If Paul Ryan quits, how many GOPers in the House will follow?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Rumors abound that the so-called republican "golden-boy", Paul Ryan, will soon quit congress, as he sees the writing on the wall that, at "best", he would become the minority leader in the House after this November.

The bad news for the GOP is that if Ryan were to quit, several "moderate' republicans would also decide to not run for re-election, setting the stage for either democrats to win those seats, or yield them to mindless, Trump cultists republicans who would further precipitate the demise of the GOP on the House side.

No doubt, Ryan, would rake in the money if he were to quit.....(Fox news pundit?).......but, as often predicted by many observers, Trump is slowly but surely destroying the GOP.
It will only be statist republicrats who follow him.

Good riddance.

We need representatives in the GOP who oppose and combat regressive globalist traitors in the DNC, not appeasers. So far the GOP has been dragged kicking and screaming to reluctantly defend the Constitution and but it is being dragged.
Why would Ryan quit just because he'd be the Minority leader?
I don't get it why all these Republicans are refusing to run, even, on the chance they might lose. Is that normal?
I don't the number of other GOP representatives that quit/retire is dependent on Ryan staying or quitting.
Rumors abound that the so-called republican "golden-boy", Paul Ryan, will soon quit congress, as he sees the writing on the wall that, at "best", he would become the minority leader in the House after this November.

The bad news for the GOP is that if Ryan were to quit, several "moderate' republicans would also decide to not run for re-election, setting the stage for either democrats to win those seats, or yield them to mindless, Trump cultists republicans who would further precipitate the demise of the GOP on the House side.

No doubt, Ryan, would rake in the money if he were to quit.....(Fox news pundit?).......but, as often predicted by many observers, Trump is slowly but surely destroying the GOP.

It doesn't matter who is Speaker. Each House Republican is worth 10 Liberal Progressive Pukes.
Rumors abound that the so-called republican "golden-boy", Paul Ryan, will soon quit congress, as he sees the writing on the wall that, at "best", he would become the minority leader in the House after this November.

The bad news for the GOP is that if Ryan were to quit, several "moderate' republicans would also decide to not run for re-election, setting the stage for either democrats to win those seats, or yield them to mindless, Trump cultists republicans who would further precipitate the demise of the GOP on the House side.

No doubt, Ryan, would rake in the money if he were to quit.....(Fox news pundit?).......but, as often predicted by many observers, Trump is slowly but surely destroying the GOP.

"or yield them to mindless, Trump cultists republicans who would further precipitate the demise of the GOP on the House side." My money is on this happening. There are very few true conservative republicans left. Too bad for the party but especially for the country.
Rumors abound that the so-called republican "golden-boy", Paul Ryan, will soon quit congress, as he sees the writing on the wall that, at "best", he would become the minority leader in the House after this November.

The bad news for the GOP is that if Ryan were to quit, several "moderate' republicans would also decide to not run for re-election, setting the stage for either democrats to win those seats, or yield them to mindless, Trump cultists republicans who would further precipitate the demise of the GOP on the House side.

No doubt, Ryan, would rake in the money if he were to quit.....(Fox news pundit?).......but, as often predicted by many observers, Trump is slowly but surely destroying the GOP.
If Paul Ryan quits, how many GOPers in the House will follow?
I don't know. Insofar as it's no secret that Ryan has presidential aspirations, his resignation would be seen as little other than his doing so to prepare for making such a bid.

Resigning from Congress to prepare to run for POTUS wouldn't be surprising.
  • He'd make good money on the "talk cricut."
  • He can say things as a paid editorialist that he cannot prudently say as a sitting Speaker of the House.
  • He'll have measures of privacy to put together a campaign organization and network that, as Speaker, he does not have.
To the extent his retirement were construed thus, I doubt it'd catalyze an extensive exodus. Some House members may nonetheless retire too and because Ryan is gone, but that may happen even if Ryan were not to leave.

If, on the other hand, Ryan's departure is seen as "making way" for the "Trumpification" of the GOP, it would spark a fleury of departures.

Trump is slowly but surely destroying the GOP.
Well, I think he's more transforming the GOP into something very similar to the 1920s to 1960s Democratic party. It'll still be called the Republican party, but it won't be the GOP we've known for nearly a century.
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Things must be tough in the angry incoherent world of left wing politics when rumors (invented by left wingers?) become the focus of political arguments.
Things must be tough in the angry incoherent world of left wing politics when rumors become the focus of political arguments.

Did you ever hear any rumors on here about Bill and Hillary Clinton, or about the Obamas???
Just asking out of curiosity.......lol
Even if the rumor is true, it's not quitting CONGRESS, it's quitting the speakership. Scalise will take over so democrat orgasm is premature.
Even if the rumor is true, it's not quitting CONGRESS, it's quitting the speakership. Scalise will take over so democrat orgasm is premature.

Pretty dumb "conclusion" as usual from a Tipsy........I, for one, DO want for Ryan to remain speaker (for the rest of this year, at least).....his lack of anything resembling a spinal column has greatly helped the Dems'. cause, don't you think?
Why would Ryan quit just because he'd be the Minority leader?
I don't get it why all these Republicans are refusing to run, even, on the chance they might lose. Is that normal?
My guess is he wants to quit because he has done some things to defend Trump that are on the verge of legality and probably even cross that line.

To avoid getting into even deeper trouble.
Rumors abound that the so-called republican "golden-boy", Paul Ryan, will soon quit congress, as he sees the writing on the wall that, at "best", he would become the minority leader in the House after this November.

The bad news for the GOP is that if Ryan were to quit, several "moderate' republicans would also decide to not run for re-election, setting the stage for either democrats to win those seats, or yield them to mindless, Trump cultists republicans who would further precipitate the demise of the GOP on the House side.

No doubt, Ryan, would rake in the money if he were to quit.....(Fox news pundit?).......but, as often predicted by many observers, Trump is slowly but surely destroying the GOP.
Bush also destroyed the GOP except for that time when Republicans took over the House and then the Senate oh also the majority of State Legislation and Governorships. With those numbers it's a certainty that the GOP is done.
Liberal Predictions
My guess is he wants to quit because he has done some things to defend Trump that are on the verge of legality and probably even cross that line.

To avoid getting into even deeper trouble.

Perhaps, although I sincerely think that Ryan is not THAT smart to have him involved in something nefarious. Ryan is just another clueless and spineless ass-kisser.

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