CDZ If Redskin is Racist in NFL, why isn't "Black Horse" Racist in ACC

did white people consent to "white men can't jump" ?

White people don't wear their race on their sleeve, so why would they?
What do white people have to do with what Black people think of the name Blackish for a Black show?

I remember a school board official got called on the carpet about his statement that the school board was acting niggardly with their funds. Just goes to show you that certain so-called educated people don't know their vocabulary.
Again, more people LOOKING for offense rather than actually being offended.

The world is full of people with nothing better to do these days than be offended at things that have absolutely no bearing on their lives whatsoever.

The people calling redskins offensive or whining about it look like complete idiots.
Who told you it was people looking for offense instead of actually seeing it shoved down their throats? What great insight gave you this conclusion? Just wondering because your opinion is not really relevant in a discusion of facts. You have to back up your opinion with a preponderance of evidence.

I have no idea whether you are addressing my post or several others in the list with the confusing way that the posts are listed, but the liberal element tend to be more sensitive toward these issues, and they all vote down party lines for Obama. You barely find conservatives so worried about silly issues as this, though the following story is an exception to that premise, since it is a Republican legislator this time who is all upset about Virginia's state song, "Carry Me Back To Old Virginny", decrying that it is a racist song, yet it is ironic because it was written by James Bland, a freed American slave, who was living in New York at the time. The song is beautiful and a work of art. If anything the song should be remembered because it was written by a black American, showing the plight of freed American slaves after leaving the only home they ever knew, the plantation, and having to strike out on their own in an entirely different environment. Here's the song:

Here's the story about the Republican, William Howell, who wants to change the song to some other song.

Lawmaker proposes new official state song in Virginia
I find it amusing that so many claim offensive at Redskins logo but not this one which are pretty much the same.
You sound stupid not knowing that redskins is an insult and Black Hawk is the name of a native american that led the Sauk people against the Americans on the side of the British.
Whats stupid is making a big deal out of a sports team name in nothing more than a childish attempt to either make yourself look racially sensitive or earn the respect of the P,C, crowd. I highly doubt anyone who now claims offense at the name ever gave it a second thought or even a first one till Harry Reid tried to make it a big deal in the Senate which went nowhere by the way,
Doesnt really matter what you doubt. Your astonishing display of ignorance pretty much renders your opinion on how people felt about it puerile.

someone learned a new word( puerile) and uses it as often as possible cuz it's new to him and it sounds kool

get off your iPhone and back to your 8th grade study hall

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