If not for the Holocaust, would it be popular to embrace support of Nazism in 2019?

If Spanish reclaiming Spain, and ethnic cleansing approx 4,000 Muslims & Jewish squatters on their land is so wrong, how are Jews reclaiming Israel, and killing over 90,000 Arab Muslim, and Arab Christian squatters so right?

You can't make this cr@p up.

Irosie is braindead, a dirty f*cking Ape.

As for the Holocaust, this dumb, dumb Animal, can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust, but instead blames Polish Catholics.

What a f*cking ogre this beast Irosie is.
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Fascist will not replace us.

Dump Trump 2020!

You are a fascist you idiot....

Unless you've gotten a little more leftwing in recent months.

Then again you don't even know what a fascist is, or that it's a political leftwing ideology that was founded by a man who once was a communist bomb thrower who began the party as a less collectivist alternative to the bolsheviks. It was a still an authoritarian centralized state that limited individual rights and controlled all industry and wages.

I'll never understand why you bed wetters can't accept that fact, it's not like you can't just research the facts yourself.

It's just easier for you to cling to ignorance I suppose.

That was Mussolini, yes?
Yep. Mussolini was a socialist that wanted to focus on the Nation instead of a global collective. thats when "fascism" was born.

Yet, Mussolini probably killed less than American heroes like Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Truman, and LBJ.

Nazism was fundamentally GERM-Man, they are brutes, who loot, and shoot.

Out of the 4 biggest wars in Europe, 3 of them were started by Germans, the 30 Year War, WW1, and WW2.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Nazis, Communists, and Socialists are all ideologies based on emotions and each of those ideologies have killed millions of people by demonizing those that subscribe to equal rights and opportunity for everyone.

Anyone subscribing to one of these ideologies is the enemy of humans.

What about the Islamic occupants of India, and the British occupants of India, both combined killed 100's of millions, what about Genghiz Khan he killed a huge portion of Eurasia off.

But, these weren't Communists, Nazis, or Socialists.

But, we purposefully don't hear about those.

We mostly just hear shrieking about Nazis, to help the Liberal agenda of ANTIFA.

Nazism has helped Liberalism, FACT.

How else could they create this modern Liberal society, without shrieking about Nazis?
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Go for it blackfag, don't let one Holocaust stand on your way! Worse things have happened...

But before doing it, consider whether all these "Nazis" actually hate all the "others", or perhaps it's just you that they hate.
no---muhummad was the founder of ISIS ----read the KHARAHAN
So, in you mind, ISIS defines Islam? I kinda agree, but were supposed to believe it is a far left sect of Islam not representing the vast majority.

It is islam----just as the details of the Spanish Inquisition are
embodied in "CANON LAW" (law of the holy roman empire as initiated by Emperor Constantine) -----not "all catholics" hang on to the ethos-----and not all muslims hang on to the details of Shariah law

You're such a dumb dirt-bag.
The Spanish Inquisition killed approx 4,000.

That's spit in the bucket, compared to all those killed by other sects of Christianity, or Islam.

Protestant Brits killed up to 60,000,000 in India.
Muslim Persians & Turkics killed over 80,000,000 in India.

Both those are hardly heard about, but we all know the Spanish Inquisition.

Just more proof of the anti-Catholic establishment in the West.

your information about the INQUISITION----comes from apologists for the FILTH OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH---
the "INQUISITION" kill rate is counted ONLY FOR THE FEW CATHOLICS WHO DIED------not the huge number of
OTHERS------which included homosexuals, jews and muslims------HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS-----and also
those who fled and relinquisned all of their possessions and homes on the process------I have relatives victims of YOUR filth 500 years ago-----the survivors who STILL SPEAK SPANISH

You're a stupid anti-Catholic Animal.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia

According to modern estimates, around 150,000 were prosecuted for various offenses during the three centuries of duration of the Spanish Inquisition, out of which between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.

you are REALLY naïve----THE INQUISITION was isolated to
CATHOLIC APOSTATES ------the people MURDERED were simply non catholics. ---THE OFFENSE was being a catholic who DENIED the detail of the CATHOLIC CANON. My own relatives were not murdered for being catholics who DENIED the catholic teachings-----they are MURDERED and/or exiled for being JEWS. SHIT like you do not COUNT them as being HUMAN BEINGS-------the same is true of homosexuals-------From where do you imagine SAINT ADOLF got the idea?
So, in you mind, ISIS defines Islam? I kinda agree, but were supposed to believe it is a far left sect of Islam not representing the vast majority.

It is islam----just as the details of the Spanish Inquisition are
embodied in "CANON LAW" (law of the holy roman empire as initiated by Emperor Constantine) -----not "all catholics" hang on to the ethos-----and not all muslims hang on to the details of Shariah law

You're such a dumb dirt-bag.
The Spanish Inquisition killed approx 4,000.

That's spit in the bucket, compared to all those killed by other sects of Christianity, or Islam.

Protestant Brits killed up to 60,000,000 in India.
Muslim Persians & Turkics killed over 80,000,000 in India.

Both those are hardly heard about, but we all know the Spanish Inquisition.

Just more proof of the anti-Catholic establishment in the West.

your information about the INQUISITION----comes from apologists for the FILTH OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH---
the "INQUISITION" kill rate is counted ONLY FOR THE FEW CATHOLICS WHO DIED------not the huge number of
OTHERS------which included homosexuals, jews and muslims------HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS-----and also
those who fled and relinquisned all of their possessions and homes on the process------I have relatives victims of YOUR filth 500 years ago-----the survivors who STILL SPEAK SPANISH

You're a stupid anti-Catholic Animal.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia

According to modern estimates, around 150,000 were prosecuted for various offenses during the three centuries of duration of the Spanish Inquisition, out of which between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.

you are REALLY naïve----THE INQUISITION was isolated to
CATHOLIC APOSTATES ------the people MURDERED were simply non catholics. ---THE OFFENSE was being a catholic who DENIED the detail of the CATHOLIC CANON. My own relatives were not murdered for being catholics who DENIED the catholic teachings-----they are MURDERED and/or exiled for being JEWS. SHIT like you do not COUNT them as being HUMAN BEINGS-------the same is true of homosexuals-------From where do you imagine SAINT ADOLF got the idea?

Spain is just as justified to have taken back Spain, and brutalize the fifth column, as Israel is to take back Israel, and brutalize the fifth column.

Hitler supported Islam, Occult Seances, Paganism, Mysticism (Thule Society / Vril Society /Theosophical society)

Hitler also killed millions of Catholics, including Catholic priests.

Leave it to your dumb bozo Jewish @SS to think that, Hitler was a devout Catholic.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Silly question!

The Allied countries did not know about the holocaust until after the war ended, so there was plenty of hatred for the Nazis regardless of the holocaust.

It's too bad that the holocaust has overshadowed all the other atrocities and general idiocy of the Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler strongly believed that the individual existed only for the good of the nation and was therefore very expendable.

That severely contrasts American concept of individuality.

It's incredible that so many conservatives that preach individuality seem to be allied with Neo-Nazis, but there's no accounting for insanity, is there?
You two Jacobin creeps have more in common with the Nazis than any of the "conservatives" around these parts.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Silly question!

The Allied countries did not know about the holocaust until after the war ended, so there was plenty of hatred for the Nazis regardless of the holocaust.

It's too bad that the holocaust has overshadowed all the other atrocities and general idiocy of the Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler strongly believed that the individual existed only for the good of the nation and was therefore very expendable.

That severely contrasts American concept of individuality.

It's incredible that so many conservatives that preach individuality seem to be allied with Neo-Nazis, but there's no accounting for insanity, is there?
It doesn't contradict the leftwing conception of the individual.
Considering the Democrats are a coalition party with so many different types of individuals there are just as many “conceptions” of what an individual is to Democrats. Republicans are white.
Whatever their race, what we know about Democrat "individuals" is that they are the victims of white male racism and they aren't responsible for their problems.
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The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.
It hasn't stopped Antifa and Progressives from goosestepping
Most recenty they called themselves Trump supporters
ISIS supports the Democrat Party.
ISIS hates us because of freedoms currently fought for by the Democrat party.
Obama created and funded ISIS, you fucking moron.

Fact Check: Were Obama and Hillary Founders of ISIS? You Bet

no---muhummad was the founder of ISIS ----read the KHARAHAN
So, in you mind, ISIS defines Islam? I kinda agree, but were supposed to believe it is a far left sect of Islam not representing the vast majority.
Who says you're supposed to believe that?
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.

Nazism is to socialistic for me, so holocaust or no holocaust I would oppose Nazism. Nazi’s wanted more government control, For national health care, instituted large public-works programs, instituted family planning, instituted jobs programs, did not believe in a free market, instituted unemployment insurance, a price and eventually ran huge deficits. The bigger issue is how they treat minorities and I’d want no part of that.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.
Chicken Little says the sky is falling.

You sound just like him.
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.
Chicken Little says the sky is falling.

You sound just like him.
You aren't the first to be scared by the question, snowflake
If not for the Holocaust would people still be comparing those they don't agree with politically to Nazis?
Interesting. The same question rephrased. I would argue that Nazism inevitably results in a holocaust type event. Smart people realize that and oppose it from its birth.

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