If player(s) kneel....

What was their reasoning? There are two sides to every story. I am guessing it was to scare you straight. It didn't work. You do realize there are a lot more good police officers than bad but that does not mean there are not bad police officers out there. Just like there are bad IT professionals such as yourself.
Scare me straight? Their job is not to scare me straight nor did I need to be scared straight. All it did was cultivate within me a intense dislike for white cops. If they concentrated on doing their job instead of getting their rocks off pulling guns on small children I may have an iota of respect for the pussies. However, my contact with them has shown me they are cowards with guns backed by the law.

So you judge all cops because of one bad experience? Seriously? So if you tried a burger for the first time and it was bad you would never try a burger again? This is ridiculous.
It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

That is actually a fair statement. So you think all cops are bad or just the white ones?
Not all cops but a large majority. I have cops in my family and friends that were cops. To a man they all tell me most cops are racist. I even had one friend quit the police force in Sacramento because it was filled with KKK and Aryan nation. Then I read this and it all became clear.....

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

You didn't answer my question. So only white cops are bad? Statistically African Americans commit more crimes than whites so the cops will be more cautious. Again they are putting their lives on the line daily.
Fans should leave. If that happens, let's see how long kneeling lasts.

N.F.L. National Anthem Protests Resume With Players Kneeling, Raising Fists

Zero respect for the freedom they skate on.

Hey jackass, where did I ever say anything abut getting Congress involved, you drooling moron! I was talking about an NFL mandated law GUARANTEEING SATISFACTION with their product, just like any other company, that if you found the game unsatisfactory within the first 30 minutes of start of playing time due to some condition within the game itself you found objectionable that you wanted to leave, then you could get your money back.

I IMAGINE A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD LEAVE! And a lot stay ONLY because of the money they have invested. Let people start walking out and getting their money back and I bet you'd find REAL FAST the NFL getting sick and tired of this kneeling bullshit.

"NFL mandated law"? Laws don't work in private industry, you boob. Policies do. Professional sports franchises aren't going to approve of a money-back policy for the butt hurt. You're talking about a fantasy scenario.

Then how about THIS, jackass-- -- -- the NFL already has a rule / law / guideline in its teams handbook (not the game handbook) directing that players on teams will stand, hand over heart, facing the flag with solemnity and reverence during the playing of the national anthem. The NFL just won't enforce it. Goodell is a ball-less coward. Now you can go back to blowing snot-bubbles with your nose.
solemnity and reverence?

Negotiating with a rival to ensure peace = treason?
Kneeling and disrespecting our vets = Patriotism?

Have you lost your mind?
How cute, you think that acting like a puppet is "negotiating with a rival".
Russia will be given our military plans before they happen.

Pure hyperventilating ignorance. The U.S. and Russia can and will be allies despite the radical American Left's attempt to sabotage the ongoing peace in pieces process with 24/7 propaganda. You parrot their parrots; want a cracker? The irony is the false logic of your position involves a shooting war between America and Russia and tens of thousands of U.S. military casualties as consequence, while you champion anti-American behavior in your NFL leg prick wannabe heroes who in turn educate our youth to believe patriotism is conditional, and to distrust law enforcement. Makes our jobs so much easier, thanks.
Must be that vibe of warmth, trust and friendliness you project.
I dont have to project a good vibe. They on the other hand are required to be professionals.

Of course you do. If they feel disrespected or threatened they can take matters into their own hands.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
What was their reasoning? There are two sides to every story. I am guessing it was to scare you straight. It didn't work. You do realize there are a lot more good police officers than bad but that does not mean there are not bad police officers out there. Just like there are bad IT professionals such as yourself.
Scare me straight? Their job is not to scare me straight nor did I need to be scared straight. All it did was cultivate within me a intense dislike for white cops. If they concentrated on doing their job instead of getting their rocks off pulling guns on small children I may have an iota of respect for the pussies. However, my contact with them has shown me they are cowards with guns backed by the law.

So you judge all cops because of one bad experience? Seriously? So if you tried a burger for the first time and it was bad you would never try a burger again? This is ridiculous.
It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

How many run ins with cops have you had and why?
Too many to count. Why? I have no clue other than being Black.

Because using the race card is for the weak. As I said I train cops. They are not racially motivated. Most of their calls are domestic disputes.
I dont have to project a good vibe. They on the other hand are required to be professionals.

Of course you do. If they feel disrespected or threatened they can take matters into their own hands.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.
Scare me straight? Their job is not to scare me straight nor did I need to be scared straight. All it did was cultivate within me a intense dislike for white cops. If they concentrated on doing their job instead of getting their rocks off pulling guns on small children I may have an iota of respect for the pussies. However, my contact with them has shown me they are cowards with guns backed by the law.

So you judge all cops because of one bad experience? Seriously? So if you tried a burger for the first time and it was bad you would never try a burger again? This is ridiculous.
It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

How many run ins with cops have you had and why?
Too many to count. Why? I have no clue other than being Black.

Because using the race card is for the weak. As I said I train cops. They are not racially motivated. Most of their calls are domestic disputes.
I dont believe in race cards. I dont care who you say you train. I have a known expert that says you are wrong. I have my own experiences as well. They are very racially motivated.
Scare me straight? Their job is not to scare me straight nor did I need to be scared straight. All it did was cultivate within me a intense dislike for white cops. If they concentrated on doing their job instead of getting their rocks off pulling guns on small children I may have an iota of respect for the pussies. However, my contact with them has shown me they are cowards with guns backed by the law.

So you judge all cops because of one bad experience? Seriously? So if you tried a burger for the first time and it was bad you would never try a burger again? This is ridiculous.
It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

That is actually a fair statement. So you think all cops are bad or just the white ones?
Not all cops but a large majority. I have cops in my family and friends that were cops. To a man they all tell me most cops are racist. I even had one friend quit the police force in Sacramento because it was filled with KKK and Aryan nation. Then I read this and it all became clear.....

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

You didn't answer my question. So only white cops are bad? Statistically African Americans commit more crimes than whites so the cops will be more cautious. Again they are putting their lives on the line daily.
In my experience there are way more bad white cops.
So you judge all cops because of one bad experience? Seriously? So if you tried a burger for the first time and it was bad you would never try a burger again? This is ridiculous.
It wasnt just one. That just happened to be the first in a long line of bad experiences. You silly white boys crack me up trying to tell me how cops are the good guys when you have never had to go through what we go through as Black men. :laugh:

How many run ins with cops have you had and why?
Too many to count. Why? I have no clue other than being Black.

Because using the race card is for the weak. As I said I train cops. They are not racially motivated. Most of their calls are domestic disputes.
I dont believe in race cards. I dont care who you say you train. I have a known expert that says you are wrong. I have my own experiences as well. They are very racially motivated.

I now at least see where you are coming from. Makes more sense.
Fans should leave. If that happens, let's see how long kneeling lasts.

N.F.L. National Anthem Protests Resume With Players Kneeling, Raising Fists

This whole affair was started by someone who knew there would be outrage in order to draw attention to his cause.

As a result, they started the division, Trump simply chimed in as we all do. Trump has ever right to chime in as we all do.

Personally, I wonder when NFL players will take a knee for women who are abused by these same NFL players every day.

But I digress
Of course you do. If they feel disrespected or threatened they can take matters into their own hands.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.

Hmmmm....does not compute.
Of course you do. If they feel disrespected or threatened they can take matters into their own hands.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.

That's just dumb.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.

Hmmmm....does not compute.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.

That's just dumb.
Well youre dumb so that makes sense.
Of course you do. If they feel disrespected or threatened they can take matters into their own hands.
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.
We had a black guy walk down the street yesterday. Bastard tried it again today and I called it in!
Doesnt take much for them to feel threatened. They are afraid of Black 9 year olds.

Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.
We had a black guy walk down the street yesterday. Bastard tried it again today and I called it in!

This post is so wrong but at the same time funny. I don't know what to make of it.
Fans should leave. If that happens, let's see how long kneeling lasts.

N.F.L. National Anthem Protests Resume With Players Kneeling, Raising Fists

Zero respect for the freedom they skate on.

"NFL mandated law"? Laws don't work in private industry, you boob. Policies do. Professional sports franchises aren't going to approve of a money-back policy for the butt hurt. You're talking about a fantasy scenario.

Then how about THIS, jackass-- -- -- the NFL already has a rule / law / guideline in its teams handbook (not the game handbook) directing that players on teams will stand, hand over heart, facing the flag with solemnity and reverence during the playing of the national anthem. The NFL just won't enforce it. Goodell is a ball-less coward. Now you can go back to blowing snot-bubbles with your nose.
solemnity and reverence?

Negotiating with a rival to ensure peace = treason?
Kneeling and disrespecting our vets = Patriotism?

Have you lost your mind?
How cute, you think that acting like a puppet is "negotiating with a rival".
Russia will be given our military plans before they happen.

Pure hyperventilating ignorance. The U.S. and Russia can and will be allies despite the radical American Left's attempt to sabotage the ongoing peace in pieces process with 24/7 propaganda. You parrot their parrots; want a cracker? The irony is the false logic of your position involves a shooting war between America and Russia and tens of thousands of U.S. military casualties as consequence, while you champion anti-American behavior in your NFL leg prick wannabe heroes who in turn educate our youth to believe patriotism is conditional, and to distrust law enforcement. Makes our jobs so much easier, thanks.

As an American that observed the history of the Cold War, I will never be okay with having Russia as our ally. I will never vote for it, and would do everything in my power to obstruct it.
Zero respect for the freedom they skate on.

Then how about THIS, jackass-- -- -- the NFL already has a rule / law / guideline in its teams handbook (not the game handbook) directing that players on teams will stand, hand over heart, facing the flag with solemnity and reverence during the playing of the national anthem. The NFL just won't enforce it. Goodell is a ball-less coward. Now you can go back to blowing snot-bubbles with your nose.
solemnity and reverence?

Negotiating with a rival to ensure peace = treason?
Kneeling and disrespecting our vets = Patriotism?

Have you lost your mind?
How cute, you think that acting like a puppet is "negotiating with a rival".
Russia will be given our military plans before they happen.

Pure hyperventilating ignorance. The U.S. and Russia can and will be allies despite the radical American Left's attempt to sabotage the ongoing peace in pieces process with 24/7 propaganda. You parrot their parrots; want a cracker? The irony is the false logic of your position involves a shooting war between America and Russia and tens of thousands of U.S. military casualties as consequence, while you champion anti-American behavior in your NFL leg prick wannabe heroes who in turn educate our youth to believe patriotism is conditional, and to distrust law enforcement. Makes our jobs so much easier, thanks.

As an American that observed the history of the Cold War, I will never be okay with having Russia as our ally. I will never vote for it, and would do everything in my power to obstruct it.
How much power and what kind of power do you wield?
Nine year olds can shoot guns too.
Anyone can shoot a gun. I dont see them pulling guns and putting it to the head of white kids and calling them a racial slur.

What did you do for the cop to do this?
Walk down the street while being Black.

That's just dumb.
Well youre dumb so that makes sense.

I know you are, but what am I?

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