If Obama's So Ultra Intelligent...


Jul 27, 2012
Why does he continue to campaign against a Medicare reform plan that has already been scrapped and replaced by a plan getting bipartisan support?

All this bullshit about "granny over the cliff" and lies about Ryan's plan ending medicare are simply that, BULLSHIT.

Ryan's revamped plan, because compromising and revamping is what one does when it's clear your original ideas are flawed...unless you're Obama, affects NO ONE over 55. They get what they've always expected and no one gets thrown over a cliff. Then, in an attempt to save the program, in 2023 private insurance would have the opportunity to bid for the business of seniors with vouchers given to seniors in the full amount of the second lowest bid with new bids and new voucher amounts being reassessed annually.

This will result in seniors having no less than TWO options that would cost them either nothing or in fact save them money which they would be allowed to pocket. They would also have the option to go with one of the more expensive plans provided they cover the difference out of their own pockets.

Clearly, grandma and grandpa are not as stupid as the left hopes as Ryan's approval among seniors is now 51% while Biden's approval amongst his senior peers has fallen 42%.

If you buy into the bullshit on this issue, take pride in the fact that you're just as dumb as Obama and uncle Shmoe need you to be.
Why does he continue to campaign against a Medicare reform plan that has already been scrapped and replaced by a plan getting bipartisan support?

All this bullshit about "granny over the cliff" and lies about Ryan's plan ending medicare are simply that, BULLSHIT.

It's left wing Liberal Shock treatment, anything that carries their agend down a path of distruction of America as we know it.
Obama is smart enough to understand how to use Marxist divide and conquer tactics very well. Got to give him that.
Obamacare is the cure for Medicare/aid, our idiotic Pub health system, and for the country. Teddy/Romneycare proves it. Change the channel, dupes of the greedy rich. So gd dumb...
Why does he continue to campaign against a Medicare reform plan that has already been scrapped and replaced by a plan getting bipartisan support?

All this bullshit about "granny over the cliff" and lies about Ryan's plan ending medicare are simply that, BULLSHIT.

Ryan's revamped plan, because compromising and revamping is what one does when it's clear your original ideas are flawed...unless you're Obama, affects NO ONE over 55. They get what they've always expected and no one gets thrown over a cliff. Then, in an attempt to save the program, in 2023 private insurance would have the opportunity to bid for the business of seniors with vouchers given to seniors in the full amount of the second lowest bid with new bids and new voucher amounts being reassessed annually.

This will result in seniors having no less than TWO options that would cost them either nothing or in fact save them money which they would be allowed to pocket. They would also have the option to go with one of the more expensive plans provided they cover the difference out of their own pockets.

Clearly, grandma and grandpa are not as stupid as the left hopes as Ryan's approval among seniors is now 51% while Biden's approval amongst his senior peers has fallen 42%.

If you buy into the bullshit on this issue, take pride in the fact that you're just as dumb as Obama and uncle Shmoe need you to be.

Ryan Plan - google it. Everyone else disagrees with you and FAUX News
The Romney/Ryan Medicare bullshit has been laughed at and debunked by several sources:

Romney Defends Bogus Obama Welfare Ads, Dismissing Fact-Checkers

Damn you! Damn you and the facts. :lol:

At least Lakhota's off topic posts are backed up with links.
You on the other hand are a whole new level of stupid.
Nice work. :clap2:

Links? the things absent from your posts?


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