If never Trump Republicans can call for impeachment, why can't Democrats?

This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
"This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership."
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

You named some of the assclowns, where is your list of the great young Dems?
Dude it's Ass Clowns. Get it right. Okay?
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
Most of the democrats are pussies. They’ve also been bought by special interests just like republicans are. There’s only a few worth fighting for - the true progressive ones.

Republicans are 90% white. They give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.

Democrats are everyone else.

When it comes to healthcare, childcare, minimum wages, credit card reform, affordable education, school lunches for poor children and so on, Democrats are on the side of helping Americans. Republicans are on the side of fuking over Americans.

We all know it. There is no argument here.
All you are referring to is the DNC platform. That doesn’t automatically mean most democrats embrace it.
Because the Democrats are a coalition party. Blacks, brown, white, Asian, men, women, rich, poor, gay, straight, scientists, and so on. All the kinds of people Republicans hate. That's why they rarely all agree on something.

How long are you going to stick to that bullshit narrative?

Dems vote as a block and if you step out of line the DNC will pull your funding.

Give us an example of a recent important vote where Dems were largely divided when they cast their votes in the House.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
Most of the democrats are pussies. They’ve also been bought by special interests just like republicans are. There’s only a few worth fighting for - the true progressive ones.

Republicans are 90% white. They give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.

Democrats are everyone else.

When it comes to healthcare, childcare, minimum wages, credit card reform, affordable education, school lunches for poor children and so on, Democrats are on the side of helping Americans. Republicans are on the side of fuking over Americans.

We all know it. There is no argument here.
All you are referring to is the DNC platform. That doesn’t automatically mean most democrats embrace it.
Because the Democrats are a coalition party. Blacks, brown, white, Asian, men, women, rich, poor, gay, straight, scientists, and so on. All the kinds of people Republicans hate. That's why they rarely all agree on something.

Illegal aliens, the dead...…...
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
"This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership."
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

You named some of the assclowns, where is your list of the great young Dems?
Dude it's Ass Clowns. Get it right. Okay?

Assclown rose to prominence in Mike Judge’s 1999 Office Space (which also features a memorable example of fucking A). In this clip, cubicle drone Michael Bolton vents his spleen about sharing his name with the musician, whom he smears as a “no-talent assclown”:

This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
Most of the democrats are pussies. They’ve also been bought by special interests just like republicans are. There’s only a few worth fighting for - the true progressive ones.

Republicans are 90% white. They give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.

Democrats are everyone else.

When it comes to healthcare, childcare, minimum wages, credit card reform, affordable education, school lunches for poor children and so on, Democrats are on the side of helping Americans. Republicans are on the side of fuking over Americans.

We all know it. There is no argument here.

And yet you continue to stand with the radical Democrat ideologues atop that historical mountain of red wet skulls stacked 269 million high and counting by mass murderers who also experimented with real world implementation of those sadistic philosophies American cultural revolutionaries on the Left now preach from lectern, news clip, in soundbites and from behind election speech podiums. While you personally might not subscribe to Marxist-Leninist influenced ideologies, still, you are just as guilty by association of any and all American atrocities committed in their name. How can you sleep with such a guilty conscious at night?

Face it. Stop lying to yourself and the gullible. The postmodernist indoctrinated American Left stands for unlimited murder of our unborn children; use of their dismembered corpses in medical research and as bio-fuel. The mutilation of our children's minds and bodies through LGTBQ brainwashing, hormone treatment and surgery. Legalization of pedophilia. Atheism. The redefinition of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Cultural replacement. Identity Politics. Islamic and narco-terrorist infiltration across our southern border. Revision of American social and political history. The redefinition of human nature. In short, the end of our American way of life as we know it.

You seem to view the American political landscape through a fifty year old way back lens, through a nearly opaque stained glass filter of decades long held political grudges. Things aren't what they used to be. Time to educate yourself. That, or continue to spread deceit, fallacy and overt lies.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
Most of the democrats are pussies. They’ve also been bought by special interests just like republicans are. There’s only a few worth fighting for - the true progressive ones.

Republicans are 90% white. They give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.

Democrats are everyone else.

When it comes to healthcare, childcare, minimum wages, credit card reform, affordable education, school lunches for poor children and so on, Democrats are on the side of helping Americans. Republicans are on the side of fuking over Americans.

We all know it. There is no argument here.

And yet you continue to stand with the radical Democrat ideologues atop that historical mountain of red wet skulls stacked 269 million high and counting by mass murderers who also experimented with real world implementation of those sadistic philosophies American cultural revolutionaries on the Left now preach from lectern, news clip, in soundbites and from behind election speech podiums. While you personally might not subscribe to Marxist-Leninist influenced ideologies, still, you are just as guilty by association of any and all American atrocities committed in their name. How can you sleep with such a guilty conscious at night?

Face it. Stop lying to yourself and the gullible. The postmodernist indoctrinated American Left stands for unlimited murder of our unborn children; use of their dismembered corpses in medical research and as bio-fuel. The mutilation of our children's minds and bodies through LGTBQ brainwashing, hormone treatment and surgery. Legalization of pedophilia. Atheism. The redefinition of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Cultural replacement. Identity Politics. Islamic and narco-terrorist infiltration across our southern border. Revision of American social and political history. The redefinition of human nature. In short, the end of our American way of life as we know it.

You seem to view the American political landscape through a fifty year old way back lens, through a nearly opaque stained glass filter of decades long held political grudges. Things aren't what they used to be. Time to educate yourself. That, or continue to spread deceit, fallacy and overt lies.
Republicans are their racism. 90% white and undeniable support for everything White Supremist. Talk about identity politics. They don't even bother to hide it anymore. It's who they are. Republicans say it's Democrats who want to legalize pedophile, but try desperately to elect a pedophile like Roy Moore to congress.
Republicans complain about people who aren't of their strange religion using the constitution as an example of why we should be a member, when that very same constitution protects us from their cult.
They would be funny if they weren't so dangerous.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

Dems know if you tryout impeach President Trump with no evidence, then every single future Dem President won’t stand a chance in hell of staying in office.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.
Most of the democrats are pussies. They’ve also been bought by special interests just like republicans are. There’s only a few worth fighting for - the true progressive ones.

Republicans are 90% white. They give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations.

Democrats are everyone else.

When it comes to healthcare, childcare, minimum wages, credit card reform, affordable education, school lunches for poor children and so on, Democrats are on the side of helping Americans. Republicans are on the side of fuking over Americans.

We all know it. There is no argument here.

Yes. Just look at everything Obama did for you. Like Obamacare. And stopping fat kids from eating sweets at school. Smoke and mirrors. Good luck with the next race. White people don’t view themselves as in a group, and don’t know these millionaires that you speak of. The rulers of your party, are having dolts like you do their dirty work. That frees up time to have their illegal maids and groundskeepers take their orders.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dems vote for impeachment tomorrow.

He committed HIGH CRIMES!!!

If you don’t vote to impeach first thing Monday morning, it means you support him and his crimes.
Dems vote for impeachment tomorrow.

He committed HIGH CRIMES!!!

If you don’t vote to impeach first thing Monday morning, it means you support him and his crimes.

You should be sentenced to go down on Hillary for eternity. Bring a snorkel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dems vote for impeachment tomorrow.

He committed HIGH CRIMES!!!

If you don’t vote to impeach first thing Monday morning, it means you support him and his crimes.

You should be sentenced to go down on Hillary for eternity. Bring a snorkel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are clearly not following my logic, but it’s ok.

If they voted to impeach on Monday, it would be voted down. They don’t have the numbers.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

Knock yourself out kid.
Dems vote for impeachment tomorrow.

He committed HIGH CRIMES!!!

If you don’t vote to impeach first thing Monday morning, it means you support him and his crimes.

You should be sentenced to go down on Hillary for eternity. Bring a snorkel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are clearly not following my logic, but it’s ok.

If they voted to impeach on Monday, it would be voted down. They don’t have the numbers.

Please accept my sincere apologies, and feel free to substitute the actress or supermodel of your choice, rather than Hillary. I must have been confused, and the scary picture in your profile further threw me off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dems vote for impeachment tomorrow.

He committed HIGH CRIMES!!!

If you don’t vote to impeach first thing Monday morning, it means you support him and his crimes.

You should be sentenced to go down on Hillary for eternity. Bring a snorkel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are clearly not following my logic, but it’s ok.

If they voted to impeach on Monday, it would be voted down. They don’t have the numbers.

Please accept my sincere apologies, and feel free to substitute the actress or supermodel of your choice, rather than Hillary. I must have been confused, and the scary picture in your profile further threw me off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It’s ok man. Tone and sarcasm is tough to interpret in text form.

The Dems know this will be highly partisan, so their only hope for impeachment is to win enough seats in the mid terms, because there isn’t any crime they can impeach on.
Last edited:
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

Democrats going high?

Forget about going high, if you at least told the truth and lived in the real world for a second, that would be an improvement.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

Democrats going high?

Forget about going high, if you at least told the truth and lived in the real world for a second, that would be an improvement.

Democrats always take the high road, that’s for sure.

Aunt Maxine is about nothing but class and the high road.
This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership.

Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high".

You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches.

I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about impeachment. He was saying we already know Trump is an unindicted co conspirator, a mob boss and a criminal. If it acts like one, it's one. Why won't you say impeachment.

And she says she would rather talk about why farmers can't sell their crops overseas. And how millions will lose their healthcare this year. And why people's salaries are going up slower than inflation.

So he said can't you even say the word impeachment????

And she said Democrats need to see a report before they say anything so extreme. She couldn't even say the word.

This is why many Democrats are disgusted with their leadership, most of which is over 75. That leadership just wants to be loved and they want to make people feel good.

Stop trying to flip Trump voters. These people have no heart. They don't care about kids. Instead motivate those who don't vote into getting registered and voting for the good of the country.

This is the worse administration in history. The Republicans screw over everyone. Never have we seen so many felony convictions. And the Democratic Leadership still wants to "play nice"? Fuk that.

All this time and we still haven't seen Trump's tax returns? Democrats don't even talk about it.

Manafort's second trial is starting with the Russian Ambassador as his co conspirator. Why aren't Democrats talking about that? You know Trump's name is going to come up again and again considering the nature of the charges.

And you have some GREAT young Democrats.

Eric Swalwell
The Castro Brothers
Kamila Harris
Ruben Gallego

To name a few.

Democrats going high?

Forget about going high, if you at least told the truth and lived in the real world for a second, that would be an improvement.

Democrats always take the high road, that’s for sure.

Aunt Maxine is about nothing but class and the high road.

"If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find,"

Yup, high road.

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