If not for the Holocaust, would it be popular to embrace support of Nazism in 2019?

Ya don’t say...

Where is it happening??? Let me guess - in America under Trump
That is one place, yes. And across Europe. Many regimes in the Middle East use that ideology to stay in power. Our system of government is resistant to it but only so long as propaganda from that ideology can be defeated before people start embracing it.

Sure, we would be much better off embracing Socialism, right. You must have been dropped on your head.
Socialism is not the only alternative to Nazism. Good grief. Does that mean you would embrace Nazism if not for the Holocaust?

nazism is socialism. Why do so many people openly embrace communism, even though it killed more people in more countries than the socialists in Germany did?

your post is very naïve------just about all economic systems have ALSO ---now and then and here and there----been associated with genocides------from monarchies to
despotism to theocracies to the various permutations of "socialism"--- The germans did not kill BECAUSE they were socialists. If you are looking for a
unifying issue-----go for TOTALITARIANISM
Ya don’t say...

Where is it happening??? Let me guess - in America under Trump
That is one place, yes. And across Europe. Many regimes in the Middle East use that ideology to stay in power. Our system of government is resistant to it but only so long as propaganda from that ideology can be defeated before people start embracing it.

Sure, we would be much better off embracing Socialism, right. You must have been dropped on your head.
Socialism is not the only alternative to Nazism. Good grief. Does that mean you would embrace Nazism if not for the Holocaust?

nazism is socialism. Why do so many people openly embrace communism, even though it killed more people in more countries than the socialists in Germany did?

your post is very naïve------just about all economic systems have ALSO ---now and then and here and there----been associated with genocides------from monarchies to
despotism to theocracies to the various permutations of "socialism"--- The germans did not kill BECAUSE they were socialists. If you are looking for a
unifying issue-----go for TOTALITARIANISM

Socialism, by some odd coincidence, has been the governing system for the worst mass murders in history since 1917. So spare us the "they didn't kill because of socialism" crap. The mindset that goes in for socialism also goes in for murdering people who disagree with their plans..... Friedrich Hayek explains why this is in his book "The Road to Serfdom.'
The ideology is making a comeback in different forms all over the world. The first thing supporters will tell you is “no no no we’re nothing like the Nazi’s, not at all stop trying to silence us!” Would there be people proudly calling themselves “Nazi’s” had the Holocaust never happened/been discovered?

*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.
1. you don't know anything about the nazis/nazi history/WW2/etc--so your OP is ridiculous
2. you -ALSO-provide NO evidence/no links/no proof--all you do is babble = crap

......the BLACKS of Rwanda murdered more in THEIR genocide in a shorter period of time using medieval weapons = more had to participate in the genocide per capita

...BLM/DEMS/blacks/etc are like the nazis--did you include them??!

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
Trump rally disrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, among others
TLAIB is a nazi--disrupting a meeting of a political opponent
Remember: Tlaib Interrupted A Trump Speech To Business Leaders... All In The Name Of 'Doing Her Part'
many disruptions/etc

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
So, in you mind, ISIS defines Islam? I kinda agree, but were supposed to believe it is a far left sect of Islam not representing the vast majority.

It is islam----just as the details of the Spanish Inquisition are
embodied in "CANON LAW" (law of the holy roman empire as initiated by Emperor Constantine) -----not "all catholics" hang on to the ethos-----and not all muslims hang on to the details of Shariah law

You're such a dumb dirt-bag.
The Spanish Inquisition killed approx 4,000.

That's spit in the bucket, compared to all those killed by other sects of Christianity, or Islam.

Protestant Brits killed up to 60,000,000 in India.
Muslim Persians & Turkics killed over 80,000,000 in India.

Both those are hardly heard about, but we all know the Spanish Inquisition.

Just more proof of the anti-Catholic establishment in the West.

your information about the INQUISITION----comes from apologists for the FILTH OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH---
the "INQUISITION" kill rate is counted ONLY FOR THE FEW CATHOLICS WHO DIED------not the huge number of
OTHERS------which included homosexuals, jews and muslims------HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS-----and also
those who fled and relinquisned all of their possessions and homes on the process------I have relatives victims of YOUR filth 500 years ago-----the survivors who STILL SPEAK SPANISH

You're a stupid anti-Catholic Animal.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia

According to modern estimates, around 150,000 were prosecuted for various offenses during the three centuries of duration of the Spanish Inquisition, out of which between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.

you are a polack IDIOT_-----the hundreds of thousands and millions of people murdered by the filth of the Inquisition were not PROSECUTED----there were no trials----they were \
just murdered. Your catholic pal ADOLF did not prosecute either----he just Murdered, just as did the popes of the Inquisition The only people who were prosecuted by the filth of the Inquisition were CATHOLIC DISSIDENTS----like Galileo-----they had lawyers and were neither tortured to death nor burnt to death-----like Galileo some won their cases. The 3 -- 5000 represents really bad boy priests------some decided that the cookie is not really Jesus. Your catechism
whore lied again

I posted the facts, 3 - 5 thousand executed, you make up your own garbage, like a Kosher Gorilla.
Ya don’t say...

Where is it happening??? Let me guess - in America under Trump
That is one place, yes. And across Europe. Many regimes in the Middle East use that ideology to stay in power. Our system of government is resistant to it but only so long as propaganda from that ideology can be defeated before people start embracing it.

Sure, we would be much better off embracing Socialism, right. You must have been dropped on your head.
Socialism is not the only alternative to Nazism. Good grief. Does that mean you would embrace Nazism if not for the Holocaust?

nazism is socialism. Why do so many people openly embrace communism, even though it killed more people in more countries than the socialists in Germany did?

your post is very naïve------just about all economic systems have ALSO ---now and then and here and there----been associated with genocides------from monarchies to
despotism to theocracies to the various permutations of "socialism"--- The germans did not kill BECAUSE they were socialists. If you are looking for a
unifying issue-----go for TOTALITARIANISM
Wrong. Laizzes faire capitalism hasn't been associated with genocide.
It is islam----just as the details of the Spanish Inquisition are
embodied in "CANON LAW" (law of the holy roman empire as initiated by Emperor Constantine) -----not "all catholics" hang on to the ethos-----and not all muslims hang on to the details of Shariah law

You're such a dumb dirt-bag.
The Spanish Inquisition killed approx 4,000.

That's spit in the bucket, compared to all those killed by other sects of Christianity, or Islam.

Protestant Brits killed up to 60,000,000 in India.
Muslim Persians & Turkics killed over 80,000,000 in India.

Both those are hardly heard about, but we all know the Spanish Inquisition.

Just more proof of the anti-Catholic establishment in the West.

your information about the INQUISITION----comes from apologists for the FILTH OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH---
the "INQUISITION" kill rate is counted ONLY FOR THE FEW CATHOLICS WHO DIED------not the huge number of
OTHERS------which included homosexuals, jews and muslims------HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS-----and also
those who fled and relinquisned all of their possessions and homes on the process------I have relatives victims of YOUR filth 500 years ago-----the survivors who STILL SPEAK SPANISH

You're a stupid anti-Catholic Animal.

Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia

According to modern estimates, around 150,000 were prosecuted for various offenses during the three centuries of duration of the Spanish Inquisition, out of which between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.

you are a polack IDIOT_-----the hundreds of thousands and millions of people murdered by the filth of the Inquisition were not PROSECUTED----there were no trials----they were \
just murdered. Your catholic pal ADOLF did not prosecute either----he just Murdered, just as did the popes of the Inquisition The only people who were prosecuted by the filth of the Inquisition were CATHOLIC DISSIDENTS----like Galileo-----they had lawyers and were neither tortured to death nor burnt to death-----like Galileo some won their cases. The 3 -- 5000 represents really bad boy priests------some decided that the cookie is not really Jesus. Your catechism
whore lied again

I posted the facts, 3 - 5 thousand executed, you make up your own garbage, like a Kosher Gorilla.

of those CHARGED AND PROSECUTED-----the rest were just murdered----in the
millions. Prosecutions were against DISSIDENT CATHOLICS ONLY---in fact---
that was the FUNCTION of the OFFICE OF THE INQUISITION----murder of jews and homosexuals did not include being BROUGHT BEFORE THE INQUISITION---
it was just a ROUND UP AND AN AUTO DE FE (mass incineration---men, women and children)
That is one place, yes. And across Europe. Many regimes in the Middle East use that ideology to stay in power. Our system of government is resistant to it but only so long as propaganda from that ideology can be defeated before people start embracing it.

Sure, we would be much better off embracing Socialism, right. You must have been dropped on your head.
Socialism is not the only alternative to Nazism. Good grief. Does that mean you would embrace Nazism if not for the Holocaust?

nazism is socialism. Why do so many people openly embrace communism, even though it killed more people in more countries than the socialists in Germany did?

your post is very naïve------just about all economic systems have ALSO ---now and then and here and there----been associated with genocides------from monarchies to
despotism to theocracies to the various permutations of "socialism"--- The germans did not kill BECAUSE they were socialists. If you are looking for a
unifying issue-----go for TOTALITARIANISM
Wrong. Laizzes faire capitalism hasn't been associated with genocide.

not exactly We laizzes faaire capitalists did a number on American Indians
If you mean that they knew that people were being put in concentration camps and executed in mass, no they didn't.

Not even the vast majority of the German people knew that.

Americans didn't know what the concentration camps were when they first stumbled on them

Why don't you read up on a matter before you bleat? The allies were very well informed on the goings-in in Auschwitz and other extermination camps, and Jewish leaders implored them to bomb the camps.
*It should be noted that Holocaust type events cannot be separated from that ideology as fear and hatred of minority groups and the “other” are core principles that inevitably lead to that type of event.
...which is exactly why Democrats formed the KKK after slaves were freed in the south.
If you mean that they knew that people were being put in concentration camps and executed in mass, no they didn't.

Not even the vast majority of the German people knew that.

Americans didn't know what the concentration camps were when they first stumbled on them

Why don't you read up on a matter before you bleat? The allies were very well informed on the goings-in in Auschwitz and other extermination camps, and Jewish leaders implored them to bomb the camps.

So your saying that the books referred by your link were best sellers? That the vast majority of Americans were aware of the concentration camps, and that the only motivation that the American, Russian, British and French people had for war against the Nazis was the persecution of the Jews?

Perhaps you should understand what is being said before you nit pick. If a small number of the leaders of the allied countries know about the concentration camps, it does not meant that the vast majority knew, nor was it the motivation for the hatred of the Nazis by the vast majority of the people in the allied countries.

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