at in schools ? Work places? Places of worship? Markets? Concerts?
You live in a little bubble.

So what is the penalty in China for killing somebody with a gun?

Given the fact we have people from China and India over here, how many of them commit gun crimes in the US?

Like I said, it's the people, not the tool used to kill others. Some groups are just more prone to violence and murder than others.
So Mr smart why the US is one of the worst countries when it comes to gun homicides, mass shootings ? There are millions of guns. Why the US is the most fucked up? There is not a day when I don't turn local news and there isn't someone who killed someone....lately is more family violence than gang violence or work violence . The last country I visited the worst crime they had on TV was a shooting in a work place in the US. The irony !!!!

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

Whatever the crime rate does......as more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go up....so again...

More Guns = More Gun Crime
Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.
They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...
Your Theory again....
More guns = More Gun Crime
Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.
When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing changes....in science, that means your theory is wrong...

Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.


Now four years later, Maine has been named the safest state in the nation according to US News and World Report’s public safety rankings, which measures the fifty states based on crime data.

Ranking as the top safest state for violent crime and fourth for property crime, Maine edges out another New England state, Vermont, for the top spot. Of note, Vermont also is a “Constitutional Carry” state. New Hampshire ranks third in the national rankings, giving New England all three of the top spots in the nation.

In 2018, Maine was edged out by Vermont in the same “safest states” ranking, but declared the best state overall in the broader “Crime and Corrections” category.

In 2017, using a different methodology, Maine was ranked second among the fifty states in the “Crime and Corrections” category and also second in the categories used to rank the “safest states.”

The U.S. News and World Report “Best States” rankings are built in partnership with McKinsey & Company, a firm that works closely with state leaders around the nation.

Maine has also ranked at the top of other state rankings. WalletHub.com recently ranked Maine second in “Personal and Residential Safety” among the fifty states, and third overall.

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