If Republicans launch an investigation of Hunter Biden…..

Compromised by whom? Didn't it go directly from the computer repair shop to the FBI?
That's the problem. It didn't go from Hunter to the FBI.
You have an expert on computers doing who knows what to it for days, before turning it over to the authorities.
You don’t believe Republicans are conducting a purely partisan investigation do you?

Since they are investigating presidential children, Jared and Ivanka will be next right?
Trollwinger still trying the “Crackhead Biden is innocent cuz………IVANKA AND JARED!” bullshit.

What a clown.
That's the problem. It didn't go from Hunter to the FBI.
You have an expert on computers doing who knows what to it for days, before turning it over to the authorities.
It’s been confirmed to be the Crackhead’s laptop, Stupid.

Explain why the Crackhead sent his attorneys to try to get it back if it isn’t his.
Democrats are in heaven because the "Red Wave" didn't take place! What they haven't thought about is what having to share power will end up making the Republicans in the House do. They can't get bills through the Senate because the Democrats control that and Joe Biden has already threatened to veto anything that attacks his agenda from the first two years of his administration. That adds up to gridlock which is good for the country if for no other reason then it will stop the out of control spending that's been going on.
So what CAN Republicans do with a majority in the House? It's quite simple. They can investigate. Hunter...Joe...the leadership of the FBI...the millions of dollars that Democrats got from FTX? It's not going to be a fun two years for Joe Biden. He's lost the protection of Nancy Pelosi and a Democratically controlled House. The GOP can't pass things...BUT MAN OH MAN CAN THEY INVESTIGATE THINGS!!!

the FBI is already ready to prosecute Hunter.
No reason to waste any time with either from the house.
That's the problem. It didn't go from Hunter to the FBI.
You have an expert on computers doing who knows what to it for days, before turning it over to the authorities.
You think that repairman somehow altered the contents of Hunter's laptop, Postman? With all due respect? That's almost as stupid as the claims that it was Russian "disinformation"! Nobody from the Biden camp has ever denied that what was on the laptop wasn't genuine because quite obviously they KNOW that it's genuine! It's why they went to the extreme of having those 50 "Intelligence Chiefs" declare that it had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation before the election! They scammed the American people. The voters SHOULD have known just how sleazy the Biden's were before they went to the polls but they were lied to by those 50 Intelligence people, the leaders of the FBI, the main stream media and the Biden campaign themselves! There needs to be an investigation to determine who was in on that and hold them accountable.
You think that repairman somehow altered the contents of Hunter's laptop, Postman? With all due respect? That's almost as stupid as the claims that it was Russian "disinformation"! Nobody from the Biden camp has ever denied that what was on the laptop wasn't genuine because quite obviously they KNOW that it's genuine! It's why they went to the extreme of having those 50 "Intelligence Chiefs" declare that it had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation before the election! They scammed the American people. The voters SHOULD have known just how sleazy the Biden's were before they went to the polls but they were lied to by those 50 Intelligence people, the leaders of the FBI, the main stream media and the Biden campaign themselves! There needs to be an investigation to determine who was in on that and hold them accountable.
Almost anyone with knowledge of computers can alter the contents of that laptop
The Hunter Laptop has been compromised

the FBI is already ready to prosecute Hunter.
No reason to waste any time with either from the house.
Why would anyone trust the FBI at this moment, Dudmuck? Leadership in Washington DC absolutely REEKS of corruption! Part of this investigation will INCLUDE what FBI higherups did and did not do with the laptop!
Almost anyone with knowledge of computers can alter the contents of that laptop
The Hunter Laptop has been compromised
Show me a single computer expert who is claiming the contents were altered! Show me a single time that the Bidens have declared the contents were faked! You can't because they KNOW that it's genuine! Hunter the crack addict dropped off those computers to be fixed when they contained a veritable treasure trove of evidence of criminal activity. It's on there because Hunter's such a drugged out idiot.
Hunter Biden is son of the sitting president, and if it turns out the U.S. President has personally gained by selling out to America’s enemies, then he needs to be removed from office. This is what is being investigated.

Your notion of taking “revenge” tells us just how nasty you POS Democrats are.

Yes we know. Thats why Trump was impeached twice.

But you didn't seem to care he sold out to our enemies.

In case you forgot. It takes 68 votes in the Senate to remove a President.

Guess how many you have?
If that was the case, Trump would have been arrested by now

Garland is being very careful with Trump
It is possible Garland may be impeached.

This is interesting of you to say the least, considering that Jared's father did 2 years in Federal prison for serious crimes.
yeah but he’s not a crack head with illegit kids with strippers
Show me a single computer expert who is claiming the contents were altered! Show me a single time that the Bidens have declared the contents were faked! You can't because they KNOW that it's genuine! Hunter the crack addict dropped off those computers to be fixed when they contained a veritable treasure trove of evidence of criminal activity. It's on there because Hunter's such a drugged out idiot.
Only thing Trollwinger has ever showed on this forum is his ass.

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