If more guns makes a country safer

For what reason do YOU think most of those armed citizens did not pull their weapons?

Because they are only pretend fierce brave men. In reality they are chicken shit cowards.

Gun grabbers are so predictable. That is exactly how I thought you would reply.

It has nothing to do with being a coward.

It has to do with the fact that many lawyers, and judges, and JURORS, and politicians are so mentally deranged, so spitefully unhinged, so hateful of the Second Amendment, so forgiving of criminal behavior, so able to completely ignore FACTS and function solely on emotions, that when a gun carried by one of these great American citizens ( the people YOU refer to as 'chicken shit cowards' ) IS used in self-defense or to defend the life of another citizen, or to stop a crime or save a life, it exposes that gun owner the fight of his life, as he is immediately attacked from all sides by people like YOU, and the very same filthy hateful gun grabbers who share YOUR views.
But then again, if there was a possibility he could have been armed, they might have never messed with him in the first place.

That is one thing the brain dead blithering idiot gun grabbers will never understand, because their genetically defective, underdeveloped brains are simply incapable of understanding it.

In a town where open and concealed carry is legal, a guy is NOT going to walk into a movie theater to try to shoot lots of people.

"KC! You want EVERYONE to carry a gun!"

No. I want the criminals to believe that everyone is POTENTIALLY carrying a gun, and that is all the deterrent that is needed.

How popular would a video game be, if you started the game and the various characters in the game immediately blew you away in the first three seconds, every single time?

In any given movie theater, maybe everyone has a gun, or maybe only half of them do. Or maybe only three people are armed, or perhaps even NO ONE is armed in that particular theater. In the theater you have chosen as your Waterloo, the LAW has not forcibly disarmed the public like they do is stinking cesspools of Socialism like Los Angeles, and Chicago.

The criminal CANNOT KNOW what the situation is in that particular theater, so if he pulls a gun and starts firing into the crowd, he risks certain death by return fire from one, a few, several or maybe even ALL of the moviegoers.
And of course all those Texans are going to park their guns at the door because guns are NOT ALLOWED in the Walmart. Riiiiiight. You've clearly never been to, or lived in Texas. Guaranteed there were plenty of gun toting 'heroes' in that Walmart all running for the nearest exit as soon as the shooting started. All those guns, I guess in the end they were just cowards after all.

And where were all the gun-toters in Dayton (or was it TOLEDO)? Nobody could have pulled out their weapon in those 32 seconds it took police to take out the shooter? More cowards with guns?

So ... the next time some raving lunatic liberal raises the argument "If We Allow Everyone to Carry a Gun, It Would Be a Wild West Shootout!" as the reason people should not be allowed to carry guns, can I count on seeing YOU standing up in a very public way (ala David Hogg) to shout, "THOSE WILD WEST SHOOTOUTS NEVER HAPPEN!!!" ??

I just want to know if I can count on you to be consistent.

Um....no. I will not be hollering about that in the gun nutter battle. I'll be the green shirt lady laughing at your ridiculousness, watching while you waddle around in your camo pants and too tight t-shirt waving your stars and bars flag in one hand and your guns in the other.

From where I sit, you are all a bunch of cowards running around shouting that the world is trying to kill you, rape you, and steal all your shit.

So YOU make the point that a room full of armed people is ineffective in an "active shooter" situation, and when you are called to the carpet, you will NOT tell the "Wild West" gun grabber idiots to STFU.

So it's OK to kill the gunman after he blows away several people first? I'd prefer laws making it harder for the crazies from getting their weapons
Here's a current real life example of why you should never, ever under ANY circumstances allow the disarming of Americans......even if you are the LAST standing.

Because once you're helpless, tyrants know no boundaries to what evils they can do to other humans.

Remember, many on the left admire China. They are more than willing to give up human rights for a small bit of perceived (but false) security.

Survivors and victims on shocking state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China
Survivors and victims on shocking state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China

Resist the gun grabbers as if your life depends on it...it just may
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But then again, if there was a possibility he could have been armed, they might have never messed with him in the first place.

That is one thing the brain dead blithering idiot gun grabbers will never understand, because their genetically defective, underdeveloped brains are simply incapable of understanding it.

In a town where open and concealed carry is legal, a guy is NOT going to walk into a movie theater to try to shoot lots of people.

"KC! You want EVERYONE to carry a gun!"

No. I want the criminals to believe that everyone is POTENTIALLY carrying a gun, and that is all the deterrent that is needed.

How popular would a video game be, if you started the game and the various characters in the game immediately blew you away in the first three seconds, every single time?

In any given movie theater, maybe everyone has a gun, or maybe only half of them do. Or maybe only three people are armed, or perhaps even NO ONE is armed in that particular theater. In the theater you have chosen as your Waterloo, the LAW has not forcibly disarmed the public like they do is stinking cesspools of Socialism like Los Angeles, and Chicago.

The criminal CANNOT KNOW what the situation is in that particular theater, so if he pulls a gun and starts firing into the crowd, he risks certain death by return fire from one, a few, several or maybe even ALL of the moviegoers.
/——-/ Try robbing a cop bar at gun point.
America would be the safest country in the world When will Republicans learn the NRA is FOS ?
/——/ If more guns in the hands of THE RIGHT PEOPLE —- there, I corrected it for you.
Who are these right people you speak of??
/——/ Law abiding citizens who are not part of your gang and drug culture.
My gang ?? I call them patriots ,lovers of America Your gang loves Putin and his pal, our moron in the WH
YES Mr Flacal What we need is a gov't that honors freedom BTW did you get to read the NY Times or Washington Post this morning ??? The 2 trump forbids you and the gov't from reading?? I' am a deep thinker and I can agree with more than one thing you say. What I can't agree with is a man I despise, a racist piece of moronic trash like trump, telling me anything

Once again, the ignorant, far-left progressives devolve into racism. You must be so proud!

And banning the sale of 20 round magazines also takes that ability away from the law abiding citizen who may, one day, have to defend himself or herself from somebody with a 20 round magazine.

As we on the right understand, having limits on capacity size is only one step in the long game of virtual gun confiscation. If you don't believe that, I'll tell you what: I'll support your magazine size law, if you can get the Democrats to sign a Contract with America. In that contract, it would state the Democrats will never bring up the issue of guns again win, lose, or draw if we support limits on gun magazine size.

Do you really think the Democrats in the House would go for that? Of course not. Because again, it's one baby step in their long game.

Using your logic, regulating a 20mm anti aircraft gun is just as wrong in case you have to defend yourself from someone with an armored vehicle with a M2 mounted on it. Pardon me if I choose not to live in that neighborhood. You may want to live there. I know of only one place on Earth that has no laws and it would be perfectly legal and that would be Yemen and how is that working out for them.

The only real question here is where do we put the limits. Where do we draw the line. To date, the Federal Courts have drawn the line at 15 rounds. No matter where we place the limit, there is always going to be someone jump up and scream that they demand the next higher number or higher.

Now about that fantasy about your home being invaded by, let's say, 10 bad armed guys. You have an AR with 3 30 round mags. Those 10 bad guys are similarly armed. Maybe in a Rambo movie could you expect the good guy to survive that encounter but it's just a movie. The best outcome by directly confronting those bad guys would be to go down fighting. While that sounds heroic, it's not the best option. Take it from a Military Person, sometimes withdrawal is a better option.

Next you are going to say, they have all the exits covered. No matter what I say, you will come up with a scenario where you will have to fight. We are right back inside that movie. But let's say it happens. If you are that worried I suggest you build a nice little safe room that can't be easily breached and blends in with a wall. They aren't there to probably kill you. They are there to steal from you or kidnap. Sit in that safe room with your defensive weapons and stay quiet. And call the Cops. Let them get shot, it's their job. They have a unit called Swat that does that for a living and they don't have any limits to their weapons.

So we place a limit. limits have to be placed because some moron will go hog wild if they aren't. Again, the only real question is, where will those limits be placed. I agree with the Courts except I might place the limit at 20 because some weapons look might funny with the shorter 15 round mag. And 5 rounds one way or the other really isn't that big a deal. So I don't see the world coming to an end with the limit set at 15. The Sun will come up in the Morning, The Seasons will go on and so will I.

You don't assume anything when confronted by armed attackers. They may beat you to death, force you to disclose where valuables are hidden at, and if you don't have enough, kill you because they thought you were holding out on them, or simply because you are a witness that can identify them in court.

Unless you agree to a fight with somebody, and are attacked, you have no idea what their motive is, so you take no chances. It's the same as getting attacked without a weapon. You always expect the worst.

The use of a deadly weapon is the same as not using a deadly weapon. Years ago when I was studying for my blackbelt, I asked my instructor what might happen to me legally if I used one of the five methods to kill another person? With that, he said since I have no idea what their intent is, use them. Because self-defense ends at the point you disabled your attacker from further attack no matter how you did it. Until that point, it's legally self-defense.

If people in my area start to get attacked by airplanes, then I'll look into anti-aircraft weaponry. But thus far, it's been criminals with guns, and yes......big magazines. So I don't think there should be any limit on magazine size because for one, it won't stop one shooting, and two, it won't make any difference in the amount of casualties or deaths. What it does do is advance the commie narrative of virtual gun and ammo confiscation.

Okay, if it won't make any difference on way or the other, what is wrong with placing a limit of 15 rounds for the mag? If the odds are overwhelming, withdraw. Tactical Withdrawal is a sound Military Tactic. And since you actually painted a Military Scenario then one would think using sound military tactics would be the best option.

You used that fact you earned a Black Best, Babyson. Here are some tips you missed.

When your enemy is hitting you here, don't be there
Control the Situation
Avoid the Confrontation if possible

Use only enough force to end the situation. That is part of controlling the situation. If you have no control over the situation then get away from the situation. The person that imparted that to me was a 3rd Don with enough awards and accolades to fill a wall in a decent sized living room.

Then there is Kelvinkis Rules from the New Centurian
If a bad guy picks up his hands, you pick up a knife
If a bad guy picks up a knife, you pick up a club
If a bad guy picks up a club, you pick up a gun
If a bad guy picks up a gun, you pick up your feet and get the hell out of dodge.

I suggest you get a copy of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. If you are going to prepare for war, II suggest you learn from the Brightest and the Best.

But if your home is in a potential war zone then use your Martial Arts training and remove yourself and you family from a situation you really have no control over.

I'm not talking about a bar argument, I''m talking about getting attacked, such as going to your car in a parking lot somewhere and being accosted by a stranger out of nowhere. You don't know his or their intent, so you protect yourself even if it means using deadly force. If you use anymore force than necessary to stop your attacker, then you move from self-defense to felonious assault.

For instance: I'm at a bar and somebody takes a punch at me. I nail the guy and he's out cold on the floor. The establishment summons police, and witnesses describe the account. If the guy doesn't need medical care, they arrest him and tell me to have a good night.

Same exact situation, except after I disable my attacker, I grab him by his hair and start beating his head into the bar. At that point, I'm in the process of a felony. I went from victim to attacker.
Strangers do not appear out of nowhere. You only think they do because you aren't fully aware of your surroundings. Does that happen to you a lot? Strangers appearing out of nowhere, accosting you in the parking lot?

My insurance doesn't kill anyone. And I've said many times, I don't need that kind of insurance. Caravans of vehicles (or even one) have never driven into my driveway and spilled out hordes of home invaders to steal all my shit and kill me. I am not attacked in public because I know how to keep myself from being a target. I have kept myself safe all over the world, and right here on the CA/MX border.

However, if some incel GOP nutter decided to drive out here and shoot the place up and I got caught in the crossfire, well, then that would be that. I will not live my life in fear of crazy people. I do not care to live my life afraid of the world and I'm not into paranoia.

But if I did need a killing weapon, I'd prefer a bomb, or maybe a grenade. Something I can throw in the general direction of the danger. My hand-eye coordination is not that great and if I'm going for the kill, I'll need something that delivers an easier kill shot.

So you think that you throwing a bomb or grenade would be more effective than a bullet that travels at a speed of 2,500 feet per second? Did you ever consider somebody can see you throwing such an object and simply move away? Or shoot you before you even had a chance to pull your arm back?

You know who else thought they were invincible to crime because they knew how to keep themselves from being targets? All the people who were victims of a criminal attack.

Don't get me wrong, I understand how you think. I thought like that too when I was a kid. Then I came home from work one Saturday and found my apartment broken into. I knew the people who did it as well. Very dangerous people. So that's when I purchased my first gun.

Through channels, I let the people who broke into my house know I was armed, and I was ready and waiting for them. I even told them I had a friend come over from time to time to remove my car and take it home with him to give the appearance the apartment was empty just so I could get a chance at putting the robbers in a body bag. They never came back since.

If you ever read any of the hundreds of stories of people using a firearm to protect themselves or others, you'd see they too did what they could to stay out of that situation. Many times these self-defense acts take place during the day, in good neighborhoods or areas not known for criminal attack.

I don't associate with any very dangerous people. It's one of the ways I keep myself safe.

When you live in multi-family units, you have no choice but to run into these characters.
I do live in a multi-family unit.

Well, then you can't really help with who moves in or not. They could be great people and they could be a problem.
Very true. That's why I stay away from the folks who could be a danger to myself and my family. I know my neighbors. And I have worked to ensure I am not a target.

And, despite your hollering about needing guns to survive, I have survived quite well all over the world, without a gun. Tourists generally can't bring guns into most countries. I guess that's why gun nutters are generally not well-traveled. Too scary!
For what reason do YOU think most of those armed citizens did not pull their weapons?

Because they are only pretend fierce brave men. In reality they are chicken shit cowards.

Gun grabbers are so predictable. That is exactly how I thought you would reply.

It has nothing to do with being a coward.

It has to do with the fact that many lawyers, and judges, and JURORS, and politicians are so mentally deranged, so spitefully unhinged, so hateful of the Second Amendment, so forgiving of criminal behavior, so able to completely ignore FACTS and function solely on emotions, that when a gun carried by one of these great American citizens ( the people YOU refer to as 'chicken shit cowards' ) IS used in self-defense or to defend the life of another citizen, or to stop a crime or save a life, it exposes that gun owner the fight of his life, as he is immediately attacked from all sides by people like YOU, and the very same filthy hateful gun grabbers who share YOUR views.
I have no power to grab your gun, nor do I want to. I am not a threat to you. You have no rational reason to fear me.

I'm here to watch the nutters. You are entertaining, in your abject fear of the world and everything in it.
So it's OK to kill the gunman after he blows away several people first? I'd prefer laws making it harder for the crazies from getting their weapons

We already have those. Our problem isnt' the crazy guy....in 2018 there were a total of 12 mass public shootings with 93 killed....Lawn mowers kill over 75 people every single year....

Our problem is the repeat gun criminals that democrats let out of prison over and over again who are responsible for the 10,265 murders in 2018....why do the democrats refuse to keep violent, repeat gun offenders who kill so many people locked up?
YES Mr Flacal What we need is a gov't that honors freedom BTW did you get to read the NY Times or Washington Post this morning ??? The 2 trump forbids you and the gov't from reading?? I' am a deep thinker and I can agree with more than one thing you say. What I can't agree with is a man I despise, a racist piece of moronic trash like trump, telling me anything

Once again, the ignorant, far-left progressives devolve into racism. You must be so proud!

Moron wanted the chair for 5 innocent blacks,,,,prevented blacks from renting in his properties loves Duke now but some of you are good people
For what reason do YOU think most of those armed citizens did not pull their weapons?

Because they are only pretend fierce brave men. In reality they are chicken shit cowards.

Gun grabbers are so predictable. That is exactly how I thought you would reply.

It has nothing to do with being a coward.

It has to do with the fact that many lawyers, and judges, and JURORS, and politicians are so mentally deranged, so spitefully unhinged, so hateful of the Second Amendment, so forgiving of criminal behavior, so able to completely ignore FACTS and function solely on emotions, that when a gun carried by one of these great American citizens ( the people YOU refer to as 'chicken shit cowards' ) IS used in self-defense or to defend the life of another citizen, or to stop a crime or save a life, it exposes that gun owner the fight of his life, as he is immediately attacked from all sides by people like YOU, and the very same filthy hateful gun grabbers who share YOUR views.
I have no power to grab your gun, nor do I want to. I am not a threat to you. You have no rational reason to fear me.

I'm here to watch the nutters. You are entertaining, in your abject fear of the world and everything in it.
/----/ You personally can't grab a gun but the Progs in power can. But any criminal caught has a good chance of being set free in Blue States:
Judge Releases Convicted Killer On No Bond For New Gun ...
Judge Releases Convicted Killer On No Bond For New Gun Charges Tied To Shooting
Prosecutors asked Bronx Criminal Court Judge Jeanine Johnson to hold the convicted murderer on $75,000 bail, but Johnson kicked him loose without bail instead, the New York Post reported. Johnson justified the release by noting that the reputed Crips gang member "has full custody of his child," and that the New York City Criminal Justice ...
So many mistakes your friend made in the situation you describe.

So should he have stayed home; check between all the parked cars? I that what you do going back to your automobile in a public parking lot?

It can happen to anybody, anywhere, at any time. Criminals do target places where the least suspecting victims are to be found.
And of course all those Texans are going to park their guns at the door because guns are NOT ALLOWED in the Walmart. Riiiiiight. You've clearly never been to, or lived in Texas. Guaranteed there were plenty of gun toting 'heroes' in that Walmart all running for the nearest exit as soon as the shooting started. All those guns, I guess in the end they were just cowards after all.

And where were all the gun-toters in Dayton (or was it TOLEDO)? Nobody could have pulled out their weapon in those 32 seconds it took police to take out the shooter? More cowards with guns?

So ... the next time some raving lunatic liberal raises the argument "If We Allow Everyone to Carry a Gun, It Would Be a Wild West Shootout!" as the reason people should not be allowed to carry guns, can I count on seeing YOU standing up in a very public way (ala David Hogg) to shout, "THOSE WILD WEST SHOOTOUTS NEVER HAPPEN!!!" ??

I just want to know if I can count on you to be consistent.

Um....no. I will not be hollering about that in the gun nutter battle. I'll be the green shirt lady laughing at your ridiculousness, watching while you waddle around in your camo pants and too tight t-shirt waving your stars and bars flag in one hand and your guns in the other.

From where I sit, you are all a bunch of cowards running around shouting that the world is trying to kill you, rape you, and steal all your shit.

So YOU make the point that a room full of armed people is ineffective in an "active shooter" situation, and when you are called to the carpet, you will NOT tell the "Wild West" gun grabber idiots to STFU.

I'm not saying a room full of armed people can't be effective. I'm saying they seem to shit their pants when the bullets start flying and they hide with the rest of the terrorized people. Otherwise we would hear many more stories of all these 'gun nutter heroes'. Where are all these stories?

And honestly I don't gaf if someone comes to grab your guns. That's your problem, not mine.
YES Mr Flacal What we need is a gov't that honors freedom BTW did you get to read the NY Times or Washington Post this morning ??? The 2 trump forbids you and the gov't from reading?? I' am a deep thinker and I can agree with more than one thing you say. What I can't agree with is a man I despise, a racist piece of moronic trash like trump, telling me anything

Once again, the ignorant, far-left progressives devolve into racism. You must be so proud!

Moron wanted the chair for 5 innocent blacks,,,,prevented blacks from renting in his properties loves Duke now but some of you are good people

Trump wanted the chair for five innocent blacks when they were not found to be innocent yet. Trump reacted according to what was written in the paper. Trump had people of color renting from him. What he didn't want is people on welfare moving in. They are nothing but trouble, trust me. When did Trump ever state he loves Duke?

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