If Obama is found guilty of a crime should he go to jail?

I don`t think Obama should be locked up just because he criticized Dear Leader. What a collection of idiots we have here.
Before he is found guilty and thrown into prison, don't you think you should come up with a crime with credible proof? Nobody seems to be able to do that.
To bad you leftards didn't give president Trump the same benefit. Hell you're going to give the president a pass by giving obama a pass
Rightards fell in love with him when he spit on our POWs. Explain.
Your TDS prevents you from seeing the thug obama running the government like any third world banana republic
Did thug Obama demand loyalty from everyone around him? That`s what banana republic presidents do. Is thug Obama`s campaign manager and personal lawyer in jail today? You should quit while you`re behind.
obama was so corrupt and protected by the media and others around him no one knows
As the spygate mess unfolds it is very possible Obama may find himself the target of an indictment.

Is thre really a possibilty he will wind up in jail ....personally I would rather see hillary in jail.

Obama whilst not very smart....does not have nearly the evil nature that hillary has.
Would you send Trump to jail for doing whatever it is you claim Obama did and be gung ho about it? Or would you make excuses for it, for Trump?

That should give you the honest answer to your question....


No one even thought Trump would win when the Russian investigation began....
TDS folks commenting when they were duped for over 3 three years is very impressive. Some folks have no shame.
TDS folks commenting when they were duped for over 3 three years is very impressive. Some folks have no shame.
Some folks, meaning all of you idiots, still have no defense for Trump other than Screeching TDS and running away like a 4th grader.
I disagree. Obama is equally as sinister and evil and even more so since he was an active participant where the buck stops in the attempt to overthrow the 2016 election. At least Crooked Hillary did not have to fake her birth certificate.

hehheh but do you think the blacks would stand for barrack being jailed....would they not mount some kind of insurrection?
Most Blacks who want to participate in the American dream don't care about Obama and the weekly race riots during his Presidency. They know Obama didn't do anything for them but pay them lip service. Talk is cheap. The reality about Blacks under Obama is that they were kept poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That's exactly how Democrats control Blacks.

He stirred up the racist by being a black skinned Potus is what he did. Racism like you wouldn't believe. It made me ill. "what the hell is a black skinned man doing in the white house" I can hear republicans say.

Bullshit. You people chant about non-Democrats did not like Obama because he was “Black and in the White House”. The reality is that you people banked on that myth at the time so that Obama would be shielded from any criticism or accountability.
Further, Valerie Jarrett ran the country, not Obama.
Would you send Trump to jail for doing whatever it is you claim Obama did and be gung ho about it?

In a freakin' second!

What you are partisanly blind to is that this is not about 'DNC' or 'GOP'

Barak Obama and his criminal syndicate weaponized the DOJ, the NIA and the 176 Intel Agencies, the CIA, FBI, and his Cabinet, he violated the Rule of Law, violated the Constitution, violated Constitutional Rights, and trampled civil rights to control the outcome of an election and then to attempt a political coup once Hillary lost.

The PRESIDENT (don't care who) and his administration knowingly used Russian Intel Service propaganda from a known untrustworthy spy working for Russian Oligarchs (and others) as the basis for a false narrative used to initiate a political witch hunt, to illegally obtain FISA Court warrants to illegally spy on Americans, and they destroyed Americans' lives based on known lies and by setting them up, in perjury traps, by withholding exculpatory info...and then they (like Comey) openly bragged about it.

They violated and trampled everything I have spent over 30 ears dedicating my life to protecting.

I don't give a damn if it was Obama and his administration doing this to Trump, Trump doing it to Obama, or whatever.....
As the spygate mess unfolds it is very possible Obama may find himself the target of an indictment.

Is thre really a possibilty he will wind up in jail ....personally I would rather see hillary in jail.

Obama whilst not very smart....does not have nearly the evil nature that hillary has.

There is no “spy gate”. Trump is making this up to deflect from 85,0000 dead Americans and over one million sick, 200,000 expected to die.

Trump should be arrested for forcing the Justice Department to investigate conspiracy theories and lies, wasting millions of dollars and leading nowhere.

Trump can’t even force the Judiciary to let his guys off. Flynn is going to jail.
Would you send Trump to jail for doing whatever it is you claim Obama did and be gung ho about it?

In a freakin' second!

What you are partisanly blind to is that this is not about 'DNC' or 'GOP'

Barak Obama and his criminal syndicate weaponized the DOJ, the NIA and the 176 Intel Agencies, the CIA, FBI, and his Cabinet, he violated the Rule of Law, violated the Constitution, violated Constitutional Rights, and trampled civil rights to control the outcome of an election and then to attempt a political coup once Hillary lost.

The PRESIDENT (don't care who) and his administration knowingly used Russian Intel Service propaganda from a known untrustworthy spy working for Russian Oligarchs (and others) as the basis for a false narrative used to initiate a political witch hunt, to illegally obtain FISA Court warrants to illegally spy on Americans, and they destroyed Americans' lives based on known lies and by setting them up, in perjury traps, by withholding exculpatory info...and then they (like Comey) openly bragged about it.

They violated and trampled everything I have spent over 30 ears dedicating my life to protecting.

I don't give a damn if it was Obama and his administration doing this to Trump, Trump doing it to Obama, or whatever.....
I only got as far as "criminal syndicate". You need to seek help for your mental illness. Seriously kid.
I only got as far as "criminal syndicate". You need to seek help for your mental illness. Seriously kid.
You need to pay more attention to the facts and evidence that has come out, exposing all of the crimes committed by the Obama administration agencies.
I only got as far as "criminal syndicate". You need to seek help for your mental illness. Seriously kid.
You need to pay more attention to the facts and evidence that has come out, exposing all of the crimes committed by the Obama administration agencies.
Youre not going to find any facts or evidence from conspiracy websites.

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