If nothing else the hearings thus far have achieved something notable.

Yeah, you got that right. No one really knows how close this country came to being overthrown by the people. First attempted coup by free citizens in the history of the World. Exciting times we live in, huh.
Hey , that guy guy in the Viking helmet was THIS close to taking over the country wasn’t he? At least that’s what the moonbats here think.
:auiqs.jpg:They are captured on video doing exactly that.
Embarrassing lie
So the entire confederate army was not fighting the said US government to overthrow the US government, but a hand full of unarmed idiots were

So if I spray you in the face with bear spray, and beat you over the head with a metal pole, you will say I was unarmed.

One wonders why he felt he needed to mention that fact since it is apparent to anyone paying attention. Not to mention it's irrelevant to the purpose of the hearings, which is to inform the public about what transpired.
Outside 15%-er moonbat freaks like you, "the public" gives not one flying fuck....They know yet another politically motivated clown show when they see one.

Meanwhile, you asswipes have no answer for $5.00 gasoline, empty store shelves, no forumula for babies, 15+% inflation, a senile pants-shitting "president" that every other leader across the world knows is a fraud, on and on and on.
Putting aside the overwhelming evidence of Trump's legal exposure for the failed coup, the sworn testimony given by former members of Don's admin has blown a giant hole in the credibility of right wing media outlet's duplicitous spin on the events leading to 1/6 and on 1/6 itself.
I say this fully understanding those outlets are still spinning. What else can they do? It's either that or admit the narrative they have been fomenting, really since Trump announced his candidacy, is an enormous pile of steaming horseshit. I say this also fully understanding the gullible rubes who believe 1/6 was just another day of tourists visiting the Capital will continue swilling the spin. What else can they do?
Their willingness to deny, deflect, distort, to turn the truth on its head, is splashed all over this board on a daily basis. They are so locked in to the fatuous narrative they've been espousing for years they have no choice but to accept the truth or go down with the ship. So far it appears they have chosen to drown.
J6 Reichstag Fire
As has been noted numerous times you have absolutely no factual evidence to back up that assertion.
First one has to do a thorough and complete investigation in order to achieve the ultimate complete picture to be possibly found in it all...

Go to the very beginning (before 2016), and then bring it all meticulously and thoroughly forward. That's the only way that January 6th can be fully understood..

Of course this won't ever happen, so it has to be decided come November, and guess what berg ?? Trump is going to win in 2024, and hopefully Desantis will come in as his Vice, and then make a run in 2028 that will last for 8 long years.

Leftist head's will explode, but that will be their just reward's for becoming the worst citizen's and party this nation has ever known, and that's really saying something considering the types of character's we've dealt with over the history of this nation.

All eye's are on the leftist Democrat's like a microscope this upcoming election, so they best not try and alledgedly attack our election's - if that is what happened - during the 2020 election again.
First one has to do a thorough and complete investigation in order to achieve the ultimate complete picture to be possibly found in it all...

Go to the very beginning (before 2016), and then bring it all meticulously and thoroughly forward. That's the only way that January 6th can be fully understood..

Of course this won't ever happen, so it has to be decided come November, and guess what berg ?? Trump is going to win in 2024, and hopefully Desantis will come in as his Vice, and then make a run in 2028 that will last for 8 long years.

Leftist head's will explode, but that will be their just reward's for becoming the worst citizen's and party this nation has ever known, and that's really saying something considering the types of character's we've dealt with over the history of this nation.

All eye's are on the leftist Democrat's like a microscope this upcoming election, so they best not try and alledgedly attack our election's - if that is what happened - during the 2020 election again.
You are absolutely bat shit crazy. Trump's hand picked attorney General investigated and said no fraud. There have been 40 court cases, many overseen by Republican appointed judges, Trump and his lawyer presented their evidence. They lost every court case. Republican secretaries of state in the questioned states said no fraud. Republican govenors in questioned states said no fraud.
You are absolutely bat shit crazy.

I am guessing you think the earth is flat.

It is very sad, that people like you, truly believe complete lies and it dominates and ruins your lives.
Embarrassing lie

So if I spray you in the face with bear spray, and beat you over the head with a metal pole, you will say I was unarmed.

Dem riot instigators are caught and documented. Next lets discuss the deafening silence from the rest of the Dem leaders, they are just as guilty.
Dem riot instigators are caught and documented. Next lets discuss the deafening silence from the rest of the Dem leaders, they are just as guilty.
Pathetic whataboutism is pathetic. Also not a refutation of anything I said. Have your hissy fit, you always do.

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