If Obamacare is not repealed, is it Trump's fault?

The medical care the VA is giving our veterans is substandard. Make all the jokes you want, but it's actually disgusting.

Administrators were busted lying and changing wait times for care in their records because they were so bad, and they were paid bonuses based on specific wait times. They literally stole Federal money.

Corruption and care for our veterans should not be bedfellows.

Are you asserting that the level of healthcare the veterans are getting from the VA should not be improved?

The problem with this argument is that it doesn't address the root cause- that we had added hundreds of thousands of new veterans to the system while older veterans were starting to age into it. In short, not enough money was allocated
Absolutely not
It is the republicans in congress fault.
The had over 7 years to come up with a replacement and failed
They were too busy voting to repeal
Which hey knew would never get passed, The were just trying to look good to their voters. Now that they have a President that would not veto the bill and actually sign it they refuse to vote on the repeal
Which hey knew would never get passed, The were just trying to look good to their voters. Now that they have a President that would not veto the bill and actually sign it they refuse to vote on the repeal

So what is the problem here?

If ObamaCare deserves to be repealed, then just fucking repeal it.

If it needs to maybe be fixed, then find a way to fix it.
Absolutely not
It is the republicans in congress fault.
The had over 7 years to come up with a replacement and failed
They were too busy voting to repeal
Which hey knew would never get passed, The were just trying to look good to their voters. Now that they have a President that would not veto the bill and actually sign it they refuse to vote on the repeal
Like a dog that catches the car they are chasing

They don't know what to do with it
Absolutely not
It is the republicans in congress fault.
The had over 7 years to come up with a replacement and failed
They were too busy voting to repeal
Which hey knew would never get passed, The were just trying to look good to their voters. Now that they have a President that would not veto the bill and actually sign it they refuse to vote on the repeal
Like a dog that catches the car they are chasing

They don't know what to do with it
they know, they don't want to repeal it and lose their kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies
No, it's the mess that healthcare insurance and provider monopoly caused by Ronald Reagan.
Reagan voted for obiecare?

Try to keep up idiot. Reagan deregulated the HMO act which caused the high premiums and high medical costs.
Actually, if you want to get to the root of all of this it was FDR trying to regulate wages causing employers to start offering insurance because they couldn't offer more money.

If they couldn't pay more money, how could they buy healthcare insurance?
Are you seriously this dumb?

That's what I asked you.
No. He is ready to sign the bill congress passes....waiting and waiting with his pen....the republicans will not pass a repeal nd replace no matter what he is ready to give them to do it......it is the fault of the House and the Senate.....and they are going to pay.

The problem is the healthcare monopoly (corporate America racketeers) whom you should be fighting.
The only reason there is a monopoly is because the government lets it happen. It's a highly regulated industry. The big guys in industry, despite what you believe by strawman depictions in movies with CEOs buying politicians to cut out regulations and to turn blind eye to corruption for a quick buck, that's not reality. Reality is the big guys lobby for regulation all the time, they love it, even if it hurts them in some way, they make out in the long run. It weeds out competition, since increased regulation requires vast amounts of resources the small guys just don't have to stay competitive. Look at the construction industry, 60% of the cost to build a new house goes to just keeping compliant with regulations, not building material, not the land you're building on, not payroll of laberours, but a team of lawyers and engineers who step in on site with a tape measure, and make sure the hallway is wide enough, or that the light switch is hooked up the way the electricians union wants it hooked up. It's the same thing with big banks, they too lobby for increased regulation. Same way with cable and internet, resturaunts, etc. Its very expensive to keep up with it all, and the big players in industry pay up big campaign donations to make sure it stays that way.

I already stated that. The deregulation of the HMO act allowed the profiteers to create a monopoly.

According to the National Association of Home Builders, regulatory costs account for 29.8%. Neither you, nor the NAHB get specific what these regulations cover.

Regulations Add a Whopping $84,671 to New Home Prices
Reagan voted for obiecare?

Try to keep up idiot. Reagan deregulated the HMO act which caused the high premiums and high medical costs.
Actually, if you want to get to the root of all of this it was FDR trying to regulate wages causing employers to start offering insurance because they couldn't offer more money.

If they couldn't pay more money, how could they buy healthcare insurance?
Are you seriously this dumb?

That's what I asked you.
Well if you're asking me then yes. You're that dumb.
he calls himself 'the deal maker' so it's on him to make the deals to get that tyrannical law off the books.

and where is he on getting rid of the patriot act?

Let me guess....you have medicare?
just like every other American, I'm forced to pay for it.

And use it.

You should have paid attention in school. Wealthy folks like me don't pay social security or medicare.
yes, I will be forced to use it and suffer the piss poor service I will get due to it.

and they never had a class on who does and doesn't pay into medicare and ss.

thus proving, again, that you are not what you claim.
Of course not... the POTUS doesn't pass legislation. He either signs it or vetoes it once Congress has passed it.
I'm not 'good' with any of that.

simply being realistic. the aca will never, ever be gotten rid of. That put so much power and control in the hands of DC..
So you knew Trump was lying out of his obese ass all along.

Just like the left should have known Obama was lying about the patriot act.

everyone makes excuses for 'their guy'.

What lie did Obama state about the patriot act?
That he was going to get rid of it.

Not true. The freedom act which Obama signed was much different than the Patriot act.

IMO: The Patriot act should have been kept enforce as written to eliminate the radicals on both sides.
President Obama on Friday signed into law a bill that extends three Patriot Act surveillance authorities until late May.

Obama signed the "FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011," which refers to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Surveillance authorities under that act were extended in part by amending the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act.

With Obama's signature, the ability of the United States to access business records, conduct roving wiretaps and monitor individual terrorists is maintained until May 27. The administration has said it supports a longer extension, and the Senate next week will begin working on a three-year extension.
I find it odd that not one R voted for the ACA, yet now they can't get the votes to repeal that which they clearly didn't want.
I find it odd that not one R voted for the ACA, yet now they can't get the votes to repeal that which they clearly didn't want.
I've been telling you for years you were hoaxed, grasshopper.

Massively hoaxed.
If you want Obamacare repealed, and your rep did not vote to repeal it, you have to vote your rep out of office.

That's how this shit works.

I am still livid that the racist Colorado Democrats did not vote for Daryl Glen for Senate just because he is black.

The ballot is where we make America Great again.

Vote those corrupt Washington lifers out of government.
Apparently it IS the Oranguton's fault. Both Ryan and McConnell wanted a clean repeal of the whole thing, but the operation of the repeal would be two years in the future to give time for them to enact an actual replacement ... but Trump wanted repeal and replace, so they tried to give it to him.

Trump: Quickly repeal and replace Obamacare
If you want Obamacare repealed, and your rep did not vote to repeal it, you have to vote your rep out of office.

That's how this shit works.

I am still livid that the racist Colorado Democrats did not vote for Daryl Glen for Senate just because he is black.

The ballot is where we make America Great again.

Vote those corrupt Washington lifers out of government.

Poor little snowflake.

President Trump is the supposed leader of the Republican Party- and has a bully pulpit.

The reason that he is at fault for the failure to repeal the ACA is because he wasn't a leader.

He didn't bring a proposal to Congress like he told his voters he would- he just nagged the Republicans in Congress to do something- anything.

Far from being the deal maker he told you he was- he was a failed leader when it came to the repeal.

One of the consolations of enduring his presidency is that his leadership is so in articulate and so unfocused he just hasn't been able to do anything that he needs Congressional support for.
McConnell may have known just as well as McCain, and Collins and Murkowski and several others that doing healthcare without some bipartisan buy in was electoral suicide. Someone's gonna be pissed, but you gotta do something to do anything. And not doing anything was not an option.

It'd take more than a week to do a bipartisan bill. So the only way to do was pass a law sunsetting Obamacare and force the dems to the table.

The Orange Clown has no clue as to how to pass laws. He wanted to have a rally and claim "I win."

So the gop's fucked. I can't say I'm sorry since they let the FAT FUCK get nominated and let the Russian fuck with the election.

Now they're gonna do DACA and tax reform without any Dems. We'll see.
Some on the left have no problem whatsoever, that the right wing had nothing but repeal, almost, in this particular, political situation.

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