If our Government told us we had to....

I just love how people on this board just turn a simple question. IF this happened, would you just not vote and let others make a decision on something this big for you because you don't want either one? Actually - i think there would be a war here! I'm Christian, but i don't believe in forcing anyone to be a Christian. I'm looking at the differences between the Christian religion and Islamic and wondering which one would you prefer IF you had to choose, and why. Why is this so hard to answer? Your answer isn't an admission that you really believe in it.

I just posted links to time periods where Christianity FORCED people to become Christian or die. And it happened all over Central America..and in this country's early colonial period.

Theocracies suck.

And should be revolting to any American.

I know that happened...and i'm not saying i agree with it. I believe that time period involved was from the Catholic's (which call themselves Christian but i don't). I don't believe any religion should be forced in any way. I didn't start this thread because i believed it should be - it was actually just something i was thinking about and wanted some feedback from others. America is FREEDOM - but there also has to be laws or we would be in even more of a mess than we're in now. People need to be protected, but they don't need someone to rule every part of their lives. All religions have their problems, whether in the past or present.
What if the government made us vote on a choice between being ruled by dogs or being ruled by cats?

How would you vote?
I just love how people on this board just turn a simple question. IF this happened, would you just not vote and let others make a decision on something this big for you because you don't want either one? Actually - i think there would be a war here! I'm Christian, but i don't believe in forcing anyone to be a Christian. I'm looking at the differences between the Christian religion and Islamic and wondering which one would you prefer IF you had to choose, and why. Why is this so hard to answer? Your answer isn't an admission that you really believe in it.

Considering that the concept of Separation of Church and State is a Locke and Christian Principle, I'll go with A Nation Rooted in Christian Values over Islamic Values. That World Domination thing still flies with the Statist Progressives and the Totalitarian minded Jihadist's, a shared trait that the control freaks get off on. ;) Christianity, for the most part has outgrown it. Maybe though, it is a Higher Self V.S. Lower Self thing in all of us, looking for lame excuses to impose our will over others. Why can't we Each just learn to be happy living our own lives? Hey, there is a Christian principle right there. Salvation is not the business or concern of the State. As good a place as any to start.
I just love how people on this board just turn a simple question. IF this happened, would you just not vote and let others make a decision on something this big for you because you don't want either one? Actually - i think there would be a war here! I'm Christian, but i don't believe in forcing anyone to be a Christian. I'm looking at the differences between the Christian religion and Islamic and wondering which one would you prefer IF you had to choose, and why. Why is this so hard to answer? Your answer isn't an admission that you really believe in it.

Considering that the concept of Separation of Church and State is a Locke and Christian Principle, I'll go with A Nation Rooted in Christian Values over Islamic Values. That World Domination thing still flies with the Statist Progressives and the Totalitarian minded Jihadist's, a shared trait that the control freaks get off on. ;) Christianity, for the most part has outgrown it. Maybe though, it is a Higher Self V.S. Lower Self thing in all of us, looking for lame excuses to impose our will over others. Why can't we Each just learn to be happy living our own lives? Hey, there is a Christian principle right there. Salvation is not the business or concern of the State. As good a place as any to start.

I agree...it's up to each of us individually to believe what we want. God doesn't force us to do what he says, He leaves that up to each of us. Islam tells their people they MUST do what they say or die, there is no choice. They can't decide to change religions or they die. There's a big difference between the 2, and i don't get where people say they're so much alike. Thank you for your answer!! :)
I don't even see why Sharia is a choice, why should we change everything to suit the needs of a small minority in this country?
I don't even see why Sharia is a choice, why should we change everything to suit the needs of a small minority in this country?


Conservatives need enemies. Absolutely need them. They need something to focus on that every conservative wants to beat up. And typically..they pick the weakest opponents.
I don't even see why Sharia is a choice, why should we change everything to suit the needs of a small minority in this country?


Conservatives need enemies. Absolutely need them. They need something to focus on that every conservative wants to beat up. And typically..they pick the weakest opponents.

Muslims will need to have way bigger numbers if they even want to think about bringing Sharia here, fuck most Muslim countries don't even practice it, why should we?
I don't even see why Sharia is a choice, why should we change everything to suit the needs of a small minority in this country?


Conservatives need enemies. Absolutely need them. They need something to focus on that every conservative wants to beat up. And typically..they pick the weakest opponents.

Yep. Most of the time it's Mexicans, sometimes it's blacks, sometimes it's Muslims. And always the poor, they never get a break from the hatred of the right.
thank you to those who did answer!

I understand what each of you are saying...I'm not saying we should have either one. There is talk of trying to get sharia law into many areas of our nation, it doesn't mean it will happen but it won't stop them from trying. Just as many Christians would like to see the US being a christian nation, which i believe it once was.
We have far less freedoms now than we ever did before...and it has nothing to do with religion. Well, guess it might, since a lot of our freedoms were lost after we were attacked in the name of Islam.
take a vote to make our country into a full "conservative" Christian nation or make it an Islamic nation (sharia law), which would you choose?? The choice is only between these two religions.

Of course a Christian nation wouldn't be a lot different than it is now. Abortions would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal. You wouldn't be FORCED to go to church or do anything else you don't want to do, because God doesn't force us to do anything for Him.

Sharia law of course would also make gay marriage illegal, i'm not sure of their stand on abortions....You HAVE TO pray to allah (twice a day?), women would wear burkha's, wouldn't drive, etc.

Which would you choose if you HAD TO choose one??

I would choose war before I was forced to join a religion.
Ok. I've considered the options.

a. Christian nation

b. Islamic nation

c. Revolution against any government who tried to implement either a or b.

I would go with c.

Now your talking my language..:lol:

Thanks, but I'll fight with those who I know won't run when it gets hard. I don't trust the left to fight to the death.... other people's maybe... but not their own. Now, if you were a liberal.... yea, I'd have you on my side. But you aren't. You're a left wing hack. Don't need ya.
Ok. I've considered the options.

a. Christian nation

b. Islamic nation

c. Revolution against any government who tried to implement either a or b.

I would go with c.

Now your talking my language..:lol:

Thanks, but I'll fight with those who I know won't run when it gets hard. I don't trust the left to fight to the death.... other people's maybe... but not their own. Now, if you were a liberal.... yea, I'd have you on my side. But you aren't. You're a left wing hack. Don't need ya.


Your partisan hack slip is showing.
thank you to those who did answer!

I understand what each of you are saying...I'm not saying we should have either one. There is talk of trying to get sharia law into many areas of our nation, it doesn't mean it will happen but it won't stop them from trying. Just as many Christians would like to see the US being a christian nation, which i believe it once was.
We have far less freedoms now than we ever did before...and it has nothing to do with religion. Well, guess it might, since a lot of our freedoms were lost after we were attacked in the name of Islam.

Except we were never a Christian nation..

And I find that some of the worst atrocities ever committed by humans..is usually rooted in the name of some religion that proclaims that it is peaceful.

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