If player(s) kneel....

Zero respect for the freedom they skate on.

Then how about THIS, jackass-- -- -- the NFL already has a rule / law / guideline in its teams handbook (not the game handbook) directing that players on teams will stand, hand over heart, facing the flag with solemnity and reverence during the playing of the national anthem. The NFL just won't enforce it. Goodell is a ball-less coward. Now you can go back to blowing snot-bubbles with your nose.
solemnity and reverence?

Negotiating with a rival to ensure peace = treason?
Kneeling and disrespecting our vets = Patriotism?

Have you lost your mind?
How cute, you think that acting like a puppet is "negotiating with a rival".
Russia will be given our military plans before they happen.

Pure hyperventilating ignorance. The U.S. and Russia can and will be allies despite the radical American Left's attempt to sabotage the ongoing peace in pieces process with 24/7 propaganda. You parrot their parrots; want a cracker? The irony is the false logic of your position involves a shooting war between America and Russia and tens of thousands of U.S. military casualties as consequence, while you champion anti-American behavior in your NFL leg prick wannabe heroes who in turn educate our youth to believe patriotism is conditional, and to distrust law enforcement. Makes our jobs so much easier, thanks.

As an American that observed the history of the Cold War, I will never be okay with having Russia as our ally. I will never vote for it, and would do everything in my power to obstruct it.

You don't get to vote for allies.
So you judge all cops because of one bad experience? Seriously? So if you tried a burger for the first time and it was bad you would never try a burger again? This is ridiculous.
It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

That is actually a fair statement. So you think all cops are bad or just the white ones?
Not all cops but a large majority. I have cops in my family and friends that were cops. To a man they all tell me most cops are racist. I even had one friend quit the police force in Sacramento because it was filled with KKK and Aryan nation. Then I read this and it all became clear.....

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

You didn't answer my question. So only white cops are bad? Statistically African Americans commit more crimes than whites so the cops will be more cautious. Again they are putting their lives on the line daily.
In my experience there are way more bad white cops.

Well they are white devils

It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

That is actually a fair statement. So you think all cops are bad or just the white ones?
Not all cops but a large majority. I have cops in my family and friends that were cops. To a man they all tell me most cops are racist. I even had one friend quit the police force in Sacramento because it was filled with KKK and Aryan nation. Then I read this and it all became clear.....

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

You didn't answer my question. So only white cops are bad? Statistically African Americans commit more crimes than whites so the cops will be more cautious. Again they are putting their lives on the line daily.
In my experience there are way more bad white cops.

Well they are white devils

I dont believe they are devils . They may resemble them but they are definitely of this world.

In addition to the kneelers, Jenkins and Bausby raised their fists (black-power salute). Looks like the NFL needs to change their name to the NAL, 'National Activist League'.
I know a lot of people are offended by the fact that black people have constitutionally guaranteed rights and are even more offended when black people exercise those rights. However, those rights do in fact exist. Black soldiers have fought and died for those rights.

Many people like to invoke the military to justify their intolerance. Anyone who served in the military took an oath. Anyone who took that oath and is offended by black people exercising their rights shouldn’t have taken that oath, such a person is unworthy of that oath.

It’s one thing to disagree with the merits of a protest, it’s another to trample on the right to protest.

My argument against the form of protest is that it is ineffective due to its inability to force people to deal with the issues that are supposed to be at the heart of the protest.

There are also legitimate arguments against the merits of the protests.
I suggest that the orange minions to stop watching the NFL like they promised to do. We are tired of the whining.
Patriotism they said lol, you voted for a pussy grabber who dodged serving in the army many times.

I don’t suggest you are full of shit because we all know you are….

Why don’t you libtards that said you would leave the Country

If Trump were elected go ahead and get the flock out…..

You libtards elected a RAPIST and then you defended him

after he lied about “barely legal” Miss BJ…..

We all know if not for the blue dress she would just be

another lying slut according to CROOKED hillary.

You libtards are all so very full of shit…………
I'm not a liberal and I didnt vote for any liberals :)
You would have a hard time find more felons that are in the NFL unless you looked into a mafia family.
Sean Smith Oakland felony assault
Damien Wilson Dallas 2 counts aggravated assault with a gun
Robby Anderson New York Jets resisting arrest
Tremaine Brock San Fransisco felony domestic abuse
Darrelle Revis New York Jets aggravated assault
Just to name a few. It has been suggested that there are over 870 arrests of NFL players since 2000.
Why do whites always talk about felonies when the subject is something entirely different? Are you guys like over stimulated infants or something?
While I would expect logic to escape you the reason is simple logic.
The only reason they are protesting against police is because they are the ones stopping them from doing what they want. they would be protesting anyone that wants to stop them from doing what ever their immediate little desire is.
Yeah you just proved you are an idiot. Kneeling is not going to legalize crime you moron. Your assumption is way off base.
Look at the bigot and racist being no smarter then a rock. Not even they know what it is about their narrative has changed too many times. First it was about the police. Then it was about military in other countries. Then it was about Trump. Now it is social injustice. We could say that they are just being spoiled children but I will give them that they are upset that there are those that won't let them do as they want.
I know a lot of people are offended by the fact that black people have constitutionally guaranteed rights and are even more offended when black people exercise those rights. However, those rights do in fact exist. Black soldiers have fought and died for those rights.

Many people like to invoke the military to justify their intolerance. Anyone who served in the military took an oath. Anyone who took that oath and is offended by black people exercising their rights shouldn’t have taken that oath, such a person is unworthy of that oath.

It’s one thing to disagree with the merits of a protest, it’s another to trample on the right to protest.

My argument against the form of protest is that it is ineffective due to its inability to force people to deal with the issues that are supposed to be at the heart of the protest.

There are also legitimate arguments against the merits of the protests.

No one is "trampling on the right to protest"

You want to lie about that, to avoid defending what the kneelers are actually doing.
I know a lot of people are offended by the fact that black people have constitutionally guaranteed rights and are even more offended when black people exercise those rights. However, those rights do in fact exist. Black soldiers have fought and died for those rights.

Many people like to invoke the military to justify their intolerance. Anyone who served in the military took an oath. Anyone who took that oath and is offended by black people exercising their rights shouldn’t have taken that oath, such a person is unworthy of that oath.

It’s one thing to disagree with the merits of a protest, it’s another to trample on the right to protest.

My argument against the form of protest is that it is ineffective due to its inability to force people to deal with the issues that are supposed to be at the heart of the protest.

There are also legitimate arguments against the merits of the protests.

No one is "trampling on the right to protest"

You want to lie about that, to avoid defending what the kneelers are actually doing.

What exactly are they actually doing, according to you?
I know a lot of people are offended by the fact that black people have constitutionally guaranteed rights and are even more offended when black people exercise those rights. However, those rights do in fact exist. Black soldiers have fought and died for those rights.

Many people like to invoke the military to justify their intolerance. Anyone who served in the military took an oath. Anyone who took that oath and is offended by black people exercising their rights shouldn’t have taken that oath, such a person is unworthy of that oath.

It’s one thing to disagree with the merits of a protest, it’s another to trample on the right to protest.

My argument against the form of protest is that it is ineffective due to its inability to force people to deal with the issues that are supposed to be at the heart of the protest.

There are also legitimate arguments against the merits of the protests.

No one is "trampling on the right to protest"

You want to lie about that, to avoid defending what the kneelers are actually doing.

What exactly are they actually doing, according to you?

The tradition of standing for the national anthem, is an unity ritual, designed to show and celebrate the loyalty Americans feel to each other individually and to the group as a whole.

Sitting during it, would be showing a lack of such loyalty, or perhaps, laziness.

But, the kneelers are actively expending effort to do the exact opposite of what the ritual calls for.

The only reasonable interpretation is that they want to signal the exact opposite of loyalty to their fellow Americans and to the group, ie the nation.


They are anti-American scum and this is how they show that.
Apparently, you’re anti-Constitution scum.

I don’t agree with their form of protest but I respect their right to protest in whatever lawful/peaceful manner they choose.

Coerced patriotism isn’t true patriotism.

These protests are not a lack of patriotism, but a misguided attempt to force change in a manner that will not force the desired change.
Apparently, you’re anti-Constitution scum.

I don’t agree with their form of protest but I respect their right to protest in whatever lawful/peaceful manner they choose.

Nothing I said, challenged their right to protest, (with their employers permission to do it on company time)

You lefties keep trying to make it about the "Right to protest" in order to avoid talking about what the kneelers are actually doing.

Coerced patriotism isn’t true patriotism.

True. I disagree with the President on this one. Once one outs himself as an Anti-American piece of shit, I don't think that that is easily fixable.

IMO, none of the kneelers should even be celebrated by any real Americans ever again.

To the point that the NFL is comfortable having them on the teams, Americans should consider the NFL anti-American scum.

These protests are not a lack of patriotism, but a misguided attempt to force change in a manner that will not force the desired change.

It has been obvious for quite some time that this form of protest is counter productive. Yet they insist on still doing it.

Because, imo, the anti-Americanism of it, is a big part of what they want to see celebrated and validated by society.
Apparently, you’re anti-Constitution scum.

I don’t agree with their form of protest but I respect their right to protest in whatever lawful/peaceful manner they choose.

Nothing I said, challenged their right to protest, (with their employers permission to do it on company time)

You lefties keep trying to make it about the "Right to protest" in order to avoid talking about what the kneelers are actually doing.

Coerced patriotism isn’t true patriotism.

True. I disagree with the President on this one. Once one outs himself as an Anti-American piece of shit, I don't think that that is easily fixable.

IMO, none of the kneelers should even be celebrated by any real Americans ever again.

To the point that the NFL is comfortable having them on the teams, Americans should consider the NFL anti-American scum.

These protests are not a lack of patriotism, but a misguided attempt to force change in a manner that will not force the desired change.

It has been obvious for quite some time that this form of protest is counter productive. Yet they insist on still doing it.

Because, imo, the anti-Americanism of it, is a big part of what they want to see celebrated and validated by society.

You’re here posting on a thread about it. It raises awareness. Their mission is accomplished and you are an accomplice.
Apparently, you’re anti-Constitution scum.

I don’t agree with their form of protest but I respect their right to protest in whatever lawful/peaceful manner they choose.

Government is not impacting their right to protest or kneel.

Their employers are,

No right to protest at work.
Last week some white guy ran around a baseball stadium in some panties that showed the flag. Whites cheered for him even though his genitals were touching the flag.

I think flag worship is stupid.
Me too but dont you think its odd that whites claim kneeling Black football players are disrespecting the flag while they cheer white guys running around with their dicks rubbing the flag?

I'm pretty sure it's not just black people kneeling, and I'm pretty sure the conservatives are mad at all of them that do it. They're not pissed because of black people, at least not in this instance. They're pissed because their hyper-nationalism has been encroached upon by athletes that dared to make a political statement during regularly scheduled brainwashing.
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Which is exactly why the kneeling is a joke. It's more of a trendy fashion statement more than anything now. I don't even give a shit anymore. No one knelt at the game I attended last night. But if players want to announce to the world how much they hate America and how ignorant they are on the topic then go right ahead.
I don't give a crap either, because I don't watch it anymore. It doesn't represent this country well, and the players have become lethal weapons on a field of play now.

Sport ??? More like a blood sport for the Romans, uh I mean Americans to get their blood lust satisfied.

Look at the caliber of these players who would rip your head off if the rules would allow for it. So of course they attempt to skate the rules when they throw those lethal blows to their opponents, and then act as if they didn't do not a single wittle thing wrong. What kind of messages are we teaching our kids now with this game ????

Now we have the addition of groups highjacking the platform in order to push political agenda's, controversy, and violence from the platform.

Where does it end ?? The fans will speak, and the NFL will listen or else is my thoughts. It's time to remove these add ons from these platforms, otherwise send them packing where they can look for employment elsewhere.

One individual or maybe more has never stopped an entire show, so let's get the mess straightened out finally, and get on with sports being sports, and the other being the other, where as the two items or issues don't ever collide..
Apparently, you’re anti-Constitution scum.

I don’t agree with their form of protest but I respect their right to protest in whatever lawful/peaceful manner they choose.

Nothing I said, challenged their right to protest, (with their employers permission to do it on company time)

You lefties keep trying to make it about the "Right to protest" in order to avoid talking about what the kneelers are actually doing.

Coerced patriotism isn’t true patriotism.

True. I disagree with the President on this one. Once one outs himself as an Anti-American piece of shit, I don't think that that is easily fixable.

IMO, none of the kneelers should even be celebrated by any real Americans ever again.

To the point that the NFL is comfortable having them on the teams, Americans should consider the NFL anti-American scum.

These protests are not a lack of patriotism, but a misguided attempt to force change in a manner that will not force the desired change.

It has been obvious for quite some time that this form of protest is counter productive. Yet they insist on still doing it.

Because, imo, the anti-Americanism of it, is a big part of what they want to see celebrated and validated by society.

You’re here posting on a thread about it. It raises awareness. Their mission is accomplished and you are an accomplice.


THe issue was front and center in the nation's awareness.

And all this is doing is raising awareness of the level of anti-Americanism among blacks and the NFL.

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