If rachel dolezal can "identify" as black, can i do the same to get affirmative action?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Or maybe i'll move to alaska and identify as an eskimo to get all the freebies they get.

Liberalism is a joke
Might be easier to just identify as a girl to get all the AA they get. Here's a better idea - I'm gonna identify as a a black disabled transgendered woman and get tons of AA.
Or maybe i'll move to alaska and identify as an eskimo to get all the freebies they get.

Liberalism is a joke

If it was funny, it would be a joke.

It's more like cancer, and it's destroying the world.

Can I identify as an emperor and expect everyone to serve me and pay me taxes?

That would make me a liberal though, so never mind.

This woman is many things, none of them are good.

She's deceptive, a poser, con artist, liar and so on.
And that one hairdo we keep seeing her in looks like a pile dog shit stacked up on top of her head suggesting she must be a nut case to think it looks good on her. ;)
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Might be easier to just identify as a girl to get all the AA they get. Here's a better idea - I'm gonna identify as a a black disabled transgendered woman and get tons of AA.

IOW, what you are saying is, the member known as "Welfare Queen" has had the right idea all along? :lmao:
There is no question Rachel did what she did to empower herself with victimhood.

You too can certainly give it a try.
I think it's safe to say that just about every family has one in the woodpile, but that in no way rises to the level of making us white folks, black.
My midget neighbor says he wants to be viewed as a 6' man.
The courage it has taken for him to announce this is off the charts. The cowardly lion would be forever jealous.
He now qualifies for the ESPN award of courage. I'm going to have to look into how I can get him nominated for next years award ceremony.
Jeb bush lied when he filled in "Latino" as his ethnicity on his voter registration form. He should be charged with a felony.
My midget neighbor says he wants to be viewed as a 6' man.
The courage it has taken for him to announce this is off the charts. The cowardly lion would be forever jealous.
He now qualifies for the ESPN award of courage. I'm going to have to look into how I can get him nominated for next years award ceremony.

That's a great example of what these dippy liberals are doing. Anyone is now free to say they are anything and the rest of us have to accept it. !!!
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Jeb bush lied when he filled in "Latino" as his ethnicity on his voter registration form. He should be charged with a felony.

NONONO. He IDENTIFIES as latino and today that is all that matters. Get with the times, dood,
Or maybe i'll move to alaska and identify as an eskimo to get all the freebies they get.

Liberalism is a joke

Another Idiot who thinks this new idea is supported and a platform of the democratic party.

Its like saying "Man, can I chop off my balls and be called Mary....Buddhism is a joke."

Jeb bush lied when he filled in "Latino" as his ethnicity on his voter registration form. He should be charged with a felony.

Well hey, the percentage of known felons among the taco bender community is considerable, so you might be on to something there.

Not that I would take you at your word for anything.
i cant explain this, but all day I have been craving southern fried chicken wings and grape soda. thats never happened before.
i cant explain this, but all day I have been craving southern fried chicken wings and grape soda. thats never happened before.

Lucky you. You're obviously a black man and now you're entitled to take over any white man's job no matter your qualifications.

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