If our Constitution made liberalism, in effect, illegal what should we do with them?.

Great, now that we agree that the Congress is not limited to the enumerated powers,.
Well liberals are not limited since they are opposed to that fundamental principle of the Constitution. Thus should not be allowed to hold public office since that cant honestly take the oath of office. Do you understand?
I understand you’re batshit crazy. Does that help you?
I guess we agree that the Congress can pass any law to provide for the general welfare of the nation.

If we agreed to that Congress could pass Nazi laws and merely claim they provided for the general welfare of the nation. See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?
The Congress can pass any laws they want.

You should consider remedial courses in civics.
. I’m not surprised the brain-dead conservative can’t understand.
if so you would not be so afraid to tell us what I cant understand? What have you learned from your fear?
You asked me to explain what I already did. That means you didn’t understand. The reason you can’t understand is because you’re a conservative. As such, G-d simply didn’t bless you with the necessary tools for comprehensive cognitive skills. But I have no doubt you’re well practiced at jumping up and down.
You do not accept compromise,.

sure I do but compromise between two legitimate Constitutional parties, not between one legit and one libcommie!! This is kindergarten stuff!! Hope you get it??
You consideration of the Democrats as 'libcommie' is uninformed. If you weren't braced by a politic that requires fear and suspicion to exist, you could understand that your neighbors are liberal. Your family members are liberal and your business people in your community are liberal. Not every one, but enough to clearly demonstrate that all those other people are not in a sinister cabal to destroy the constitution and by consequence nation.
The Congress can pass any laws they want.
You are trying to say is they can pass any law including a Nazi law if they ignore the Constitution..
Congress can pass any law- including whatever you think is a 'Nazi' law- but it wouldn't mean that the law is Constitutional.

Which is why we have a Supreme Court which can invalidate an unconstitutional law passed by the Congress.

And has done so many times.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,

to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

The Romans already Proved; Government solves all problems.

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The Congress can pass any laws they want.
You are trying to say is they can pass any law including a Nazi law if they ignore the Constitution..
Congress is delegated this:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Natural rights are in State Constitutions and available via Due Process.

Let's keep in mind that democracy is not our strength since liberals get to vote too. Our strength is the Constitution which was intended to make big liberal magical govt illegal, and freedom the law of the land. Conservatives are the real Americans who believe in the principles of the Constitution. Thus it is they who set Europe free from big liberal magical govt through two world wars and they who just set 1.4 billion Chinese free from big liberal magical govt uniting most of the world in a peaceful common ideology. Oh, and there is no reason to acknowledge our faults (which are trivial in the big picture) to suit treasonous liberals who oppose everything for which our Founders and modern conservative Americans stand. So what do we do with liberals who really don't belong here in the first place and who constantly interfere with our good works?

I think it would be sufficient to restrict the national franchise. Its what the founders did. No need for camps or deportations until we try that first.
Leave them with a say locally only only in areas they pay from their own pockets.
You’re demented, Crazy Eddie. There was nothing violent about my post.

substance free male verbal violence is typical of liberalism. You should be proud.!
Verbal Violence
Verbal violence, most often also labeled verbal abuse, is a common variety of violence, which encompasses a relatively large spectrum of behaviors, including: accusing, undermining, verbal threatening, ordering, trivializing, constant forgetting, silencing, blaming, name calling, overtly criticizing.
The Congress can pass any laws they want.
You are trying to say is they can pass any law including a Nazi law if they ignore the Constitution..
Imbecile, there is nothing to prevent Congress from passing any bill they wish. You really should study civics.
Verbal Violence
Verbal violence, most often also labeled verbal abuse, is a common variety of violence, which encompasses a relatively large spectrum of behaviors, including: accusing, undermining, verbal threatening, ordering, trivializing, constant forgetting, silencing, blaming, name calling, overtly criticizing.
, you could understand that your neighbors are liberal. ...........not in a sinister cabal to destroy the constitution and by consequence nation.

well the Germans were big govt liberal nuts in 1932 and had no idea what they were doing. Our liberals are blind too but its not a conscious sinister cabal. Its just based in pure ignorance.Do you understand?

Let's keep in mind that democracy is not our strength since liberals get to vote too. Our strength is the Constitution which was intended to make big liberal magical govt illegal, and freedom the law of the land. Conservatives are the real Americans who believe in the principles of the Constitution. Thus it is they who set Europe free from big liberal magical govt through two world wars and they who just set 1.4 billion Chinese free from big liberal magical govt uniting most of the world in a peaceful common ideology. Oh, and there is no reason to acknowledge our faults (which are trivial in the big picture) to suit treasonous liberals who oppose everything for which our Founders and modern conservative Americans stand. So what do we do with liberals who really don't belong here in the first place and who constantly interfere with our good works?

I think it would be sufficient to restrict the national franchise. Its what the founders did. No need for camps or deportations until we try that first.
Leave them with a say locally only only in areas they pay from their own pockets.

Unfortunately liberals seem to have the upper hand and feel the more who vote the better our democracy is. Its like saying the more who get to do brain surgery the better the results will be, but that the state of the liberal IQ these days.

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