If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

I think we all understand they were enslaved and later sharecropping, was there anything else?
It is indeed ironic that black lives mattered more as slaves than they do today. The slave owners of yore would not have allowed young black boys and men to kill each other at rates similar to El Salvador, being that they were property and thus of value.

Today is a different story of course.
They mattered more as slaves to you lot, that's rather the point isn't it.
Never had slaves nor did any of my ancestors. Perhaps back in antiquity, but no one can follow their line that far back. But like everyone else, I take care of my property. That's the point.
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.

newsflash idiot: Presently there are 15 nations---count em--that still practice slavery...all of them are in Africa!!! Regarding your delusions about Blacks being victimized by police:
I feel confident that under an objective examination the ubiquitous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan would crumble like an awkwardly build house of cards. The liberal media shares a good deal of the responsibility for launching and securing this rather paradoxical statement, dare we apply any degree of reasonable questioning to this resilient appendage of the otherwise standard disciplines of the race-baiting industry? Blacks whine and moan that they are the "eternal victim"...and that 'race' is the oppressive weight heaped collectively upon their shoulders by a virulent white racist America. We are to believe that they somehow bear the scars of oppression worn by their ancestors, and that they suffer the countless indignities and derision accorded their African brothers and sisters of centuries past. Yet can we dare the majority of American Blacks to confront the inescapable shadow of their own violent behavior as they petition white America for justice? Do we remind these self-deluded protesters that Whites account for a full 49% of those killed by police officers in America, and that Blacks are 30%? Do we invoke the appalling statistics for inner city violent crime that are overwhelmingly tilted to Black males between 15 and 35? Where is the basic honestly when liberal media selectively edits the issue? The hypocrisy here literally smacks you in the face!!! If we want to play-up the spate of police shootings of young Black men, let's open up the dialogue to include the stunned silence on the part of otherwise vocal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to addressing the epidemic criminal-dysfunction associated with black urban culture in America, and the routine buck-passing that invariably accompanies it.
In the decades following the Civil-Rights period, blacks—for the most part---have not only failed to establish a collective upward mobility, teaching the value of education and hard work, they have deteriorated into an aggressively non-assimilative criminal sub-culture, subsisting on public entitlements, and blaming white-culture for their inability to transcend their own economic exile. The question that demands to be asked is to what extent black culture holds itself accountable for its present state, and those broad negative perceptions associated with it???? I mean seriously---what role do blacks themselves play in self-determination, or do they surrender any meaningful initiatives to an inculcated 'slave mentality" that attains wide currency as an excuse to dismiss any collective improvement in the social and economic conditions common to black culture in America today? If we pose this irreducible question to the likes of Jackson or Sharpton, the routine deflection begins, and somehow—someway---whites are to blame for the determined savagery and casual decay of the black cultural landscape of our American cities. The impulse to blame "whitey' for cross-generational dysfunction gradually reveals a transparent agenda: and surely Al and Jesse are well-versed in this agenda—hence they are sworn to act as enablers for black dysfunction.

Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.
I suspect you don't know what "antiquity" means. I further suspect you have a very colored and modest knowledge of history. Given the two, I also suspect you're a child of an inner-city with an education to match.

  1. 1.
    the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages.
    "the great civilizations of antiquity"
    synonyms: ancient times, the ancient past, classical times, former times, the distant past, times gone by;
Simply put, an ignoramus delving into topics for which you are ill-suited.
Last edited:
It is indeed ironic that black lives mattered more as slaves than they do today. The slave owners of yore would not have allowed young black boys and men to kill each other at rates similar to El Salvador, being that they were property and thus of value.

Today is a different story of course.
They mattered more as slaves to you lot, that's rather the point isn't it.
Never had slaves nor did any of my ancestors. Perhaps back in antiquity, but no one can follow their line that far back. But like everyone else, I take care of my property. That's the point.
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.

newsflash idiot: Presently there are 15 nations---count em--that still practice slavery...all of them are in Africa!!! Regarding your delusions about Blacks being victimized by police:
I feel confident that under an objective examination the ubiquitous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan would crumble like an awkwardly build house of cards. The liberal media shares a good deal of the responsibility for launching and securing this rather paradoxical statement, dare we apply any degree of reasonable questioning to this resilient appendage of the otherwise standard disciplines of the race-baiting industry? Blacks whine and moan that they are the "eternal victim"...and that 'race' is the oppressive weight heaped collectively upon their shoulders by a virulent white racist America. We are to believe that they somehow bear the scars of oppression worn by their ancestors, and that they suffer the countless indignities and derision accorded their African brothers and sisters of centuries past. Yet can we dare the majority of American Blacks to confront the inescapable shadow of their own violent behavior as they petition white America for justice? Do we remind these self-deluded protesters that Whites account for a full 49% of those killed by police officers in America, and that Blacks are 30%? Do we invoke the appalling statistics for inner city violent crime that are overwhelmingly tilted to Black males between 15 and 35? Where is the basic honestly when liberal media selectively edits the issue? The hypocrisy here literally smacks you in the face!!! If we want to play-up the spate of police shootings of young Black men, let's open up the dialogue to include the stunned silence on the part of otherwise vocal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to addressing the epidemic criminal-dysfunction associated with black urban culture in America, and the routine buck-passing that invariably accompanies it.
In the decades following the Civil-Rights period, blacks—for the most part---have not only failed to establish a collective upward mobility, teaching the value of education and hard work, they have deteriorated into an aggressively non-assimilative criminal sub-culture, subsisting on public entitlements, and blaming white-culture for their inability to transcend their own economic exile. The question that demands to be asked is to what extent black culture holds itself accountable for its present state, and those broad negative perceptions associated with it???? I mean seriously---what role do blacks themselves play in self-determination, or do they surrender any meaningful initiatives to an inculcated 'slave mentality" that attains wide currency as an excuse to dismiss any collective improvement in the social and economic conditions common to black culture in America today? If we pose this irreducible question to the likes of Jackson or Sharpton, the routine deflection begins, and somehow—someway---whites are to blame for the determined savagery and casual decay of the black cultural landscape of our American cities. The impulse to blame "whitey' for cross-generational dysfunction gradually reveals a transparent agenda: and surely Al and Jesse are well-versed in this agenda—hence they are sworn to act as enablers for black dysfunction.

Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".

Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.
I suspect you don't know what "antiquity" means. I further suspect you have a very colored and modest knowledge of history. Given the two, I also suspect you're a child of an inner-city with an education to match.

  1. 1.
    the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages.
    "the great civilizations of antiquity"
    synonyms: ancient times, the ancient past, classical times, former times, the distant past, times gone by;
Simply put, an ignoramus delving into topics for which you are ill-suited.
The corporate state and its legal system murder unarmed citizens in the streets of america now, is that under your definition of antiquity? I'm happy our conversation has made you reach for a dictionary and that you have learned a new word.

All of your "knowledge" seems to arise from assumptions like this: "I also suspect you're a child of an innion to match.er-city with an education to match."

That's just who ya are.
They mattered more as slaves to you lot, that's rather the point isn't it.
Never had slaves nor did any of my ancestors. Perhaps back in antiquity, but no one can follow their line that far back. But like everyone else, I take care of my property. That's the point.
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.

newsflash idiot: Presently there are 15 nations---count em--that still practice slavery...all of them are in Africa!!! Regarding your delusions about Blacks being victimized by police:
I feel confident that under an objective examination the ubiquitous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan would crumble like an awkwardly build house of cards. The liberal media shares a good deal of the responsibility for launching and securing this rather paradoxical statement, dare we apply any degree of reasonable questioning to this resilient appendage of the otherwise standard disciplines of the race-baiting industry? Blacks whine and moan that they are the "eternal victim"...and that 'race' is the oppressive weight heaped collectively upon their shoulders by a virulent white racist America. We are to believe that they somehow bear the scars of oppression worn by their ancestors, and that they suffer the countless indignities and derision accorded their African brothers and sisters of centuries past. Yet can we dare the majority of American Blacks to confront the inescapable shadow of their own violent behavior as they petition white America for justice? Do we remind these self-deluded protesters that Whites account for a full 49% of those killed by police officers in America, and that Blacks are 30%? Do we invoke the appalling statistics for inner city violent crime that are overwhelmingly tilted to Black males between 15 and 35? Where is the basic honestly when liberal media selectively edits the issue? The hypocrisy here literally smacks you in the face!!! If we want to play-up the spate of police shootings of young Black men, let's open up the dialogue to include the stunned silence on the part of otherwise vocal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to addressing the epidemic criminal-dysfunction associated with black urban culture in America, and the routine buck-passing that invariably accompanies it.
In the decades following the Civil-Rights period, blacks—for the most part---have not only failed to establish a collective upward mobility, teaching the value of education and hard work, they have deteriorated into an aggressively non-assimilative criminal sub-culture, subsisting on public entitlements, and blaming white-culture for their inability to transcend their own economic exile. The question that demands to be asked is to what extent black culture holds itself accountable for its present state, and those broad negative perceptions associated with it???? I mean seriously---what role do blacks themselves play in self-determination, or do they surrender any meaningful initiatives to an inculcated 'slave mentality" that attains wide currency as an excuse to dismiss any collective improvement in the social and economic conditions common to black culture in America today? If we pose this irreducible question to the likes of Jackson or Sharpton, the routine deflection begins, and somehow—someway---whites are to blame for the determined savagery and casual decay of the black cultural landscape of our American cities. The impulse to blame "whitey' for cross-generational dysfunction gradually reveals a transparent agenda: and surely Al and Jesse are well-versed in this agenda—hence they are sworn to act as enablers for black dysfunction.

Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".

Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...

So you're reduced to name calling?
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.
I suspect you don't know what "antiquity" means. I further suspect you have a very colored and modest knowledge of history. Given the two, I also suspect you're a child of an inner-city with an education to match.

  1. 1.
    the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages.
    "the great civilizations of antiquity"
    synonyms: ancient times, the ancient past, classical times, former times, the distant past, times gone by;
Simply put, an ignoramus delving into topics for which you are ill-suited.
The corporate state and its legal system murder unarmed citizens in the streets of america now, is that under your definition of antiquity? I'm happy our conversation has made you reach for a dictionary and that you have learned a new word.

All of your "knowledge" seems to arise from assumptions like this: "I also suspect you're a child of an innion to match.er-city with an education to match."

That's just who ya are.

Dwell on the fact that Blacks murder one another in every major U.S. city at a rate that far exceeds that of any other group--including White who make up 72% of the population...face the ugly truth that you are clearly your own worst enemy!!!
Never had slaves nor did any of my ancestors. Perhaps back in antiquity, but no one can follow their line that far back. But like everyone else, I take care of my property. That's the point.
Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.

newsflash idiot: Presently there are 15 nations---count em--that still practice slavery...all of them are in Africa!!! Regarding your delusions about Blacks being victimized by police:
I feel confident that under an objective examination the ubiquitous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan would crumble like an awkwardly build house of cards. The liberal media shares a good deal of the responsibility for launching and securing this rather paradoxical statement, dare we apply any degree of reasonable questioning to this resilient appendage of the otherwise standard disciplines of the race-baiting industry? Blacks whine and moan that they are the "eternal victim"...and that 'race' is the oppressive weight heaped collectively upon their shoulders by a virulent white racist America. We are to believe that they somehow bear the scars of oppression worn by their ancestors, and that they suffer the countless indignities and derision accorded their African brothers and sisters of centuries past. Yet can we dare the majority of American Blacks to confront the inescapable shadow of their own violent behavior as they petition white America for justice? Do we remind these self-deluded protesters that Whites account for a full 49% of those killed by police officers in America, and that Blacks are 30%? Do we invoke the appalling statistics for inner city violent crime that are overwhelmingly tilted to Black males between 15 and 35? Where is the basic honestly when liberal media selectively edits the issue? The hypocrisy here literally smacks you in the face!!! If we want to play-up the spate of police shootings of young Black men, let's open up the dialogue to include the stunned silence on the part of otherwise vocal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to addressing the epidemic criminal-dysfunction associated with black urban culture in America, and the routine buck-passing that invariably accompanies it.
In the decades following the Civil-Rights period, blacks—for the most part---have not only failed to establish a collective upward mobility, teaching the value of education and hard work, they have deteriorated into an aggressively non-assimilative criminal sub-culture, subsisting on public entitlements, and blaming white-culture for their inability to transcend their own economic exile. The question that demands to be asked is to what extent black culture holds itself accountable for its present state, and those broad negative perceptions associated with it???? I mean seriously---what role do blacks themselves play in self-determination, or do they surrender any meaningful initiatives to an inculcated 'slave mentality" that attains wide currency as an excuse to dismiss any collective improvement in the social and economic conditions common to black culture in America today? If we pose this irreducible question to the likes of Jackson or Sharpton, the routine deflection begins, and somehow—someway---whites are to blame for the determined savagery and casual decay of the black cultural landscape of our American cities. The impulse to blame "whitey' for cross-generational dysfunction gradually reveals a transparent agenda: and surely Al and Jesse are well-versed in this agenda—hence they are sworn to act as enablers for black dysfunction.

Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".

Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...

So you're reduced to name calling?

kindly review your own 'name-calling' you bitter little clown...excuses are all you have, one the excuses exhaust themselves there is only the ugly reality of what Blacks have done with the advantages ceded to them under the Civil Rights era...
Clearly you are far too stupid to grasp the fact that your inapplicable questions were indeed answered, but where is the stunning refutation of the study that I posted? Surely you have the knowledge and polemical acumen to shred this study...right? LMFAO

I have not attempted to shred Pencildick Rushton's study ... Dumdass.
I simply stated that it has no WORTH ... It has no value for practical use nor application.

If you care to disagree ... Explain to me how it has any value other than facilitating your continued ignorance ... Dumbass.

And I will call you a dumbass if you keep demonstrating you cannot even understand the question I am asking ... Dumbass ... :thup:

Bullshit, lots of folks can follow "that far back", it's just uncomfortable for you. Look, we're all sorry you can't legally have black folk as your property these days, but you can still look down on them, ok? You're going to have to settle for that. And the police can still shoot them down in the streets of america even when they're unarmed and even when they're kids, so you've got that going for you. I'm afraid that's going to have to suffice.

newsflash idiot: Presently there are 15 nations---count em--that still practice slavery...all of them are in Africa!!! Regarding your delusions about Blacks being victimized by police:
I feel confident that under an objective examination the ubiquitous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan would crumble like an awkwardly build house of cards. The liberal media shares a good deal of the responsibility for launching and securing this rather paradoxical statement, dare we apply any degree of reasonable questioning to this resilient appendage of the otherwise standard disciplines of the race-baiting industry? Blacks whine and moan that they are the "eternal victim"...and that 'race' is the oppressive weight heaped collectively upon their shoulders by a virulent white racist America. We are to believe that they somehow bear the scars of oppression worn by their ancestors, and that they suffer the countless indignities and derision accorded their African brothers and sisters of centuries past. Yet can we dare the majority of American Blacks to confront the inescapable shadow of their own violent behavior as they petition white America for justice? Do we remind these self-deluded protesters that Whites account for a full 49% of those killed by police officers in America, and that Blacks are 30%? Do we invoke the appalling statistics for inner city violent crime that are overwhelmingly tilted to Black males between 15 and 35? Where is the basic honestly when liberal media selectively edits the issue? The hypocrisy here literally smacks you in the face!!! If we want to play-up the spate of police shootings of young Black men, let's open up the dialogue to include the stunned silence on the part of otherwise vocal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to addressing the epidemic criminal-dysfunction associated with black urban culture in America, and the routine buck-passing that invariably accompanies it.
In the decades following the Civil-Rights period, blacks—for the most part---have not only failed to establish a collective upward mobility, teaching the value of education and hard work, they have deteriorated into an aggressively non-assimilative criminal sub-culture, subsisting on public entitlements, and blaming white-culture for their inability to transcend their own economic exile. The question that demands to be asked is to what extent black culture holds itself accountable for its present state, and those broad negative perceptions associated with it???? I mean seriously---what role do blacks themselves play in self-determination, or do they surrender any meaningful initiatives to an inculcated 'slave mentality" that attains wide currency as an excuse to dismiss any collective improvement in the social and economic conditions common to black culture in America today? If we pose this irreducible question to the likes of Jackson or Sharpton, the routine deflection begins, and somehow—someway---whites are to blame for the determined savagery and casual decay of the black cultural landscape of our American cities. The impulse to blame "whitey' for cross-generational dysfunction gradually reveals a transparent agenda: and surely Al and Jesse are well-versed in this agenda—hence they are sworn to act as enablers for black dysfunction.

Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".

Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...

So you're reduced to name calling?

kindly review your own 'name-calling' you bitter little clown...excuses are all you have, one the excuses exhaust themselves there is only the ugly reality of what Blacks have done with the advantages ceded to them under the Civil Rights era...

No, you show me where I called you names like "idiot" go ahead.
Clearly you are far too stupid to grasp the fact that your inapplicable questions were indeed answered, but where is the stunning refutation of the study that I posted? Surely you have the knowledge and polemical acumen to shred this study...right? LMFAO

I have not attempted shredded Pencildick Rushton's study ... Dumdass.
I simply stated that it has no WORTH ... It has no value for practical use or application.

If you care to disagree ... Explain to me how it has any value other than facilitating your continued ignorance ... Dumbass.


Permit me to help you here, because you clearly have no idea how to mount an argument: to state that Rushton's study has 'no worth' requires a bit more than your self-pedigreed arrogance...you just don't seem to understand how to engage in any level of academic debate, therefore I can only assume that you didn't advance that far in school...
newsflash idiot: Presently there are 15 nations---count em--that still practice slavery...all of them are in Africa!!! Regarding your delusions about Blacks being victimized by police:
I feel confident that under an objective examination the ubiquitous ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan would crumble like an awkwardly build house of cards. The liberal media shares a good deal of the responsibility for launching and securing this rather paradoxical statement, dare we apply any degree of reasonable questioning to this resilient appendage of the otherwise standard disciplines of the race-baiting industry? Blacks whine and moan that they are the "eternal victim"...and that 'race' is the oppressive weight heaped collectively upon their shoulders by a virulent white racist America. We are to believe that they somehow bear the scars of oppression worn by their ancestors, and that they suffer the countless indignities and derision accorded their African brothers and sisters of centuries past. Yet can we dare the majority of American Blacks to confront the inescapable shadow of their own violent behavior as they petition white America for justice? Do we remind these self-deluded protesters that Whites account for a full 49% of those killed by police officers in America, and that Blacks are 30%? Do we invoke the appalling statistics for inner city violent crime that are overwhelmingly tilted to Black males between 15 and 35? Where is the basic honestly when liberal media selectively edits the issue? The hypocrisy here literally smacks you in the face!!! If we want to play-up the spate of police shootings of young Black men, let's open up the dialogue to include the stunned silence on the part of otherwise vocal black leaders like Jackson and Sharpton when it comes to addressing the epidemic criminal-dysfunction associated with black urban culture in America, and the routine buck-passing that invariably accompanies it.
In the decades following the Civil-Rights period, blacks—for the most part---have not only failed to establish a collective upward mobility, teaching the value of education and hard work, they have deteriorated into an aggressively non-assimilative criminal sub-culture, subsisting on public entitlements, and blaming white-culture for their inability to transcend their own economic exile. The question that demands to be asked is to what extent black culture holds itself accountable for its present state, and those broad negative perceptions associated with it???? I mean seriously---what role do blacks themselves play in self-determination, or do they surrender any meaningful initiatives to an inculcated 'slave mentality" that attains wide currency as an excuse to dismiss any collective improvement in the social and economic conditions common to black culture in America today? If we pose this irreducible question to the likes of Jackson or Sharpton, the routine deflection begins, and somehow—someway---whites are to blame for the determined savagery and casual decay of the black cultural landscape of our American cities. The impulse to blame "whitey' for cross-generational dysfunction gradually reveals a transparent agenda: and surely Al and Jesse are well-versed in this agenda—hence they are sworn to act as enablers for black dysfunction.

Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".

Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...

So you're reduced to name calling?

kindly review your own 'name-calling' you bitter little clown...excuses are all you have, one the excuses exhaust themselves there is only the ugly reality of what Blacks have done with the advantages ceded to them under the Civil Rights era...

No, you show me where I called you names like "idiot" go ahead.

If the shoe fits wear it Fenton...clearly the word fits you like a velvet glove
Ah yes, the old "well gee mom everyone else is doing it too" argument. How "exceptional".

Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...

So you're reduced to name calling?

kindly review your own 'name-calling' you bitter little clown...excuses are all you have, one the excuses exhaust themselves there is only the ugly reality of what Blacks have done with the advantages ceded to them under the Civil Rights era...

No, you show me where I called you names like "idiot" go ahead.

If the shoe fits wear it Fenton...clearly the word fits you like a velvet glove
That's what I thought, you can't.
Permit me to help you here, because you clearly have no idea how to mount an argument: to state that Rushton's study has 'no worth' requires a bit more than your self-pedigreed arrogance...you just don't seem to understand how to engage in any level of academic debate, therefore I can only assume that you didn't advance that far in school...

That doesn't answer the question ... Dumbass.
It doesn't explain how Pencildick's research has any value ... Nor how it can be used for any practical purpose or application ... Dumbass.
So Dumbass ... Use some of that awesome cognitive ability you falsely claim you have and explain the value you (or anyone could) gain from Pencildick's research ... Dumbass.

You can't ... You haven't ... And you will never be able to ... So just accept you are a dumbass ... :dunno:
Clearly you are far too stupid to grasp the fact that your inapplicable questions were indeed answered, but where is the stunning refutation of the study that I posted? Surely you have the knowledge and polemical acumen to shred this study...right? LMFAO

I have not attempted shredded Pencildick Rushton's study ... Dumdass.
I simply stated that it has no WORTH ... It has no value for practical use or application.

If you care to disagree ... Explain to me how it has any value other than facilitating your continued ignorance ... Dumbass.


Permit me to help you here, because you clearly have no idea how to mount an argument: to state that Rushton's study has 'no worth' requires a bit more than your self-pedigreed arrogance...you just don't seem to understand how to engage in any level of academic debate, therefore I can only assume that you didn't advance that far in school...
Perhpas you might offer a single post in which you practice what you blather on endlessly about? Just one? For a change?
Good grief what a demonstrable idiot you are...not unlike so many of your bretheran you mindlessly adopt the 'eternal victim' meme because it acts as a guard against looking squarely in the mirror and squeamishly confronting the collective shadow of your failure...you cannot assimilate into any majority level of economic or academic competition, hence excuse-peddling becomes second nature...how pathetically weak you must be to protract the excuse meme to this degree...

So you're reduced to name calling?

kindly review your own 'name-calling' you bitter little clown...excuses are all you have, one the excuses exhaust themselves there is only the ugly reality of what Blacks have done with the advantages ceded to them under the Civil Rights era...

No, you show me where I called you names like "idiot" go ahead.

If the shoe fits wear it Fenton...clearly the word fits you like a velvet glove
That's what I thought, you can't.
You would get a lot more respect if you simply acknowledged what you are, not what you want to be. Being under-educated, black and from an inner city is of itself no ground for disrespecting someone, but pretending you're not, is. It is not unlike trying to seize another culture and civilization for lack of your own. It is transparently cheap and invariably invites derision.
Perhpas you might offer a single post in which you practice what you blather on endlessly about? Just one? For a change?

I would be willing to bet $100 that you could come up with a decent reason for Dumdass to roll up Pencildick's research ... Stuff it down his shorts and set it on fire ... Before he could come up with decent reason for him not to ... :dunno:

Perhpas you might offer a single post in which you practice what you blather on endlessly about? Just one? For a change?

I would be willing to bet $100 that you could come up with a decent reason for Dumdass to roll up Pencildick's research ... Stuff it down his shorts and set it on fire ... Before he could come up with decent reason for him not to ... :dunno:

Well that's why he throws his tantrums.

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