If Republicans launch an investigation of Hunter Biden…..

Yes we know. Thats why Trump was impeached twice.

But you didn't seem to care he sold out to our enemies.

In case you forgot. It takes 68 votes in the Senate to remove a President.

Guess how many you have?
If it's revealed to the American public that Joe Biden took money from the Chinese Communist Party and lied about it? Even Democrats won't be able to save his boney ass. Forget about another run for President. That will be the excuse to run him out of Washington on a rail!
You really think Republicans can agree to anything with a five vote majority?
Can they agree to investigate the Bidens? After six YEARS of investigations into the Trumps based solely on the lies that Hillary Clinton PAID for? Yeah, I'm pretty sure they can agree on that, Winger! The Democrats have had their fun with Congressional subpoenas. Now it's Jim Jordan and the GOP's turn. It's going to be a really long two years for Joe.
Can they agree to investigate the Bidens? After six YEARS of investigations into the Trumps based solely on the lies that Hillary Clinton PAID for? Yeah, I'm pretty sure they can agree on that, Winger! The Democrats have had their fun with Congressional subpoenas. Now it's Jim Jordan and the GOP's turn. It's going to be a really long two years for Joe.

There is not a large enough advantage to get an impeachment
You don’t believe Republicans are conducting a purely partisan investigation do you?

Since they are investigating presidential children, Jared and Ivanka will be next right?
It doesn't matter if they investigate Ivanka and Jared. Ivanka sells shoes and purses, the Biden gang was selling our natural gas reserves.
I'm amused that the very same people who HOWLED for investigations into Donald Trump based on Hillary Clinton's election dirty trick for four YEARS are now chastising the GOP because they're calling for an investigation into what appears to be blatant influence peddling by the Biden family! Make up your mind, Kiddies!
Impeached by whom?
Obviously the House of Representatives.

There is already a resolution introduced in the House….

Bottom line is this...
When you weaponize the Federal Government against your political enemies when you have control then you shouldn't be shocked when that political opposition returns the favor if THEY get back in power!
I'm amused that the very same people who HOWLED for investigations into Donald Trump based on Hillary Clinton's election dirty trick for four YEARS are now chastising the GOP because they're calling for an investigation into what appears to be blatant influence peddling by the Biden family! Make up your mind, Kiddies!

that you'll find at mar-a-lago
The DOJ asked banks to produce Trump's bank records so they could be examined. Nothing was found.

Several banks filed Suspicious Activity Reports on Hunter, James and Joe Biden in connection with wire fraud and sex trafficking. The DOJ passed them over. Until now.
Obviously the House of Representatives.

There is already a resolution introduced in the House….

Which expires in 7 weeks.
Can they agree to investigate the Bidens? After six YEARS of investigations into the Trumps based solely on the lies that Hillary Clinton PAID for? Yeah, I'm pretty sure they can agree on that, Winger! The Democrats have had their fun with Congressional subpoenas. Now it's Jim Jordan and the GOP's turn. It's going to be a really long two years for Joe.
On Thursday, Jordan, who is expected to take over the House Judiciary Committee, and Comer, the current ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, accused president's son of committing a bevy of crimes, including tax evasion, wire fraud, and human trafficking, without providing evidence. They said they "would love" to speak with Hunter Biden, but did not announce plans to issue a subpoena.

Comer said his Oversight panel would focus on obtaining over 150 Suspicious Activities Reports, or SARs, pertaining to Hunter Biden from the Treasury Department. SARs are reports filed by financial institutions to flag questionable banking transactions, but do not amount to crimes.

Should Democrats retaliate by investigating Ivanka and Jared?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, Ivanka and Jared were members of the Trump administration

Their actions are more subject to Congressional investigation
Go for it!

Frankly, I believe we should start with those border patrol agent on horseback ruined for doing nothing wrong. Then Ray Epps and friends. Hold off on Hunter, the Big Guy and his brother, for about a year.

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