If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

The Republican Party continues to shoot itself in the foot. It's very unwise opposing this. Most Americans will view the stance as hateful and greedy. Not a winning position. It'll come back to haunt em.

I am not a fan of the GOP.

However, those who hail from that part of the world, might find that if they don't fight it.....they will lose the support of their base.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
Where is there time for maternity leave????

There are 365 days this year.

There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work.

Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available.

You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break. That accounts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available.

With a one hour lunch period each day, you have used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work.

You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days available for work.

We are off for 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days.

We generously give you 14 days vacation per year which leaves only one day available for work and I'll be damned if you're going to take that day off!

Yeah, fuck those bitches! Gettin pregnant an shit. That shit's their problem.

Is this serious.

Yeah. Sums up angry greedy white Republican guy.

So what happened to your Rand Paul attitude ?

Still support Rand on many issues.

So you are a libertarian.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.
How can the Republican Party believe it's gonna get the White House back anytime soon? Most Americans will not support a Party represented by heartless greedy white dudes. It's not a winning Platform.

Didn't Franklin say something like, when the public finds they can vote themselves money from the treasury it will spell the end of the republic? From the treasury or stolen at the point of a gun by government thugs, same difference

We even have a shiny new name for it:

INEPTOCRACY - (Noun) a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Loserterians want to go back to 1890 or before. They don't give a shit about human rights or workers rights...

They just want no government in the economy and if you end up a slave...Well, too damn bad.

Forget roads, science institutions and educating our children as all those things need to be abolished as far as they're concerned. I really do wish these people would get out of my country and go live in Somalia or some other place that doesn't have these things. Oh'yess, take Ted effin Cruz with them.
Many companies already provide paid leave. Leave it alone and let the market sort it out.

We could leave it alone with air quality, food, workers conditions and on down the list to slavery. Would it be right? Fuck no.

But you want to back to pre-Reagan times ????

And you keep littering your posts with spittle.

Pre-Reagan is 50's, 60's and 70's economically...You know when the rich paid far more taxes and the government spent far more on infrastructure and science! hahaha

Oh'yesss, we had a far bigger middle class
Far more respectable educational system
and the biggest industry in the world.

Take that in your loserterian pipe in smoke it.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

If the bitch can't afford to take care of the kid she shouldn't spread her legs, you're free to chose to do it, you're not free to make others pay for it.
Loserterians want to go back to 1890 or before. They don't give a shit about human rights or workers rights...

They just want no government in the economy and if you end up a slave...Well, too damn bad.

Forget roads, science institutions and educating our children as all those things need to be abolished as far as they're concerned. I really do wish these people would get out of my country and go live in Somalia or some other place that doesn't have these things. Oh'yess, take Ted effin Cruz with them.
Many companies already provide paid leave. Leave it alone and let the market sort it out.

We could leave it alone with air quality, food, workers conditions and on down the list to slavery. Would it be right? Fuck no.

But you want to back to pre-Reagan times ????

And you keep littering your posts with spittle.

Pre-Reagan is 50's, 60's and 70's economically...You know when the rich paid far more taxes and the government spent far more on infrastructure and science! hahaha

Oh'yesss, we had a far bigger middle class
Far more respectable educational system
and the biggest industry in the world.

Take that in your loserterian pipe in smoke it.

Did I say I was a libertarian ?


But, you pointed out that we had all those great things....

Then....the people who had all those great things.....raised a generation of morons.....

And now.........
Yeah, fuck those bitches! Gettin pregnant an shit. That shit's their problem.

Is this serious.

Yeah. Sums up angry greedy white Republican guy.

So what happened to your Rand Paul attitude ?

Still support Rand on many issues.

So you are a libertarian.

No. I can't be labeled. I go with what i feel is right. Don't wanna be a slave to any one particular ideology or political party. Been down that road before. I'm passed it now.
Is this serious.

Yeah. Sums up angry greedy white Republican guy.

So what happened to your Rand Paul attitude ?

Still support Rand on many issues.

So you are a libertarian.

No. I can't be labeled. I go with what i feel is right. Don't wanna be a slave to any one particular ideology or political party. Been down that road before. I'm passed it now.


If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

If the bitch can't afford to take care of the kid she shouldn't spread her legs, you're free to chose to do it, you're not free to make others pay for it.

Ha, now there's the angry greedy white Republican guy spirit. I knew you could do it. :cuckoo:
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

Hatred? You're an idiot, David, and I mean that with all due respect.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

Meaningless here ?


Like anything you, me, or anyone else says is meaningful.
They care if the family is white. Oh, and rich. They have to be both white and rich.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

Hatred? You're an idiot, David, and I mean that with all due respect.
We are the last industrialized country on earth to not guarantee paid leave to millions of workers who lack it, we are far behind in many others ways as well, including life expectancy, healthcare, education.. Oh, I'm an idiot, let's see what OKTexas has to say about mothers:
"If the bitch can't afford to take care of the kid she shouldn't spread her legs, you're free to chose to do it, you're not free to make others pay for it."
It's shit like this that kills me, that makes me want to claw out my eyes and wish such stupidity and vile hatred would vanish from this world.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

Hatred? You're an idiot, David, and I mean that with all due respect.

I am laughing at you anti-civilization fucks that think we don't need government in our economy. You don't know a shitten thing about history and don't give a damn about what is going on in Africa, asia or anywhere for that matter that don't have protection.

We're so fucking lucky to have at least some rights in the work place.

Please think about this.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

Hatred? You're an idiot, David, and I mean that with all due respect.

I am laughing at you anti-civilization fucks that think we don't need government in our economy. You don't know a shitten thing about history and don't give a damn about what is going on in Africa, asia or anywhere for that matter that don't have protection.

We're so fucking lucky to have at least some rights in the work place.

Please think about this.


Let them at it... This is another issue which they are losing...

Most Americans Support Paid Sick Days, Parental Leave

They are now anti-Family...

The only people left who can afford to have childern are the rich and the poor... There is alot more poor than rich. What they are effectively trying to do is Breed out the Middle class.

The middle class can't afford top education schools. So they know there kids have a ceiling to the American Dream. They are not falling for it could be you crap. Look at the real wealth it is mostly inherited.
You get the odd enterpeneur but they are mainly in tech and they when to the good schools too.

You can't fool all the people all the time...

Let them argue on the wrong side of the issue on this one too... It is an easy win issue for a presidential bid...
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.

It is if it's done at the point of a gun.
The hysterical right wing has made the same claims for decades, going back to the first regulations. Your fear mongering delusions are meaningless here, although your hatred of new mothers who lack access to paid leave is noted.

If the bitch can't afford to take care of the kid she shouldn't spread her legs, you're free to chose to do it, you're not free to make others pay for it.

Ha, now there's the angry greedy white Republican guy spirit. I knew you could do it. :cuckoo:

I chose not to have kids, but good old uncle sugar made damned sure I had to subsidize other peoples all my life. It's high time people learn to pay their own way. I know, I know, personal responsibility is a really foreign concept for you idiots, you need government to regulate your lives, I don't.
They will scream that since it helps the little guy it is unconstitutional and socialism. These people could give a shit less about 99% of this nation.

Sick bastards.

'Fuck the bitch. She got pregnant. It's her problem.'

Pretty much sums up greedy white Republican guy on this one.

I fail to see the problem with "fuck her,because I didnt"
He/she wants to have children they should prepare for up coming event.
It's not like they didnt have 9 months and longer to prepare for the day.

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